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The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by on 2010-01-20 20:21:40 (edited 2010-09-09 23:27:26)
Welcome, selamat datang to the 5th version of The Malaysians Thread!
(too outdated, need help. i'm too full. brick me nao people lol)

Previous thread~ go see old posts!!! XD
Here, I shall explain the rules (nothing much, but do obey the rules more >.<):

1. Do speak in any 'understandable' language, Malay and English for example (I don't think not all will understand Chinese nor Indian language here XD).

2. STRICTLY NO negative actions, such as spamming, that i mean cursing, swearing or flaming, are allowed in this thread, constructive ones under certain conditions will do ^^.

3. Talk anything that only Malaysians know about~ <-A~~WHAT?

4. Have fun, enjoy, bergembira selalu XD .....

5. This is NOT an instant messenger, PLEASE introduce yourself PROPERLY to everyone if you are new here or informally when...let's say you came back from being MIA for a long time, although it's tiring and not in need, but do it!! tunjuk kesopanan anda di sini.

6. If any one of you (not from Malaysia) who wants to learn some basics of Malay Language or anything Malaysia-related, do ask and we'll start it ^^


8. PLEASE DO NOT post in all caps in your post. This is considered as rude.

9. Starting from this version, I've decided to put a that I mean, do not post too quick, like instant messenger...Please wait until 2 posts have been made after your last post before you reply again...This rule can be broken however, if no one else posted since the last 24 hours. Fair enough, I hope?
Some might question why I decided to do's to prevent instant-messenger-like-flooding.

10. no one-liners allowed. Unless there's some avoidable reason or something. Try to keep your posts long enough.

11. Refrain from using short forms please, again...this IS NOT an instant messenger. Not like everyone understand short forms anyways, don't make it hard for us.

Original rules by:
Angelus Bestow Judgement On Thee , Demon Style !!
Edited by:
yours truly :P

So...let's do this, the fun way...ALL MEMBERS AND MEMBER WANNABE, REPORT!!! IT'S AN ORDER!!!

Credits to for the suggestion!
What do I mean by report? We will introduce ourselves on OUR 1ST POST IN THIS THREAD!

Report format:
Name: what name would you like to be called...blablabla
Gender: err yeah XD unless you don't mind gender mistaken issues lol
Age: if you don't wanna say your real age, just say...something like 20-ish is acceptable also.
State: yeah where? XD

For extra, anything appropriate, really...XD
I'll be checking from time to time, and put your report in the 1st post, for easy viewing...HEHEHEHE!!!

MEMBER LIST!~ (outdated, if someone's kind enough to code like the frmat below and send it as a message to me, it'll be appreciated)
click to see


pay attention! so we have our ID maker, which is adel91 and whoever she wants to help!!! give them an applause! xD

so the ID will look like this (kinda):

NICKNAME: (only one, please)

*titles are decided by her. (for example, emiya's "the lone wolf")
*member number is decided by her. (old timers can book the 1st few numbers)
*color scheme will be up to adel.
*please make sure you already report here before sending your PM (and approved, which means i display your report in the 1st post).
*be patient. don't pester us about the IDs.

last update: 10/9/2010 (holy cow, been so long orz)

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by on 2010-01-20 20:41:08
@kira : Hope you dont mind if i updating my membership for version 5....

Weeee~~~ Version 5!!!! Anyway while passing by, Re-reporting for duty!!!!

Name : PHS-kun or Paiseh.... xD (I wonder why I like that nick...)
Gender : Male (Nuff said..)
Age : 18 (19 in September)
State : Sabah (Where else?)
Extra : Currently studying and wandering somewhere... Well yeah.

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by on 2010-01-20 21:10:42
/seconds PHS

Name: Liwen
Gender: Male
Age: Just turned 18 going on 19
State: Wilayah Persekutuan (KL)

So this is the first version change of a discussion thread happening to me in gendou :D
/hands Malaysian Thread certificate

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by on 2010-01-20 22:13:06
Report format:
Name: adeline
Gender: 'Y' factor?
Age: ok..i shall say 'legal' age ;/
State: oh..wahaha
Extra:nothing much o_o

of course o_o..
i am 91 year old grandmama ;/
how am i not legal .. ;[
i have no interest in Yaoi ;[
so nope..
i do not play those
i play those VNs that are dramas..

