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Hey Guys! What anime merchandise/product do u own?
Link | by on 2007-12-04 12:39:18 (edited 2007-12-05 02:18:39)
wow this is my first thread =)

I'll start...

I have my own Death Note!
Sailor Moon action figure and her moon castle from my childhood days lol
A P-chan stuff toy.

You can also post pictures!
(i'm sleepy now but i'll post mine soon)


Re: Hey Guys! What anime merchandise/product do u own?
Link | by railgun on 2007-12-04 15:57:55
I have roughly 9 or 10 Evangelion sound tracks.
I own the platinum box set of Evangelion also.
I used to have a NERV t-shirt, but that got worn out.
I used to have a few Gundam models but those are long lost now.
That's about it actually...>.>
I wish I had more stuff.

Re: Hey Guys! What anime merchandise/product do u own?
Link | by Airo on 2007-12-04 17:24:33 (edited 2007-12-12 17:01:10)
- Action figures / Figurines / Keychains -
+ 43 Naruto/Naruto: Shipppuuden figurines
+ 5 Bleach figurines
+ 3 Black Cat figurines
+ 1 Kingdom Hearts figurines
+ 2 Kingdom Hearts II action figures
+ 8 Final Fantasy VII/VIII/X action figures
+ 42 Naruto keychains

- Plushies -
+ 4 Naruto/Naruto: Shippuuden

- Accesories -
+ 2 Naruto headbands
- 1 Naruto (metal) kunai
- 1 Naruto (metal) shuriken
+ 2 Kingdom Hearts II (Axel's metal) chakrams
+ 4 Kingdom Hearts II (Larxene's metal) kunais/knives
+ 1 Kingdom Hearts II Oathkeeper necklace

- Clothes -
+ 1 Naruto t-shirt
+ 1 Bleach t-shirt

- DVDs -
+ 5 Full Moon wo Sagashite
+ 5 Black Cat
+ 3 Bleach
+ 4 Yu-Gi-Oh
+ 9 Cardcaptors/Card Captor Sakura
+ 1 Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
+ 7 Beyblade/Beyblade G-Revolution
+ 1 Sailor Moon
+ 1 Pokemon

- Mangas -
+ 8 Pita-Ten
+ 14 Beyblade
+ 3 Full Moon wo Sagashite
+ 4 Kingdom Hearts
+ 2 Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
+ 1 Kingdom Hearts II
+ 11 Black Cat
+ 17 Rave Master
+ 4 Naruto

- CDs -
+ 1 Naruto
+ 2 Yu-Gi-Oh

- Posters / Wallscrolls -
+ 2 Sailor Moon posters
+ 1 Naruto wallscroll
+ 2 Yu-Gi-Oh posters
+ 2 Digimon posters
+ 2 Pokemon
+ 1 Beyblade
+ 1 Dragonball Z

- Games / Cards / Stickers -
I don't really want to go into these ^___^;

~ Pictures ~
- Airo's Little Collection (Pt.I)

Re: Hey Guys! What anime merchandise/product do u own?
Link | by deedz on 2007-12-04 18:31:17
I have many many soundtracks, a fiew posters, a girls bravo dvd... no figurines(yet) but hoping to get some movies && plushies for x-mas!!


Re: Hey Guys! What anime merchandise/product do u own?
Link | by on 2007-12-04 20:14:48
wow Airo you got a big collection there!!! can you post some pics it'll be fun!!! esp the plushies i wanna see them =P

Re: Hey Guys! What anime merchandise/product do u own?
Link | by Airo on 2007-12-05 17:09:03
@ Lain: Sure, I can post some pics ^__^ But currently, I have only 1 picture, but there are a lot of figurines missing from the picture just because I didn't have room for them on that shelf u__u. I don't have any pictures of the plushies. I'll try to get a more recent one, but for now, this will have to do xP

Airo's Little Collection

Re: Hey Guys! What anime merchandise/product do u own?
Link | by on 2007-12-05 21:30:38
SUGOI!!! I envy you (^.~)

I'll definitely wait for the plushies pic!

