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~Night Academy 2~: A New Era [Started]
Link | by on 2011-03-12 23:01:51 (edited 2011-03-21 21:54:05)
Light cannot exist without Darkness. . . .
Darkness cannot exist without Light. .. .

Many centuries ago, there is Light. . . and . . . .Darkness. . . . Yin. . . and . . . Yang. Govern by the light are the warriors whose duties is to vanquish the darkness; They are the Hunters. While the Hunters govern the Light, the Darkness is Govern by the Devils. But inbetween the light and darkness exist a creature that governs the cosmos; They are the Voids.

Light and Darkness have fought against one another since ancient times while the voids remain neutral. As time passed, one of the light who had enough of this war decides to have both side co-exist. This hunter, Heien Night decided to create an academy solely for young devils to co-exist with humans and stick to his ideal of pacifism. Many argue but agree to this idea, few devils shall go to Night Academy with the humans. Along with the Devils, the Void joins in as well, hoping to help maintain this pacifism.
Will the Pacifism last or will it be destroy by the Darkness? Lets find out. . . .

~Side Note~ Hey everyone, zero here. I have finally decided to revive the Night Academy rp. As you can see, I have made some changes unlike the first one. This will be somewhat like Vampire knight minus the whole vampire thing. This is more base on Light, Darkness and such that we kept hearing or read in books. The only thing about this that is related to Vampire knight would be the Night class and Day class thing along with the prefect thing as well. You won't have to worry about blood sucking or anything like that, think of this as kingdom hearts or final fantasy kind of thing but more school life that is. To tell the truth, I thought of going for the whole dura thing in the first rp but I decided not to. Well, read on especially the " Information section".


Light: The light is another term for Hunters. The hunters sole duty is to fight and eradicate darkness aka Devils. Hunters are either Exorcists or Onmyoji, not everyone can be a hunter, only those whose blood runs with power are able to fight against the Devils. Which means only people of certain hunter clans can be hunters. Sometimes Void are hunters as well. Each hunter have their own weapons to fight against the Devil, hardly any magic are involve. They also was said to be the ancestor of the 7 archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Sealtiel, Jegudiel, Barachiel. However, there is an eighth archangel that is sometimes mentioned, he is Jeremiel. Hunters of the Light shall attend Day Class; they can not be Night guardians due to their hatred towards the Darkness.

Darkness: The Darkness is another term for Devils. The live within Darkness, within the Abyss. They love to manipulate people into committing sin even when the person themselve is innocent. They also love to play with human's mind and emotions as well. The Devils is another term for the fallen or sin. Ex. Acedia, Sloth, Gluttony, Pride, Lust, Greed and Wrath. The Devil shall attend Night Class.

Void: The void is something inbetween Light and Darkness. In sense it is half-light and half dark. The void is usually called emptyiness or dull; they are also seen in the sense of the color gray. Their powers are different than the Darkness and Light; like light they can wield weapons meant for them. They are also consider hunters. They hunt those who leave behind reasons and will aka rogues. Whether the rogues is of Darkness or Light, it does not matter to them. For they prey on the weak savages; however there are times when the void chose to hunt the Darkness, siding with the light or the other way around. Also the voids will attend day class as well. Only Voids or humans who knew about the existence of the Darkness are allowed to be Night guardians. However, Night guardians are limited to two. They can be in either day or night class.

Archangels List:

-Michael-in the Hebrew language means "Who is like unto God?" or "Who is equal to God?" St. Michael has been depicted from earliest Christian times as a commander, who holds in his right hand a spear with which he attacks Lucifer/Satan, and in his left hand a green palm branch. At the top of the spear there is a linen ribbon with a red cross. The Archangel Michael is especially considered to be the Guardian of the Orthodox Faith and a fighter against heresies.

-Gabriel-means "Man of God" or "Might of God." He is the herald of the mysteries of God, especially the Incarnation of God and all other mysteries related to it. He is depicted as follows: In his right hand, he holds a lantern with a lighted taper inside, and in his left hand, a mirror of green jasper. The mirror signifies the wisdom of God as a hidden mystery.

-Raphael-means "God's healing" or "God the Healer" Raphael is depicted leading Tobit (who is carrying a fish caught in the Tigris) with his right hand, and holding a physician's alabaster jar in his left hand.

-Uriel-means "Fire of God," or "Light of God" He is depicted holding a sword against the Persians in his right hand, and a flame in his left.

- Sealtiel-means "Intercessor of God". He is depicted with his face and eyes lowered, holding his hands on his bosom in prayer.

-Jegudiel- means "Glorifier of God." He is depicted bearing a golden wreath in his right hand and a triple-thonged whip in his left hand.

-Barachiel- means "Blessing of God." He is depicted holding a white rose in his hand against his breast.

-Jeremiel- means "God's exaltation." He is venerated as an inspirer and awakener of exalted thoughts that raise a person toward God. As an eighth, he is sometimes included as archangel.

Hunter's Weapon:

Hunters usually use weapons base on their clan but now in modern times they use guns and such to eradicate the Devils. The weapons themselves are enhance with the power to eradicate evil, think of bloody rose in vampire knight. The Light's weapon are able to harm Darkness but are unable to harm humans or any people who are part of the Light. However, the voids' weapon are a different matter, there weapons are coated in the blood and essence of Light and Darkness. The weapons enable them to kill both Light and Darkness; it won't harm humans who does not have powers like the light.

Weapons List:

Daggers (allowed to be Dual)
Metal Claws
NOTE: This is to all people whose characters are either Light or Void. If you choose a gun as your weapon, please choose something of our time and not of the WWII or WWI time. Also you can only choose one weapon, not two or three. JUST ONE!! O-N-E!!!


-Night Academy




[Without the armband]


Night Guardians- There shall only be two night guardians, only the voids are are allow to be the guardians. Also the voids will attend day class as well.


