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Most satisfying game
Link | by on 2009-01-07 22:27:41 (edited 2009-01-07 22:28:42)
Which games did you find the most satisfying to play through/finish? Which games have you played, and wanted to come back to or keep going just to see what would happen next, or to learn more about the characters and so forth. Overall which games did you just love to play and had to see to the end? When you finished it did you get the sense of satisfaction with all that you had played through?

Also, what was the main reason you kept playing or kept coming back? Was it the gameplay, the characters, the graphics, the voice acting or something else?


Re: Most satisfying game
Link | by on 2009-01-08 00:25:19
Well to list a few they'd probably be Final Fantasy 7 and Crisis Core.Heck they have cool graphics for their time and the story is excellent and the characters are perfect.I didn't even notice I was already spending 150+ hour on crisis core and played Final Fantasy 7 on PSone for the Nth time.

Anyway the others would be Persona 3 and 4,Final Fantasy 12,Monster Hunter Freedom 2nd G to name a few.I kept playing them for the sake of getting a 100% completion rate.

Re: Most satisfying game
Link | by on 2009-01-08 00:44:57 (edited 2009-01-08 01:48:36)
Nice topic Jon-san this will bring back some memories for sure of some of my fave games i can keep playing cause of the satisfaction.

Personally most RPGs i play i find satisfying, especially the older SNES - PSones games. The newer ones are still good to play but i lose interest after awhile (with one exception which you probably already know).

First & foremost is of course...

- By far the best game i've played EVER!!! The deep semi-controversial story, great gameplay (probably the best battle system), interesting characters that you care for..even the villians. The music....what can i say about the music. Yasanori Mitsuda is a GOD!!! Yes there is some minor issues like the linear 2nd disc but that is the only issue. I just say it is story driven. And you fight in giant mechs that look cool...what more can you ask for.

Final Fantasy 4 & 7
- My 2 faves of the series. Although 6 can also be on this list. Great characters in these games with some of the most memorable/tragic moments in gaming history. Music is top-notched though 4 & 6 have superior music than 7, but 7 has better music than the final fantasies that followed.

Personally for me Squenix hasn't come remotely close to duplicating the aura that the older Final Fantasy games had & personally i don't think they'll ever will. Though that discussion can be saved for another time :P

Valkyrie Profile 1 & 2
- Next to Xenogears this series has in my mind one of the best battle systems in RPGs. Frantic & intense with enough difficulty to leave you satisfied. A great story & some awesome special effects in terms of special moves. Voice acting is good too...& not many games have that.

Disgaea series
- Probably my fave 'tactics' game though FF:Tactics (PSone/PSP) comes close. It just too much fun!!! The campy & corniness just makes this series a delight to play. Yes it can get repeditive & boring when you try to 'power level' your characters to 9999 but once you beat Baal in his uber form (max stronger enemies bill) in one round it can be extremely gratifying!

Some honorable mentions
- Chrono Cross & Trigger
- Star Ocean series
- Ico
- Xenosaga series (to an extent...was hoping for much more...)
- CLANNAD & ef ~a tale of..~ (if you count PC games)

Re: Most satisfying game
Link | by on 2009-01-08 10:47:47 (edited 2009-01-08 11:59:10)
I've got a lot, although I haven't replayed them all. Mine are mostly RPG's as well.

Valkyria Chronicles- I enjoyed pretty much everything about this game, but the story is what always keeps me hooked on these games. I did find myself really enjoying the gameplay and art as well. There were funny parts, sad parts, a really tragic part, but it all came to a great end, and by the time the credits were done rolling and the Fin was displayed, I felt really great about the game. It made a lasting impression, I'll remember the details of the game and characters for a long time, and that's what makes a great game in my opinion, one you remember for a long time.

Final Fantasy VII- My all time favorite and probably will remain as such. There isn't a single detail about this game I cannot recall or haven't learned and I've come back to replay it numerous times, I believe the next time I do it will be my 13th time playing through since I got it in '97. I loved the characters (except Aerith. I just did not like her much), I loved the story, the battles, the music, the setting, just everything about it. The ending was left open and didn't stick in my mind much, but the game itself was so memorable that it all stuck. My only hope is that they don't butcher it with a remake.

