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Provoltion's Tutorials - Update August 18, 2011
Link | by Provoltion on 2010-07-03 07:31:41 (edited 2011-08-17 16:12:10)
Provoltion's Tutorial Thread

In this thread, I'm going to share my Photoshop knowledge.
I'm not good at teaching people so... sorry if my explanation is bad or hard to understand. X_X

I will seperate this into three main category, that is :
- Signature Tutorial : Basicly it's similar to Renma's Signature Tutorials.
- Special Effect Tutorial : A tutorial about 'how to make this kind of effect'.
- Tips and Basic Tutorial : A personal tips and a basic tutorial like 'how to use this tool'-like tutorial.

I will try to keep updating this thread with lots of tutorials.
News :
>> August 18, 2011 <<
Haseo is giving you another awesome tutorial called 'Obey'.
It's in the "Signature Tutorial section". Check it out guys! (^0^)b

As for me... well... there's still nothing from me. T_T

>> January 3, 2011 <<
Haseo's text effect tutorial has been added to list. Check them out, guys. XD
A huge apologize to Haseo from me for being hiatus for a really long time. T_T

As for me, I currently have two tutorials in my mind, it is not finished yet.
I will try to finish it as soon as possible.

My Reflection Effect tutorial is going to be either delayed or even be canceled since my top priority
is to finish that two tutorials.

>> July 28, 2010 <<
A new siggy tutorial is added to the list! XD
But since I really have an uploading problem... I can't upload the High Quality one... again... ><
I hope you can bear with that quality for the moment... Sorry, guys. ><

High Quality version for DM and Bloom Effect,
is uploaded successfully! XD

Anyways, I'm dropping the Font Reflection Effect Tutorial,
and replacing it with Reflection Effect Tutorial... ^^

>> July 14, 2010 <<
Arrrrghhhh!!! Bloom effect is already complete from two days ago,
but the slow connection won't let me upload it to some image host. D*mn you connection!

By the way, the optimized version has been successfully uploaded,
please bear with that version for the moment. ^^'

>> July 11, 2010 <<
I've done with exams but I still have some reports to do. =.=
And now I don't feel so good... T_T

By the way, I have finished the vector effect tutorial. ^^

>> July 5, 2010 <<
Clipping Mask tutorial made by Haseo has been added to the list!
Thanks, Haseo! XD

By the way, I have two exams this week. (on 6 and 9 July 2010)
So unfortunately, there won't be any tutorial updates (from me) for this week.
Sorry... T_T
Update Log

>> August 18, 2011 <<
[Signature Tutorial]
- Added Obey
*Special Thanks to Haseo*

>> January 3, 2011 <<
[Tips and Basic Tutorial]
- Added Text Effect
*Special Thanks to Haseo*

>> July 28, 2010 <<
[Signature Tutorial]
- Added DM

[Special Effect Tutorial]
- Added High Quality version
of Bloom Effect

>> July 14, 2010 <<
[Special Effect Tutorial]
- Added Bloom Effect

>> July 11, 2010 <<
[Special Effect Tutorial]
- Added Vector Effect

>> July 6, 2010 <<
[Tips and Basic Tutorial]
- Added the optimized version
of Clipping Mask Tutorial

>> July 5, 2010 <<
[Tips and Basic Tutorial]
- Added Clipping Mask
*Special Thanks to Haseo*

>> July 3, 2010 <<
[Signature Tutorial]
- Added Scattered B★RS...

Signature Tutorial

- Scattered B★RS...

> High Quality [1.8 MB]
> Optimized [1 MB]
- DM

> High Quality [1.2 MB]
> Optimized [596 KB]
- Obey by

> High Quality [1.9 MB]
> Optimized [1 MB]
Special Effect Tutorial

- Vector Effect

> High Quality [1 MB]
> Optimized [600 KB]
- Bloom Effect

> High Quality [1.7 MB]
> Optimized [1 MB]

Tips and Basic Tutorial

- Clipping Mask by

> High Quality [1.2 MB]
> Optimized [400 KB]

- Text Effect Tutorial by

> High Quality [710 KB]

-- My Avatar X Signature Shop is currently [CLOSED] --

Check my profile for more information

Links :
Any Indonesian, Here! | Avy X Sig | My tutorial thread

Re: Provoltion's Tutorials - Update August 18, 2011
Link | by jejechi on 2010-07-06 00:28:27
OMG the tutorials is absolutely amazing!!! DDDDDDDD8
i'll try that 83

Re: Provoltion's Tutorials - Update August 18, 2011
Link | by ocean on 2010-07-10 16:58:03 (edited 2010-07-12 20:34:30)
that is one awesome tutorial! ^_^

Since that scattered sig looked super cool, i tried out mask layers on a sig i had already made >_< here's the result:

It is simple! well at least you tutorial makes it simple >_> I can't believe i had been missing out on the fun in mask layer-ing all this time =o


btw: the vector tut is amazing as well! i never thought about using the clone stamp for anything other then copying designs and stuff...
and i hope you feel better soon ^_^


Re: Provoltion's Tutorials - Update August 18, 2011
Link | by on 2010-07-10 17:53:22
Hmmm.. Interesting stuff. I think i should try... Btw, is this tutorial applied to Photoshop CS5?