† No god-modding
† Gendou rules applies
† Limited to 2 characters per user
† Limited to one weapon for either Light or Void.
† Limited to three abilities for all
† If you are going to stop posting or that your busy, please inform us or pm me about it
† Be creative! With profiles, I don't want to see a profile that was copied and pasted from some article on an anime character. Using a picture of the character as a reference is fine, but I don't want the character to have the exact same name, personality, and bio as the character. Also make sure posts are interesting and well written. Think about quality of post, not quantity; I'd rather see a short but good post rather than a long post that rambles on about nothing.
† Your character is not invincible. They cannot go into a battle and win without putting up any sort of effort. Other people can hurt your character too, so don't make your character look all-powerful.
† No one-liner posts please! Also, do not express emotion with things like ":D". You can write it out.
† Try to write in paragraphs or Semi-paragraphs. Also when you post make sure that other people understand what you are writing or talking about.
†Killing is allowed, but if you want to kill another character, you must PM me and the owner of the character for permission to do so.
† Romance is allowed but keep it PG-13
† Violence: PG-13
† If you have any questions about the rp, PM me
† State Time and Place when you post so that we may know where you are or that the rp won't be a mess.
† When you make your profile, please follow the character sheet that is written, don't just do your own thing.
† Have Fun!!



:Night Guardians:[1/2]
Male:Zero as Alexander Wilder
Female:Mistress as Alice Raven

-K.M. as "Hayes"
-K.M. as "Cherrycrisis"
-Roxas as Malvinder Leonheart
-Srt as Shouko
-zerosauce as Stel Allens

-Kenji as Kenji Kurayami:Uriel
-Froz as Lucretia Crusnik:Michael
-Fharis/avery as Jethro Verga: Raphael
-Fharis/Avery as Aehriel-Avery Romines: Jeremial
-Zero as Nero Strauss: Michael
-Physdox as Cahel Ignis: Uriel

-Bloody Sinner as Katsuro Seiji: Wrath
-LNDN as Itsuki Minamoto:Pride
-LNDN as Kevin Johnson: Greed
-Zaku as Akimoto Takumi: Wrath
-Wizard/Adel as Adelric Kristoffer
-Fenris as Azrael Vindicare: Lust
-Leon as Cross Veir Gene:

-Roxas as Maaya Sakamoto:Teacher
-Srt as Uchiyama koutarou


Name: (First and Last Name)
Age: ( If you are a Void or Darkness, state what age you appear to be. I prefer if the age is 16 and up)
Gender: (Female or Male)
Nationality:( Darkness does not have to answer to this one)
Role:( Void, Light, Darkness or Human)
Class: ( Day Class, Night Class)
Type: ( For Light, choose one of the eight archangel listed; For Darkness, choose one of the sins listed; For Void, choose one archangel and one sin listed.)
Weapon: ( Choose one weapon that is listed)
Abilities: (Limited to three; all group, make sure your ability has a flaw or disadvantage to it.)


Name: Heien Night
Gender: Male
Nationality: British
Personality: Happy, protective, irritating in a optimistic way(think of Komui from D.gray-man or Kaien Cross of VK)
Role: Former Light; Chairman of Night Academy
Type: Gabriel
Weapon: Katana
Abilities: Excel in Swordsmanship
High combatant

Bio: Heien was once part of Light before he went into pacifism and form Night Academy where Darkness and Light could co-exist. He also took in Alexander who was abandon by both group and later take in Alice with the same reason. As they both grow up and is now in high school, he appointed Alexander and Alice, Night Guardians to help protect the Night Class' secret but act as prefect to the day class students. His past is a mystery, but he was once consider the greatest hunter within the light. He is also have a daughter-complex towards Alice.


Name: Alexander Wilder
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Nationality: Irish
Personality: Cold, Calm yet can be short temper at times. Hates when girls scream (fangirl scream), tends to give the death glare to everyone. People stay away from him due to fear and they tend to listen to him because of this. For his glare looks scary like he might kill you or something. He is also athletic and good at sports.
Role: Void
Class: Day Class- Night Guardian
Type: Archangel-Gabriel; Sins-Acedia
Weapon: Gun
Eye of Aeon- Able to see a few moments glimpse of the future however this ability takes a toll on his body if used. This ability is difficult to control, he hardly use this ability but in emergency

Mind Block: Stops all mind-affecting powers, whether good or bad. Alexander is unaware that he possesses this ability and so is unable to control it.

Marksmanship- Expert at using guns; hardly ever misses ( this is not a supernatural ability)

Bio: Alexander is born between a devil that is from the acedia and a human of the Gabriel race. Since he was born, he grew up distant like many voids. His parents were killed from within both sides leaving him orphan. Since he is a void, no light or darkness dare to take him in. However, only one person did and that is Heien Night himself. He grew up within the academy that Heien build and was appointed Night Guardian as he reach high school, for that is when the Darkness move in as Night Class students. Now, he and a fellow Night Guardian shall patrol at night making sure no Day class sneaks around campus during dark. While at the same time, making sure no Night class cause havoc or that the secret of the Night class be find out by the Day class student.


[His hair is dark not silver]

[Wearing contact lenses]

Extra: X Haven

-His able to see a glimpse of the future through his golden-colour eyes. But wears contact over it, to hide his abnormal color eyes


Name: Nero Strauss
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Nationality: Italian
Personality:When faced with an enemy, he could kill in cold blood, and seemed well aware of the terror his reputation inspired in his foes. He appeared to be respectful of those around him; he didn't like freely speaking about others' pasts, and was said to be a very nice person. Nero is also a shrewd person, and was not a man who would do something without reason. He was very knowledgeable and was known for his unbeatable determination and unbelievable drive
Role: Light
Class: Day-Class
Type: Archangel-Michael
Weapon:Short sword
Intelligence-Nero was shown to be very intuitive and clever from a young age. Also after seeing a technique once, he could correctly deduce the basic mechanics behind it, such as the strengths and weaknesses. During difficult events, he was still capable of maintaining his composure, assessing the situation, and devising appropriate plans of action.