Legend of the Dragoon- Another big favorite, the thing about this game that I felt most gratifying was the setting and the combat. The characters were good and although the story was kind of generic it did have some pretty cool twists and turns, plus a death which was hard to deal with. The voice acting was poor, but thankfully there wasn't a lot of it, and it was only a PS1 game at the time when games were just starting to use voice acting. I've played this over 5 times I believe.

Metal Gear Solid 4- All I can say is I loved how this brought an end to the series, it was a looooong ending, but it was well worth it. The characters and the story are what really made this memorable to me.

Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2- Again, the voice acting, the characters and the story were the main factors I loved this so much. It also had a dark and demonic style which I really enjoyed.

Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice- The voice acting and characters were by far what kept me going in this one. I absolutely loved them, mainly because of the offbeat way it's presented such as the breaking of the fourth wall. I also was extremely satisfied with the ending (the canon ending anyway) because of the humor and the marriage thing, plus I got to see the characters again the in Epilogue with everything that they did still in effect (Newly weds, Overlord, so on). I did watch the other endings on YouTube, just because I wanted to keep the canon ending in mind since I didn't like how the others ended.

I know I have more.


Re: Most satisfying game
Link | by on 2009-01-09 15:15:10
hmm...for me (not in order i guess XD):

i love the story, the music and the battle system. too bad i lost it...thieves broke in and took my precious CDs D:

Final Fantasy 7
the best FF IMO. The plot's interesting and i love Tifa lol

Tales of series
well i'm a big fan of this series XD
i just love the battle system and the way i could actually control anyone, not just the MC, and the plot (Symphonia's the one with the best plot among them) and the characters! XD honestly i prefer Fujishima's art over Inomata's but i can never be too picky. lol
and i like the skits and there's quite some amount of sidequests XD
the english voice acting isn't that bad but...i wish they actually voice skits...just looking doesn't get the funny side out so much D:

Star Ocean series
The plot's interesting too XD
i'm waiting for the 4th currently.

Suikoden series
many playable characters ftw! longer playing hours just to level them all up XD

Xenosaga series
well i wish there's more of this actually. the graphic actually look top-notch IMO

Wild Arms series
MC use guns! i pretty much love this series since it's err wild west-ish XD

that's all for now. XD

Re: Most satisfying game
Link | by Thanamon on 2009-01-09 19:29:22
for me it's persona 3 and another century's episode 3:the final...

the main character is so cool...
i still haven't get all the persona
still haven't beat elizabeth

A.C.E. 3:the final
the mecha is very cool
haven't get grave ark yet

Re: Most satisfying game
Link | by taichokerorogunso on 2009-01-09 19:42:30
I like devil may cry 4 just because to get inf devil trigger mode you have to beat dante must die mode aka insane mode... and then when u use inf mode they give you horrible results just for using inf... talk about having to spend mad time to get it and you get boo'ed for getting it..

I also like my psp sd gundam g generation portable it has every gundam series until seed destiny and looks like super robot wars and also they talk. ive beaten it at least 20 times and im still playing it just leveling up my characters to 99.

and when i feel like it i play MGS4 just to kill the bad guys 100 different ways possible with all the guns i have. I love the solar gun, Boktai! the sun is in your hands! SUNLIGHT!! its funny cause kojima also made that gba game.

Re: Most satisfying game
Link | by on 2009-01-09 20:25:05
Persona 3 and FF X2

Re: Most satisfying game
Link | by aegis93 on 2009-01-09 23:02:22
well for me :

tales of series
this game have cool battle system. good story, good graphic, good skill.voice actor coll too. and we can play 2nd player.

star ocean series
this cool game too. and good battle system.

suikoden series
so much character

wildarms 4th detenator
this have good story and puzzle not make me sick

persona 4
this game so good. I play it for 6th time.

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Re: Most satisfying game
Link | by on 2009-01-10 02:28:04
Theres a difference to me to great satisfying games which allow me to feel good about it and those which make me yearn to play it again :D

Suikoden 1 & 2
Those games were truly the most epic games i have ever played. No other games have i played it again and again. Suikoden 1 about 11 hours of hardcore gameplay just to friggin save gremio and his awesomeness. And suikoden II just to get the good ending, getting either ridley's son or leaving him alive, getting to piss on neclord...AND FINISHING CLIVES DAMN EVENT which was a pain in the ass taking me about 4-5 tries >>...

