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The Dark Knight film ROCKS!!
Link | by on 2008-07-18 19:00:33 (edited 2008-07-18 19:06:59)
I just came back after seeing this film & i have to say all (I MEAN ALL) the hype surrounding this movie delivers! It is by far the absolute BEST film i've ever seen this year (Yes even surpassing Iron Man) or ever for that matter.

I'm not gonna spoil any of the stunning, emotional, awesome scenes that this movie has & believe me there are plenty of them packed into over 2 1/2 hours but it flies by so quickly that you wished it never ends.

There are many memorable moments in this film many involving Heath Ledger's Joker which i will get into later. Christopher Nolan who directed the movie uped the anti from Batman Begins to deliver quite possibly the best superhero movie ever made. This makes Spiderman look mediocre & i enjoyed the majority of that film...well maybe except the 3rd one. The story of Batman's unappreciated attempts to clean up Gotham takes a toll on him & his alter ego Bruce Wayne (played with much diligence by Christian Bale),he tries to find salvation in Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart is brillant) who without a mask clean up the city. His Harvey Dent is a genuine good guy but due to a tramtic event that good side is eventually engulfed in rage & vengence. Enter Two-Face!!! It is pretty creepy his other side...those pics that surfaced earlier in the year about how he will look like are similar but when you see for the first time it was like "Whoa!!!". Maggie Gyllenhal is way better than Mrs. Tom Cruise...a memorable moment involves her. Every actor brings their 'A' game from Michael Caine (Alfred) to Gordon (Gary Oldman) they all deliver in every possible way full of emotion & brilliance!

Every charcacter in the movie has their own battles to overcome....they all are tormented one way or the other & seeing them face them is what makes this film so DAMN GOOD!!! Speaking of good....

Which brings me to Heath Ledger....forget about Jack Nicholson....Ledger's potrayal as the Joker is far edgier, RAW, & brutal than Jack's. When the Joker makes his appearance you can't help but pay attention to what he says & does...from cool one-liners, to his facial expressions that could tell you a story. Ledger put everything he had into this role & he is the STAR of the movie by far. He captivates you in every possible way...all that Oscar talk is justified. I can go on all 'knight' but go see the movie you'll know what i mean!

There is a powerful message that is the heart of the film....i won't go into it cause it is very deep & meaningful. It is all about why we are human...i'll end it at that.

So in conclusion EVERYONE has to see this film!!!! The Dark Knight is worth every minute & i hope to god that when the awards are handed out this movie will get the justice it deserves. Despite being a comic book movie it is very real & hits hard.

PS: the Batpod is so so SO VERY COOL! You won't imagine where it came from.....

Re: The Dark Knight film ROCKS!!
Link | by master on 2008-07-18 19:16:16
tell me about it
this film is one of the best in its class
yep it delivers
i heard his ganna do a trilogy even a quadrrple film set
but i don't know
but the film was awesome!!! =D

Re: The Dark Knight film ROCKS!!
Link | by on 2008-07-18 19:30:02
I know that Christopher Nolan has signed on to do 3 far 2 down. The 3rd film may not be as good as this one cause the bar is set so high that it will be difficult to top this one. The villians that are left aren't as dark as the ones shown so far. The Riddler, Catwoman, Penguin seem campy compared to Joker, Two-face & Scarecrow.

What made Nolan's Batman films so good is the dark approach to them....making the films lighter will not be the same, so i have no idea how Nolan will handle the 3rd film.

They can't do another Joker!!! That's for sure!! No one I mean NO ONE will be able to do the character justice like what Heath Ledger did! I swear his performance was so the 'magic trick' with the pencil scenes!! The whole theatre cracked up when he did that!

So yeah....gonna see it again very soon!!!

Re: The Dark Knight film ROCKS!!
Link | by master on 2008-07-18 21:43:32
cool thanks for the info
i went by myself to see it
but i m going again with my gf cuz she wants to see the what the hype is about
boy is shee goning to be shocked...

Re: The Dark Knight film ROCKS!!
Link | by dood. on 2008-07-19 03:17:05
aaah now im REALLY looking forward to it!
plus... i wanna see the part that killed Heath Ledger. You know what they say, right? Either he was a method actor (basically, someone who acts their part in a film or play even when they're NOT being filmed or on stage, like even when alone at home), or he was REALLY disturbed by the part, because it caused him to lose sleep, and that's why he took all those sleeping pills...
it could be a rumor and totally wrong, but it worked for ME!