High combatant-One of Nero's trademark attributes was his immense speed and seemingly instantaneous reflexes(good reflexes due to his speed). When fighting, he often employed his unique short sword, wielding them proficiently and taking advantage of their particular form, which made them even more suitable for close range combat than standard short sword. However, as good as his reflexes is, it is a disadvantage when he does anything too fast or too early which can get himself injure or accidentally create an opening for the enemy. Though this is not a supernatural ability, it is however a double-edge ability.

Summoning- Able to summon two familiar or mythical creatures. But is only able to summon it one at a time.

Bio: Nero is one of the descendant of the Archangel Michael's race. Out of all the other hunters, he is deem the most talented and gifted. He is however more or less neutral like the Void but when duties calls, he will not hesitate to kill a darkness if deem necessary.


Re: ~Night Academy 2~: A New Era [Started]
Link | by roxas678 on 2011-03-13 01:56:56 (edited 2011-03-19 02:31:30)
Name: Malvinder Leonheart
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Nationality: Malaysian

Personality: Loud, tough and generally can be seen as a good natured punk of sorts. He is quite popular amongst the teachers and both classes and is one of the most well known students. He dislikes people without honour and cant stand religious fanatics. He is also a sneaky pervert but his perversions are (mostly) kept to his wife. He likes watching anime and fishing. He prefers being called Malvin.

Role: Void
Class: Day Class
Type: Light - Gabriel; Sin - Pride
Weapon: Nodachi

a)Irooni (Colour Demon) - A spell that causes a color-based game where you say the name of the color you want to cut with your sword and you cannot cut anything else. If the color that you call does not exist on your body, the damage is minimal, even if the attack would normally inflict a much more severe wound. The opposite is true; by calling out a color you're wearing and attacking, the damage given is proportional to the amount of that color on you. To maximize damage, you have to use a color that maximizes the risks to your person as well as your enemy's. For example, by wearing black robes and calling "black," one would inflict massive damage on an enemy if struck even if the actual blow itself was minimal or minor, but the caller would also suffer serious damage if he/she is struck by the enemy in return.

b)Magic Number - A special spell that involves elements. When used, is causes several runes to appear in the that rotate at high speed. Malvin then selects a rune which will cause an effect based on it's type of element. The trick of this spell is that he can influence the spell in a many ways as he can imagine. For example: selecting an ice rune can create many types of ice attacks, OR he can used it to cool the area around him if it is too hot or he can even make ice for a drink. There are two downsides to this spell. The first is that since the runes move so fast, it is very hard to select the rune you want to use while in combat due to the high amount of concentration. This may cause you to get a rune that is not suitable or even completely useless for the situation. The second weakness is that he cannot use a rune within a maximum of five minutes of each other.

C) Legacy of The Void (Passive) - Due to being a part of the void, he has an innate knowledge of the Angels and Devils and their weaknesses. As such his attacks deal about 50% more damaged to them and he takes 50% less damage from their attacks. He can only receive these bonus for one at a time. Example, when he is fighting an angel, he can only receive the bonus at the time but if he is fighting an angel and a devil, he does not receive both bonus. He can switch the bonus from an angel to demon, but only once a day.

Bio: He is something that no one would ever expect in a void. Born in Malaysia, he was raised by his older sister and often shocks people with his behavior. He does not like to listen to people but follows orders when needed. He came to Japan where he met Heien Night whom was equally surprised and pleased with such a robust personality. After a fruitful talk, he agreed to attend Night Academy and was appointed as the Student Council Vice president upon arrival. His high charisma allowed him to be well received by both sets of students whom found him to be refreshing. The night class respects him and avoids crossing him both due to him combat prowess and his natural ability to get along with them (and avoid their attempts to manipulate him). He is also quite active in extracurricular activities, being the vice-president of the student council and captain of the football team. He is married to Maaya Sakamoto whom he fell in love with but due to their status as teacher/student they often have to work hard to keep their relationship secret.


(eyes are blue)

Extra: He has very long hair that he often shampoos and take good care off. Sometimes he can be found smoking but not often. He is also very surprisingly in the top 5 of his year group in studies. His favorite food is his wife's cooking. He is an atheist and as such cannot stand religious fanatics.

Name: Maaya Sakamoto(Real Name: Maaya Sakamoto-Leonheart)
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Nationality: Japanese

Personality: She is often described as a Yamado Nadeshiko. A woman of complete and utter grace which makes those who know her wonder how is it she married a rowdy individual like Malvin. She was shown to be very level-headed and cheerful. Despite her calm and kind demeanor, she still had a slight temper and could lash out from it. She loves her husband very deeply

Role: Human
Class: Day Class - Homeroom teacher
Type: N/A
Weapon: Shinobi tools

a)Kuniochi - Being a member of the famous Koga clan, she is a trained kunoichi in all aspects of the ninja arts. Her main specialty is in illusions and taijutsu.

b)Seal Master - She is very knowledgeable in fuinjutsu. Her skills and knowledge extends from not only seals but also runes. She is very well respected and often many come to her to purchase seals or runes. Many of Night Academy's detection sensors and defenses are placed by her.

c)Two Steps with Fine Beat (Passive) - She posses extremely innate senses that allows her to detect danger from a tested range of currently 13 meters. As long as the attack is in this range, she has a 100% chance of dodging it subconsciously. The more attacked that come, the lower the percentage of success goes. This also provides a problem, as she is dodging it subconsciously, she has trouble in noticing the overall situation. This means that she may accidentally move into another attack or allow the attack to hit her ally.