Tales of Destiny 2
I thoroughly enjoyed the protagonist in this game haha. So much that i just had to get everything before even attempting the final boss. satifying ending i must say.

Tales of Symphonia 1
Great game overall with so many events to count for. I personally liked Sheena so i got most of her events prior to everyone elses so most of the events involved her as she had the most relationship. Lol...Getting all the summon spirits along with all those hawt and fun costumes :DDD fun stuff

Final Fantasy Tactics
Epic...i mean EPIC game indeed. The best tactical turn based game i have ever seen in my life being so old and still parring with the best i'd say. The storyline REALLY drew me in, expecially in parts in betrayal which you do not see too often and political issues with the family. Plus all of the goodies like getting cloud onto your party(though he HELLA SUXORS). Even after so long, it made me want to get to at LEAST in the 9- range in lvls.

Saga Frontier
It had to be the most intriguing game which i had played for the longest time. The first thing i did when i got an emulator since i put away my playstation was get this game. Combo attacks with each other, learning new abilities by attacking, 7 different storylines which can easily intertwine. The ability to get almost any character including the main characters from other storylines. Having some uber attack because you had enough patience to actually get it...Basically dream super combo!! hidden bosses, was awesome.

Damn...i hella want to say something for it, but i still haven't beaten it its such a long game. the fact my memory card was erased and i had to start all over almost broke my heart that i gave up on this game, but they storyline was just sometnhing i couldn't resist. Seriously...neeed...toooo...FINISH!

This little invisible game by atlus was pretty interesting. straitforward, simplistic, but pretty interesting gameplay overall. You mass an army and invade everyone until the whole country is yours. When your hero or his army gets to lvl 10/20/30, they can upgrade, but the hero can only hold so many creatures based on his runepower. and you can send heroes on sidequests which can result in even more heroes based upon how many times you go out or even which heroes you choose to send.

The king of all puzzle games! Hard game to the max, so many puzzles in this game and the artwork for it was AMAZING. The concept of entering dreams can destroying phantoms was something that really atttracted my interest...well..more like the artwork really. I can't lie, the graphics and artwork really sway my decisions on whether to buy.

Thousand arms
Dating sim...+RPG blacksmithing type game? Count me in! I love it when you can blacksmith, I love RPGS, and hell, i love girls. Corny as hell, but i guess its what made me satisfied lol.

I would put in games such as ff7-12, but seriously though. Great games as they were, the endings didn't really satisfy me D:. and i didn't have the urge to play them again D:

Re: Most satisfying game
Link | by sanada on 2009-01-16 17:21:21
mine would be ace combat 6
or dynasty warriors 3

Re: Most satisfying game
Link | by on 2009-01-16 17:33:19
DMC 3 & 4....
I'd prefer DMC3 due to I'd play longer than DMC4...
Lot's of tricks to be done.....
And pretty hard bosses...
Sort of..

Re: Most satisfying game
Link | by adinda_tp on 2009-02-03 23:05:24
For me :

Kingdom Hearts series
Persona 3 and 4
Suikoden series
Tales of Abyss

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Re: Most satisfying game
Link | by Brickwall on 2009-02-06 06:52:28
Definitely Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne, you lead an army courtesy of the devil to rage war on heaven, when do you get to do that?!

Secret of Mana still has a place in my heart, I cried when I beat it as a kid.

Re: Most satisfying game
Link | by υƞιϲo on 2009-02-07 16:57:09
Bleach Blade Battlers 2,maybe because of the 4-players simultaneous fighting on one full screen.Each time my cousins came to my house.That game has become our tradition. xD, Second would be Dynasty/Samurai warriors series...whack and whack xD.

Re: Most satisfying game
Link | by on 2009-02-10 05:16:40
Genso Suikoden Series
- I love their dramatic. This one is first one that make me cry while playing. Fav is 2 and 5. many many touched scene. I love who make time line for this game tooo. many chracters can be recruits as our friends in many part. and also can be our boss in some part too. (so sad that have to fight with our ex-friend)

.HACK series
I love this one since it's been anime (.Hack//SIGN) and also play .Hack series too. (both Kyle and Haseo) I hope someday we can play visual game like that XD (but hope not no coma from the game)

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