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Renma & Toyumi Signature Tuts |UPDATED 31/07/2012|
Link | by Renma on 2008-05-31 00:35:03 (edited 2012-07-31 06:30:28)
Renma and Toyumi Signature Tutorials

Click the sig to view the tut!

Difficulty Level: Beginner
Time: 1.5 Hours (For everything)
Difficulty: Beginner to Intermediate
Time: Varies
Level : Lower Intermediate
Time: 1 Hour
Level : Intermediate (Need knowledge of C4D)
Time: 1.5 Hours
This tut is by
Level: Beginner (with basic knowledge of Photoshop and C4D)
Time: 1 hour (for everything)
This tut is also by
Level: Beginner to Intermediate (with basic knowlege of Photoshop and C4d)
Time: 1.5 hours (for everything)
Another tut by
Level: Intermediate to Hard (Must have knowledge of clipping masks and basic knowledge of Photoshop).
Time: 1.5 - 2 Hours.
Another tut by

Any questions or comment? Just post it here. Or if you're shy, just PM me (or if it's about her tut).

Re: Renma & Toyumi Signature Tuts |UPDATED 31/07/2012|
Link | by hikarinohikky on 2008-05-31 00:35:59 (edited 2009-04-30 11:43:09)
It's like reading a doujinshi.

"DO NOT RIP, or Kohaku will PWN you!" SWOOOOSH!

This will be handy for me. Thanks yo.

Re: Renma & Toyumi Signature Tuts |UPDATED 31/07/2012|
Link | by empoleon on 2008-05-31 01:26:23
actually..... I want Sakuya there instead : P

jk xP
kohaku is fine too......

superb nice tutorial ren xD

*wait for the next tutorial*
hope you will make lighting effect tutorial xD

<-- curious with renma's lighting skills >.<

Re: Renma & Toyumi Signature Tuts |UPDATED 31/07/2012|
Link | by on 2008-05-31 04:26:34
Ahhh about time this tutorial needs to be come out!

This will help me alot in siggy making (or avy making) in PS7!

Anyway, thanks Ren appriciated it very much.

*Requests this one be stickied*

Re: Renma & Toyumi Signature Tuts |UPDATED 31/07/2012|
Link | by Renma on 2008-05-31 05:21:13
Ah XDD I Have started worrying, What if no one's seeing my tuts XDD Thanks for Dropping by ^^

@Hikky =/ Somehow you sounded like an old friend of mine.. Anyway!! Your welcome ^^ Glad you like it!!

@Empo Eh? Curious with my Lighting skill? Hmmm.. I Might Create a Mini Tutorial For that.. Not to create lighting though, But to show what are the basics of Lightings XDD Since I Don't have any Fixed Method to give Lightings. btw, Kohaku Is cuter than Sakuya XDD That's why I picked her ROFL XDD Kaay! Hope you tune in next time ^^

@ES Hmmm.. Avymaking? I Wouldn't Reccomend that one.. Since if the picture is Too Bright, it'll ruin the face, by making it much more Contrasted and Will make the image Lost its face ^^ Except if you're using Layer Adjustment..

Go to Layer>Layer Adjustment>Brightness and Contrast

In that option, You can alter the ammount of brightness so it won't be too dark yet too bright ^^ In case you're wondering This one is made by that technique.

As you can see it's quite lovely, But the face is not that bright because I use the adjustment layer XP (*sigh* But it's still bright.. Yeah I know.. My Eyes are wrong maybe, Dunno? XD) But in another case, I use quite a similar technique to an avy before this, and it turned out pretty Horrible if I may say.

See? XDD The face is almost unrecognizable because it's too bright.. So It's back to the render itself, as different render means different Brightness..

So yeah XDD Sorry for the lengthy Explanation. Conclusion: Be very careful when using this method, Especially to those images with High Brightness Level.

Re: Renma & Toyumi Signature Tuts |UPDATED 31/07/2012|
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2008-05-31 05:23:20
Your tutorial is Ameazing!
I wanna a tutorial to that sigs that you made for other people just time ago...
hmmm what you say?


 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: Renma & Toyumi Signature Tuts |UPDATED 31/07/2012|
Link | by on 2008-05-31 05:47:14
wow nice tutorials you have here xP keep it up!!

You can visit me there!!

Re: Renma & Toyumi Signature Tuts |UPDATED 31/07/2012|
Link | by on 2008-05-31 05:58:20
wow... thanks for the tutorial Ren ^_^
I learned something new.... I'll try to experiment later on. I'm expecting to see more soon. XD

Re: Renma & Toyumi Signature Tuts |UPDATED 31/07/2012|
Link | by on 2008-05-31 06:02:02
Renma ur tutorial was amazing and you were hilarious! /rofl Kohaku!
but anyway thank u very much! and looking forward for more ^-^
goodluck and


Re: Renma & Toyumi Signature Tuts |UPDATED 31/07/2012|
Link | by on 2008-05-31 07:00:02
Ren !! Ahahah.. thanks for sharing to us.. surely I will try this..can't wait to see more nee~..and please dont get bored if I ask so many questions ! (^-^)

Re: Renma & Toyumi Signature Tuts |UPDATED 31/07/2012|
Link | by Dark on 2008-05-31 07:02:20
I enjoy doing stuff like that but I just use the colors

Re: Renma & Toyumi Signature Tuts |UPDATED 31/07/2012|
Link | by dt-chan on 2008-05-31 07:52:37
hehe.. nice one ren.. its one of the i don usually practically use..
and nice tutorial presentation.. maybe i can make one too if im not too lazy..

