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Does anybody else get all teary
Link | by on 2008-04-26 16:42:56
When an anime comes to an end?

I know I sure do! It doesn't even have to be a sad ending... I'm such a loser like that. I just finished Ghost in the Shell 2nd Gig and it was like :o ;o :O! XO!! And eventually ;_; Why do they always leave us wanting more :/

Re: Does anybody else get all teary
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-04-26 16:44:32
This happens to me mostly after every anime I enjoy watching, which is nearly 95% of 'em?
I don't continue anime I don't like, obviously.

But for cute, romantic, drama etc. type ending anime, I get pretty upset.
It depends on how I grow into the anime, and how much it grows into me.


Re: Does anybody else get all teary
Link | by gant on 2008-04-27 04:29:13
@DA: Hear, hear!


Re: Does anybody else get all teary
Link | by Advi on 2008-04-28 17:38:13
I don't get cry watching the end of most animes but I did come to tears watching some that had sad endings like the end of AIR. It was sooo sad!!!! Or that part in Trinity Blood where Esther was crying at Abel's coffin. That was sad. Fruits Baskets had me teary eyed at some parts, especially when Tohru went back to stay with her grandfather. Her cousins were so cruel to her.

Abel Nightroad is claimed as Advi's anime husband!!!! Motto in life - There is always hope in darkness.

Re: Does anybody else get all teary
Link | by koyatogashi on 2008-04-28 22:37:19
I don't normally cry when anime ends,unless the ending was very sad.
So far I only cried once when watching Naruto,the part when Haku died and that was quite long ago...

Re: Does anybody else get all teary
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-04-28 22:40:09
hahaha this happens to me every time i watch a very interesting anime

its like saying goodbye to close friends...

after being part of their'd want to see it to the end

Re: Does anybody else get all teary
Link | by on 2008-04-29 10:00:21
I get emotional at very very depressing animes.

I nearly cried my heart out at the ends of Wolfs Rain and Air TV. ;w;~

Re: Does anybody else get all teary
Link | by Renma on 2008-04-30 05:29:35
/highfive Ichigo TT.TT Daaaang.. Wolf's Rain is a Great one...

Yeah.. Same here.. I Got Pretty teary =/

Re: Does anybody else get all teary
Link | by sai on 2008-04-30 10:29:29
Kamen no Maid Guy... I laughed so much tears come out T_T

Re: Does anybody else get all teary
Link | by on 2008-04-30 10:31:57
The last few episodes of Wolf's Rain had me bawling =/

>< I found it pretty unexpected >_> I dunno why, guess I didn't want to admit to the possibility?

Re: Does anybody else get all teary
Link | by on 2008-05-01 02:43:39
Absolutely!! there is no shame in crying or at least be choked up after seeing as series/movie that is strong on emotional content.

Take my examples where i seriously got choked up after a series...

Kannazuki no Miko
- the end where Chikane & Himeko are seperated but meet again!

CLANNAD (visual novel)
- the after story anime will show it but if it is anything close to the game than you'll be the same as me. the ending is so beautiful it hurts.

Sailormoon Sailor Stars
- when Sailormoon found out that Tuxedo Kamen had his star crystal removed by Galaxia...that music played during that scene was...T__T!!!

On a side note i know a friend who has a friend that when we went to see Titanic when it came out in theatres he cried like a baby. It may not seem that strange but the guy was 6'8 & weighed 240 pounds...the dude was a monster! Yet he was an emotional wreck at the end of the movie...imagine that XD

Re: Does anybody else get all teary
Link | by on 2008-05-01 03:02:55
wew, i got some too

from sad ending like elfen lied
from good anime like eureka 7, .hack GU trilogy,

well many more

that i have forgotten ^^

@izumo :O that i got to see XDDDD but, yeah i can imagine that and it gave me ROFL ^^

Re: Does anybody else get all teary
Link | by Gambler on 2008-05-01 13:23:52
Some anime titles or certain episodes may bring tears to my eyes. Generally speaking, the end of a particular series, especially a long one, may make me feel nostalgic since the various characters have "accompanied" me for months. One good example would be Kimikiss.

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Re: Does anybody else get all teary
Link | by on 2008-05-02 17:23:13
It depends how it ends. ones like eureka seven definitely are a tearjerker but there's others that I'm just like 'oh that was a good one' or 'holy crap that sucked >.<'

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Re: Does anybody else get all teary
Link | by ladypeach on 2008-05-10 19:26:06
well i only cry when my fav char dies or its about to end

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