Re: The Dark Knight film ROCKS!!
Link | by on 2008-07-19 10:02:08
Ack! I didn't know the well-know (for being the most villian like villain) actor who acted as Joker died... and I'm watching the film later today!! OMG! My friend who watched the sypnosis said by watching that she don't even dare to watch the film itself... saying that the Joker is "too scary".

Heard that he was suffering depression, and out of mistake he had an overdose which caused his death. Personally, I don't really trust news articles, especially those on the rich and/or famous. These days, alot of stories have been twisted to portray the image that want people to have. Lets just say I'm those who sit on the fence kind when listening to stuff like these.

Re: The Dark Knight film ROCKS!!
Link | by on 2008-07-22 13:23:18 (edited 2008-07-22 13:26:50)

"Heard that he was suffering depression, and out of mistake he had an overdose which caused his death. Personally, I don't really trust news articles, especially those on the rich and/or famous. These days, alot of stories have been twisted to portray the image that want people to have. Lets just say I'm those who sit on the fence kind when listening to stuff like these."

Actually, from what I've read, The Joker's character put Heath through a lot of stress. He actually went into seclusion for a month to nail characteristics of the role, but when the time came to come out if it, he had disturbing nightmares from the role, which was why he was taking sleeping pills. But then he overdosed one day. D; So I guess it is a slight depression. ;3; Which I can see happening too. Ledger did an awesome job though.

*Edit*~ Basically what dood said. :D

Honestly, I think Ledger really tried hard to match the character of Alex from the Clockwork Orange. Many say Heath Ledger was greatly influenced by that character and the book. While I was watching the movie, Heath's Joker really reminded me of A Clockwork Orange. ;x Or maybe it's just me. But yeah, his role was really disturbing.

Re: The Dark Knight film ROCKS!!
Link | by on 2008-07-22 18:34:45
Yeah... I've watch the film last sunday. He's a really disturbed Joker... nothing like the other "happy" jokers I've seen by far. But he really did a really great job just like Key said. I particularly found the scene of him being hung upside down swaying around while waiting for the 2 boats to explode amazing... think most of us won't be able to talk, less say act like Joker, when we are hung like that.

Is sad that his a talent (at adoping roles) had lead him to the end of his life.

Re: The Dark Knight film ROCKS!!
Link | by on 2008-07-22 19:25:35
As what i read or heard about this role wasn't the only factor for his state of mind. During that time he was also going through a difficult divorce with his wife. Even though it was a mutual seperation i believe it was still pretty hard for him to deal with.

It also didn't help that ever since he was chosen to be the Joker he had to hear all about having to live up to expectations of Jack Nicholson's portrayal...Jack this Jack that...imagine having to hear that every day, must be hard. After seeing this movie & reading about all the accolades that Heath Ledger is getting for his role he exceeded all expectations of Jack's me he set a new standard for villians.

Not since Hannibal Lecter has a character been so disturbing, so manical, so intelectual yet you understand where he stood. And with all that Oscar talk, remember Anthony Hopkins won it for this role.

I found the end of the movie really teling. Even in the end the 'good guys' were the victors, it didn't feel that they actually won. No one won in the end.

@ Key-san
Yeah that character from Clockwork was one of the inspirations in this version of the Joker. Another is a 1920's silent film called 'The man who Laughs' fact the character in this film was one of the guidlines used to create the Joker.

With a record 158 million dollars after it's first weekend we can all safely say that everything Heath Ledger went through was worth it! His role made the movie what it is.

Re: The Dark Knight film ROCKS!!
Link | by wind-spear5 on 2008-07-25 08:08:38
Looks like everybody's spoken some of the thoughts I had, and leaves me to say one thing. I'm not fond of Michael Caine as Alfred, and the guy that had the role as Watari in the Death Note movies seems more like Alfred than Michael Caine.

Re: The Dark Knight film ROCKS!!
Link | by on 2008-07-26 07:49:25
I like Michael Caine as Alfred because I feel like he's the same in real life too. Alfred is a caring, funny guy, and I thought Caine did a good job acting the part.

