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Empty boxes and sleep-depraved girl = ??who knows.
Link | by Key on 2005-12-28 23:58:52
*blinks* Wow, um, okay well I've opened up the little white box, now what to fill it with? My name is Key, I'm a manga/ J-rock crazed freak in high school. My parents think I'm terminally weird, whereas my twin brother pretty much just thinks I'm terminally ill. I have a tight-knit group of buddies who are just as obsessed as I am. My best friend, however, despises aall anime and everything anime-related so I can't really share my hobby with her. Um, I don't know why I'm telling you all of this. You doubtless don't really care... It's about 1:53 a.m. and I didn't get much sleep last night so I'm starting to ramble random crap about myself. Most people hate me when they first meet me, it's like a universal intial reaction or something. After they get to know me, they tend to really enjoy my company so...whatever. Anywho. I think I've made enough of a fool of myself tonight, so Ta darlings. I'm just going to crawl in that virtual corner there...yeah...okay..
Um, Ta,

Okay, so I've stayed up all night and have had several bodies worth of caffeine! I'm still in my right mind! So...I hear they call you Key. Key: Um, yep. Larken: Oh there's no hope for it. We'll just have to switch them. I don't care how adorable he is, I absolutely can NOT bring a MALE home to meet Mommy and Daddy! Zephyr! Turn us around! We're going back to Earth for my TRUE love! Wait for me my dearest December! I'm coming for you!

Re: Empty boxes and sleep-depraved girl = ??who knows.
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-12-29 00:08:30 (edited 2006-02-03 14:40:48)
Heh heh, you are very strange... Stranger than many here... You'll fit right in! Too bad you have a problem, though... Well, two problems. One: I'm the strangest person on this site, and NO ONE WILL TAKE THAT TITLE FROM ME!


S-a-c-h-i-e-l gives a triumphant cry!

Two: You have no welcoming images! I must give you one ^_^

Sorry, I must remove my image now T.T

[no image]

Re: Empty boxes and sleep-depraved girl = ??who knows.
Link | by Renegade Bladesman on 2005-12-29 00:35:36
hey, welcome to the forums key, here's a pic too, hope you enjoy it and the site


Even from the realms beyond Life, Death, Infinity and Eternity, I still see you

Re: Empty boxes and sleep-depraved girl = ??who knows.
Link | by on 2005-12-29 00:55:05 (edited 2006-01-11 02:46:47)
A pleasure to meet Key ^^

Enjoy what the site has to offer...but please read the FAQs & Rules for your own well-being...being BANNED is not fun.

(image rmoved)...gomen

Sweet image Bladesman...makes Shinji look like a gurly man....wait he is a gurly man...^^

Re: Empty boxes and sleep-depraved girl = ??who knows.
Link | by -=lil~3injeru=- on 2005-12-29 01:19:29
YAHO!! welcome to Gendou!!

hope you enjoy yourself

Re: Empty boxes and sleep-depraved girl = ??who knows.
Link | by lil_ro_boi on 2005-12-29 03:50:47
hmmz...cant agree wif u more wen it comes to u'r wierdness...howeva...


and as izumo sed...plz read the FAW n rules...both of which i have not done...*awaits the gendou quartet's fury* ^^

Re: Empty boxes and sleep-depraved girl = ??who knows.
Link | by Renegade Bladesman on 2005-12-29 05:13:45 (edited 2005-12-29 05:14:25)
lol, thanks izumo

Even from the realms beyond Life, Death, Infinity and Eternity, I still see you

Re: Empty boxes and sleep-depraved girl = ??who knows.
Link | by taishi on 2005-12-29 05:34:41
WELCOME KEY, hope you enjoy the site.

a. bai

Re: Empty boxes and sleep-depraved girl = ??who knows.
Link | by Immortal on 2005-12-29 06:06:09
*TADAAA!* Welcome, Key! Welcome!

yay! enjoy and have fun here on Gendou!

haha! you sure are strange! same here too! we all are!

its really nice for having you here!

enjoy this free pic! its nice isn't it?

Image hosted by

Never forget the one whom you truly loved the most. People change but memories will never fade

Re: Empty boxes and sleep-depraved girl = ??who knows.
Link | by Rukia on 2005-12-29 09:09:06
Ohayou, Key-san.
Welcome. Here's my image for you. =D

Image hosted by

P.S.: Aren't we all weird? >=D Hahahaa... well, my bestfriend doesn't mind me being a crazed anime fanatic. XD And uhh... I do hope you meant sleep-deprived... not sleep-depraved. >.>; Either way, it's nice to meet a fellow crazed-freak! ~handshakes~

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