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Language,a freaky mystery for me^^
Link | by on 2008-01-30 04:32:19 (edited 2008-01-30 04:36:09)
My topic in this newly thread

-Language,why humans in the past can found a way to communicate with language?
-How the people in the past can share their language with other race and make a dictionary? If you talk with a stranger and he talks with strange language that you have never knew,how u can know what he mean?
-What was the first thing human in the past found? Language or Culture?

Please tell your opinion and your reasons..^^

Re: Language,a freaky mystery for me^^
Link | by on 2008-01-30 05:02:32
is not that they found a way to communicate,it just because they want to communicate that they use things, language is just the advance mean of communication, there are body language, sign, drawing, and all that.

but then the human and other animal has this something in their organs that created sound, thus the sound become language.

the language self is either words, writings and signs or symbols

they share by talking and understanding, (sorry for the rude way of describing it) it's just like we human trying to tought the animal

but because we have more brain volume we understand to the extend of fully understand the language

how we stranger understand each other, well first off by depict the word or start guessing

i think language, by knowing and understanding each other, they start a culture (in the past mean the efficient way of live) such as like hunting in group

Re: Language,a freaky mystery for me^^
Link | by bakit?! 0.o on 2008-01-30 05:09:17
ahm, very tricky here. i don't know if i understood your question well, but here goes.

how did humans learn how to communicate? i believe it is already inborn. look at the dogs . . . only they can understand their language. but who taught them? no one. they just knew it. same as how you learned how to crawl when you were little and understand the things around you. aside from that, communcation is not limited in language or spoken words. it can be expressed through body gestures, written works, drawings, and such.

how did people of different race understood each other? same. you can understand them through their actions, reactions on their faces, the way they speak, and such.
what about the dictionary? no idea. maybe because the people saw the need of a compilation of words and their meaning so that the extinction of the language may never occur, and that other people may have a reference if ever they come acroos of a word that they do not know. try wikipedia.

and last but not the least, which is first? i know that language is a part of culture; therefore, they come along together, but language under culture. get that? and culture is not found, it is also inborn. it is already there, with no one knowing who started it and how it will end.

Re: Language,a freaky mystery for me^^
Link | by on 2008-01-30 05:19:42
oh,yeah..g0t it.. n0w i get an0ther question

-why then all the language never be the same? what i meant is why there was different language??

please teh other give opini0n^^

Re: Language,a freaky mystery for me^^
Link | by on 2008-01-30 06:32:54
why they are different

well to be exact i have two opinion

the first (seen in discovery channel about the babel tower)

second well

because it's what i said, on prehistoric human tend to hunt together (after knowing language)

before they were nomad, move from places to places, some may have separate and such thus creating different approach on the first language

but this may contradict a research taht say every language is base on one origin, thus loop back to babel tower

still i believe in may opinion at first but seeing that the research said we all have the same origin language.... well i don't know,

maybe they differ trough time because the human make the language easier to them, such as the environment also take part on the language different, also tribe make it different

when a group of people gather they talk on their own pace, thus if you implement it to not so well form language, then the result is making the language to the group liking, from one group to well known, from well known then become differ again to become convenient, make things easier for use.

well that my tought

Re: Language,a freaky mystery for me^^
Link | by bakit?! 0.o on 2008-01-30 23:58:44 (edited 2008-02-02 10:00:15)
key is definitely right about that. according to the bible, people learned different languages because of the story of the tower of babel. read the bible if you want to know.

scientifically speaking, it may be because prehistoric people came from different regions, countries, continents, etc. they have formed their own language, as it is inborn, and is evolved as they get across other culture. new words form due to the combination or the adaptation of the word/language of the other. a simple example is the chinese, korean, and japanese. their writing strokes are somewhat common, only different from one another because of some details that the other added or omitted. as time goes by, language evolves.

this is another simple example: in my country, we have words that originate from the chinese, japanese, spanish, and american, because of the history the philippines have, that it has been under the rule of different cultures which somehow mixed ours. some filipinos are unaware that they are using a combination of the original and foreign words in everyday life.

do you know the word boondock? it is an english word which means "mountain." it actually originated from the filipino word bundok, which also means the same thing. americans acquired the word during world war 2, the time when philippines was under the rule of america.

take note that it is a never-ending cycle.

Re: Language,a freaky mystery for me^^
Link | by gant on 2008-02-01 03:30:15 (edited 2008-02-01 03:32:17)
Well, the reason why universal languages don't work is because the cultural diversities of different human groups (i.e.countries) gets in the way. We all have different cultures, and different necessities. Suppose an Eskimo were taught to speak Spanish. Well, he'd give it up after a few days. Why? Because Eskimo language has 47 words for snow, each of which describes a type of snow. But Spanish does not have these differentiations. Therefore, literally as a matter of survival, the Eskimo must relinquish Spanish and return to his language. Therefore, languages can acquire words from each other, but there will never be any language that all of humanity speaks.

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Re: Language,a freaky mystery for me^^
Link | by on 2008-02-03 08:02:42
Ok, not preaching religion, but this is what I was taught from my mom and the Bible, but don't quote me on this.

Once upon a time, long ago, when we could all communicate the same way, there was a large society, advanced for their time. They built towers, homes, statues, and other things to mark their status. But then, one day, they thought, "Hey, why don't we build a tower to the Lord?", and they created the tower of Bibily. But as they were building this tower to heaven, God realized he did not want his children to see him until it was their time. So he destroyed their tower, and along with that, he gave all of them different tongues. No one could understand each other, and that's how we developed our different languages.

