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Okay, So How Many of You Caught Gendouitis?
Link | by on 2007-10-23 20:00:06 (edited 2007-10-23 20:01:04)
I have!

I don't see this sort of thread flying around anywhere so I might as well make one for users to post their appreciation to Gendou.

Thank You Gendou for everything you have done to bring us this wonderful site, where we can take a good and relaxing break from the harshness of the real world. Also supplying us with a constantly updated database of Anime Music, Videos and new features to keep us happy.

Thanks you for donating lots of your time for the people of


Keep up the good work!

PS: I've donated another $5 to you! ^^ (although I'm a poor college student T.T)

Re: Okay, So How Many of You Caught Gendouitis?
Link | by on 2007-10-23 20:20:46
I think there has been threads like this created before, but what the heck....


Supplying us with lots of cool stuff keeps us entertained, and I appreciate the time it takes you to upload everything (esp. the anime)

If I could, I would donate T_T but i can't yet...hopefully I will be able to do so soon!

My deviantART!
Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: Okay, So How Many of You Caught Gendouitis?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-10-23 21:32:41
man thank you threads were popular back then hehehe

anyway yeah been infected for the last two years now..

thanks gendou! i owe you about 30% of my life now hahahaha ^^V

Re: Okay, So How Many of You Caught Gendouitis?
Link | by DeAngelus on 2007-10-23 22:47:58
@Suzaku ^^
Found it XD !! There is a same thread like this , only the title is more straight foward XD

Thank you so much , Gendou !!

Ish this thread going to be locked ? I think it won't happen for now ^^ (Everytime I appear with a link to a similar thread , the repeat thread will be locked XO) , since gendou like such thanks from all users , like the thread I've posted said ^^ .

From the previous thread (the one posted above) , you said there ish another thread like this (and that) WAY BACK XO ~~~~~! Is it there still ?

*Starts digging out the thread Zparticus mentioned*

Oh , I forgot :P

Thank you Gendou !!

Your site is one of the most reliable site to find the songs I want ^^

Your forum is one of the most interactive and exicting place I've seen so far ^^

Thanks too for Introducing the Animesheep site , it's also a good place to find good animes ^^

I wish I could donate , but my parents still thinks your site is illegal =.= (Trying my best to convince them that it is not >o<) and I'm too young to use the flashy card for spending >< (That's what my parents said)

I hope it keeps getting better as time passes by ^^

*continues searching*

Re: Okay, So How Many of You Caught Gendouitis?
Link | by gendou on 2007-10-24 00:03:42
thanks for your support, guys!

Re: Okay, So How Many of You Caught Gendouitis?
Link | by on 2007-10-24 03:32:56
Wow a thread for credits to Gendou eh...nice!

I want to say thanks to Gendou for making this site so successful ^^
And this site's getting better and better too!

I love this site and now I'm totally addicted to this site XD.

I wish I could donate...but I still can't T_T but I'll support Gendou all the way. ^^

Re: Okay, So How Many of You Caught Gendouitis?
Link | by on 2007-10-24 03:42:11
its simple....
gendou u rock dude!
ur site rox
ur music rox
everything here rox!!

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: Okay, So How Many of You Caught Gendouitis?
Link | by on 2007-10-24 04:03:58
well i can't think and may not think of beautiful word to give,

but i thanks gendou from the bottom of my heart

making his great web and system.
i never found any web forum that can compared to this,
this the most convenient web i ever seen

and thank for pother users that kept me companied this past few years

thank you ^^

Re: Okay, So How Many of You Caught Gendouitis?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-10-24 04:29:11
@angelus yeah there were a few threads thanking gendou hehehe i even made one back then hahaha*too old to remember *hahahaha

Re: Okay, So How Many of You Caught Gendouitis?
Link | by DeAngelus on 2007-10-24 04:31:30 (edited 2007-10-24 06:12:34)
Hey , Hey , Hey ^^ !!

I found more Gendou appreciation threads ^^ , but this one's locked , and it got Psoplayer in it XD

Gendou Appreciation Day!