Bio: Maaya was born into the Koga ninja clan. As she was a cousin and not the daughter of the head, she was allowed to do what she wished with her life. She choose to study World History at Kyoto University and now has a Master degree in it. She was approached by Heien Night with a job offer. he wanted her to work in Night Academy as a history teacher and promptly offered a very impressive salary to sweeten the deal. She eagerly accepted and was then informed about the Angels and Demons and given a request to help the Night Guardians maintain the peace when possible. She at one point, met and fell in love with Malvinder Leonheart and they dated for some time despite the age difference. They eventually married but their married was complicated when he enrolled into Night Academy as well. Now they often find themselves doing what they can to keep their relationship secret for fear of what would happen it it got out.


Extra: She enjoys cooking especially for her husband and also surfing the internet. She is the homeroom teacher for the Day Class and teaches World History to all of the day students. She is also the advisor for the Cooking Club.

Re: ~Night Academy 2~: A New Era [Started]
Link | by Lando on 2011-03-13 03:18:28 (edited 2011-03-17 20:12:17)
I'll take two darkness spot, profile will come later


Name: Itsuki Minamoto
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Nationality: N/A
Personality: Prideful, Rude, Can only be kind to someone he needs/like
Role: Darkness
Class: Night
Type: Pride
Weapon: Halberd
1. Lightning Revenant - He can control lightnings in his surrounding, he can't use this ability except when the weather was cloudy.
2. Proficient Spearman
As a Pride demon, he mostly shows his great strength... But he didn't show his greatest strength till he fought with a powerful opponent. He enjoyed seeing many person's pride gets crushed by him. Itsuki met Kevin a year ago and befriended with him in no time. Eventually, they both entered the Night Academy with their own reasons. Itsuki's reason to enter that academy is to find more powerful opponent.

Name: Kevin Johnson
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Nationality: N/A
Personality: Greedy, Hot Blooded, Cocky
Role: Dark
Class: Night
Type: Greed
Weapon: Brass Knuckles
1. Explosion - He can make his punchs and kicks turns explosive. It'll only hurt the one that he hits, but using this ability drains his energy with every strike attempts
2. Expert Streetfighter
Kevin grew on a family of thieves, but... One night, destroyed his so-called family. The group were robbing a rich man's house. But because of a member of the group gets greedy because Kevin's convincing... The group got caught on the act... Everyone got the death penalty, with the exception of Kevin because his whereabout was unknown during the robbery. He entered the Night Academy to see if there was anything really worthy to do instead of just robbing people.

Re: ~Night Academy 2~: A New Era [Started]
Link | by on 2011-03-13 05:42:14 (edited 2011-03-15 20:22:21)

Name:Kenji Kurayami
Personality:Laid back but calm and collected.
Class:Day Class
-Master Swordsmanship
-Enhanced Speed
Bio:A very cheerful and kind person.He grew up in a normal environment and is usually just laid back and almost always bored.He gets decent enough grades and likes to just hang around and listen to music or read.Also excels at swordsmanship.
Extra:Usually cuts class and sleeps in his dorm.He likes to play video games and excels at playing the violin.

Re: ~Night Academy 2~: A New Era [Started]
Link | by karuzo on 2011-03-13 08:27:43 (edited 2011-03-23 07:19:08)
Name: "Hayes"
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Nationality: Japanese

Personality: Silent, Calm, Cold

Role: Void

Class: Night



-Atonement- Hayes "passive" ability he could convert the pain he could felt as strength and could deliver a powerful blows the side-effect is that he could go merciless that could kill him


Bio: An child who lost his memory during an accident and the only one who survived it, he does not anything about him except the ring he had

He was adopted and started to have a new life but it did not last long, his new family was killed by a rogue demon, to defend himself his abilities were opened drastically and killed the rogue demon

Afterwards, he was referred to the Academy to have a proper education and to start once again, it his personality changed too much that no one is uncertain about this thinking


Extra: Hayes is a very mysterious entity within the Academy, his presence is way too much that most of the Day class fear him

Name: "Cherrycrisis"
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Nationality: Japanese


Role: Void

Class: Day



-Atonement- Cherrycrisis "passive" ability she could convert the pain she could fell as strength and could deliver a more powerful rhythm, the side-effect is that she could go far beyond her limitation that could kill her


Bio: Cherrycrisis is a girl who was adopted by a Japanese family, she does not know anything about true identity but she takes up the identity that her adoptive parent gave, she lived normally as a typical girl that has an obsession with cute and interesting objects

She was referred to the Academy when her parents witnessed her abilities that they decided that the Academy would help her to master her abilities, in exchange that she would use another name and visit them once in a while


Extra: Like Hayes, Crisis is a mysterious entity but she is lively and more sociable than Hayes and sometimes she is more caring than anyone else


Re: ~Night Academy 2~: A New Era [Started]
Link | by inaby on 2011-03-13 09:25:11 (edited 2013-01-29 18:36:08)

My profile

Name: Alice Raven
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Nationality: British

Personality: Speaks politely and calmly; she is very mature for her age. However, she is prone to having very dark feelings, very determine, sometimes cheerful . Difficult to understand, she adjust her personality around in order to tip people in her favor.

Likes volleyball but she's not very tall and Plays the Piano. Showy and sinister but internally is sensitive and meek, shown when Alexander sees her wearing Neko ears.

Role: Void
Class: Day Class - Night Guardian
Type: Archangel - Sealtiel

†Mirror: Creates a sort of after-image for close range confusing the enemy into attacking elsewhere. The drawback of this is that she can not use it should she wants to switch from defense to offense, leaving her vulnerable.

†Sniping: Excellent at targeting and shooting

Biography: Little information reveals Alice's past, But she is born from two Voids, Alice was separated from her mother and restrained from ever seen her again.
After been forcefully rejected by her father and ended up alone, at 7 years of age she wondered, But been a Void she was easily rejected.

But all ended when meeting the young Alexander and Heien Night within the academy after sneaking in, Growing up along Alex, Alice was appointed Night Guardian as she reach high school right after Alex.From then on everything for her has been Alex and The Night Academy.

Extra: I want to change things. I want to believe that anything can be changed.



