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Da Capo II S.S. [08][04][05] [FINISHED!!]
Link | by on 2008-04-05 05:59:18 (edited 2008-06-30 22:30:53)
Da Capo II Second Season: [ANN source]

Alternative title:
D.C.II S.S. ~ダ・カーポII セカンドシーズン~ (Japanese)
Genres: drama, romance
Number of episodes: 13
Episode titles: We have 13
Vintage: 2008-04-05 to 2008-06-28
Releases: We have 5
Opening Theme:
"Sakura Amaneku Sekai (サクラアマネクセカイ)" by yozuca*
Ending Theme:
"Bokutachi no Yukue (僕たちの行方)" by CooRie
The first season of DC II focuses alot with 1 character amakase. A humanoid which is capable of interacting with people, with emotions but with a tragic past regarding with humans.

Da Capo II SS focuses now with the sisters Asakura Yume & Otome, the sakura tree and the secret bout Yoshiyuki Sakurai. So what's your expectation bout this one? feel free to shout it here!


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Re: Da Capo II S.S. [08][04][05] [FINISHED!!]
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-04-05 13:01:45
Woah, it starts... today... or next month?

Ugh, I hate when people change the look on the forums, haha. D:
Jesus, another short series, but I LOVE D.C.!!!!!! ♥♥♥


Re: Da Capo II S.S. [08][04][05] [FINISHED!!]
Link | by on 2008-04-05 22:53:49
-nyahaha xP
actually its already airing, the release date was
April 05, 2008 and yeah I also love D.C.!!

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Re: Da Capo II S.S. [08][04][05] [FINISHED!!]
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-04-05 23:31:23
Hmm, then I guess I gotta wait to see what sub groups take this title up.


Re: Da Capo II S.S. [08][04][05] [FINISHED!!]
Link | by on 2008-04-06 11:22:56
Nya >_< The second season of the second season has started~ :D I haven't even seen the previous seasons, but I think I might pick it up from here. xP Been wanting to see it for awhile.

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Re: Da Capo II S.S. [08][04][05] [FINISHED!!]
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-04-06 14:43:02

Which seasons haven't you seen yet?


Re: Da Capo II S.S. [08][04][05] [FINISHED!!]
Link | by on 2008-04-07 04:03:53
waaa!! the first episode is really cute!! especially Otome-chan xP

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Re: Da Capo II S.S. [08][04][05] [FINISHED!!]
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-04-07 12:54:12
Hmm, are there subs out yet?


Re: Da Capo II S.S. [08][04][05] [FINISHED!!]
Link | by on 2008-04-07 16:12:28
-im not sure but I think subs are already out now xP
>>going to check it now in veoh xP but mostly w00f subbed most of the anime's<<

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Re: Da Capo II S.S. [08][04][05] [FINISHED!!]
Link | by on 2008-04-07 21:07:33
@ DA:
All of them. ._. I saw the first episode of Da Capo, and that's it. XD Never gotten around to watching the's not like I hate it, it just kinda...dropped. ^^'

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Re: Da Capo II S.S. [08][04][05] [FINISHED!!]
Link | by on 2008-04-08 05:21:07
-well maybe its not just your taste xP
>>dont worry bout it, time will come and eventually your going to watch this for sure<<

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Re: Da Capo II S.S. [08][04][05] [FINISHED!!]
Link | by on 2008-04-09 17:24:29
Funky setup Ich-san!

I downloaded the RAW version but have yet to see it yet. Judging by what i've heard about the story of this version is that it will be more closely resemble the game. Since the sisters will be more of a focal part than they did in the previous series.

Looking forward to see how this version will go....and is it me or does Yozuca always write catchy songs. Her songs for the game & anime really sound alike which is a good thing.

Re: Da Capo II S.S. [08][04][05] [FINISHED!!]
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-04-09 18:40:11
I loved D.C.S.S. Probably my favorite so far out of the three.
I hope this fourth version satisfies me a bit more then D.C.II, which I still loved, no doubt.

The OP/ED songs are pretty good for the entire franchise of D.C.
Yozuca's songs are really catchy and the style for the anime fits perfectly.