I feel like it's kind of good to gather back all those appreciation threads ^^ . Wait , I'm now having Gendouitis , NYAHUU~~~!! ^^

Oh , before I forget , thanks to , the only site that gives out live radio (Though needs a lil' repair but who cares XD , it' the only online radio station you can get to easily ^^)

Re: Okay, So How Many of You Caught Gendouitis?
Link | by kyon on 2007-10-24 05:00:12
Thank you Gendou, for everything. I never thought i would be able to find such a site that will give me everything i need!

You guys are greatly appreciated!

Re: Okay, So How Many of You Caught Gendouitis?
Link | by on 2007-10-24 08:58:42
I have Gendouitis!! Ahahahaha I have to always come and check what's going on...everyday...It has become my routine!!

And of course we owe that to the grest Geeeeendou! Such a smart and funny guy!

I have donated $2 dollars T-T But...I keep forgetting to donate the other money I promised...sooo On Friday I get paid! XD So I must donate mooore!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Okay, So How Many of You Caught Gendouitis?
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-10-24 13:50:51
I can't express my thanks enough here, but thanks for everything. Gendou, the mods, everyone who's helped this site grow more and more everyday.
I've donated a bit before, and I hope to donate in the future again.

This place just keeps getting better and better, with new features added every so often it's insane.
But is really big for me since without this site to visit mostly everyday, I'd mostly chat online and dLing anime and music all the time, which would be kind of dull.

With 'shirts' on my mind, are there shirts for sale anywhere?
I can spread the movement of Gendouism, to the world. >;3


Re: Okay, So How Many of You Caught Gendouitis?
Link | by gendou on 2007-10-24 13:55:05 shirts are a work in progress, I'll keep you informed.

Re: Okay, So How Many of You Caught Gendouitis?
Link | by DeAngelus on 2007-10-25 06:41:10
Gendou T-Shirts ? How do I buy it ? >~<

Re: Okay, So How Many of You Caught Gendouitis?
Link | by on 2007-10-25 20:27:15
Had gendouitis, the only thing I have to do id to donate for the cause, has no money yet

Anyways Gendou is a great site!

Re: Okay, So How Many of You Caught Gendouitis?
Link | by *~Ivonne~* on 2007-10-26 00:34:08
I'm another one with gendouitis lol...

Thank you Gendou for creating and maintaining this site, let alone checking into this website and actually care about what's happening in here (I can name a lot of websites which the creator had abandoned his/her own website for a long time) I think without this site, I would have dropped anime and everything long time ago...

Thank you all the mods who carry out their responsibility, making this a disciplined website without a grumble...

Thank you everybody for making this place a very warm home... with you guys here, I can never be alone *hugs*

Aaa~~ what more can I say? I love muahaahaa~~

Gendou t-shirts??? Wee~~ I so totally want one... how to get one??


Re: Okay, So How Many of You Caught Gendouitis?
Link | by on 2007-11-01 00:04:39
Who doesn't get infected ? XD

A shirt..yeah great.

チィャン 施昌吉

Re: Okay, So How Many of You Caught Gendouitis?
Link | by freyadragon on 2007-11-01 21:35:55
XD I absolutely love this site!! :D Thank you Gendou from the bottom of my heart!!!

If Gendouitis is a disease then I caught it alright. XD
It's become part of my daily routine basically.
Plus I feel bad when I don't go on for a while...I miss hugging everyone in chat. :D
This is the only site that has a lot of the anime music that I crave.

I really want to donate to Gendou sometime but I'm poor.... T-T

A Gendou T-shirt....I

Re: Okay, So How Many of You Caught Gendouitis?
Link | by hOnEy' kO on 2007-11-01 21:43:45
I HAVE I HAVE I HAVE....every comp i went on whether in school, friend's house. i must get into gendou.commmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

.....hA-n|-k0 ======== yOu'Ve bOuNd mY sOuL tO uRs bY aN UnBrEakAblE ChA|n.. <3 .. I lOvE U fOrEvEr ... MY HONEY ISH SOO CUTE

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