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Hey there!
Link | by Sakura on 2005-12-09 20:12:37
Hi everyone! ^^ Please call me Sakura! My friend Mina told me about this place and I have to admit that it's been AWESOME!! ^^ I luv it here! Hope to see ya around! ^^

It\'s all good.

Re: Hey there!
Link | by on 2005-12-09 20:26:37 (edited 2005-12-12 20:50:03)
Hi there Sakura ^^...a pleasure to meet you! Welcome to Gendou's, enjoy the site and hope to see you around the forums!...after you download all the songs you want :)

Your image for joining...enjoy!

(image removed)...gomen cute is that...they look nice when they're not fighting ^^

Re: Hey there!
Link | by Rukia on 2005-12-09 22:39:02
Konnichiwa, Sakura-san and welcome! =)
Here's a pic for you.


Isn't Renji-sama awesome? Well, he's a dork! LOL.

Re: Hey there!
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-12-10 10:59:46 (edited 2006-01-02 07:59:29)
I thought Renji was kinda cool... Well, I've only seen eps 1-50, so I'm not entirely sure yet.

Here's my image to you!

[image removed for the sake of my photobucket account]

Re: Hey there!
Link | by taishi on 2005-12-10 14:04:02 (edited 2005-12-10 14:27:19)
THANKS for the worm welcome IZUMO, sorry but im not that well verst in putting up pics.

a. bai

Re: Hey there!
Link | by on 2005-12-10 18:36:15
Your welcome taishi....and no worries about it...if you search the forums there are posts that help you put up pictures....however if you still don't quite understand just ask and one of us will gladly help you out....

until then just enjoy the music and post all you want...when you are ready the training will begin...^^

Re: Hey there!
Link | by Sakura on 2005-12-11 10:42:34
Whoa.. Thanks for all of the pics! I guess that's a custom huh? I'll get the hang of it someday! XD Thanks for all the welcomes!! <3333

It\'s all good.

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