/note down
okok i can try to find the game +_+

ha ha ha .-. KFC snack plate..
/dropped from the chair

oh oh
you know you know
Mamiko Noto san is one of the voice actress lending her voice for the game!!
and then and then
i heard that Mizuki Nana san is going to lend her voice on the new character in the next sequel (Super Robot Taisen OG Saga : EXCEED) !!!

so like..
you never notice my avatar right ;/
my avatar's link has changed
would you mind to modify it ;x thank you m(_ _)m

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by MATRYOSHKA 8D on 2010-01-20 23:49:38 (edited 2010-01-21 01:47:29)
Name: Chie
Gender: Female
Age: 14, turning 15 this November
State: KL
Extra: Am I moe??

I'm new here~!
Sila beri tunjuk ajar~~~! :3

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by on 2010-01-21 01:03:58
Name: Kotaro Kiryu
Gender: Guy + Gal = Double G
Age: Concern your own b'day
State: one of 14 states of Malaysia
Extra: Enjoy your birthday today... Coz you won't get present from me xD

Reporting duty sir... /salute xDDD

Well... juz bored lol xDDDD

I sense you phail for putting Adel's avatar @_____@

Sure, but fill the form on first post given... XP

Wow its already ver V? HOOORAAAY We should held a party..... xDDDD

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by on 2010-01-21 01:09:50 (edited 2010-01-21 02:37:20)
lol..5th version already.. omedetou~~
o_O..every1 is reintroduce again..then guess i should too la..

Name: Serge
Gender: err female..(lol.joking,XD)
Age: dont wan to write..
State: Kedah, XD
Extra:now studying in university in Penang..2nd year..
basically,i like japanese anime&song,games..etc..

yuGiOh for pc? u mean Yugi the chaos,Kaiba the revenge and joey the passion..
i have those games once..but now are all gone due to formatting my home desktop..the disc now is nowhere to be found too..=="

by the way,i think u typed wrongly the name d..
u suppose to write to srs ,not me,is it?

then,i gonna hack kira's system and steal the information..


Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by supernood on 2010-01-21 01:31:36
V5<-(Looks like VS to me XD)


New Thread! Congrats Congratulation a.k.a CC XD

OK report for duty and again reintroduce myself again....*sign* what a pain XD

Name: SRS or Roger (You like)
Gender: Male = =
State:Kuala Lumpur
Extra:Busy all the time , no time to rest 0.0, and for those who are at form 3/form5 (if got la) , pls study hard.And the most important is take care your body.

ok ?

Buh Bye

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by Matsuna on 2010-01-21 03:05:31
Oh wow! 5th version now! Congratulatons!

Looks like everyone's reintroduce themselves. I'm gonna do the same.

Name:anime19 or Kana if you like
Age:19 (coming to 20 in 4 months time)
State:London now. In Malaysia, Tampin/Malacca
Extra:I finished college and currently studying Japanese. In the beginning of Febraury, I'm going back to Japan for about 3 months. Or probably 6 months, if I'm planning to extend my Visa.

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by on 2010-01-21 05:26:11
Fifth version already? Kinda knew it was coming. XD

Well, reporting again for the new thread!

Name : eufonius (call me eufo/eufo-chan/or anything you like =D)
Gender : Make a wild guess. You have a 50% chance of getting it right!
Age : Oh, my. Don't remind meee!
State : Koala Lumpur. *insert evil laugh*

Extra :
Extras, huh? I'm a random person who can be quiet or hyper at times. I enjoy watching anime and listening to music, though I'm not especially fond of rap. Yeah. Go watch Toradora! It's the best anime I've watched this year. (For now, at least :P)

@ DT

You've made me curious. What VN are you currently playing?
/points knife at DT's neck. LOL.

Yeah, finally managed to find the elusive CLANNAD VN!
Now my buddy will stop bugging me. Ahahaha.
And I tried playing it. Now I'm hooked to it! Waaaaah!!
I cried while I was doing Kyou's route. T___T
You played it before?
Thought of maybe asking for tips, since CLANNAD is my first ever VN experience.

@ Chie

Hello Chie! Have fun here.
I don't know if you are moe though. XD

...Dunno what else to say. Ermm. I guess that's all for now.
Back to CLANNAD. *sigh*
Feel like crying again. Lols.


Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by on 2010-01-21 06:05:26
yay new thread ^0^

okay, reporting for duties.. lol

name:keiyoshi @ kei
gender: male, of course XD
age:20 (gosh, time do fly fast)
state: currently studying in Perak, but shuffling between Perak and Selangor, for cuti time.. XD

did we have newcomers here?? welkam2.. \(^0^)/

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by DeAngelus on 2010-01-21 11:56:16
*Pops out like a Gopher*

Damn joo , KIRA -CHIN !!!! *Throws Sadako from my DA to you*


Okay , reporting for duty ! (Update , perhaps ? XD)

Name : Honey , whatever you like to call me ^^ (Angelus or DeAngelus preferably ^^)
Gender : Sweety , whatever you want me to be ^^ (I'd still be Genderless , no matter what ^^)
Age : Sugar , whatever you wish me to be ^^
State : Baby , wherever you want me to be ^^ (I'm always right behind you - 'stalking' ^^)
Extra : Sunshine , anything ^^ - *WHISPERS* I'll Hamster-rape you afterward , just to make sure you'll forget it all *WHISPERS* Tee-hee ~ ♥

Anyways , sorry for my long disappearance . I'm putting all of my focus on improving my art skill (So tiring .....) . I'll put up some of my later works here at the end of my post ^^ .

Now that I'm back , I would say the following :


To any newcomers , WELCUM TO THE MALAYSIAN COMMUNITY THREAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you don't know of me (Of courselah , you're HIST- *SMACK*) , I'm Angelus or DeAngelus at certain other sites as well ^^ (I won't go by other user/nicknames , me no identity/profile whore , nya ? ^^) . Want to know me more ? You can either ask the seniors here (Bkno9 or Nil-st or anyone who have been here for quite a long time already) OR you can go to the older versions of the Malaysians Thread (I could dig it up for you all Hunny Buns , but I suggest that you 'abuse' the searsh feature given , nya ^^ ? Don't be lazy and do some research practice ^^) . I can tell you that I started this Malaysian Thread and made it official . I would go in detail about it , but I'll let the older thread do the talking . Do , go find it first , nya ?

I hope that you follow the rules (And I mean it , or I'll personally send Furries to raep joo) . Because of the lack of rules before , we have some trouble with other fellow Malaysians and I don't EVER wish for it to happen again , m'kay ? Keep this place as peaceful as possible to avoid this thread getting closed forever (No continuation anymore) , like what happened in the previous thread (not this and it's previous 4 versions) and lost some of our fellow Malaysians as well (Kana-chan ~ ;_;) . I truly appreciate it if you do so ^^ . If you ever do so , It won't be tolerated and you will be reported , especially by me (I may be nice , but don't ever make me go to 'IMMA RAGING' mode . You won't like it .....)

Enjoy your stay here ^^ . I'll be 'stalking' here more often now (I hope XD) .


I believe there are replies to me that I haven't reply back yet in the previous version (Liwen & Adeline's replies especially) . HAFF NU FIAR ~ ! I'll reply them once I go through the WHOLE thread again ._. . I'll put up my replies to you all in my next post , and that's a promise (I'm one of the uber long poster for that reason , replying to ALL , in DETAIL , REGARDLESS of my LAIF XO (except for that) ! And I know I got to keep my promise to that certain someone who requested something 'special' from me ^^ . I'll do that on my next post as well .

Till then , wait for now , nya ? I may be quite free , but that 'LET'Z GET NAKED ON WINTER - DESU !!!' free , m'kay ?


Another additional note , aside from a casual talk , try to start any big ('Umum' Rated) topic to keep this thread interesting (Don't make me do the starting , nya ? Makes me feel DAMN old =__=*) and maybe push the thread post count speed ^^ .


As you all know , I draw , yes , I draw 8D (The reason why I don't come here that often , I'm doing some drawing) ! But somehow , the DA link is broken (Probably it was me who made it broken :/) . Now I got it to work , again , I'll re-post the last one I've posted in the previous thread (The replies I've got from the previous thread will be replied in my next post) :

...... by ~DeAngelus on deviantART

And my latest work , in CG XD !! :

Alice Margatroid And Shanghai by ~DeAngelus on deviantART

A request work , requested by Ranma-chan ^^ . You can put up request in the 'U Request Thread' , but right now , it's closed for now until further notice (Need to talk with Izumo about it)
Descriptions are in the link (Too lazy to put them up :/)
More coming soon (In progress ^^) . So do wait , nya ?


