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Post a pic of item you've made by your own hands.
Link | by drakmin on 2007-09-29 11:06:58 (edited 2007-09-29 11:41:03)
To make it short: post a pic of any item which is made, or customized by YOU. To make it longer, read on->

I'm not sure if here's enough people who like to build or customize stuff and then even take a photo of the result. If you've done anything you think might fit here, just post it. Tell something about it, why you made it and was it easy or hard? I know some people make their own clothes or customize them so those would be great posts for this conversation!

But let me begin:

Here's a photo of two mice. Upper one is what you get from stores, and the lower is modified by me. Basically I covered it with leather to make it look more EXPENSIVE! It took about 2 hours to do and was relatively easy.

And please, feel free just to comment if you haven't built anything. Comments are always nice and welcome!! Thanks. Now I hope you're brave enough to follow my example and surprise us all!

Re: Post a pic of item you've made by your own hands.
Link | by on 2007-09-29 12:12:30
Hmm.. I actually would like to see the other things you have made :D
Those are cool yes (a leather mouse *_* luxurious)

And it does look better.
The original mouse is a bit too alien for me.

Re: Post a pic of item you've made by your own hands.
Link | by drakmin on 2007-09-29 12:13:54 (edited 2007-09-29 12:20:47)
Ok I'll add more water to the wheel then. Here's a case for my pc. I built this during last summer and it took about 6 months to complete. (it's built from scratch) Call me insane :D

Where did I get the idea for that opening sidepanel? Ah yes thanks De Lorean :D (maybe most of the boys understand what I'm talking about here) hehee

And two work in progress pictures... All metal parts were polished by hand. It was the most timeconsuming phase and my hands got sore!

Re: Post a pic of item you've made by your own hands.
Link | by infiltrate on 2007-09-29 19:25:23

Pretty Sammy's wand from Mahou Shoujo Pretty Samy OVA. It took a good five hours to make. It was pretty hard.

Re: Post a pic of item you've made by your own hands.
Link | by on 2007-09-29 20:00:59
Drakmin, thats an awesome craft you did

infiltrate, haha so similar.

チィャン 施昌吉

Re: Post a pic of item you've made by your own hands.
Link | by on 2007-09-29 20:02:00
does my room count? XD

Re: Post a pic of item you've made by your own hands.
Link | by drakmin on 2007-09-30 11:31:05
SkyL yeah ofcourse room's count too! Just post and let's see it :D And nice wand Infiltrate (not that I understand anything about those :DD)

Re: Post a pic of item you've made by your own hands.
Link | by infiltrate on 2007-10-01 10:41:44
Thanks guys.

Re: Post a pic of item you've made by your own hands.
Link | by drakmin on 2007-10-02 05:06:44 (edited 2007-10-02 05:08:41)
Ok. In my country we have this tradition to do 'gingerbread houses' around christmas time. (not sure at all if I'm using the correct word here)

But yeah anyway normal people do miniature houses, churches etc. and then decorate them using candies and stuff. After christmas you can eat the house then. This is what I did with my roomies last christmas: It's the mighty gingerbread Tie-Interceptor (from Star Wars ofc.) Parts are glued together using hot melted sugar, so it's 100% eatable. I got a bad burn to my finger because of that damn sugar, scar is still visible...

Re: Post a pic of item you've made by your own hands.
Link | by on 2007-10-05 20:41:55 (edited 2007-10-05 20:56:20)
Okay guys, prepare to be stupefied.



Okay here we go!

Bad panorama of my room but yea. My camera sucks at it. Anyways, probably the messiest room you'll probably see. Maybe XD I can be topped out by my other friends.

I like my room this way, it feels very homey. Like, it's really relaxing. Turn on the music and you will get 7 speakers making music. I balanced them out and placed them evenly in my rooms so they can resonate. The ceiling is a triangle shape so I can get nice sound waves bouncing around. Bunch of wires behind my laptop and the desk and bed. and omg my bathroom in the connecting room is cleaner than this XD

I used to make rubber band guns out of chopsticks when I was little. XD Aww I wish I still have it.

