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How many times have you gotten in a fight and why?
Link | by leora on 2008-02-17 05:29:54
I've goten in a fight twice.
First time....can't remember. It was something stupid. I was winning but then the girl pulled a bag of chicken (yes a bag of chicken im not lying) out of her bad and started hitting me with it.
Second time was because I was goalie and then the girl who was on MY team kicks the ball into my face.
So then I kick her....and I win happy.
Don't think I'm a violent person...I'm really not n.nU

H4pPy G0 LuCky

Re: How many times have you gotten in a fight and why?
Link | by on 2008-02-17 06:05:37
Never got in a fight...well I think im lucky enough though xP
but when the times comes, I think I would go settle it first
with conversation but when things got worst choice
but to...

"RUN!!" lol

but still If possible, I dont want to fight since I wont get
any merits on fighting, just muscle pain =,=

You can visit me there!!

Re: How many times have you gotten in a fight and why?
Link | by on 2008-02-17 08:35:59
1st time: i was at a friends house, this girl was crazy or somethin and pulled mah hair... BIG MISTAKE I punched her and it was a 1-hit KO. Meh bee she was drunk i dunno..
2nd time: We had just evacuated cuz of a hurricane, I got in a fight with this gurl over some ice!! nobody won, we just kinda threw some punches, some pushes and went on our way.. very weird.. but everyone was stressed out about that time.

Re: How many times have you gotten in a fight and why?
Link | by on 2008-02-17 09:04:11 (edited 2008-02-17 09:09:13)
O.o i've gotten into a fight three or four times........all of which i've won but there isn't any merit to it.

Basically all my fights are because people irritate me (i don't want to say all the details) and when i say Irritate it really means that they annoy me untill i feel like stabbing them in the back a hundred times coz i never did stab them =.=".
I have been stabbed once before but luckily it wasn't deep and the guy got beaten up real badly as my friends saw him and helped me out =.= he got suspended from school for 3 days for initiating the fight and using weapons in school and i got sent for detention for.....erm......ah....... i forgot =.= lolx but the reason he stabbed me was because or so he claimed that i had pushed his brother. I was like wtf???? cause i had just come into the school and didn't recall fighting with anyone and even more so pushing someone lol (in my new school)

Re: How many times have you gotten in a fight and why?
Link | by yat on 2008-02-18 00:52:17
i think ive got into a couple of fights..~
punch a friend's face.~
wrestle with two of these guys, and escaped~
and some others, all of which are very lucky since i didnt get injured much,~

Re: How many times have you gotten in a fight and why?
Link | by on 2008-02-18 01:07:51
too many to count =D
fights with my bro~
no reason ... he's just too annoying and uncute sometimes :P

Re: How many times have you gotten in a fight and why?
Link | by ~aozora~ on 2008-02-18 01:53:13
lemme see... fights with my sis over stupid things... and of course fight with friends... it was my ex-friend who started... she was all nice to me.. and all of a sudden she doesn't talk to me anymore... then she friends me again.. i got so fed up i didn't even care to be friends with her again...

"I hope to share my stories with everyone one day, and that it will bring tears and joy as they enter my fantasy world..."

Re: How many times have you gotten in a fight and why?
Link | by renshi_sho on 2008-02-18 03:07:15
Loads, all because someone was doing something they shouldn't and I stepped in. Except a couple of times when I became incredibly upset, then I took comments rather personally and attacked. On all occasions I was the one who threw the first punch. I was also the one who always walked away with a scratch. I live in a really crap area and so you can either be weak and get take advantage of or you can be strong and beat the hell out of drug dealers. I like the second option, it's good training.

Re: How many times have you gotten in a fight and why?
Link | by on 2008-02-18 03:54:11
ahh fights... i can never avoid them...
honestly speaking, im really a big trouble maker...
at home and at school...
I bully kids and fight with people almost everyday...
and yes because of this im a candidate for suspension now haha
its just that when i see suckers i cant just keep quiet about it...
i feel like punching them xD

Re: How many times have you gotten in a fight and why?
Link | by Jomunga on 2008-08-02 21:13:32 (edited 2008-08-02 21:14:04)
I miss fighting so much. Havent done it ever since leaving highschool.

I always got Honeyko to bully though.

(wait, no, she bullies me.)

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Re: How many times have you gotten in a fight and why?
Link | by hOnEy' kO on 2008-08-02 21:20:43 (edited 2008-08-02 21:21:13)
I had Oral Fight LOL, and i did NOT bully you, Jomungie, u..jerk -,-

.....hA-n|-k0 ======== yOu'Ve bOuNd mY sOuL tO uRs bY aN UnBrEakAblE ChA|n.. <3 .. I lOvE U fOrEvEr ... MY HONEY ISH SOO CUTE

Re: How many times have you gotten in a fight and why?
Link | by H on 2008-08-02 21:51:30
Fights... had a lot when I was in grade school -_-' yesh children fought over simple things ne?

the biggest one was in junior high, I challenged one of my friends who bullied me in the past, I was a hot-headed boy back then. All of my friends were not expecting that fight and were all like, watching silently with a shocked face ^^a. After the fight we're injured here and there and realized that the fight was not worth it. We laughed hard and hugged each other and... yeah happy ending ^^a

and after that, I live in peace with my friends, never fought anyone again ^^v
If there's a fight in my highschool time, that would be the seniors teaching some lessons to the arrogant juniors, we drag them to the usual cafe and I watch happily as the juniors get smacked ^^b

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: How many times have you gotten in a fight and why?
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2008-08-02 22:03:50
But almost D:
I'm very Zen but you don't want me mad... serious...

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: How many times have you gotten in a fight and why?
Link | by on 2008-08-02 22:28:50 (edited 2009-12-08 16:34:25)
Once in a while.
Only when I lost my patience. Well, it has its own limits.

Re: How many times have you gotten in a fight and why?
Link | by on 2008-08-02 22:42:37
well just once cus, I got sick and tired of bullys picking on the weak like they
are nothing so...I kinda jumped in and tackle one of them to the locker in the
hallway (although they where 3 of them ._.;;;) but...err..lets just say i kinda
stood up to the end. [at least the bullying stop after what i did]

Tales of FC

Re: How many times have you gotten in a fight and why?
Link | by sakura_fullmoon on 2008-08-02 22:49:11
I think never.
But I know almost!! O_o''
Hey, I was a little kid, should I know what's right or wrong?
Hmph..I could careless...*sigh* the sad memories are coming back to me. =O

Re: How many times have you gotten in a fight and why?
Link | by ayu21 on 2008-08-02 22:54:02
never i think!
im not the fighting type! ^^
to short and tiny for it! XD

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Re: How many times have you gotten in a fight and why?
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2008-08-02 22:56:10
Way too many to count!!
Difference of opinion most of the time.
Or shes just alway angry. :)

Re: How many times have you gotten in a fight and why?
Link | by demonslayer2365 on 2008-08-02 22:56:34
i bully somekids in
our neighborhood....
they even threw a big stone on me...
but they end up crying...

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Re: How many times have you gotten in a fight and why?
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-08-02 23:23:51
A physical fight? Never, and will never (hopefully).
I don't really like seeing anything escalate into something as childish as this in real life.

...though in movies, it's really cool, especially if Jet Li is involved or something. ^_~`

If it comes to arguing with someone, yeah sure, it happens, haha.
I got into a tickle fight with my cousin before... okay, one physical fight. (●>v<●)


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