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ef ~a tale of melodies~ now airing!
Link | by on 2008-10-06 23:16:20 (edited 2008-10-06 23:23:43)
I know there is another thread about the series but i was the last to post. If a mod can change the title of the thread to reflect the new series i'll delete this thread.

The new series has finally aired & everything that was so good about the first series is back in the new one. The same artistic animation is used again, it still looks pretty. The new opening wasn't played until halfway through the episode. As most know the new song is called 'Ebullient Future' & sung by Elisa. Personally not as powerful as Euphoric Field but still a great song. The images shown during the opening sequence is spectacular. Alot of beautiful imagery! & controversial imagery (Yu sort of resembling Christ). Check it out for yourself.

The new series will first focus on the relationship between Mizuki & Shuichi. Later the secrets of Yumiko & Yu will be revealed. If it is anywhere similar to ef~the latter tale~ visual novel than you will be emotionally moved. Next to CLANNAD i personally think this will be the most memorable series this season. After witnessing the masterpiece of a game i can't wait for the 2nd season of ef. If you are looking to cry than seeing ef -a tale of melodies- is your choice.
Very much looking forward to this series!!!

Re: ef ~a tale of melodies~ now airing!
Link | by Raizo_O on 2008-10-07 03:07:49
haven't found any sub yet ><
damn i really wanna watch it asap

exam is coming but tons of good animes released this month, im gonna be screwed this semester

What do you think of Planetarium?
That beautiful twinkling of eternity that will never fade, no matter when.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.”
~Yumemi Hoshino~

Re: ef ~a tale of melodies~ now airing!
Link | by tomoyo! :3 on 2008-10-07 09:39:12
I'll be watching the RAWs then give my view on it XD

Re: ef ~a tale of melodies~ now airing!
Link | by Raizo_O on 2008-10-07 18:26:14
i just saw it, as expected from minori the animation is wonderful but the music... Even much better than what im expected!

the opening is awesome but i can't read german(or whatever the language is) ><

What do you think of Planetarium?
That beautiful twinkling of eternity that will never fade, no matter when.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.”
~Yumemi Hoshino~

Re: ef ~a tale of melodies~ now airing!
Link | by on 2008-10-07 18:29:28
It's out, really?

I must check this out then. XD I loved the first season. I'll post my thoughts about it later~

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Re: ef ~a tale of melodies~ now airing!
Link | by tomoyo! :3 on 2008-10-07 19:45:44 (edited 2008-10-07 19:49:20)
Etttoo..... I seriously got get the first episode....

.... my mind is still full of question marks...

I think I will watch the first season first.

Re: ef ~a tale of melodies~ now airing!
Link | by Raizo_O on 2008-10-08 00:00:44
ef always bit confusing at start but slowly all the question will be answered toward the end of the series

and yeah it's better if u watch the great ef - a tale of memories first xD

What do you think of Planetarium?
That beautiful twinkling of eternity that will never fade, no matter when.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.”
~Yumemi Hoshino~

Re: ef ~a tale of melodies~ now airing!
Link | by tomoyo! :3 on 2008-10-08 01:22:21 (edited 2008-10-08 09:45:49)
Thanks rai, I have seen a summary of the visual novel. Things would make more sense now. XD

With that said, ef is sure confusing... having two stories happening at the same time... x_x

Edito! I just watched finished season one. ;D

2 stories with 3 sets of couples. sounds confusing, is confusing, but at the end i managed to how whose whom and well, each story ended well. Hmm... Comparing with Air, I think Air would be nicer, since the tearjerking parts are crazily tearjerking... I cant bear to watch Air again... Or I'll cry... Anyways, just my thoughts, but the ending for chihiro would be much better if
my thoughts on season 1!

With that said, season 2! Prove yourself to be better than season 1! XD

Re: ef ~a tale of melodies~ now airing!
Link | by on 2008-10-08 18:20:51 (edited 2008-10-08 18:27:30)
@ Xiao-san
Well there are multiple stories going on cause it is basically Yuko & Yu in the church reminicing about people they met in the past & there relationships with each other & themselves.

Yes it kinda gets confusing cause alot of stuff i going on all at once but if you watch it multiple times or have played the visual novel it isn't that difficult to figure out.

The second season probabaly won't be as confusing cause there are only 2 stories instead of 3. Like i said the first half will probably focus on Mizuki (who is Renji's cousin) & Shuichi (violin player)...what may confuse people is the secrets behind Yuko & Yu. Also they may switch scenes from present to if you see a smaller version of a girl who looks like Mizuki with Yumiko than that's in the past.

In the first episode they sort of did that. Yuko wearing not her nun uniform but a traditional school outfit is the 'past' version of her. Also Yu is shown to be younger as well. Just try to remember that, when it happens during the series.

@ Raiz-san
Hahaha!! Don't worry you aren't the only one that can't read german, but i do recognize some phrases shown. I think the majority of the words/phrases are from famous german books, movies & or poems. In the music of the 2nd visual novel (latter tale) Shuichi is shown playing the german version of Silent Night, Holy Night (Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht) there will be some references to the culture of that country.