But the best Alfred was in the worst Batman Movie. :o The movie with Poison Ivy, Heather Graham, Chris O' Donell and George Clooney. ;x

But I'd have to disagree, I think Michael Caine did a good job as Alfred, considering Alfred isn't supposed to be ancient as yet. x3

Re: The Dark Knight film ROCKS!!
Link | by fhfyeodb on 2008-08-01 02:27:14
I saw this recently and even from that one statement, that's saying a lot because I almost never go to movie theaters.
Heath Ledger's performance was really astonishing. He nailed that part and he made the movie.
I've read a lot of stuff saying how he deserves an Oscar for the role of the Joker.
Since I haven't seen a lot of movies this year, I wouldn't know who he'd be up against.
But still. I get the feeling they'd give it to him as an act of honor since he isn't alive anymore. ._.

Re: The Dark Knight film ROCKS!!
Link | by on 2008-08-01 05:59:49
@Jow~ Lol, Dark Knight is definitely the best this year. ;x
I go to the movies a lot and haven't seen anything that could
truly compete against it. I really hope he does get an Oscar~ ;3;

Re: The Dark Knight film ROCKS!!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-08-01 06:47:45
well Izumo, I have to agree in every word you write there =D

This is an excelent movie. It has to be in the top 10 of my favorites movies ever ^^
about the Joker od Jack and the one of Ledger, well, is jsut a diferent one.
This Joker is more crazy, more focused in the mand who is not mantally good XD

And is really interesting when at the end you know that the Joker "won". O_O
well, the ones who watched the movie know what i meant with that. ^^

Defetely, I want to watch it again =P

Re: The Dark Knight film ROCKS!!
Link | by on 2008-08-01 09:38:49

Lol, Jack Nicholson's Joker was really amazing too though. He was funny
in his Nicholson way, and everyone really expected that. :3


Agreed, Ledger brought out a new and improved and waaaay more realistic joker.
I don't really think if the joker were real, that he'd run around with
his make-up being perfect. Lol. But that's just me. :X

Re: The Dark Knight film ROCKS!!
Link | by on 2008-08-01 09:41:37
I agree with you key.

Lets just hope we'll get to see this flim wins what it so deserves~

Re: The Dark Knight film ROCKS!!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-08-01 09:44:29
I think they should give a postum Oscar to Ledger.
For me his acting was so amazing, realy good
is a shame he died u.u

I'd have been great to see another batman movie with that joker

Re: The Dark Knight film ROCKS!!
Link | by on 2008-08-01 17:04:48 (edited 2008-08-01 17:16:28)
Everyone has to see this film in IMAX! You haven't really experience the movie until you see it in this format. The imax version looks spectacular & the scenes that Christopher Nolan filmed using the imax camera are nothing short of have to see it for yourselves.

The film is breaking box-office records left & right, biggest OP week, biggest midnight showing, biggest imax showing, fastest to 300 million. Some people say it has a chance to become the highest grossing film of all-time topping Titanic's 600 million (North American box office). And with the eventual DVD/B-ray releases it may well become the highest grossing film EVER!

As for the comparison between Heath & Jack. I agree with DN-san they are both different but great in their own rights. Jack's version more resembled Bob Caines original Joker from the comics while Heath was more Frank Miller's vision of the Joker. The original joker was more comical & campy while Frank Miller's version was darker more edgier. Both versions have a plce in history & it was nice to see both versions come alive on the big screen.

I reall hope Heath at least gets recognized for his role in this film cause he truly deserves it. With the movie breaking records this movie can't be overlooked when awards are handed out.

I just wanna ask those who have seen it what is your fave scene in the movie. I have 2 that are classic!

1 - Pencil magic trick!
2 - Joker + nurse outfit + hospital + explosion = WIN!!

Re: The Dark Knight film ROCKS!!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-08-02 08:03:41
well Izumo, is really ahrd for me to say my favorite scene, but the ones you anmed are really great.
hahaha, the pencil was so great, everybody in the teather made some noise (either a laugh, or a wow,
or a ugh) when it happens, I want to watch it agaion and the decide.

BTW, what is IMAX??
gomen for my ignorance u.u

Re: The Dark Knight film ROCKS!!
Link | by on 2008-08-02 08:11:49
the dark really great really..
lots of batman movie ive seen..
tis one is good..

IMAX=as wat i noe it is like a cinema wit a big screen right..
n if u see in will look more real..
is it??juz my opinion..i din see in imax

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