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Math problem, can someone help me solve it? XD
Link | by Provoltion on 2010-06-21 04:20:27 (edited 2010-06-21 04:21:09)
Hi guys! XD
Does anyone here love math and calculus? XD
Well... today, my lecturer just challenged me if I could solve this problem or not…

I was curious, so I just accepted his challenge. Lol! XD
But hey, I can’t solve the problem! XD (silly me. XD)
It is somewhat really confusing for me. (which is not good at math. @_@)

Well, I was not just giving up… I tried a little, and got stuck. T_T
First, I just simplify the problem a little bit, so it is not too confusing.

Then… since I basicly didn’t know what to do next… ^^
I tried to use the partial integration, with


Replacing all elements in the equation, I got…

Okay… Now I really don’t know what to do…
Can I do this for the next move?

As you can see, I move it out the integration...
just like how const is able to move out from the integration.

From what I know, this move cannot be done because 'x' is still there, but I’m not sure. X_X
If it can, then the problem solved! XD
But if it can’t……. *sigh* =.=

I just wonder if someone can give me a clue to solve the problem? @_@
My lecturer DID give me a clue, the clue is : “Try to remove the square root”.
Hearing that, I was like…

“Yea right. That’s what I want to do at first too, you know…
the only problem is that… I DON’T KNOW HOW I CAN DO THAT. XD”

So, does anyone here have an idea? ^^
I really appreciate it if someone wants to help me out. ^^

This problem is kinda interesting to me. XD
So I can shout like "YEAH!!!!” when I solve the problem. XD

By the way, sorry for my bad english. T_T


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Re: Math problem, can someone help me solve it? XD
Link | by on 2010-06-21 18:22:07
WolframAlpha knows all.

Good luck.

Re: Math problem, can someone help me solve it? XD
Link | by Provoltion on 2010-07-03 07:48:42
Sorry for the late reply. X_X
So, there's a website like that. I didn't know XD

Thanks for the info, Link!
I really appreciate it! XD


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Re: Math problem, can someone help me solve it? XD
Link | by on 2010-07-10 06:25:28
OMG its Add Math X_x

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