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*Walks in* Hi
Link | by Paige on 2005-12-07 03:43:49
Hi, my name is Paige, but you can call me Emo kid, because thats my sort of new nickname, none of my rl friends call me this though.
So it's nice to meet you all, I like anime (Well duh) I roleplay, my friend helped me join the site.. I thank her for it.I sing and act, but i do not dance...

So yeah, Hi. Nice to meet you again.

burn my heart, rip appart my soul, screaming out your name, feeling so alone... Im screaming out my heart in a puddle of blood, Im trying to stop my eyes over floor, I am not a zoo dont stare at me, cos im not a zoo dont stare at me, im finally free, yes im free like a bee, i can try to pretend i can try to forget...

Re: *Walks in* Hi
Link | by Leucer-Kun on 2005-12-07 03:53:17
Hi and welcome i think you will like it here

Ja ne

Watashi wa sueedjin desu. Watashi wa baka desu. Akuma wa nan desu ka.

Re: *Walks in* Hi
Link | by Paige on 2005-12-07 03:54:38
sankuu, My little sister should be around here somewhere to... Well, it looks wicked cool so thanks.

burn my heart, rip appart my soul, screaming out your name, feeling so alone... Im screaming out my heart in a puddle of blood, Im trying to stop my eyes over floor, I am not a zoo dont stare at me, cos im not a zoo dont stare at me, im finally free, yes im free like a bee, i can try to pretend i can try to forget...

Re: *Walks in* Hi
Link | by blightraider on 2005-12-07 07:21:33
Surprisingly none of the usual welcome commitee has welcomed u yet. So... On behalf of the usuals(Izumo, Rukia, Sachiel etc.) Welcome to Gendou...^^
The usuals should arrive soon with free pics. So once again...

Re: *Walks in* Hi
Link | by Rukia on 2005-12-07 09:17:28 (edited 2006-03-27 21:56:51)
Oh my, sorry for the delay! =D Gomen, gomen!
I wonder why the others are not yet around... it's really my L-U-C-K-Y day! XD I'm the first.. I'm the first.. I'm the first!!!! x 100 Alright, they're gonna kill me for this.. =X Hahahaha...

Ohayou, Paige-san a.k.a. Emo Kid! Welcome. ^_^

[img removed] shimatta!

Ok, I did mention 'bout my friend who likes to edit crazy stuff... Lol. Chiyo-chan just got Rukia-san terribly MAD!!! Chiyo-chan's too cute!

Re: *Walks in* Hi
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-12-07 11:00:15 (edited 2005-12-12 10:24:00)
^_^ Chiyo owns... Osaka must be burned for killing Chiyo in her dream... Stupid Osaka, she doesn't know the REAL way to pull off someone's pigtails.

Oh yeah, welcome!

Thine image bestowed upon thee shalt be removed, for fear of photobucket overpopulation...

[no image]

Re: *Walks in* Hi
Link | by on 2005-12-07 12:41:58 (edited 2005-12-12 20:38:42)
Nice to meet u Paige & welcome to Gendou's ^^. Yeah Chiyo is can any1 have dreams of killing her...just look at that face 0.0

(image rmoved)...gomen

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