Re: Hey Guys! What anime merchandise/product do u own?
Link | by on 2007-12-06 13:46:53 (edited 2007-12-06 13:51:31)

Elemental Gelade 1 - 4
Naruto 1 - 17 (got vol.39 in japanese sent to me for a gift, though)
FMA 1 - 11
Fullmoon O Sagashite 1 - 4
Tokyo Mew Mew 1 - 7
Tokyo Mew Mew A La Mode 1 and 2
One Piece 1 - 9
MAR [marchen awakens romance] 1 - 5
Eureka seveN 1 - 2
Bleach 1 - 3
Shakugan No Shana 1


.hack//another birth_vol.1


Kisuke Urahara plush
One Piece video game
Shonen jump Magazine Dec. '05, Feb. '06 - Jul. '06, and Jun. '07

TT_TT I forgot about my poke'mon movies!!!! (pokemon: the movie, Poke'mon:2000 and one of those random videos w/ a couple episodes.)

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Re: Hey Guys! What anime merchandise/product do u own?
Link | by on 2007-12-06 15:28:25
Great collections guys/gals!!! Here is my list...i'll post pics for authenticity very soon.

- F/SN : Saber, Sakura
- Shuffle!: Kaede, Primula
- CLANNAD: Tomoyo
- GUNDAM: Meer (x2)
- Pia Carrot: Sayaka Takai
- OMG!: Skuld, Bell, Urd, Banpei
- Tenchi: Tenchi, Ryo-oki, Sasami
- Final Fantasy: Rinoa, Selphie, Gilgamesh
- Love Hina : Naru
- Robotech: VF-1J
- Sakura Wars: Iris, Ri
- Evangelion: Asuka, Misato, Rei, Unit 0
- Sailormoon: Super Sailormoon, Sailor Venus (x3)
- Nadesico: Ruri
- Disgaea: Ninja, Thief, Mage, Lady Warrior, Flonne, Etna, Marona, Archer
- Dragon Quest: Slime

- F/SN: Saber, Rin
- Love Hina: Motoko
- Hamtaro: Penelope Ham Ham
- Final Fantasy: Vivi, Garnet

Clothing (all shirts)
- OMG!
- Shakugan no Shana
- La Blue girl
- Evangelion
- Nadesico (long sleve)

- Kazue Yamamoto (Studio Ego!)
- Kayura Yuka (D.C. character designer)
- Yozuca & Tororo (Singer songwriter)
- Noizi Ito (Shkugan no Shana character designer)

DVDs & VHs
- Too many to name ^___^;

- Too many to name ^___^;

Manga (only collect two series)
- OMG!
- Negima!

- LOTS of Sailormoon
- OMG!
- Evangelion

Visual Novels (aka.Hgames)
- Too many to name O_o!

Video Games
- See my photos at 'Rare/game collection thread'

Re: Hey Guys! What anime merchandise/product do u own?
Link | by on 2007-12-06 22:52:46 (edited 2007-12-06 22:54:29)
We'll definitely wait for it =)

cool figures u got izumo, u have OMG, Eva,Love Hina, Sailor Moon everything a girl wants! =)

i have a ranma shirt too but it's all worn out!

WOW u got lots of sailor moon posters! i remember i got addicted collecting sailor moon cards while my friends are into nba i tease them into trading with me

Re: Hey Guys! What anime merchandise/product do u own?
Link | by on 2007-12-06 23:53:15
wow izumo. cool stuffs.
I have:

Gundam Seed destiny figurines from the gashapon (too lazy to name)

OST CDs (too many to name)

- Gundam Seed (5)

- Gundam Seed Destiny (too many, i forgot already :P)
- Keroro Gunsou (1)

- a few pokemon trading cards
- yu-gi-oh cards (a deck)

- Hunter x Hunter
- Code Geass
- Gundam Seed Destiny
- Yu Yu Hakusho
- Ginban Kaleidoscope

Manga (too much to name XP)

-Doraemon XD

i think that's all. or maybe there's more XP i'm such a forgetful guy anyway.

