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Mina's Tech Tutorials
Link | by on 2009-11-30 21:11:13 (edited 2009-11-30 21:11:45)
I've entitled the thread as "Tech Tutorials" because I realize that some people might also be interested in learning how to use Audacity, and other media programs :3

Anyway, here's my first PS tutorial (best viewed in HD).

Disclaimer: I will NOT make tutorials for any graphics program other than photoshop/imageready, so please DO NOT ASK ME. So for those of you who do not own photoshop, please find some means to legally aquire it.

So, without further ado, I declare this thread to be OPEN! Please make one request at a time.

Re: Mina's Tech Tutorials
Link | by on 2009-11-30 21:13:49
Yay! :D

Ohai. I HAZ RETURN AS OF 18-APR-2020!

Re: Mina's Tech Tutorials
Link | by on 2009-11-30 21:14:45
You just wanted first post -.-

Re: Mina's Tech Tutorials
Link | by gendou on 2009-11-30 23:06:34 (edited 2009-11-30 23:06:46)
Mina, do you like my new avatar?

It's got sexual transparency, and it looks like it's always watching you, too.

Re: Mina's Tech Tutorials
Link | by on 2009-11-30 23:13:47 (edited 2009-11-30 23:27:16)
i am glad that Mina has finally post the video tutorial for beginners like us Y_Y~
/hug Mina

thank you ;o

actually.. i wanted to learn the signature ,hopefully you can make a signature tutorial for us +_+,in video
that would be awesome +_+

m(_ _)m thank you !!!

i like the 'mina text effect' tutorial +_+
i want to try that Dx

/opens photoshop ;x

Re: Mina's Tech Tutorials
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-12-04 08:41:31
Awww, Mina's so cute. :3

I liked how you couldn't close the character box at first, until you realized why you couldn't, haha.
Although it might not be needed, but judging from the content of the tutorial,
I'd say to teach users the easy way to make the borders too, I'm pretty sure anyone knows how to crop and image to proper size.
Why do you use drop shadow for your font borders? Although with stroke, you can't do certain things since drop shadowing has more 'customization'.

I think you're still using CS2, correct?

I always wanted to try making my own photoshop tutorial, especially around two years ago where I knew a crap load of stuff.
Maybe once I get photoshop onto my macbook, find a way to record a video, I'll share some lame DA styles. :P

[@Gendou] I like it, it's just a bit big for my taste. Don't mind me though. ^_~`


Re: Mina's Tech Tutorials
Link | by on 2009-12-04 09:07:23
you are going to record a tutorial too?!
i can't wait to see it !!
i am going to learn more +_+

Re: Mina's Tech Tutorials
Link | by on 2009-12-04 14:08:06
Haha Gendou yea, your eyes are undressing the viewer :O

Adeline, I actually recorded a signature tutorial a couple days ago but I'm having trouble encoding it in movie maker without the quality being compromised. So I'm figuring out a way to publish the movie and then cut it down to under 10 min so youtube will accept it ><;; it might just end up being in 2 parts tho...

@DA: NOT CUTE!! >< haha yea I messed up a lot... it's surprising that it still ended up being under 5 min!! :3 Yea I was gonna teach people stroke, but I wanted to show people the flexibility of the layer properties option. I actually never use stroke >___>

Yes I use CS2 :3

Make one~!! You're the only one I know who manipulates photos of real people...

Re: Mina's Tech Tutorials
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-12-04 19:53:47 (edited 2009-12-04 23:08:25)
Yeah, but it was like your first, plus you were sick, but I think you still did a nice job. ^_~`

Stroke is kind of like the easy way in, not "cheating" like some of my friends told me before,
but there are some neat things you can do with the drop shadow and stroke combination depending on the color background(s).

Yeah, I might make one or a few in the future. Gotta learn more with my macbook.
I'm pretty sure I can record a video with some program that's hopefully already pre-installed.
My friends had to do similar things our senior year on the iMacs, so the macbook shouldn't be any different. Hopefully.

Yeah, I can show people how to do some of the 'simple DA styles' which is mostly what I use these days.
And yeah, I love using photos of real people and messing around with stuff.

Maybe in the future I'll share, though it's not something technical, anybody can do anything I make.


Re: Mina's Tech Tutorials
Link | by Provoltion on 2010-03-10 05:33:30
Lol! XD
So that is how to reduce letter-spacing!! I never knew that before! XD
Normally, I just make many letters and then put them manually. Slow and not professional way. XD

Thanks for the tutorial, Mina!
Keep up the good work. XD


Actually, Stroke and Drop Shadow has it's own speciality when using them to make borders. ^^

With Stroke,
you can make gradient borders or even a pattern borders which the Drop Shadow can't do.
Like these:

While with Drop Shadow,
you can create a really soft and smooth borders since you have the ability control the spread percentage.
And you can also make unique borders by controling the contour in the Drop Shadow option. ^^

Unique borders can also be made by combining Stroke and Drop Shadow.


-- My Avatar X Signature Shop is currently [CLOSED] --

Check my profile for more information

Links :
Any Indonesian, Here! | Avy X Sig | My tutorial thread

Re: Mina's Tech Tutorials
Link | by on 2010-07-27 21:23:54
Quite interesting tutorial... I should download it and watch it over and over.... Anyways, thanks... It helps me a lot.

Re: Mina's Tech Tutorials
Link | by on 2015-06-10 21:58:15
Kat, heeeeelp meeeee. Java doesn't work anymore!

Re: Mina's Tech Tutorials
Link | by zinpt on 2019-09-10 09:54:08

Re: Mina's Tech Tutorials
Link | by nextbigtechnology on 2022-10-06 01:58:46
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