Registered:2007-10-04 09:07:13
Latest Activity:2023-07-14 20:37:58
Forum Entries: View All (1503)
Buddies: has 96 buddies in list, is on 75 buddy lists
Battle Stats: Wins: 6, Losses: 17, Ratio: 26%, View Standing
Polls: 1 votes
About Me:

Me Hi my name is Isha better known in Gendou by Mistress.

I'm 21 years old Im a Christian ^^. I can say that I can be crazy and acting like I'm on drugs,I love joking. I'm complicated and very picky about things. I'm very impulsive, I want things to happen fast.

I'm a perfectionist but not egocentric. Some people say I'm eccentric but.. what can i say is a free country. I'm really optimistic and I always find out something positive in everything why? i don't know yet.

I like to do my own hair & color it mostly purple *Favorite Color* do Lots of fun stuff, create things just for me so no one will have it, I love baking Cookies and Cupcakes. Im my own personality, Unique in my own style.Don't lie to me. I will always find out. That's the one of reasons I don't trust people. I don't think I'm beautiful or better than the others. And I don't really give a damn what you think. I Like to do all kind of sport, i don't care if i get dirty i say "Live you're Life to the fullest"

Favorite Quotes

"What you do, the way you think, makes you beautiful." -Scott Westerfeld-

"To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing." -Elbert Hubbard

"Have you ever wondered which hurts the most: saying something and wishing you had not, or saying nothing, and wishing you had?" -Unknown-

"I detest that man who hides one thing in the depths of his heart, and speaks for another." -Homer-

"Do not do to others what angers you if done to you by others." -Socrates-


I like to Play the Piano, Sing,Draw do Lots of Fun Stuff ^^I like Poetry and Reading, Baking and Cooking

TV & Movies

I love Anime/Manga. I watch Sponge Bob! Yes Peoples,SpongeBob is cool. My Favorite

Paranormal Activity,Push,Any Scary Horror Movie.


Evanescence,Skillet,Paramore,A7X,Three Day Grace,Alien Ant Farm,Braking Benjamin,Chevell,Linking Park,Plumb,Flyleaf,Superchick,T.a.T.u and More


Ghost Girl,Twilight,500 Jokes & Humorous Stories

Nickii Names

Midnight(By Fenris Only) - Shia - Inaby - Mistress - ina ina - Papuru(By Zaku Only)

You can Contact me at

Gendou PM - Email: - -

Midnight(By Fenris Only) - Shia - Inaby - Mistress - ina ina - Papuru(By Zaku Only)violet/p
Marriage History:
View 2007-11-19 11:59:05
View 2010-05-14 19:39:44
View 2010-09-03 19:41:10
View starninja 2010-09-04 21:14:20
View 2010-09-04 21:17:43
View 2010-11-19 11:24:06
View inuyasha 2011-01-10 22:52:25
View latino 2010-07-21 19:05:06

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