The first season when you took the first letter of the title of each episode it spelled out 'Euphoric Field', they will probably do it again for this season. I'm trying to guess what it is. So far we have 'E' & 'R'

Re: ef ~a tale of melodies~ now airing!
Link | by tomoyo! :3 on 2008-10-08 20:02:37

Lots of mysteries for this anime eh? I am liking it. XD

Re: ef ~a tale of melodies~ now airing!
Link | by sid on 2008-10-10 00:33:03
But the first series is not just three regular relationships mixed together so that it is complex; it was really one massive story with different parts interacting with each other for a solitary and unified message and purpose. The way the artwork and the plot displays this through a complex storyline is the reason why this is great. If you take it as a regular romance Anime then you are not giving it the justice that it deserves.

I hope the same with the second series, started that way anyways.

Re: ef ~a tale of melodies~ now airing!
Link | by on 2008-10-10 01:06:31
@ Xiao-san
Well the bulk of the mystery surrounds Yuko & who exactly is she, however you won't find out her true purpose until the very end of the series (that is what happens in the game anyway)...she looks just like a normal high school girl but something happens....T___T

@ Sid-san
That's a pretty good way to describe the first series, there was so much more happening than just the relationships that developed between characters. It's more than just your everyday romance has deeper meaning.

Like i said if the new season is anywhere near the grandness of the 2nd visual novel that it was adapted from (ef ~the latter tale~) than we have nothing to fear. So far the first episode is just a taste of things to come. The visuals concept of the anime series is has this Makoto Shinkai feel to it.

Re: ef ~a tale of melodies~ now airing!
Link | by Raizo_O on 2008-10-10 04:13:19
not just makoto shinkai, i actually like the music style from tenmon as well
most anime that involve makoto shinkai actually include tenmon as the composer

that's why i feel the BGM when yuuko following himura (around 7:11) share so many similarities with "kiss" from byousoku 5 cm

What do you think of Planetarium?
That beautiful twinkling of eternity that will never fade, no matter when.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.”
~Yumemi Hoshino~

Re: ef ~a tale of melodies~ now airing!
Link | by infiltrate on 2008-10-10 10:46:19
I just watched the first episode yesterday. I just love Naru Nano's character designs for the females. ^_^

Re: ef ~a tale of melodies~ now airing!
Link | by Matthew20026 on 2008-10-11 20:37:47
Its a shame no many decent subbers aren't subbing this :(. Stuck with Chiriho till menclave does it hopefully.
The opening was great, didn't mind the fan service all that much. Expecting great things for this season :D.

Re: ef ~a tale of melodies~ now airing!
Link | by fhfyeodb on 2008-10-13 21:35:22
Man, I love ef.
Visually, this season is just as good as the last one so that's a pretty good indication of how the series will turn out.
Plus, so far I think the story might be even more engaging than the last season so I'll definitely keep watching this.

+___+ So curious about Yuko though!

Re: ef ~a tale of melodies~ now airing!
Link | by on 2008-10-15 01:49:19
Saw the 2nd episode (Raw version) & i must say that Mizuki is just as delightful in the anime as she is in the visual novel! She is so energetic & bubbly in the anime it is just so adorable!!! It's her turn to sing the ending theme & it is not bad at all. There is some foreshadowing in the end animation so pay close attention to some of the images shown. Especially the very last frame.

Again there are a few clues & hints about Yuko & Yu's past & how it relates to everything. Keep these points in mind while you continue to watch the series cause it'll make sense in the end.

Just like CLANNAD the series is using the exact same music featured in the visual novel. There are some gut-wrenching music in the game...Tenmon at his best!

@ Raiz-san
Shinkai-san & Tenmon know each other very well since they both collaborate on the opening movies for all games by Minori, that is how they met in the first place.
As for the music you are referring is called 'Art & Art'. That is the name given in the visual novel which i checked to make sure. If you like piano & violin music you'll love the ost for the series. Most of the music that was on the OST for ef ~tale of memories~ are the exact same music in the game, so expect the same thing when the OST for melodies are released. It is nice since both visual novels never released soundtracks.

Re: ef ~a tale of melodies~ now airing!
Link | by LAinjuvanile_l on 2008-10-15 02:36:29


thats great i'm wauting for the season 2 ;)
has anyone.. watched it already?
is it good like the first one?

Re: ef ~a tale of melodies~ now airing!
Link | by Raizo_O on 2008-10-20 04:47:58 (edited 2008-10-21 17:30:30)
@juvanile : i would say so far a tale of melodies is better than the first season, they way they describe a scene is just pure beauty. The music contribute a lot in every conversation, and the art...well you know
is really top notch

i'll check out the ost soon


@izumo: it looks like the title for each episode will form ebullient future but in reverse order

What do you think of Planetarium?
That beautiful twinkling of eternity that will never fade, no matter when.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.”
~Yumemi Hoshino~

Re: ef ~a tale of melodies~ now airing!
Link | by on 2008-10-22 03:09:23
@ Raiz-san
That's a pretty good guess! There are 15 letters so a few of them will have to be together to fit the 12 episode timeframe of the series. If i remember in the first season the last episode had two titles 'love' & 'dream' to finish spelling Euphoric Field.

Anyways little by little the secrets of the characters are being introduced. I loved the end scene for episode 3 cause it happens almost exactly as it does on the game with Mizuki saving the violin. So far i'm loving this series cause it brings back some memories of playing the game which took me 2 1/2 months to complete!

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