Re: Renma & Toyumi Signature Tuts |UPDATED 31/07/2012|
Link | by on 2008-05-31 08:42:41
gyaaa rennnnn~~ awesome dude XD
nice tutorial :P
i love the way u make it XD

Re: Renma & Toyumi Signature Tuts |UPDATED 31/07/2012|
Link | by Renma on 2008-05-31 20:50:28
Hahaha XDD Thanks people ^^ Comments really are appreciated, Criticism Deserve a /hail from me XDD No Seriously, I Really need Critics.

@Dfly Eh? XDD That one? lol I haven't got the concept yet XDD If I Mastered it already Maybe I'll post the tuts here

@Ich Thaaaank you ^^ Hope you enjoyed that!

@Jaydel Glad you like it ^^ I just want to share Some of my limited knowledge on Signature making to Gendounians ^^

@Vie XDD Glad you enjoyed that one lol

@Kyo Your welcome ^^ You can ask me whenever ^^ You know where to get me, right? ^^

@Darky Ah.. Well.. In making this one I Studied about the colours first *sigh* It's so painful Trying to memorize which colour is cool, warm, The Composite colours.. *sigh* But that one really pay me well XDD I kinda understand the Concept of colour and can use it on Gradient maps.

@DT Your welcome ^^ if you have one, Post it here! I'll turn the Thread title to something like "Signature tutorial Thread" Or something like that

@Kid XDD Well, To be frank,, That 5 hours of making this really pay me well ^^ I Really enjoy seeing people Viewing my Tutorial

Again! Thanks Everyone for Viewing!

Up next :

-Mini Tuts on Lighting Effect

-March AMA Entry

Maybe I'll make the Mini tuts next week, If I'm not that busy that is ^^;; then after that prepare yourself for another Lengthy tutorial XD

Re: Renma & Toyumi Signature Tuts |UPDATED 31/07/2012|
Link | by on 2008-05-31 21:04:01
Oooh~ Me likey~ =D And a pretty siggy too.
I've never used gradients before D'= because the first time I tried it gradiented the whole thing and filled the image with white -> black... -_-; *stupi~d*
Ahh, "Colour Bomb" XD; I loved that =3

Roxas is Mine =D
Claim! your own

Re: Renma & Toyumi Signature Tuts |UPDATED 31/07/2012|
Link | by on 2008-06-01 00:55:29
ok ren~ u request, i tried to make some from ur tuts...
but its not as good as urs... :P

the original pic :

the results :

Re: Renma & Toyumi Signature Tuts |UPDATED 31/07/2012|
Link | by on 2008-06-01 08:15:26
=D I made one too~
I know I said it'd take a while -_-
but I didn't want to do research today and so played around instead XD

Original image (resized):


The other two were even worse D'=
And it was such a pretty picture XD

Roxas is Mine =D
Claim! your own

Re: Renma & Toyumi Signature Tuts |UPDATED 31/07/2012|
Link | by aolas on 2008-06-01 21:40:43
@ren:whoa a tutorial thread?! nice job buddy^^

aaa i wish i can make tut too but i dont have my own tech in making sig.
usually i combine other peoples tech, i hope you dont mad if i used & comine your tech from that tut with others^^

@kid & hikari:nice one^^

visit for your usual dose of seiyuu pics

Re: Renma & Toyumi Signature Tuts |UPDATED 31/07/2012|
Link | by Renma on 2008-06-02 17:11:33 (edited 2008-06-02 21:04:18)
@Tsume Your welcome ^^ Oh, You did a pretty good job there! Your Outcome just need the Gradient map ^^ Maybe B/W Gradient? But lower the opacity for a bit XDD Then Blue-Orange Gradient and some Photo Filters ^^

@Kid Pretty good job there ^^ I'm quite amazed.. I'm flattered btw, Since you included my name there XD

@Aolas Sure ^^ I Don't mind getting my technique Mixed up, It's okay I Guess.. As long as you don't misuse that one, that is ^^


@Kei Dif Eq. WTF?? D: Duuude!! Anyway, Glad you like it ^^ Looking forward for the outcome! post it here!

Re: Renma & Toyumi Signature Tuts |UPDATED 31/07/2012|
Link | by on 2008-06-02 19:41:53
Wow Renma hahaha, nice tutorial you made there!... keep up the good work, if you made an easy tutorial like that for Dif. Eq. they will be piece of cake too!! hahaha. Just kidding pal!.

I'll surely try a new siggy with this tutorial!!! woohoooo!!

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

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