I haven't found a ddL for the series yet.
Should be up in a few days - a week, maybe.
No worries, I have other series I'm getting into already, so it's a good spread out for time. :3


Re: Da Capo II S.S. [08][04][05] [FINISHED!!]
Link | by on 2008-04-10 05:45:12
-why not try this one
Click me
>>register first xP<<

I didnt like the first season of Da Capo II but hope this
one will move smoothly xP and yeah like danchou said, so
far Da Capo S.S. is still the best so far...

-thanks xP!!

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Re: Da Capo II S.S. [08][04][05] [FINISHED!!]
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-04-10 13:52:23
Is this for ddL or for D.C.II.S.S.?
Cause D.C.II.S.S. is not in their archive, and I'm good with ddL sources, I've got plenty.


Re: Da Capo II S.S. [08][04][05] [FINISHED!!]
Link | by on 2008-04-10 15:36:43
-they only have the season 1 =,= thought they already
started the season 2 since most of the new anime's are
already added there...

dont look for the archives since its not the full list
they have the ANIME tab but you must register first to
see it =,=
>>dont know what purpose is it xP<<

do you have any other ddl site?? can share some danchou?? xP

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Re: Da Capo II S.S. [08][04][05] [FINISHED!!]
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-06-04 20:19:03
Dang, I want the subs from ASF,
though right now all I can get my hands on are subs from Chihiro. :/
I think it was... two days ago or something that I started watching it.
Only saw two episodes, though me being a huge D.C. fan I enjoyed it already.
It already seems like the main story is either on all the characters or just Otome and Yume.
Though, seeing a bit with Anzu was pretty thoughtful. :3


Re: Da Capo II S.S. [08][04][05] [FINISHED!!]
Link | by on 2008-06-24 06:19:03
* summoned by danchou *

well to be honest, Im not struggling that much bout the
subbed version.. I always watched the RAW version since
I dont have to read while watching xP
>> somehow, I can understand Japanese now xP <<

+ If im not mistaken, season 2 focuses more with the
asakura sisters. I know that you already know the
story of this one..

I also love that part with anzu specially knowing the
thing that she had wished from the sakura tree..
but living alone somehow is kinda lonely..

I stopped watching this series from the meantime
coz I want to watch this one straight so Im just compiling
first all the eps xP and o btw, why not try VEOH
for the subbed, I think they have some subbed versions xP

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Re: Da Capo II S.S. [08][04][05] [FINISHED!!]
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-06-24 20:50:12
(thanks! and be careful of spoilers)

I've seen up to episode 11 now.
It's true this series focuses mostly on Yume and Otome,
but if you asked me Yume's been shutdown by Otome most of the entire anime, if not all of it.
Also, where's NANAKA been!? She's like, the best side character, and my favorite,
yet we've only seen her three times at best? Once where she just ran by Yoshiyuki in episode 11 so that was like nothing.
It's basically a love story between Otome and Yoshiyuki,
and Yume's poor cute, little, caring self is trying to get some of the love, too.
It's sad to see Jyunichi and Sakura gone now, and all of it was kinda wasted.

Right now it's at a very sad point in the anime, let alone the end,
so I hope they have some really huge, good ending cause the anime's kinda been off.
I've liked it so far and I love D.C.II.S.S. especially,
just to be honest, it's kinda disappointing and nothing's really that different.

I can't wait to see the final episode, I think it's a 12 episode series this time,
just like the short D.C.II. I still think D.C.S.S. was the best out of all the D.C. series.


Re: Da Capo II S.S. [08][04][05] [FINISHED!!]
Link | by on 2008-06-25 19:12:54
+ yah forgot bout the spoilers xP

actually its already been explained? that this
series is quite sad compared to the past DC series.

And yeah, its almost like OTOME x Yoshiyuki love romance..
but if your going to ask me, I would go with Yume xP
lol searching for NANAKA-chan? Id only seen her once? I think
since I stopped in episode 5.

Jyunichi and Sakura gone?? O,O wth happened? seems like
the last episode will now show up the truth bout

if your going to ask me, Im not good on watching sad stories
especially sad endings =,= and yeah, D.C.S.S was the best!!

btw do you still have the ASF subbed??

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