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Link | by lord_razgriz on 2005-12-11 19:23:00
hello, just some canadian guy here lookin through the net and this place seed kinda cool so i thought i'd give this place a shot

Re: hey
Link | by on 2005-12-11 19:26:03 (edited 2005-12-14 03:11:43)
Hello "just some canadian guy"....glad you can join us....nice yo meet a fellow canuck....that's all i can say....tired from working...*yawn*

your image for joining...

(image rmoved)...gomen

Re: hey
Link | by Rukia on 2005-12-11 20:23:28 (edited 2006-03-27 23:16:33)
Konnichiwa, Lord_razgriz-san
Welcome! Here's an image for you. =)

[img removed] shimatta!

P.S.: Izumo-san! WOW, that creature is really awesome! I'm saving lots. XD

Re: hey
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-12-12 06:54:35 (edited 2006-01-02 08:25:05)
I love how Osaka's eyes are always all funny looking...

Here's thy image...

[image removed for the sake of my photobucket account]

Re: hey
Link | by lord_razgriz on 2005-12-12 15:33:54
thx for the welcome. those are some cool pics

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