Welcome, selamat datang to the 5th version of The Malaysians Thread!

Lol , Kira -chin XD ! How come 'Selamat Datang' is in there XD ? Sesatkah XD ?
You can do two instead , one in Malay and the other in English ^^ .


I love me ..... 8D !


That's it from me for now (I think :/) , next up will be all about replies and some topics to be opened ^^ .
Gu-bai !

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by on 2010-01-21 17:25:18
keep the re-intro coming XD
because i'm still coding soooo yeah XD
will updae in a few @_@

/throws sadako to adeline >.>
/throws master ball >.>
lol okay okay...i was just copy pasta last thread...still coding another somewhere else /shot XP
will fix it later

you will not succeed. *beeeeeeeeeeep*

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by on 2010-01-22 02:48:30
being naughty again..posting in from cyber cafe..
and OMG!!its ver.5...CONGRTULATIONS!!and reporting in..*copy and paste*

name:jjo @ jo
gender:try guessing..its easy.
state: KL,is it??ahaha
extra:-currently in form 6*hanging on*.
besides that,nothing much :3 do post in and ask me if you wanna know anything..


kinda familiar.
still there are so many schools around,not to say luar bandar,even there are schools in KL we don't even know.x.x
however since your school is a cluster school,definitely it will be known soon.
this school of mine is trying to become a cluster school.

hmm,i see,that's why it is familiar..your school came out in papers.xp..*maybe i read it somewhere.

2001..your school can be said is still new..not yet reach the age of 10. x.O
i can expect something like good results students from a cluster school :3
anyway,what other factors that a school must have to be recognize as cluster school?
~i wonder..

Definitely!! glad your happy too,after all its nice..
*hug gently*m(_ _)m..thanks alot. be at my service eh..*reminds me of a butler*lolol..

(T.T) tahu pun kesian.. tak hiraukan orang

ujian intervensi <- cuma adalah satu daripada beribu exams untuk pelajar-pelajar form 5..*takdelah ribu*xp
*teringatkan diri saya masa form 5"OMG..banyak nyer examsss,susah,stress.."
*masa lower 6 pulak "barulah saya tahu apa sebenarnya yang dimaksudkan dengan stress!!*
*sekarang..*lol,spm tu takde apa-apa,sebab exam kali ini baru boleh dikategorikan sebagai SusaH!!*
^ isk..isk,apa yang saya merepek ni..*jangan mencontohi orang mental ini *ahhaha

Selamat berjaya holk!! <- belajar rajin-rajin baru boleh pergi makan angin..XD

i wanna ask something..
hmm,would you mind recomending some new interesting games that you know of??
*someone is asking me about it*they must have ask the wrong person..ehem..

lol,do i really seems like i met many of them? XP
..i guess not really,its just that we happen to be going to certain places together..example CF last year..
thats why we got to meet up..
umm,the one that i have met either in forum or chat = around 10 person..
however i guess holkee met most of us already since holk met the others from different state as well..XD

hmm,bad stories from the internet eh..
i guess your right,there is a lot of news about accidents happen when meeting through online.
umm,well i believes that all of us here can be trusted..*my instinct told me so <- hopefully im true*lolol
since gendou is not like other malicious websites..
what do you think? XP can i be trusted..hehehe

pretty good in dodging shutter frame eh..ahaha..i guess so
umm,its kinda hard lol,unless i online a little longer to upload the photos into the net
= extra money thrown into cyber cafe..XD
however,i will try my best uploading it anytime soon.
maybe i will past it to DT-san and upload it.*without his permission yet*ahaha

a welcome stay..thanks!!
o really :3, however your so kawaii..ahahaa

umm,thanks again for the wish..
Good Luck to you as well..for your final semester exams..and competition??..a guitar comp??
O.o,look like a,that's untrue..XP
okay,i will add you asap..*let me hunt DT for your msn and number*XD

@DT-san ~~~~~
uber noty empress..lolol,you make me sounds like I'm so old..XD*meowww*
owh..really,*don't judge the book by its cover*i guess..
however it seems like this advertisements is some what a tradition every year..
all form 5 and form 6..are advisable to go and collect information..XD
and the fliers collected ended up in a rubbish,wasted..

