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Not Having A Girfreind Yet Even When You;re 20?
Link | by hakimfederer on 2011-07-23 07:00:29
Is it wierd for someone for not yet having a girlfriend when you're about to reach 20? I've been thinking this question the whole time since I'm in this kind of situation...


Re: Not Having A Girfreind Yet Even When You;re 20?
Link | by on 2011-07-23 09:03:37
Not really. I think it's better not to rush yourself when you haven't really meet the right one or if you're not ready yet
Age is not a parameter to have girlfriends.
Forced relationship will only hurt you and your partner in the end >.<
So don't get too intimidated by that condition
you don't always need to follow other people's standards.
What's more important is that you know what is best for you. that's all

Re: Not Having A Girfreind Yet Even When You;re 20?
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-07-23 11:18:41
What's more annoying are kids that think they're fully in love when they're only like 14
and think they're in the best relationship even though they only dated for like 3 months.
Be thankful you didn't turn out one of them, cause it'll screw with your mind dating early on.

Being in relationships can be overrated, so don't worry about it to much.
Just work hard, save up some money, so when you do find that girlfriend, you'll have money to spend on her. ^_~`


Re: Not Having A Girfreind Yet Even When You;re 20?
Link | by on 2011-07-23 11:53:48
Heh,some of us would had better life as free men.I mean,well,our life journey's a LONG way to go,no?Still,the only thing I could say now is,"Good luck finding Mr/Ms Right.One who understands and accept you as you are now;yourself,that is".This is an opinion from a 24-going-25 years old man who enjoys a free life watch/play/read ACGs ;)

Freedom's the power of everything!! Usual RP characters

Re: Not Having A Girfreind Yet Even When You;re 20?
Link | by on 2011-07-23 20:11:19 (edited 2011-07-23 20:12:17)
Personally, I consider it odd. I'm currently 21 and don't have a girlfriend. Haven't even had an actual date. I've had an online relationship, but I think DA is aware of the damage that ended up doing in the end (I honestly can't even recall anymore who I discussed things with at that point).

I'll be the first to admit that my desire to have a girlfriend probably came back and bit me. I would say I rushed everything, did stupid things and was just plain stupid in general. The cause of that is most likely due to me feeling as though I wasn't normal unless I was in a relationship.

Despite that, I still believe that not having a girlfriend at my age is weird. I'd attempt to explain why I believe that a bit better, but this isn't really the place to get all depressing.


Re: Not Having A Girfreind Yet Even When You;re 20?
Link | by on 2011-07-23 20:53:13
I agree with zero, age isn't the parameter about having girl/boyfriend. maybe the situation in the world we are living now, where kids starting having girlfriend at 13 y.o. make it seems weird, but if we think about it at our father/mother time what happened now seems weird and go back a little bit then no one even knows about this kind of relationship. what's matter is about love and ego you have, how much of them, and that you have those you love and to improving yourself from time to time (now, what I said er... write might sounds weird)

Re: Not Having A Girfreind Yet Even When You;re 20?
Link | by on 2011-07-23 23:48:34
My answer is no! Its not weird! To me people that rushed into this is kinda... desperate?
I'm 19 and never had into one (but I do share special bond with someone. Not a relationship thx.)

I'm still studying and I'll always think "I don't even have a job yet. I don't have my own money. Date with parent's ka-ching? that's not cool."

love is everywhere. It's just, its not the time to get involved any of this.
when the time is right, you'll know for sure.

Re: Not Having A Girfreind Yet Even When You;re 20?
Link | by on 2011-07-24 00:36:46
agree with cheh1 regarding the "parent's ka-ching" :P
BTW i've read a quote somewhere that says: "the best time to have relationship is when you feel like you don't need any" o.0
you may or may not agree to that^^

Re: Not Having A Girfreind Yet Even When You;re 20?
Link | by on 2011-07-24 00:44:34 (edited 2011-07-24 00:51:08)
I think the main thing that should make you consider going into a relationship isn't age, but whether or not you're actually looking to be in a relationship (a serious one) in the first place because there really is no point in being in a relationship if you're just going to half a** it.

If you want to have a boyfriend/girlfriend because you feel lonely or if you feel like you just should because that's what everyone else is doing, then your relationship isn't going to last very long and probably won't be as enjoyable as it should be.

The thought of having a boyfriend/girlfriend is nice, but like DA said, it can be overrated unless it's a serious relationship. I understand how you feel though since I felt the exact same way when I was about to turn 20.

There's really no need to rush it, you just have to wait for the right person to come along which is probably going to take some time.

If anything, you should at least have an idea of what type of person you're looking for and want to be with.

Re: Not Having A Girfreind Yet Even When You;re 20?
Link | by on 2011-07-24 14:14:18
Weird to never date before age twenty? You just described half of this website.

Some people work at different paces. You might find someone tomorrow or a decade from now. Although, if you're good looking. It can start today if you give me a PM.

Re: Not Having A Girfreind Yet Even When You;re 20?
Link | by Naoh_Gawako on 2011-09-09 03:34:51
it shouldn't be a bother... still plenty of time to discover when you are 20... just live...

Re: Not Having A Girfreind Yet Even When You;re 20?
Link | by on 2011-10-18 18:34:55
23 going on 24 well my life have been pretty okay so far.
plus the thing is i don't wanna rush getting into a relationship and well
it does take caution after all i recently working for the past 5 months
and didn't really have a serious relationship in my school life nor found
like my parents say don't rush just go on your own pace, just wait till the day comes and just be yourself and hope for the best that someone accept you for
who you truly are.