Re: ~Night Academy 2~: A New Era [Started]
Link | by gelkiller666 on 2011-03-13 11:21:11 (edited 2011-03-17 00:43:12)
Name: Katsuro Seiji
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Personality: Quiet and a little shy around most people and observes his surroundings constantly out of habit.

Role: Darkness
Class: Night Class

Type of Sin: Wrath
Weapon: Daggers

1) Other Sight - Can use his powers to see thru other people's eyes. Range varies but the further away his target is the more power he has to use. Drawback is his own sight becomes blurry as an aftereffect.

2) One Strike - With daggers in hand he can focus on the opponents movements and locate their weak points then with one strike can either kill or paralyze them.

3) Shadow's Fog - Can create a blanket of black fog within 30 ft. of himself that if his opponents get caught in would temporary take away their sights and sense of direction which in turn induces panic and fear. Due to the amount of power needed to create the fog he usually keeps it as his trump card.

From what he knew he lived on the streets of the city surviving with the basic of basic. Then one day on a whim of an passing man who happened to see him fight and defeat a group of people that were trying to capture and sell him off on the slave market. He was later taken in and asked who he was and where he came from but didn't answer due to what seemed to be amnesia. Later on thru testing it was discovered he wasn't a normal being but something more and because of that he was forcibly recruited and trained to fight which was a overall success. After a few years of secret missions which mostly involved assassinations and similar things that capitalized on his unique abilities he grew tired of his life style and decided to leave the place he called home to start anew. Before he could leave he was stopped and told if he completed one final assignment then they would release him and as a parting gift they would give him a new identity. Accepting the offer he was sent to the academy under the disguise of a new student and also for his own personal reason look for any clue about his past since he heard rumorers that others like him resided within the academy.


Extra: "Always trust yourself more then others." is his personal motto that he lives by.

Re: ~Night Academy 2~: A New Era [Started]
Link | by srt01 on 2011-03-13 16:15:01 (edited 2011-03-17 05:19:25)
@ all i wnts to join this Amazing looking RP. im too lazy to think of a new character so i will copy it off "GodChild2"

Name: Shouko(小弧)
Nationality: Asian
Personality:active, and curious. May not look like it but very caring for others and supportive. Friendly
-Demention control: allows portals to open where ever Shouko can see/scene to evade,counter attack(especially bullets and magic), travel and storage. Currently managing a "unlimited storge" business in the school using this power(limited to 4 portals at once due to the need of concentration.)
-Time-lag: increase the flow of time only around Shoko's body depending on how much power she uses, her movements will be faster from a normal time flow view.(too much of this will result in rapid ageing so this wont be used unless nessacery)
-Fore seeing:Allows Shouko to see a few seconds in the futuer of movements an enemy will make.(passive-yet,energy consuming when using with other abilities)

Bio: From all what she can remember, she has been alone. No information about where she came from and how she ended up Liveing most of her life in the mountains. She taught her self to fight close combat and user her abilities. Still, Shouko dose not have full control of her powers, there-for she tries to take care matters with talk, if not, pure physical and agile attacks. she has came to this school to learn necessary skills to live in the modern world.(has heard rumors that the school is housing people with special powers but dose not have any thing with her moving to this school)
Currentlly teaming up with Koutarou to manage a buisness of "unlimited storage" open for all people on the achedemy.

Wepon: custom Claw (duel weild)


Name: Uchiyama koutarou(内山 鉱太郎)
Age: 21
Nationality: Japanese
personality: A very nice teacher on surface but "hell-greedy" when it comes to business, but best service if u pay the price he requests
Roll: Teacher(weapon/information merchant for those who use them)
Cover up- can cover up what happened between the darkness and light if there is a conflict(job)
super repair-can repair weapons in a blink of an eye(just pure talent)
Invention-invent new kinds of weapons if payed(special bullets, cases to hide weapons,ect.)

Bio: A very mysterious man. Not much of his past is revealed, but he is a major information provider/cover up man of the academy so normal students dont get suspicious about the darkness class. he is the one that suggested Shouko to open a "unlimited storage" business with a deal of receiving 5%(he tried 10 but almost got killed) of the income she gets by helping her. now they are both good business partners.

Extra: "Be wise on what you spend your money on~"

 photo SRTsigver3_zps80ee60d1.png

Re: ~Night Academy 2~: A New Era [Started]
Link | by on 2011-03-13 16:42:21 (edited 2011-03-20 06:45:53)
Name: Lucretia Crusnik (fake name). Work name: Shiki
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Nationality: Unknown
Personality: Calm and Collected. Cold and prefers to do things alone.
Class: Day Class
Type: Michael
Weapon: Katana - Red Moon

-Enhanced Speed and Strength (Passive)
-Afterimage(Combat): He can use light to create an afterimage of himself when he moves. however it can only be used once per day.
-Spear of Light: Uses his spiritual power to summon a powerful spear, however it can only be used for ten seconds before it disappears (one use per 24 hours). When thrown,it creates a lethal explosion to both Light and Dark.

Bio: His family and himself were massacred by two strong demons when he was young. He was killed along with his brother however, somehow he survived. One of the demons raised Sieg as its own child and named him Lucretia. During his training against the demon, he used his mother's Katana and became a master swordsman while enhancing his speed, strength, and reflexes. When he grew to fifteen, he managed to slay the demon and take revenge for his family. Even though he had his revenge, he still despises demons.

Currently he attends Night academy, in which he's heard rumors of demons lurking on school grounds. He only attends class on test days. Otherwise, he can be found within the forests in school grounds relaxing. During the night, he works part-time as a demon slayer in a small office with his boss.


-His eyes change color during combat.
-He prefers not mention his past.
-He doesn't speak much. Even if its from a teacher.