ehem,i'm not busted yet..i guess my mum kinda trust me more than my sis and bro.
and*I'm really noty to lie most of the time*taking the trust for granted -> so noty of me..i guess im more noty than ebil~lol..
im more to dreaming nightmares than noty stuff..especially if i found you stalking me early morning
^ its a super nightmare..ahahahaha
umm,pic-msg??where did you send it too..

ehem,my yuriness its a secret..never to be shown in public..XP
wow,hand made eh..awesome.I'm not as creative..XD
well,long term is better than than printing out in cyber cafe all the time.o.o

lol,what do ya mean..they won't dare to talk and come near when you are around??are you that scary!! :-)
stalker eh..they must have stalk the wrong person,even DT as well..ahahaha*I'm invisible*
umm,ehem,what do you have in mind lor??

well,kyo..nak gunakan bahasa melayu..takde masalah.
asalkan ia lengkap dan difahami..
kyo boleh mendapatkan maklumat lanjut dekat post pertama..
umm,selamat berjaya..hope you get a job soon..

i'm sure you have taen pictures with your gang..XD
yup,upper 6..and for me its*only me*ahaha


once again..Nice artwork!! :3

...................ended with another long reply..o.o..

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by supernood on 2010-01-22 03:50:12 (edited 2010-01-22 03:50:33)
Nice artwork ze~
->tomorrow will be jogging marathon at my school , I don't want to go!! but the teacher of rumah kuning....likes to eat our team money , Darn It!

->busy busy busy.
Tuesday : Club computer
Wednesday:Rumah sukan activity
Thursday:Badminton class(School)
Sunday:St.John/Bulan Sabit

Only Sunday are my holiday

->PSP.....cost RM600, starting spend some money.

->And again bye bye *do homework*

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by on 2010-01-22 08:50:44







hope you recive my kiriman!

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by supernood on 2010-01-23 14:53:13
after the jogging marathon at my school....

when I woke up today(Sunday) damn , my entire body hard to move(barely go to laptopposting to gendou)

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by on 2010-01-24 06:58:05 (edited 2010-01-24 07:00:29)
Whoops.... halo guys!!!.... v5... as expected eh.... hope can see those MIA's here soon....
k... Deanwalker... reporting....

Age:???(dood.. maybe i could tell you next time..)
ExtRa:seeking information here, find some friend that have same interest, know more bout people...

oh.. so there is other people that go there with you here?
hohoho... look to me that you just paying attention to that character when playing that game...kukuku
oh.. then i gonna look at that pic next time... but i do remember there a group of keroro's cosplayer there... are they all your friend from malaysia?

Ooohh..!! so the mysterious one had appear!!!... yeah i don't believe him don't worry..(hehehehe...) ... to bad that not enough to fill my curiousity... why don't you appear more frequently so that my curiousity shall fufilled....hohohoo...(don't worry no bad intention...heheh)
'a lot of gendounian who aren't here anymore'... woo... do you mean those MIA or someone who no longer in gendou? i wonder...( curious..curious..) do you mean you actually had been in gendou since the first version of this thread?

steamed bun? hmm... maybe its good if you really become one cause i'm really hungry rite now...
that does'nt matter at all... hahah..somehow you were right anyway, who gonna feel sad for someone they don't know(that the same to me...XD)... unless you are superstar anybody loves and know you well(!!!) kukuku....
whoop... hey cut the last sentence... make it just between both of us...kukukuk... anyway do you has psp?
your green font make my eyes feel good.... green is good for eyes health....:D

hahah... then i think when the times come you sure gonna learn some lesson to save your money ....kukukuk...XD
random?... i had read the article.... though i don't really get but it(actually i'm quite dizzy rite now) randomness could make a person look weird in eyes of other people and sometimes it make them look friendly or funny... do you think i really understand it?...?_?

hahaha... then again... no need to sorry.... i think i'll just wait for it then...
eh... hey don't make it just between you two... i want to know some to....O_o.... don't worry kid don't play VN... (eventhough i not play it to... but it is interesting to read info bout it from you two...XD)
anyway i just try play some mmorpg called luna online... dood nice game... but people will glare at me from distant if i play it at cc.... and think old looking man play that game?