Tales of FC

Re: Not Having A Girfreind Yet Even When You;re 20?
Link | by on 2011-10-18 20:00:41
I couldn't say anything since everybody's right XD. I definitely love DA's comment. Though, Here's what I say. I was in relationships too, I was caught up in that hormone phase with the highschool and boyfriends/ girlfriends. It was a thrill. But now, i'm hitting myself, why did I do that? I'm not saying having relationship during teens is bad, but I do find teenagers now feeling thry are in love and stuff. Yeah.. I just want to tell them, Shut up. You're still young. Anyways, my rant ends at. Personally, I feel that the best time to have a relationship when you're done school and have a job and loaded. Lol

You're not missing much. I actually respect you. You'll meet the one someday

Re: Not Having A Girfreind Yet Even When You;re 20?
Link | by red_13 on 2011-10-18 23:17:47
Who cares if you don't have a gf at 20? It's no ones business to nag over someone else's relationships.

Re: Not Having A Girfreind Yet Even When You;re 20?
Link | by angel_of_stone on 2011-10-24 08:38:54
Just as long as you can keep your head straight about it all. I've heard it suggested that the longer people go without meaningful relationships, the more likely it is that they will never have a meaningful relationship. The basic reasoning was that the person in question would psych them self out. They are inexperienced in relationships and start to avoid them thinking they will make a fool of themselves because of that inexperience.

Also, when you do choose to enter a relationship, make sure you get the emotional side going before the physical side. We are genetically programmed to have sex, so if you have sex with someone before really getting to know them it can mess with your hormones which will mess with your mind and cause you to think you love someone when really you can't stand being around them.

"But as Deepak Chopra taught us, quantum physics means that anything can happen at anytime and for no reason." -Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth

"I don't have any opinions anymore. All I know is that no one is better than anyone else, and everyone is the best at everything." -Seymour Skinner

"...if I got trapped by an evil wizard then I did enough cool s**t in my life to be content with it ending. " -Wolf

Re: Not Having A Girfreind Yet Even When You;re 20?
Link | by Wolf on 2011-10-24 12:22:17
I agree with a lot of what's being said here. In fact BTL pretty much mirrors my exact opinion besides for one minor thing. I absolutely hate the word "wait" when it comes to this topic. Not because of the meaning some people put behind it but because the ambiguity allows us to interpret it very differently.

One misinterpretation which seems to be most common is the idea of waiting because they'll find you. And that right there is an absolute load of s**t. Like BTL said you have to be comfortable with yourself and be willing to get in a relationship but that's a state many people can admit to on a certain level. The funny thing is once you handle that you actually have to get out there and get to know people. Expanding your social network of friends introduces you to a wider range of potential relationship material.

I say potential because after that you actually have to get to know them too before you decide if it's gonna be worth the sacrifices and compromises it will take to maintain a deep, longstanding relationship. And after that, then and only then, can you chalk everything else up to pure serendipitous f**king luck. Circumstances can arise that go way beyond your capability to commit to keeping the relationship and you just have let that person go even if you really thought that person was the one. This is REAL life, not a shoujo manga.

Now that I made this look like way too much work to be worth the reward, I do have some good news. You have about 3 billion potential matches on this planet, even in failure you only learn how to make the next one better, and it can potentially be the most rewarding thing you achieve in your life so f**king deal with it.

tl;dr version: You are the result of 4 billion years worth of evolutionary success so get up off your a** and act like it.

Re: Not Having A Girfreind Yet Even When You;re 20?
Link | by chairmanal on 2011-11-11 00:15:58
"Those who find success are usually to busy to be looking for it" - Anonymous (Or I really don't know who said it.)

Basically, stop thinking about having one, trying to get one or waiting for one. Just go with the flow and you'll find one soon enough.

"God was a creation of man to compensate for the weakness of man" - Self-belief

Re: Not Having A Girfreind Yet Even When You;re 20?
Link | by roxas678 on 2012-03-26 08:28:27 (edited 2012-03-26 08:30:59)
22 and with no girlfriend, no date experience, no kiss experience, nothing. And yet, I strangely feel nothing. Being raised as a gentleman I've never even held a lady's hand except for learning formal dances. I'm not even bothered to look for one as I would only consider dating one with a personality like mine.

Although I do enjoy cackling at the dudes who DO have ladies on their arms but are forced to completely kow tow to them.

And yet for some strange ironic reason, I'm the one EVERYONE man or woman comes to for dating advise. It actually cracks me up sometimes.

Re: Not Having A Girfreind Yet Even When You;re 20?
Link | by Dexmaster on 2012-04-05 12:32:16
I think it's like buying new things, you could buy new anything very fast(from some store around corner), but it's better, to wait and choose carefully. I'm not saying girls(or guys) are like things, I'm just saying make your choice carefully to not loose her(him) to quickly and not to be disappointed from a huge difference(between what you thought and what really was).

Re: Not Having A Girfreind Yet Even When You;re 20?
Link | by i have no idea whats going on lol on 2012-04-05 22:11:20
im turning 20 and stil never once in a relationship lolz~xDD
so nothing to be worry about~=u=

Its nothing wrong to be different

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