Hey, this is only what I heard, but I don't know what to believe about languages anymore.

Re: Language,a freaky mystery for me^^
Link | by on 2008-02-03 09:59:03 (edited 2008-02-03 10:02:11)
i believe that what apple said was very logical and if you believe in god then you would probably believe that too. me, i don't know what to belive. hopefully in the future i will know what to belive but for now i don't.

i have resently realized that in that post i soung as if i don't believe in god, i do

luv brit♥♥

Re: Language,a freaky mystery for me^^
Link | by gant on 2008-02-04 07:28:03 (edited 2008-02-04 07:28:36)
@Berry: Wow,wow,you're straying way off topic. This topic ain't about God at all. The biblical standpoint is just one way of looking at what is definitely a great variety of language (Not to mention a little attempt at supremacy by the Judaic tradition).

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Re: Language,a freaky mystery for me^^
Link | by RayStormX on 2008-02-10 21:37:47
while that story that apple told is quite interesting, I highly, highly doubt that is what happened.

I want some primary sources. how about we send some random canadian guy to mexico and have him communicate with the locals in order to survive. how would he communicate with them if they speak different languages?

Body gestures, Facial Expressions, Body Language.

If the man stays in mexico for a long period of time, the immersion of spanish words will eventually allow him to understand little bits of spanish.

I've always found it fascinating how waay back in time, merchants traveled abroad and found some way to communicate with foreigners.

Humans don't just "know" the language, or have the information already stored in their head when they're born. they have to be immersed in the language first. that's what I think.

Raystormx wooo maplestory

Re: Language,a freaky mystery for me^^
Link | by on 2008-02-10 21:52:30 (edited 2008-02-10 21:53:05)
@ray that is correct

for once the first time i learn about english is not by the book and that, but because i accompany my dad watching english movie and series from little kid, thus i know about the language while learning the basic, the form and understanding is already there

same goes right know for my japs, i watch many anime, without understanding the language but there are sub, while hearing and reading, i catch some phrase and how do they speak in grammatical, but still to polish that i need from a real teacher, not by hearing

then thus it is the same, as i said above, prehistoric people don't know what they are saying at first, then in coincidence or not they might have choose one person interpretation and make it the base language, meaning that it might be the person describe rock as ugugaga, the other think that is what it's name was, then the person told the other and so on

same as you left a mexican in spain, first he will learn about basic, like name of things, understanding much more words then learn to putting the word together (grammar)

all from the sound he heard, the body gesture (pointing), intonation

Re: Language,a freaky mystery for me^^
Link | by × on 2008-02-11 01:11:15
a long time ago, ppl use body language as communication, and also weird voices like "awaawawawawawe" that might mean "i'm hungry" (j/k)

but then they have an agreement of how to express something by clearer voice and pronunciation. that why every place in this world have different languages.

Re: Language,a freaky mystery for me^^
Link | by gant on 2008-02-11 03:15:05
@Ray: Actually, I'd like to disagree with you on that last point. Linguists have discovered a particular part of the human brain which appears to contain within it the set of universally-applicable rules of grammar which gives us the ability to learn every language in the world. They call this the LAD or Linguistic Acquisition Device. So, man in fact does "know" language, as well as having information stored in their heads when they're born.


Re: Language,a freaky mystery for me^^
Link | by on 2008-02-11 04:01:44
@gant ow... now when i read it again the last part sure is contradicting to me ^^

oh yeah i heard that research too, hm... so what baout the first one then, the first one that created the language

Re: Language,a freaky mystery for me^^
Link | by gant on 2008-02-12 08:43:28
@Key: Well, you're actually right on that part. Man did first of all learn to use gestures as language, but somewhere along the way we developed the LAD and with it, the ability to learn language. As for creating language, I guess you'd have to consider various theories of linguistic evolution, such as:
-Ideographic: The Japanese and Chinese language are examples of this one. It's just transcription of pictures into symbols (kanji!)
-Borrowing: This one's simple. Each language borrowed something or the other from another, older language. E.g. God=deus (Greek), dyaus (Sanskrit), deva (Hindi), djullnir (Norse).
I'll be back with more.


Re: Language,a freaky mystery for me^^
Link | by RayStormX on 2008-02-23 16:08:10
I disagree with your disagreeing with me, gant. Humans aren't born into the world and all of a sudden they can say "ello mate, would you like a spot of tea?" or "me no gusto me trabaho" etc.

but I do agree that humans possess the ability to learn any language, given some time.
also, could you expand on that linguistic whatsit device? it sounds quite interesting.

Raystormx wooo maplestory

Re: Language,a freaky mystery for me^^
Link | by gant on 2008-02-26 05:40:07
@Ray: Yeah, OK. Here goes:
The Linguistic Acquisition Device or LAD as it is known for short, is a part of the human brain that grants humans with an inborn ability to learn and speak language. This is usually genetically inherited, and research has shown that if one or the other parent is a multilingual then the child has a high chance of inheriting the same facility with language.
However, there's a catch: the LAD remains active only for a certain period, namely 6 months to 14 years. After that age, the LAD becomes progressively weaker and weaker until by the late 40s it is almost impossible to learn any language. This is the reason why children are encouraged to start young with language study.


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