finally now you are... you can speak malay here.. there is person name azwan who always use malay here... but i wonder where is he now..
3 tahun... oh such a long time... why you not chose to continue study? small salary? hmm.. maybe you should just take it while waiting for another good chance to come...hohoho...

yes... that its... anyway i just read in a websites about patches that could make front mission 5 can be played in english... i hope i can try this.. but to bad it need the game to do it... to bad i cannot find it here... if you interest in this why don't you give it a try? i will tell ou the link if you want...O_0
wait had you play front mission 4?
yeah lot of good comment bout bayonetta... magna carta? so... is the gameplay same as that in ps2?
anyway what yugioh game did you play? yu gioh in computer really boring... ps2 is much better...

also kira did you interest in fate/stay nite anime?
wooo... original.... play-asia? don't tell me you buy online?? anyway i never buy original games... but i see many original games had some good merchandise with them ... i wonder if you get it...
kl? hey you live at selangor right? ...yeah to bad.... the bus to... after about 10 or 9 pm they all had already gone for sleep... express bus arethe only one left...
sick very often? woo... did you have some serious disease or what?...i hope not...

hey there long time no see!!!
oh... now it clear my mind about eva... luckily it only around 20+ episode... maybe i can add it to my wanted list...XD
anyway is the animation look good? just like the new movie?
type-moon!..just what make you go there?

so your suffering has ended... :).. how do you feel now?(i talk bout your ps2...:D...)

oh... japan hour really make me envy of japan!!.. nice spot... nice surrounding... dood.... but i don't think the city is that good... the food to... wait .. had you watch japanhour?....O_0... do you know what its about?

hoo.... hello there... long time no see...o angelus....
o you doing artwork? did you publish it somewhere?? can i see that? can i?...O_?
i can see your atrwork here i wonder why...

hello there... nice to meet ya...:)
moe? why don't you give me your photo so i can tell if you moe or not....kukukuku....XD.. hey don't mind it... i just kidding..

10? all from here? and they are all gendounians?.. woo tell me how much of them are men or girl?
holker really work hard to meet all of them... i wonder what he look like...
yeah that good opinion you had there... i'm think quite the same as you...XD ..trusted and not malicious... but you must be cautious always you know?.. oo my prin***... ops that Dt thaught almost slip out....
why don't just ask your mum to buy pc and internet for your use at home.. so she would'nt worry to let you go out...?_?

hey long time no see... where have you been? and you had some mispelling there...(at your reply-remain...did it supposed to be remind?)...kukukuku..XD

that it... i hope i had reply to all of you guys...

Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by Photobucket on 2010-01-25 20:21:29
Because I was summoned.... *jumps up from her hikkikomori well*

Do I have to introduce myself again? :< I just did in the previous thread, like in the final 15 pages?

Name: Rin or Meep
Age: I can vote 8D
Gender: Mochi.
State: Previously Kedah and Perlis, now Selangor. ... I miss my Mi Abu : <
Extra: Here and there, everywhere. Allergic to whiners and forum abusers. Did I mention that I'm a Mochi?

I am in DESPERATE need to watch FSN's new OVA :< It's SABER. HOW CAN I RESIST?!
Right now, I'm trying to rush both my Doujinwork and Final Project. GOURD. I want a holiday T_T
Going for a launch party tomorrow, so :D I can't wait to see the indie movie project I had worked in 2 years ago, finally in screenings XD
Can't wait for college to be over.
On the sidenote, where is my BK-Haruhi-chama?! D: I am missing him loooooooooooooooads :< He's not even replying his MSN. Maybe I should sms him :<
Oh, skip that. I'm talking to him right now, and he's making me go D: over his idea of watching Legion due to my MSN. NOES.

And now to replies. I'll KISS (Keep It Short and Simple, if you didn't now know).

@My epicly long reply cut short to DT Yuki-chama
Many thanks. Hahaha, ya, Mana Khemia 2. Finally, a game that boils my blood! XD It's just plain winsome. Gotta love the battle system and the no-grind system (Am playing it on Hard Mode and totally PWNing the game ;D Avid Girl Gamer, GOGOGO) Mmm... No, not the official one, a private server. Third jobs are the lurve ;D Come join?