Re: Provoltion's Tutorials - Update August 18, 2011
Link | by on 2010-07-10 18:17:49
It applies to any Photoshop that has CS on it's name.

Tales of FC

Re: Provoltion's Tutorials - Update August 18, 2011
Link | by on 2010-07-10 19:07:33
Well, I should give it a try.

Re: Provoltion's Tutorials - Update August 18, 2011
Link | by Provoltion on 2010-07-11 05:12:39
Sorry for the delay guys. T_T
Btw, I want to inform you guys that a new tutorial has been added to the "Special Effect" category.
It is how to make a vector-like effect to an image. ^^

And the next tutorial will be Bloom Effect tutorial. ^^
I will try to finish it as soon as possible if it's really possible. XD

Thanks! XD
I'm glad you like it. XD

@luv the ocean
Nicely done, ocean.
What do you think?? It's pretty simple, right? XD

I'm using Photoshop CS3 when making these tutorials.
So I don't think you will find any trouble by using Photoshop CS5. ^^

What matters is those who have an older version than CS3...
some of the steps are needed to be replaced which I'm already include them in the tutorial. XD


-- My Avatar X Signature Shop is currently [CLOSED] --

Check my profile for more information

Links :
Any Indonesian, Here! | Avy X Sig | My tutorial thread

Re: Provoltion's Tutorials - Update August 18, 2011
Link | by Thanamon on 2010-07-14 06:12:54 (edited 2010-07-14 07:19:29)
adshdjsdajf my respect level towards you has increased by about 99 lvl!! XDDD

and now to try 'em with my fail PS 7.0 -____-
I really should blackmailask my friend for his CS3 -__-


here is my fast, unthinkable, fail try XDD
I used brushes instead of shapes btw XD

What surprised me, was the fact that even though I used all the effects in the tuts, the file size is quite small XDD

Re: Provoltion's Tutorials - Update August 18, 2011
Link | by on 2010-07-14 08:12:36
OMG~you guys are friggin' awesome!!!! 8D /repeat salute
this tutorial made me learned new things! XD
looking forward to more awesomeness!! 8D

Re: Provoltion's Tutorials - Update August 18, 2011
Link | by Provoltion on 2010-07-14 18:02:39 (edited 2010-07-16 20:29:40)
Sorry for the very late reply and update... X_X

@luv the ocean
The second one is nice! XD
Now, try using brush in the mask layer instead of shapes. ^^
Or maybe you already used brush in your second signature?? o.O

by the way, thanks. XD
I feel better now! XD

Yup, it's time for you to change your Photoshop. XD
I forgot what features exist in Photoshop 7, so it's pretty hard for me to make an alternative steps for it. Sorry. DX

By the way, nice one, Thana! XD
This is my suggestion, try to avoid your signature design from making a contact with the canvas size which will make it STILL looked like a rectangular signature.

I'm glad you like it. XD
I will try to keep updating this. ^^

------------------------------- EDIT ----------------------------

Heheh... It IS easy, only when you know it though. XD

Actually, it's pretty nice for a fail try, Thana. o.O
Maybe you should try make another one. I want to see it... your non-fail try one. XD

I'm currently out of idea in making siggy tuts,
that's why I've been focusing to Special Effect tutorial lately. XD

But I'll try to find some inspiration and ideas. XD

Nice! XD

Well, like i said to Thana, "try to avoid your signature design from making a contact with the canvas size".
But your glowy borders make it looked fine... so... never mind that. XD

My suggestion, maybe a brigther border will be great. So it will looked white instead of gray. ^^
And add more small squares, around 4 maybe... XD
2 for the left and 2 for the right... ^^