Re: ~Night Academy 2~: A New Era [Started]
Link | by starninja on 2011-03-13 17:40:34 (edited 2011-03-19 15:53:45)
Name: Akimoto Takumi
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: Cruel
Role: Darkness
Class: Night Class
Type: Wrath
Weapon: Katana
Abilities: Black Flames: Can send many small flames at once to incinerate anything it touches but can be stopped by any form of light.

Stance Power: Using the various sword styles he knows Akimoto can change his fighting style during the fight. The only downside. It can only be used once every day

Assrance: A powerful darkness attack. The user sends shockwaves in every direction that can be controlled at will. The only drawback is the user must be standing still to use it.

Bio: Akimoto was always the problem child. You name a bad deed and he's probably already done it. His parents finally had enough when he sent his friend Naizo Otoshi to a dark prison. That brings us to his living in the academy.
Extra: "I have long since closed my eyes... My only goal is in the darkness"

Re: ~Night Academy 2~: A New Era [Started]
Link | by on 2011-03-15 21:31:49 (edited 2011-03-18 09:52:31)
reserving a spot in Darkness. I'll edit this post as my profile later.

Name: Adelric Kristoffer
Gender: Male
Personality: On the outside: always appears cheerful, flighty, rarely makes sense. On the inside: god only knows.Cunning, loves to manipulate others, ambitious. Hobby: Stocks trading.
Role: Dark
Class:Night Class
Type: Greed

Abilities: 1)Night Brethren: He can separate himself into 666 crows. He can release certain numbers(3) of crows to act independently(a long distance away from him) to gather info. The crow must return to his body for him to receive info. If a crow is destroyed, it will take several hours to make(regen) a new one.

2)Raven Concerto: At a radius close to Adelric, he can manipulate large numbers of crows. He can also relocate himself by turning completely into a flock of crows. The crows can be enveloped with a slasher aura, allowing them to ram into enemies and cut them(cuts through most things like concrete walls, but not enemy weapons) , however this will kill the crow.

Bio: His family was massacred by demons when he was a child. Later he was adopted by a very powerful and influential man. Adelric is from a secret organization of dark magics. His foster father is the leader, and Adelric was almost sacrificed to their rituals. However, his power protected him, and he blackmailed his father with his power. Through this, he effectively manipulates the organization, and even their influence and connections. He uses it to expand his territories and to fulfill his ambitions of conquering the world. Of course, this is just a game to him. He doesn't care about the world anyway, and whether it burns or goes to hell, he's just killing time till it's all over. Yes, the world is his toy. Currently attending the academy in an effort to make it under his control.


Extra: "Relax, it's just a game"

Re: ~Night Academy 2~: A New Era [Started]
Link | by on 2011-03-15 22:13:39 (edited 2011-03-19 18:21:19)
Character Profile 1:

Name: Aehriel-Avery Romines
Gender: Female
Nationality: Native
Personality: Two Sides of A Coin: Skeptical, Judgemental, Cold & Withdrawn vs. Affectionate, Patient & Loving
Class:Day Class
Type: Jeremiel
Weapon: The Cursed Blade: Accumulating Sin
Empathy - Manipulation of Thoughts, Emotions & Action. Limited to 10 and drains her energy after a while.
Telepathy - The Ability to read thoughts of others. Limited to 10 people at a time
Retrocognition - the ability to know the past. Is in a form of vision and is restricted to 5 minutes

Biography: The Romines was a well-off family, whereas the father, Reginald Romines was a famous businessman. Her mother, was an English professor. Though, the Romines lived within a huge mansion, surrounded with wealth, the family was a wreck. Reginald Romines was alcoholic and was never home. He was mostly out with his women. Her mother was workaholic, the breadwinner of the family. If the parents are home, everything resulted in physical fights. Aehriel, in the dark, grew in isolation and developed hatred towards her parents. At 16, she ran away and lived in the streets for a while. During this time, she mostly spent her time in Rescue Organizations, volunteering to help the poor, women and children. At 18, she was taken in by the Verga family. Verga family was a close family friend of the Romines and Jethro was her brother complex. Then, she and Jethro entered Night Academy at same time.



Character Profile 2:

Name: Jethro Verga
Nationality: Greek
Personality: Playful, laid back and very open-minded. Always looking for a good time.
Class:Day Class
Type: Raphael
Weapon: Bow / Materializes His Own Gold Arrows Using Life Energy. Limited to 2 hours
Astral Projection: is an out-of-body experience achieved either awake or via lucid dreaming or deep meditation. Jethro's limited to two-three hours
Enhanced Speed

Biography: In opposition to the Romines, the Vergas was of an average family. Alex Verga was also a businessman, while Melinda was a social worker. Jethro was the youngest of the three siblings. Though, average, the family was close to one another. Few years ago, Jethro's family adopted Aehriel-Avery. Jethro immideately grew a brother-sister affection for Aehriel. He's determined to protect her at all cost. In contrast, Jethro was the only one who knows Aehriel very well and can usually bear with Aehriel's cold personality.



Re: ~Night Academy 2~: A New Era [Started]
Link | by on 2011-03-15 23:09:33
@OOC; I shall start this rp around thursday or monday. But before that happens, those of you who have yet to finish profile, please do so quickly.

Re: ~Night Academy 2~: A New Era [Started]
Link | by on 2011-03-16 16:09:04
- reserve Light class - Profile will be up tommorow.

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Re: ~Night Academy 2~: A New Era [Started]
Link | by ZeroSauce on 2011-03-16 18:02:48
i'd like to reserve a void spot, profile will be up soon^^

Re: ~Night Academy 2~: A New Era [Started]
Link | by phyedox on 2011-03-16 19:14:44 (edited 2011-03-26 13:33:22)
Name: Cahel Ignis
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Nationality: British
Role: Light
Class: Day
Type: Uriel

Personality: His intention for doing almost anything has always been the risk factor, if it is exciting and dangerous then he is drawn into a state of courage and, at times, an overwhelming duty to complete the task. If the objective isn't naturally risky, then it becomes his duty to do it in a hazardous manner. Although his methods are questionable his capacity to help others exceeds his adrenaline when it becomes necessary.

