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Link | by D on 2005-12-22 16:05:42
Zdravo!, or Hi! (on Serbian :).
Just want to say that this site has more music than most sites have lyrics! This was only place with music from X (BIG thanx!)
I LOVE simple forum. Most forums make me blind of looking into thousands of avatars/icons/stats/...

P.S. Nick 'D' isn't from Vampire Hunter D. My name is Dorotej so... convinient isn't it ;)

Happy New Year.

Beaver - the most dangerous animal known to man!

Re: Zdravo!
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-12-22 18:41:33 (edited 2006-01-16 02:29:17)
Hello! Welcome to Gendou's, have fun, post all you want, just make sure to read the FAQ/Help sometime, to prevent getting banned ^_^

Here's one of many images for joining ^_^

Mine image shalt be removed T.T

[image hath been removedeth]

Re: Zdravo!
Link | by on 2005-12-23 00:18:39 (edited 2005-12-29 00:47:20)
Nice to meet you D... ^^

The 1st thing you should do is read the "FAQS & Rules" very carefully for both the forum & music pages. I say this cause Gendou gets irritated with questions that are already in the FAQS and rules...and he might ban the person just for that.We don't want you to get banned cause that's BAD!

I welcome u to the forums & i hope to hear more from you...Merry Xmas too!

(image rmoved)...gomen

Is it a real F-14...or not..that is the question?....seriously i don't know :P

Re: Zdravo!
Link | by Rukia on 2005-12-23 10:25:10
I know this is UBERLY late, but I don't care! XD Welcome! And here's something for you! =D

Image hosted by

P.S.: Muhahahahaha!!!! It's better late than nothing!

Re: Zdravo!
Link | by D on 2005-12-24 05:58:08
Thanx for the welcome guys.

Beaver - the most dangerous animal known to man!

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