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Wealth Health Or Happiness?
Link | by renshi_sho on 2008-01-30 04:04:23
Which is more important to you in life?

Wealth, acquisition of money, property land and stuff in general.
Health, Bodily fitness, mental acuity that sort of stuff.
Happiness, Regardless of situation or circumstance, a general feeling of well being and use within life and a happy outlook on everything.

Re: Wealth Health Or Happiness?
Link | by on 2008-01-30 04:28:33
as for me its happiness
when ur happy u feel healthy and wealthy in a way :p

Re: Wealth Health Or Happiness?
Link | by bakit?! 0.o on 2008-01-30 04:53:55
wow, i'm happy that i am first to share my opinion. i like the question . . . very thought-provoking.

well, i actually believe that the most important thing in my life is happiness.

i grew up in such a very unlikely and complicated situation in which only my friends know about. it's somehow a long story, actually. but based from what i had experienced for seventeen years of my life, i have come up to the conclusion that happiness is the most imporatant thing.

first of all, i grew up with the awareness of being poor; not poor in terms of like those people who work lowly jobs jobs for a living or asking for alms but poor because i know that i cannot get what i want or need. so nothing will change if i have wealth or not. besides, the greatest problems are the results of those people ho are greedy enough to do crimes and take lives.

if health is concerned, i am already open to the fact that we will all die. if not because of a horrendous accident,most probably because of a disease. so we cannot avoid it. although health is important in order for us to do our daily activities, we are not assured. when the end comes, then maybe it is time. another thing is that most of the greatest realizations come when we are in a situation wherein we are in great need. like we will only discover those people who really loves us and will never leave us, who accepted us as who we are in spite the fact that we wiil leave them at any moment.

now let us go to happiness. without it, it seems that we are dead. happiness equates to contentment. if we see the good things about every little thing, no matter how useless it may be, then we can survive through life. it's simple logic: who would want to die with wealth and health if he never had contentment nor happiness while he was living? of course none of us would want that. if every day is a gloomy day, probably you will be the one who would surrender in life, that it is already senseless to live.

enjoy life. be happy. be optimistic (important if you really want to have a happy life). enjoy. and by the time you are about to live, you will surely have that sense of fulfillment that you have lived a sensible and meaningful life.

i hope i was able to point out my views (although i think i have some wrong grammar here and there).

Re: Wealth Health Or Happiness?
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-01-30 14:16:46
Well if you're in financial trouble, you're not gonna be happy, lol.
As of now, I'm pretty good financially/wealthy, my health is nearly perfect, and I'm pretty happy 'cept for a few things (like school, and whatever else).

I'm pretty happy in general. I love my life right now. ^_^


Re: Wealth Health Or Happiness?
Link | by on 2008-01-30 17:02:47
Happiness is proablly the most important, but with wealth you can buy health. So I'd go with that. Yes I know I'm very simple minded.

"It's better to be used, then to be useless."

Re: Wealth Health Or Happiness?
Link | by on 2008-01-30 23:28:58

So I drove into a parking lot one time and saw this person pull into a handicap parking spot. When you think handicap, you think wheelchair and whatever, right? So it just ticked me off when I saw the guy come out of the car perfectly fine. So then I ran him over.

Re: Wealth Health Or Happiness?
Link | by renshi_sho on 2008-01-31 03:41:06
Hey I'm glad I got such a response, thanks guys. I don't think I wrote mine in, so here goes.

I choose happiness. It may seem strange, but I've had some low times, myself and they suck. Everything is just so bleak when you're feeling depressed. So I choose to be happy and content with what I have so far. It's not gonna stop me in my goals (eternal life through requisite vorticity in human dynamics and absolute power also), but it is going to give me the drive I need to accomplish said goals.

Re: Wealth Health Or Happiness?
Link | by on 2008-01-31 04:46:49
I choose happiness, obviously. Happiness makes me self-motivate into things that I am striving to improve. Happiness links to positive, optimistic things. It also links to colour 'yellow', that is also meaning gold, wealth. When I am happy, I am rich with blessings.

Re: Wealth Health Or Happiness?
Link | by papapangg on 2008-01-31 07:54:58
Happiness cause if ur happy ur healthy and if ur healthy ur wealthy

Re: Wealth Health Or Happiness?
Link | by Sprity on 2008-01-31 15:33:41
o_o you people know you can be happy without being wealthy right? XD

For me it'd hav eto be health. In order to sustain good health you have to have enough money use on things that keep you healthy. I don't need alot of money just enough to live healthy XD Then if I'm healthy I'll be happy enough. Maybe not the happinest in the world but I'm use to feeling crappy anyway.

Although, to be truely healthy in all aspects that means having a healthy emotions. The right amount of happy, saddness, anger etc. Because the fact of it is if you're angry all the time or sad all the time it takes a toll on your body which impacts your health :P

So yeah health. If I have everything i need to sustain a healthy being/life then that's enough.

Re: Wealth Health Or Happiness?
Link | by bermudanwarrior on 2008-02-01 02:54:04 (edited 2008-02-01 02:56:15)
I've heard this somewhere before.
And I've already had my perfect answer.
Look, I'm the type that only feels happy if I am :wealthy, healthy, expert in science, loaded with anime.
So I choose happiness.
(Okie, that kinda ruined the philosophical aspect of the question, didn't it)

Life sucks. Whoever gives up living because of that, sucks. But without anime I would ...XD

Re: Wealth Health Or Happiness?
Link | by gant on 2008-02-01 03:22:55 (edited 2008-02-01 03:23:25)
Happiness and health. What use is wealth? Now it's here, now it's gone.

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Re: Wealth Health Or Happiness?
Link | by bermudanwarrior on 2008-02-01 03:43:15
Well. Logically speaking, the state of being happy usually doesn't last long. The same about health, you may be healthy now, but who knows what kind of illnesses you'll catch tomorrow.
What's good about wealth ? It boosts your ego; it rids you of everyday burden "How to make ends meet?"; it makes your life more convenient, allows access to things you like (such as anime XD). So it enhances happiness further.
Wealth-related problems we usually see in the cinema or read in the newspapers? You know, everything has its downside, not a big deal for me.

Life sucks. Whoever gives up living because of that, sucks. But without anime I would ...XD

Re: Wealth Health Or Happiness?
Link | by renshi_sho on 2008-02-01 03:52:10
Actually spirity I think nailed it. I remember back in school the definition given to health.

'A complete state of physical emotional and social well being'

I suppose if you are truly 'healthy' you have it all.

Re: Wealth Health Or Happiness?
Link | by × on 2008-02-01 22:04:23
i prefer 3 of them~

Re: Wealth Health Or Happiness?
Link | by fourier on 2008-02-01 23:40:18
Happiness is my ultimate goal, and I'm so shallow that I don't think I could be happy without wealth and health. But if I could somehow be happy without those, I'd be fine.

10 more years!

Re: Wealth Health Or Happiness?
Link | by on 2008-02-03 00:40:47 (edited 2008-02-03 00:42:05)
happiness is that for which we all strive
health is what keeps us so long alive
wealth is the thing that allows us to thrive
an existence with all three we wish to contrive

Re: Wealth Health Or Happiness?
Link | by renshi_sho on 2008-02-04 03:54:00
Now that is cool, I'm gonna quote that in future, dood.

Re: Wealth Health Or Happiness?
Link | by empoleon on 2008-02-04 04:02:07
ah... mainly, I prefer to happiness, but without health we can't enjoy our happiness well ;D

Re: Wealth Health Or Happiness?
Link | by Ya-Ha! on 2008-05-08 12:21:29
Happiness is everything. i refuse to live without it.


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