Re: Hey Guys! What anime merchandise/product do u own?
Link | by on 2007-12-08 06:37:13 (edited 2007-12-08 07:06:41)
Sorry for the delay guys...had to find my camera....only took a few shots cause my batteries were running low. I'll describe each pic as i go along. All pics will be thumbnailed (dimensions around 480 x 640)

*a sample of some of the autographs i recieved at conventions...i'll post my others later after i get new batteries.

*figures i have on my TV..Naru in maid outfit & the Goddess Trio...& a Dragon Quest Slime.

*stuff i have on my wall...more OMG!, FF VIII figures (Rinoa, Selphie & Gilgamesh)...a sample of my Sailormoon wallscrolls.

*figures still in their boxes...2 Meer figures, Kaede & Primula (Shuffle!), Sakura (Fate/stay night), Sayaka (Pia Carrot), Tomoyo (CLANNAD), VF-1J (Robotech), Peorth & Banpei (OMG!), Tengou Tenge.

*Plushies: Rin & Saber, Garnet & Vivi, Kermit, Hamtaro, Motoko, others. The Panda Bear i've had for many years since i was first teddy bear!

*Some of my CD & DVD collection...i don't have a large storage space so this is just a sample of the stuff i have.

*Disgaea figurines, my Saber figurine (notice Pikachu behind her), & last is an assortment of other figures. Eva Unit 0 is in the very back corner behind Misato. As you can see very dusty....again need a bigger storage cabinet for all of them.

Well...that's for the most part my collection i've obtained over the years...i'm close to becoming a hardcore otaku. Thank you for letting me share my collection. I hope to see more of everybodies as well!!!

Cheers! ^___^

Re: Hey Guys! What anime merchandise/product do u own?
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2007-12-08 06:42:50
err.. I just want to share my gift for my manito
nyahihihi ^______,^

  m y . L i F E . i . t r a d e . i n . f o r . y o u r . P A i N .

Re: Hey Guys! What anime merchandise/product do u own?
Link | by on 2007-12-08 06:52:08
I want to share too but I don't have picture of it.

CD, DVD, Manga
Lazy to list them all

Death Note

Phone straps
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu
Code Geass

Death Note
Code Geass
Prince of Tennis

D.Gray-man Exorcist badge (Anime version)
Death Note (the book)

This is what I remember right now.

  å±±ç”° 涼介 は 大好き ♥♥ Fav HSJ member?

Re: Hey Guys! What anime merchandise/product do u own?
Link | by on 2007-12-09 04:14:45
SUGOI!!! SUGOI izumo!!!

"..i don't have a large storage space so this is just a sample of the stuff i have."

you can use my room tee hee

Re: Hey Guys! What anime merchandise/product do u own?
Link | by on 2007-12-09 19:21:23
Hehe...thanks Lain-san ^___^!

I can use your room?.....if i could i would XD

Well after Christmas is over & when work calms down abit...i'm gonna go buy a larger cabinet to hold just the anime stuff i have...i may have to buy a set to compliment one another...haven't really put alot of thought to it yet.

Again thanks...glad you liked my collection.

Re: Hey Guys! What anime merchandise/product do u own?
Link | by on 2007-12-09 19:39:47
OMFG Izumo!!! +_+ love those merchandise that you got if I only knew about these types of things sooner

Tales of FC

Re: Hey Guys! What anime merchandise/product do u own?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-12-09 22:44:08
izumo...your not becoming a hardcore otaku my are ONE!hahahaha

saber figurine hahahaha

Re: Hey Guys! What anime merchandise/product do u own?
Link | by on 2007-12-10 12:03:23
Waaaaow everyone has such huge collections +_____+

I haffa bad memory to remember all the merchandise stuff I own or have ever owned =___=;; but to give an idea of the stuff I have... here are some fotos of my room (taken with my old camera) xD kinda not up to date, since a lot of stuff is gone and moved to my dorm, but better than nothing~ Also, this doesn't include my DVD collection, which is downstairs x___x;;

(Click on any of these to see the full size version~)

Re: Hey Guys! What anime merchandise/product do u own?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-12-10 19:47:23
mina's room hahaha look at all that manga!

TORORO or was it totoro? >.<(er that 'thing' in one of miyazaki's film my neighbor ????? (forgot the spelling >.<)

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