Registered:2009-04-05 14:23:24
Latest Activity:2019-06-12 18:38:30
Forum Entries: View All (57)
Buddies: has 0 buddies in list, is on 1 buddy lists
Song Ratings: View (2)
Polls: 8 votes
About Me: whats there to say about myself that would make me seem worth saying a greeting 2?...nah JP well i honestly dont know what to say about myself. well i like to watch anime, read manga, play games. but mostly everybody here does those things so its not that special i guess. that and other things as well. if u somehow are compelled to leave a message then thats cool 2. but im the type that would rather talk and get to know ppl thur that then reading intro's. so ill cut it off here.

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