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Most favorite boss fight in FF 1-12?
Link | by taichokerorogunso on 2008-05-01 10:19:29
say what boss and which one hes from cause it could be cid from FFTA or FF12 and we might be confused.
O and you can include other games if ff bosses are in it.
mines is hmm

the cloud fight from Kingdom hearts 1. i wanted to beat him up for being weak and letting aerith die. but he was really cool too he had the whole one winged angel thing going on and looked badass with that bandaged up buster sword.

Re: Most favorite boss fight in FF 1-12?
Link | by TenSpot on 2008-05-05 09:37:45
This is a tough one. I liked the fighgt against Sephiroth from FF7 just for One Winged Angel (Love that song). But then again the fight against Kefka in FF6 was another good one, although a bit easy, especially with the Quick, Ultima, Economizer combo.

Re: Most favorite boss fight in FF 1-12?
Link | by Dark on 2008-05-05 09:46:52
my favorite is ff10's omega weapon... well I loved killing it over and over (no over 9999's back then)

FFTA has a lot of good ones can't remember (actually, i never played the "advanced" version, only the ps1 kind)

Re: Most favorite boss fight in FF 1-12?
Link | by ゆめ² on 2008-05-05 09:47:14
I'll go with Ozma from FF9.
You could make fighting him easier, but it takes away the challenge. I took him on at his high. Took twenty tries or so to beat.

Re: Most favorite boss fight in FF 1-12?
Link | by Toreishi Sutoriito on 2008-05-05 10:04:12 (edited 2008-05-05 10:04:32)
In FF12, my fav boss fight is fighting the espers and marks. my fav esper to fight is.....i forgot its name srry^^. and my fav mark I fought and defeated is gilgamish. he was the hardest and toughest mark to defeat. but I had fun at the same time, this is a good game.

Re: Most favorite boss fight in FF 1-12?
Link | by on 2008-05-05 15:22:20
Favorite is of course Zeromus! Just cause the music was so epic & exciting when you fight him/it. Not the most difficult boss in the FF universe but cool nonetheless.

Another is the fight with Sephiroth in Crisis Core, he still uses his 'cheap' heartless angel move that sucks all your hp/mp down to single digits. Most FF boss fights are great to play in...the only one i thought that was boring was the fight with Necron from FF9.

Re: Most favorite boss fight in FF 1-12?
Link | by TenSpot on 2008-05-08 08:25:18
@Toreishi Sutoriito: I almost completely forgot about Gilgamesh. the only reason that I liked that fight is when he used the cutscenes to swictch weapons, the first time he does it I almost died laughing because he pulled out Cloud's buster sword. Complete with materia slots.

Re: Most favorite boss fight in FF 1-12?
Link | by Formerly known as Lucymaniac. I still luv you, Lucy! on 2008-05-08 09:42:18
My all-time favorite would have to be the fight against Ultimecia and Griever from ff8. It was the first FF I beat and I didn't know about the numerous stages that a final boss can have. To this day, I haven't felt that feeling of wanting to put my foot thru the tv because I thought I was done beating the final boss since FF8, lol. A close second would be Sephiroth at full power from FF7. (Beat Jenova w/ KOTR+everyone lv. 99=One badass Final boss) He becomes quicker, stronger and defintely harder to beat.


Re: Most favorite boss fight in FF 1-12?
Link | by rob on 2008-05-10 00:52:25 (edited 2008-05-10 00:55:17)
Ozma from FFIX (Thievery + Dragon Crest + Frog Drop + Shock = rape?) or Zeromus from FFIV (spam Asura). I have to admit though, fighting Vain (?) from FFXII and watching him use Giga Flare Sword is pretty ownage. Wish I could do that.

Re: Most favorite boss fight in FF 1-12?
Link | by piratesof44 on 2008-06-12 20:00:09
Yiazmat!!(FF XII) took 3 1/2 hour to beat him!! I enjoyed it much since Gilgamesh isn't much of a fight also

Re: Most favorite boss fight in FF 1-12?
Link | by kana95 on 2008-06-15 08:06:25
i like the jenova fight from ff7 and the first boss fight from ff9&ff10

Re: Most favorite boss fight in FF 1-12?
Link | by zaziu on 2008-06-15 09:44:09
any fight against seymour in FFX and trance kuja in FFIX ^-^


Re: Most favorite boss fight in FF 1-12?
Link | by on 2008-06-21 01:33:09
kefka from FF VI... I enjoyed beating every digit of Hp from that no good cheatin verin.... it's like relleseing all that hatred you have of him from the start of the game

Re: Most favorite boss fight in FF 1-12?
Link | by Iceburg on 2008-06-29 08:43:49
Yunalesca, Shuyin, Vanye, Omega Weapon, and Gilgameah (sorry I can't spell his name.)

Re: Most favorite boss fight in FF 1-12?
Link | by ~eL~ on 2008-07-07 16:57:56
JENOVA and Sephiroth (2nd Form) in FF VII.. I really love the battle musics.. especially J.E.N.O.V.A..

The other one... um... Ghost Train in FF VI.. the easiest boss battle ever.. XP


Re: Most favorite boss fight in FF 1-12?
Link | by triplec on 2008-07-07 18:53:54
My favorite(and most annoying) boss Has to be Angra Mainyu from FFX-2..... Followed by Trance Kuja from IX ^.^

Re: Most favorite boss fight in FF 1-12?
Link | by Hime-san on 2008-07-07 18:57:40
I wonder...Does te movie count? Or no...

Re: Most favorite boss fight in FF 1-12?
Link | by mdcfla7 on 2008-07-07 19:04:41
I liked fighting Garland from FF1 just because of the bad translation of his line. "I Garland, will knock you all down!" it just makes me laugh every time I read it.

Re: Most favorite boss fight in FF 1-12?
Link | by kelreifblue on 2008-07-07 19:11:05
Ultima Weapon in FF8 @_@
1-shot, 2-down, @_@ and sometimes 3 down >_<
but it was easy w/ ..Lionheart XD (just be quick)

Re: Most favorite boss fight in FF 1-12?
Link | by taichokerorogunso on 2008-07-08 00:07:55
movies count too if theres a boss fight in it.
in FF spirits within i loved that scene the boss was the hive and they used the ZEUS CANNON to fire upon it but sadly it made it grow faster still satellite guns are really cool.

in FF7AC i think i liked the sephiroth fight it was like oooh im so much higher level than you now than the last time i fought you cloud lvl 999 vs sephy lvl 99 used a omni ultra slash limit break.

in the future i hope they make a FF8, X or 12 movie? in FF the bad guys would never die if they carried around a bag full of phoenix downs...

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