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Green Green TV?
Link | by aila on 2004-06-25 19:02:51
ive listened to the song Guri Guri from the series but have never really seen the series myself...any one know what its bout? ive seen afew pics and screen shots but no real info... how old is it? whats it bout? ect?

Moo. Yes, Moo Indeed.

Re: Green Green TV?
Link | by jarudin on 2004-06-30 09:28:01
Imagine Love Hina with ALOT more nudity and ecchi-ness.
It was great fun watching the series however I cant help feeling a little disturbed after watching it.
Definently a series that pushes the limits: a must see! :D

Re: Green Green TV?
Link | by walt on 2004-07-01 19:32:44
i like love hina and nudity so im gunna check it out

Re: Green Green TV?
Link | by walt on 2004-07-01 19:36:02
i requested aozora from green green on this site so if ulike it vote for it cuz i love that song

Re: Green Green TV?
Link | by yobo on 2005-04-03 23:43:15
the song aozora is so fresh. the ground bass of the guitar is so cool!

Re: Green Green TV?
Link | by kotone on 2006-01-07 01:50:28
*hic*...sanae DIED!!!!

Re: Green Green TV?
Link | by kara-chan on 2006-01-07 04:28:10
Okay. Since nobody is telling you properly what the series is about, I will tell you.

Green Green is about the merging of two schools. One is an alll boys school and the other is an all girls school. However, when the all girls school lands up there, Yuusuke meets a girl who seems to know him.

From then onwards, the plot sort of unfolds. If you are fond of nudity (girls), ecchi humour and so on so forth, then you'd like it. If you're looking for something with a stronger plot and action, I suggest moving on.

Re: Green Green TV?
Link | by kotone on 2006-01-16 00:06:40
I don't care..sanae DIED!!! I'll see if her PC ending has a (true) ending, but Midori's route is intriguing. is she the tree?

Re: Green Green TV?
Link | by .hack on 2008-11-11 10:01:11
i cant find anywhere to watch it T_T

Re: Green Green TV?
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-11-12 14:33:43
omg!! this thread is so old!!

anyway, I love the music of green green, and I ahve the anime but I've never really watched it
but a friend told me it has one scene very... disturbing XD

maybe I'll watch it some day, but is not on my list of animes to watch in the near future

Re: Green Green TV?
Link | by andy_s on 2008-11-13 13:44:25
ecchi and comedy

Re: Green Green TV?
Link | by on 2008-11-14 21:02:13
@ Dragon Negro-san
I assume the 'disturbing' scene you are referencing is THAT scene. Without grossing people out lets just say it involves a hot storage room, 3 sweaty dudes with perverted minds, & wild imaginations! XD

Personally that scene was god awfully funny!! You don't get to see it in the game version you just read it. Seeing it animated was really...ummm...something.


As for Sanae...yes in the game one of her endings is she dies. However in all visual novels there is always multiple endings. Her good ending is actually pretty nice. In the anime she doesn't die, since the anime is following both Midori & Futaba's route they basically showed some of Sanae's route.

As for Midori. Yuusuke & Midori were lovers in a distant time/place, perhaps even from the future. There love was forbidden & they were forced to seperate. When they died Midori retained all her memories while Yuusuke's faded over time. Midori returned to the time of Yuusuke & tried to rekindle their romance, eventually he remembers but since Midori isn't originally from that time she disappeared. The good ending of Midori is slightly altered in the game where she remains with Yuusuke.

Anyways there are 2 other sequels for the game, where most of the male characters return (Baka Trio incl.) but the girls change. In the 2nd game you meet Taizou's sisters (explains his complex), the third game finally has Yuusuke & Futaba getting married. Also Bacchiguu finally gets a girlfriend...the girl with the glasses in the anime Arisa.

Re: Green Green TV?
Link | by Mid Boss Vyers XP on 2008-11-19 15:02:09
ya, mainly everyone else hit the nail on the head but high five on even finding the series... *i actually bought the DVD box for it a few weeks ago ^^ jealousy much is needed from my friends so i bought the expensive box XDDD but its a rlly... good but naughty series... (the frame is that a girls only school and a guys only school mix, suprisingly no of the teachers thaught that would stir up hormones.)

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