Weapon: Bladed Chain Whip

1) Pensive Eyes - Cahel can overstimulate his mind allowing faster than average brain activity, which is useful for noticing subtle details in an environment quickly. This allows him to maneuver stealthily (Does not effect movement speed). The side-effects for extended usage are dizziness and acute paramnesia.

2) Devouring Aura - when activated anything that is in direct contact with Cahel (his skin) will glow an eerie red tint until contact is broken, thereupon, it will become engulfed in flames until it becomes ash (only functional on inanimate objects). Depending on the size of the object it will drain his energy more dramatically, and extended use could invoke personal damage.

3) Decineration - Allows him to consume fire (including his own) through his hands during usage. This ability can restore lost energy, but it doesn't remove injuries or side-effects caused by other powers. Using this causes his hands to burn and blister.

Bio: As a child Cahel had always preferred to clamber among trees, instead of attending school among the usual children. Since most of his days had been spent among the trees it was of no surprise that it was a tree that suddenly caught ablaze one summer morning. It was surprising because the only reason for its sudden eruption, into flames, was Cahel leaning his head against its roots. Following this event he often complained to his parents, because they had prohibited him from following the destiny of a superhero. His parents did eventually surprise him with initiation into the Night Academy.


Re: ~Night Academy 2~: A New Era [Started]
Link | by on 2011-03-17 14:57:13 (edited 2011-03-19 17:44:47)
Character Sheet

Name: Cross Veir Gene
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Nationality: British/Latin
Role: Darkness
Class: Night Class
Type: Michael

Personality: Cross is a Calm minded and Kind soul. He gets along with people very well. He is a Very protective person. He Holds true to his ideals and will fight at any costs to protect his friends. He can be over protective when it comes to some thing and he does sometimes get the wrong idea. Although he can come off as slightly Naive he is a Analyser and a Guardian of people Deep down.

Ability - Contract of the wolf.

Cross has a Contract bound to him by a wolf Deity. He has a Wolf that Stays with him. They are inseperable. The wolf acts as his Main Ability and his guardian. His wolf is bound to the Human realm by the contract. It has no " GodLike " It is simply a Spirit in Physical form. Its main Combat abilities Utilize the elements.

Earthguard : A Spiralling shield that is most effective against projectiles and Energy based attacks.

Roar of Light : A buff the imbues the Wolf and Cross ( and his weapon ) with the spirit of the wolf. It Increases speed,Strength and Perception for a Short while. Roar of Light must Be charged for 10 minutes Before it can be used. It lasts for 10 minutes and cannot be used For 30 minutes while it recharges.

His wolf has a rotating disc mounted on its back that is controlled telepathically by Cross and the Wolf. It is the main source of their power and is used a melee weapon by the wolf at close range.

Contract of the wolf has a price to pay. The Contracter and The wolf after contracting Share emotions and Pain. When one feels Pain the other does. If one is injured then that Injury is replicated on the Uninjured target. If one is cut that cut will appear on the other. Fatigue,tiredness and Emotional distraught is also transferred. During battle this can become very Stressfull on the mind as they have to deal with the weight of two peoples Stasis instead of one. The only Thing that escapes the contract is Feelings of Love



A side not the weapon has NOT GOT flames all around it. I just couldn't find anything Near what I wanted. Normal it is just a Blue Lance/spear. The flames around it now are sort of what The Roar of light around the weapon would look like.


Cross was born into a poor Hunter Family. They had recently gone bankrupt and lost their Company to a larger company. When he was 10 years old his family moved to Alaska Where they stayed in a small hut, He had always loved wolves and loved watching them play on the mountain. On his Eleventh birthday he got Lost in the woods after he was Meant to be meeting his uncle for the first time. While lost in the woods he Stumbled upon a pack of wolves. They immediately surrounded him and Attacked him after he tried to play with them. Whilst the attack was going a Local hunter heard the boys screams and came to his Aid. When the hunter tried to kill the wolf that was biting his arms To his surprise Cross threw himself in the way of the bullet as it pierced his heart the hunter in fear of what he did Ran back the way he came. The wolves Soon backed off as A large white spirit wolf approached his body. The white wolf In Admiration for the love he showed the wolves Leant over him and Ate his heart, Thus forming a contract, replacing his heart with its own. From that day on the wolf has never left his side. Since then Cross Was introduced to his Uncle who was a Hunter. Trained by his uncle to Regain the honour once held by his family. His uncle sent him to The Night academy to Further himself in this goal.


Cross is a talented Pianist and Spears arm fighter. He enjoys walks and running in the morning. His Selection of hot drink would a cuppacino and his select food would be pizza.




Character Sheet 2

Name: Ayame " Aya"
Age: Unkown - Over 1000
Gender: Female
Nationality: None
role: Guardian/servant/Partner.
Class: None. attends Night class with Cross
Type: None

Personality: Inverse, Shy and Well spoken. She is like a dignified princess. She does not act higher or lower than anyone but carries her head in a honarary way. She is Proud and Very Loyal. She will protect Cross at all costs and is very close to him. She doe not like to talk but only talks in front of Cross and a handfull of other people. Nobody in the school has heard her voice unless it was by accident or she does not know about it. She can be very Tempremental sometimes. She is also Jealous and Rushed when it comes to cross.


The Same as Stated in Cross's Profile.
Just a few notes on her passive Skills.

-She can talk in human language.
-She Has a human form Which she stays in Most of the time to avoid Any Issues.


Her main weapon is a Spinning disc on her back that she can use as a Hardened shield or as a projectile. While using her claws and Fangs to Melee she also uses this as a Melee weapon. Cross has partial control over it. It also acts as a Core between the two. If the Disc is damaged the pair will be more susceptable to damage and fatigue.


