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Minasan, ogenki desu ka?
Link | by Pengu on 2005-12-24 04:07:25
Hello to everyone. Just another newbie saying hi...

Hope everyone have a really good Christmas and get lots of pressies.


Re: Minasan, ogenki desu ka?
Link | by on 2005-12-24 11:47:01
Hey there, Pengu! Welcome to! I hope you enjoy your stay while browsing the music and forum! Please try not to spam! If you need any questions answered, check the FAQ/Help or ask me! It was nice to meet you and have a merry christmas! :)

Re: Minasan, ogenki desu ka?
Link | by Rukia on 2005-12-24 12:58:31
Ohayou and Merry X-mas Pengu!
Welcome! It's already the 25th of December here, 5:02 AM.
Here's something for you. =D

Image hosted by

P.S.: Hahaha! It's actually a chibi Hitsugaya, then my crazy friend edited it again. XD I was trying to have her edit my avatar, to have the blinking effect, but she played stuff again with my other piccehs!

Re: Minasan, ogenki desu ka?
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-12-24 17:20:27 (edited 2006-01-16 02:27:40)
lol... Very... Nice.

Welcome! Post very much, this place has some cool threads ^_^

Here's another image for joining!

Mine image shalt be removed T.T

[image hath been removedeth]

Re: Minasan, ogenki desu ka?
Link | by -=lil~3injeru=- on 2005-12-24 17:48:20
Hai!Genki des!!! Omea wa?. Haha.. Anyway, welcome to Gendou ^.^
Hope you have fun!!
Here's something for you^_^

Image hosted by

Re: Minasan, ogenki desu ka?
Link | by on 2005-12-25 13:01:52 (edited 2005-12-30 01:49:16)
Nice to meet you Pengu... ^^

The 1st thing you should do is read the "FAQS & Rules" very carefully for both the forum & music pages. I say this cause Gendou gets irritated with questions that are already in the FAQS and rules...and he might ban the person just for that.We don't want you to get banned cause that's BAD!

I welcome u to the forums & i hope to hear more from you...Merry Xmas too!

(image rmoved)...gomen

The sisters of Tenjou Tenge ^^

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