-- My Avatar X Signature Shop is currently [CLOSED] --

Check my profile for more information

Links :
Any Indonesian, Here! | Avy X Sig | My tutorial thread

Re: Provoltion's Tutorials - Update August 18, 2011
Link | by Thanamon on 2010-07-15 03:40:51 (edited 2010-07-18 04:55:13)
That is true... so true... I was crying blood to figure out how can I make a mask layer with my PS XDDD
And was shocked half dead when I figured out that it was kind of easy XDD

well, it was a FAIL try anyway XDD
the flaw on the left and the top was a mistake, but I intended to make the bottom and the right to look like that XDD

anyway, am waiting your next sig tuts with full enthusiasm XDD


lol, all of my recent creations are kind of fail XDD

but, I've managed to create one that "less fail" than the first XDD
this time, the model is none other than BRS herself (thank to you, I got the BRS disease XDD)

once again, the border at the left and bottom are intended to be like that XDD

Re: Provoltion's Tutorials - Update August 18, 2011
Link | by on 2010-07-16 08:22:13
I really appreciate your works ^^
hmhm... i tried playing around a little bit ><

similar to your Scattered BRS, but i added lines and glowing borders ><
still need more fixing i think XD

Re: Provoltion's Tutorials - Update August 18, 2011
Link | by on 2010-07-28 05:05:10 (edited 2010-07-28 05:05:46)
Provoltion's tutorial is really great XD I used your tutorial in making my current signature and avatar.. It didnt turned out as great as yours but anyway I'm proud of it Thanks XD

Any comments would be appreciated too!

Re: Provoltion's Tutorials - Update August 18, 2011
Link | by xxxbloodangelxxx on 2010-07-28 09:56:32
Okay i am soooo flipping confused with the scattered thingy ma jiggy. >.< it is tooo flipping confusing. and it is irritating to follow i don't understand what the heck is BRS?! -zomg- Tifa-chan is soooooooooo confused. T-T

Re: Provoltion's Tutorials - Update August 18, 2011
Link | by Provoltion on 2010-07-28 17:01:04 (edited 2010-07-28 18:07:43)
I just added "DM" in the signature tutorial.
There will be a part to show you how to make a scratchy looks to the siggy...
And please tell me if you think the tutorial needs improvement...

That's really a nice one, Shae!! XD
I really like the design.

I apologize if you think my tutorial is confusing. T_T

First, BRS is Black Rock Shooter which is JUST the character's name that I used in my signature tutorial.
It is not something you have to care actually... ^^
And Scattered B★RS is just the title for the tutorial.

and the second one, if you manage to find a word like, "BRS" layer or anything in blue in my tutorial.
That is just a name for the layer...
I did this to prevent people for getting confused by "which layer that I have to apply with that effect"-kind of things when they read my tutorial.

A really nice BRS siggy. XD
Now, how about making siggy based on my second signature tutorial. XD

PS for Thana and Tatsu : Just want you guys to know that I edited my previous post to reply your posts.

------------------------ EDIT -----------------------

Not really that smooth, Haseo.
I have a problem at uploading my tuts. lol! XD

By the way, don't worry about it, Haseo. XD
Take your time at making the basic tutorial. XD


-- My Avatar X Signature Shop is currently [CLOSED] --

Check my profile for more information

Links :
Any Indonesian, Here! | Avy X Sig | My tutorial thread

Re: Provoltion's Tutorials - Update August 18, 2011
Link | by on 2010-07-28 17:17:55
Looks like things are going smoothly here. Thy second tutorial is pretty nice too.

Sorry I've been slacking off as of late PG, I'll get to those basics as fast as I can XD

Tales of FC

Re: Provoltion's Tutorials - Update August 18, 2011
Link | by red_13 on 2010-07-28 18:09:14
I'll try the "DM" style later lol, it was confusing at first.

but here's a new sig based on the render style :D

I kind blended in the c4d on this one.

Re: Provoltion's Tutorials - Update August 18, 2011
Link | by xxxbloodangelxxx on 2010-07-28 19:47:15 (edited 2010-07-28 19:48:07)
T-T it is still too hard for me to figure out. though i'm still learning i just still don't understand how to do it without someone to either walk me through it like Big Worm did when i was able to be in chat in how to make moving avis using photoshop. but still i got sooooo lost trying to figure out where things were. and i'm still kinda new to photoshop i gave up on gimp cuz its just toooo darn diffult to figure out.

Re: Provoltion's Tutorials - Update August 18, 2011
Link | by on 2010-07-29 07:11:50
well, i was playing with the tut, and here is the result

Re: Provoltion's Tutorials - Update August 18, 2011
Link | by ocean on 2010-07-29 15:06:33 (edited 2010-07-29 16:44:45)
ahh i love that grunge-y look XD I shall attempt this tutorial right away ^_^

so i made a vintage-grundge style sig using a couple of the steps like the scratching and the tile effect ones. It was sorta rushed though T_T heres my result anyways


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