A wolf Deity that Has existed beside many other celestial beings for many years. Not much is known about her at all as she has yet to reveal any of her past. She Gave herself a physical form to exist beside cross. She did not intend to stay this Long with him thinking he would break the contract but he has kept her all this time. She has spent many year with cross Growing with him in a human manor as well as a "personal" Manner. She is a very proud wolf who does not like to have her tail stepped on metaphorically and Literally. She hates people touching her tail except cross who even tho she argues with him uses it to his comfort.
Being a deity she has no imediate need to eat and But she does enjoy steak. In her Human form she has stolen cross's cupacino multiple times while he has been asleep or out.



Wolf Form


Human Form

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Re: ~Night Academy 2~: A New Era [Started]
Link | by ZeroSauce on 2011-03-17 20:22:17 (edited 2011-03-19 23:24:33)
Name: Stel Allens
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Nationality: European
Personality:Apathetic,Pensive, Lax, Quiet, Introvertive, independent,
Class: Day Class
Type: Acedia;Sealtiel
Weapon: Long-Range Sniper Rifle
1)Shadow Manifestation: can manipulate shadows and add physical properties to them, usually for the purpose of making bullets for his rifle

2)Adjustment Burst: though his aim is pretty good, he can make small shadow bursts to manipulate the angle of his shots to make up for things like the movement of the target or unexpected gusts of wind

3)Shadow Sight: Stel can create a crow or any other small animal out of shadows and momentarily view the world through their vision. This is useful for scouting ahead or identifying a target from a distance.

Cons/Limitations/Side Effects:
-The more/longer he uses any manipulation of shadows the more his vision "fades into the shadows" : colors/outlines start to fade and the world becomes gray-er and blurry-er with the exception of his target which is outlined in red.

-he can only make small objects out of shadows, his limit is about the size of an average backpack.

-manifesting physical properties into his shadows takes a lot of energy and limits his ability size and range, due to this limitation, the shadow animals he uses for his Shadow Sight usually don't carry physical properties.

-his Shadow Sight has a range of only 250m, but the farther away he looks with his Shadow Sight the more he loses of his own body's senses, making him more vulnerable to attacks.

Alone from ever since he could remember, Stel wanders aimlessly with his sniper rifle. He works as a freelance bounty hunter who only takes jobs when he feels like it. Despising isolation and discrimination due to him being a void, he avoids discriminating and will hunt either side, the only factor that will change his decisions are the personality of the people themselves and not their affiliation with light or dark. At the day class he sits quietly at the back of the class, watching the light students and wondering what makes him different than the rest of them besides being a void, why can't they all just be "people"?


Re: ~Night Academy 2~: A New Era [Started]
Link | by FenrisOkamishiba on 2011-03-18 08:25:22 (edited 2011-03-22 13:45:35)
Name: Azrael Vindicare

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Personality: Azrael is very sociable person, he does not make difference between Light, Darkness and Void. He likes to make
new friends, especially female ones. He shows his emotions easily, but the ones he shows aren't necessarily the one's
he feels.

Role: Darkness

Class: Night Class

Type: Lust

Nodachi: Shira Kujaku (White Peacock)

Shifting Pendulum: Azrael is able to switch his strenght to speed and his speed to strenght. As one increases the other

The Eye of Midnight: The magical device bonded with Azrael's right hand that allows him to manipulate dark energy. The
strenght of the device is strongest at the night, but it can also be used during the day if Azrael's is standing in
shadow, but even then the power is severely limited.

Dance of the Endless Sky: Azrael's style of swordfighting, he is the only one capable of using it, since it requires
significant amount of training, sharp mind and reflexes. The style is adaptive and evolves further as Azrael fights
absorbing stances and moves from other styles then combines them creating new moves and stances.

Bio: Azrael does not talk about his life before he left his home a few years ago. Since then Azrael has roamed the world
doing things he has happened to have interest in at the time. Recently he was given an offer to join the Night Academy,
he accepted and has recently reached the academy.


ClaimedStrong Heart

Re: ~Night Academy 2~: A New Era [Started]
Link | by on 2011-03-20 16:16:02
@OOC; Ok I'm going to start the rp now. Unlike the first night academy this rp will start in the twilight. Which means that all of you can interact during this time.

Long ago. . . .

Battles between the God and Devils had fought one another for centuries. Neither side win or lose. After many centuries, they stop and sign a treaty. This is thanks to young man name Heien Night who sought pacifism between the two race. He propose the treaty and build Night Academy where Light and Darkness co-exist. Time passed, the plan been put forward. How long will this peace last. . . .

[Alexander Wilder| Outside of the Moon Dorm|Twilight]

The wind blows silently, trees sways against the wind. The sun slowly sets indicating that its twilight. I glance around silently with my cold eyes, I take in every detail, I watch as Alice tries to stop the day class girls from stepping any closer to the entrance or the road to the Moon Dorm. I glance behind me seeing the other day class girls cower in fear under my cold eyes, they stay silent not even going to try to move past me.

As time passed, I hear the door to the moon dorms click and slowly opens. I look at the entrance with my deep blue eyes. The door fully opens to reveal the Night Class students, they step forward heading for the main building. As they walk forward, the day class girls on Alice's side scream with joy. Hearing these screams get me irritated. I notice some of the Night class enjoy the attention they were drawing. I clenched my fist while I try to hold in my anger at hearing the day class girls scream. I glance at Alice and saw that she is having a hard time trying to push them back. I sigh as I silently waits for the Night class head into the Main building while the Day Class head back to their Sun Dorm.

[Nero Strauss|Moon Dorm's Entrance| Twilight]

A man with messy black hair, eyes that is green as emerald looks down at the Day class' girls from atop of a tree branch watching them screams their heart out for the Night Class aka Darkness. I smirk as I see one of the Night Guardians(alice) having trouble with the day class but found the reaction of the day class towards the other one(Alex) hilarious. I continue watching in amusement then I look around trying to see if there is a familiar face around here besides the Darkness.

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