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aiya everyone!
Link | by subwei on 2005-12-27 13:12:16

*whisper*I know your weakness.....

("-_-)=0(#)'3') I'm so werid (^_^) (>_<) Feel the wrath of my feet!

Re: aiya everyone!
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-12-27 13:19:43
I'm the person that will be haunting you throughout your stay on Gendou.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: aiya everyone!
Link | by on 2005-12-27 13:23:40
Hey there, subwei! Welcome to!!! I hope you enjoy your stay here while browsing the forum FAQ/Help pr ask me! It was nice meeting you!! It's quite funny to see that you're kinda weird!!! >_<

Re: aiya everyone!
Link | by subwei on 2005-12-27 14:25:59
AHHHHHHH!!!!!! Its Jomunga again!!!!!!
(runs around in circle crying)

to ryoko-

thank you for offering your assistance, I am most apprecated

("-_-)=0(#)'3') I'm so werid (^_^) (>_<) Feel the wrath of my feet!

Re: aiya everyone!
Link | by on 2005-12-27 14:30:53
Hahahaha!!!!!! Jomunga is so funny!!!!!! >_<

Re: aiya everyone!
Link | by Rukia on 2005-12-27 14:39:46
Ohayou, Subwei-san... o.o;
Welcome. Here's what I've got for you.

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~whispers back~ I know yer weakness too... ~evil laugh~ BWAHAHAHEHEHE!!! >=D

Re: aiya everyone!
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-12-27 15:56:06 (edited 2006-01-16 02:23:44)
I KNOW MORE THAN YOUR WEAKNESS!! You wanna know my little secret...?
i killed mufasa!
Here's an image from me!

Mine image shalt be removed T.T

[image hath been removedeth]

Jomunga, you're not scary. In fact, you're rather nice... Or should I say... You're Rather Dashing?

Re: aiya everyone!
Link | by on 2005-12-28 00:33:53 (edited 2006-01-02 17:34:41)
A pleasure to meet u subwei ^^

Interesting....these introductory threads are getting livlier every time....must be the holidays....or the ghost of Xmas future making everyone CRAZY....WOW....there's flying fish & toast floating around many colors.....@_@


Chibi versions of the Mai-Hime girls.

Re: aiya everyone!
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-12-28 00:38:21
Sorry ROQ, my super cool Black Merlin Dagger is armor piercing, and cuts right through your ugly armor >:-) BWAHAHAHAHA!!1 <--ph33r my 1337 1

O_o These posts are getting weirder and more energetic all the time...

Re: aiya everyone!
Link | by Immortal on 2005-12-28 01:27:37 (edited 2005-12-28 01:29:56)
hi, subwei!

my weakness?!? oh no! "ACTIVATE TOTAL DEFENSE!"


free pics! free pics! free pics for you!

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Never forget the one whom you truly loved the most. People change but memories will never fade

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