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new guy
Link | by RUZ on 2003-12-18 22:50:39
just got into anime
finished rahxephon and loved it.
eva was good too.
any suggestions on good anime???
and.... this sight is sick man love it

No matter how far a Jackass runs, he'll never come back a horse.

Re: new guy
Link | by Guest on 2003-12-18 23:07:58
does anyone know the ending song name to episode 26 of rahxephon.
its like some remix of the oringinal ending song.
best anime song ive ever heard

Re: new guy
Link | by Megzer88 on 2003-12-23 20:28:21 three favorites animes are Trigun, Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne, and Twin Signal. Twin Signal only has three episodes but it was based on a manga that's much longer then the anime (and just as good).

Re: new guy
Link | by RUZ on 2003-12-23 21:42:53
thx, ive seen trigun and loved it, it had a great ending too. twin signal sounds good.

No matter how far a Jackass runs, he'll never come back a horse.

Re: new guy
Link | by Joachim on 2004-05-06 15:09:48
Try a few of these:
Great Teacher Onizuka
Last Exile
Full Metal Panic
Full Metal Panic Fumoffu
Ai Yori Aoishi
Urusei Yatsura (Movies)
Midori no Hibi (if you can get it)
ANYTHING by Hayao Miyazaki

Re: new guy
Link | by Jocelyn on 2006-03-22 18:05:33
Umm...I'm not really sure what you're into, but Azumanga Daioh is good if you like comedy.

Re: new guy
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-03-23 10:07:25 (edited 2006-03-23 10:11:15)
Bwahaha... Time for school life, romance, and confusing stories XD

Air (my favorite) - some non-detail nudity and minor swearing is all that's bad... just don't watch the movie, those people didn't know what they were doing :P *pets the TV series*

Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien - I'm not sure what to expect, I'm still trying to finish it... some sex scenes done cleanly and swearing is all here, though more serious than Air.

Shuffle! - Ecchi to the max O_o

Edit: Oh yeah... you need an image... ^_^;

Re: new guy
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-03-23 14:42:25
lol...try Evangelion...*surprised that no one said that yet*

and totally try air!!! it's good...hehehe

hmmm...i never watch rahxephon before, but i read it in a manga, i agree it's

well, welcome to gendou!!

and have fun! Image hosting by Photobucket

Re: new guy
Link | by Nanaya Enix on 2006-03-23 14:44:37
It's good that you like anime. You should watch Eifen Lied. And please follow the rules of the forums or get banned.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingLaharl, the Overlord of all. I rule Netherworld Restaurant as well. Photobucket - Video and Image HostingEtna Photobucket - Video and Image HostingFlonne

Re: new guy
Link | by on 2006-03-23 18:01:43 (edited 2006-05-02 04:32:29)
I'll try to accommodate the newcomers every chance i can....gomen.You already know about rules & stuff....don't have to remind you....JUST HAVE FUN!!!

If you're into comedy....Azumanga Diaoh will crack u up (image example)

Currently my faves: Fate/Stay Night, Shakugan no Shana, Shuffle!, Baldr Force EXE (only seen the preview but played the game), Genshinken.

(image rmoved)...gomen...photobucket organizing

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