As we're on that topic, yes I am currently working on it now. I got like ideas on how to draw them and make 'em.
Hopefully, they do work out fine :< I did Chibis like 3 years ago, and decided it wasn't really my style but we'll see how.
An artist has to vary his styles in order to succeed! D: (And at the same time, hone his originality. XD)
LOL my friend is going to cosplay my male counterpart, so hopefully, it will be a fun photoshoot. In the meantime, I gotta fix my wig. ;o; I had a lot of people stepping on my poor hair and getting it caught a lot of times :<

LOL. I know BK is the oldest between the 3 of us of course, but I thought you were one/two years older? Looks like I'm wrong hahaha.
Hmmm... I have days when I don't have classes so I'll let you guys know ;D But Jo-chan isn't free right? : <
Costumes are the hardest. I'm at my wits trying to get one done. Hopefully I can sew in time. We're having a RO group this year and I've been booked to be... a pet ;o;
NO, I mean Shana in the series. My KugiRie <3 Shanatan is plan cutezors. I don't really like the Shana cosplayers. There's only one that I do like but she's in Taiwan XD

Yesh yesh. Hahaha, I'm into everything but only good ones. I don't like mindless ones though.
My current favorite is still Tokimeki Memorial for Girls. I am totally gaga over Saeki Teru <_< (To the point that my kitten think that I'm mad. He even writes that the only man who can make me go insane is Saeki Teru and all I talk about is Saeki Teru. OMG. It's a disaster. XD)
But oh, please don't go recommending me X) I only recommend what's good for you and what not. I'm just a reviewer. X)
I prefer mangas over everything else, trust me.
OOH, I LOVE I'S. One of my favorites. Hatsukoi Limited, I watched the anime but lol... I just finished NyanKoi the anime and am so into it XD ESP. The twintail Futagos <3
Ngehehehe. But now! I neeed FSN OVA D:

Oh no you don't.
*swallows you whole*
What happened to the name and signature that you were suppose to make ancient centuries ago *gobbles*

Hmmm... Depends on the length. Best to cosplay something that you know so you can fit the role perfectly.
Crossplaying is fine, as always. I have at least 3 crossplay plans this year ;D This time, I doubt anyone can find me.

We certainly HAAAAAAAAAAAAAVE to add you in our Haruhi Family, lols.
Anyway, I am so not kawaiis! D:
We shall make arrangements. When are you free? Need to plan a meetup with Bk and DT : D
Huhuhu. And you'll get to see me without a wig ;D LOL (That's one heck of a lousy bargain)

*_* I'm not mysterious. I'm just here, and there and everywhere.
Why don't I appear more frequently? That's because I am very busy. I used to be on Gendou 24/7 on this thread. Well, the first Gendou thread was pretty dead back then. I only appear at threads or forums that need revival (Somehow, it's pretty strange but true. All the forums I go to used to be so dead, and then when it becomes super alive, I leave). So I helped cheer-ify the place with random nonsense, I was also here when there was serious major issues that came about in this thread, and now it's here. Glad it's already at its 5th thread. Although yes, I kinda miss a lot of people from the first thread. They're pretty much not here anymore : ) I'm supposed to be going back to this old forum because the forum disbanded long ago but the posters want to get back together so I was asked to return to my previous post and supervise the forums (Moderator and Admin, if you must. I'm very strict but fun, mind you). But I have yet to return, or rather I declined the offer cause I've too much things to do. Because most forums have already gone down beyond redemption to the point that I don't want to be anywhere near them. So as for now, I blog happily and work on projects I should be working on ;) Truth be told, quitting forums is a good thing cause I was pretty much addicted to it. Used to be 24/7 in front of the PC, just replying and watching 10 forums XD
Well, I'm cured from forums and back to my addiction to playing MMORPGs. XD Not much help, eh?
Nice meeting you. You can ask anything and I'll be sure to reply. :)

As for the rest of the world,
good day, good game and have fun : )
Meeping off now.


Re: The Malaysians Thread V5
Link | by on 2010-01-25 21:42:26
When I'm gone for a week, this is happening....
/lazy to read, read only interested him only...

Nothing, just like shouting your name...
btw, if you want to hack Kirawr's system, count me in...
/will steal Noel Vermillion from Kirawr... >D

LOL!!! BUSY???
Its almost Chinese New year lo~~~ xD

The best way if you want to online is....
be lazy during activity.... xD
btw, dont say that you are lazy...
go score some score...
PSP rm600??? Hmmmm...
I need part time job 15hours per day then...
and died at work place xD

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