Re: Post a pic of item you've made by your own hands.
Link | by drakmin on 2007-10-06 02:22:46 (edited 2007-10-06 02:23:57)
@SkyL Great, you posted! Is that Gendou showing on your laptop?? My room is pretty much the opposite. I hate all useless items, so I try to hide them in closets :D [and then I can't find my stuff, but atleast the room looks clean]

And to fit this thread, the desk in the pic is self made. I bought some bricks (cost around 20 euros total) And 1800x600mm piece of wood to make it. Today the room is a bit more chaotic because I had to add a pair of speakers and two synthesizer here we go:

Re: Post a pic of item you've made by your own hands.
Link | by on 2007-10-09 05:36:35
lol, yea it's the list of topics I've posted on XD

Re: Post a pic of item you've made by your own hands.
Link | by on 2007-10-10 12:38:32
Finally found the picture I was looking for.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

This is a small table I made at my mom's request. It's made from pine and cost around $60 (well, that's what the materials cost). The design and all the work was done entirely by me. It's varnished and I wanted to stain it to match the other wooden things in the house but mom didn't want that. You may also notice that the handle for the drawer is a little off in color, I ran out of wood and couldn't make it, so I got the handle from a table that we were going to throw away.

Personally, I wanted to stain it and do something more with the legs of the table, but I had to follow the limitations that mom wanted.


Re: Post a pic of item you've made by your own hands.
Link | by drakmin on 2007-10-10 12:41:22
Good job you've done there Jonathon! Working with wood is not easy at all, I know that :) It's too living material... Was it hard to make that drawer part?

Re: Post a pic of item you've made by your own hands.
Link | by on 2007-10-10 12:44:48 (edited 2007-10-10 12:46:51)
The drawer was the hardest mainly because wood tends to have a lot of bends and curvature in it. So I had to make the opening wide enough for the drawer to be pulled in and out easily but not too wide as to leave a visible gap.

I have something else I did over the summer, I'll look around for the picture of that too. It's a two seat bench with a little table in the middle. It looks better than the table. (That table was my third project, the first two I did turned out pretty bad because I was just starting into carpentry.)


Re: Post a pic of item you've made by your own hands.
Link | by Formerly known as Lucymaniac. I still luv you, Lucy! on 2007-10-10 13:06:06
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Here's a board I made with a router. I made it out of high grade cedar. I have no idea what it really means because I used an online translator for to translate my name. It's not a great piece of work, but it's by my own hands.


Re: Post a pic of item you've made by your own hands.
Link | by drakmin on 2007-10-10 13:08:57
Hey it's just great. Anything made by own hands should and will be respected! I've used router too, really handy tool! I think your board looks good.

Re: Post a pic of item you've made by your own hands.
Link | by Laureus on 2007-10-10 13:23:24 (edited 2007-10-10 13:27:19)
Whoa!! Yey! Nice work guys. *hails*
I'll post mine later. Wait till you see my hand sewn Normad (from Galaxy Angels) and Plue (from Rave) Hahaha.. Earg. Earg. (-.-)

Skyl's room seems like Satou's room (from Welcome to NHK) Aren't you a hikikomori too? Hehehe. Just kidding. Peace.

My definition of a hikikomori is:
A person who spend most of his time inside his room and going out on a sunny day is a big NO-NO.
Probably always having a 16 hours of sleep and often talks to his appliances. Possesses a messy room and spends most of his time playing online/console games. hehe! :P

Time waits for no one.~ Laureus

Re: Post a pic of item you've made by your own hands.
Link | by drakmin on 2007-10-10 13:55:44 (edited 2007-10-10 13:56:39)
And when speaking of wood, here's something I made out of that hard material. Yeah, speakers! These were rather slow to build but im happy with the result. Sorry for the largish picture...

I wrote an article too how I built those, it's in english so just follow the link.

Speaker project

Re: Post a pic of item you've made by your own hands.
Link | by on 2007-10-10 17:35:06
Holy CRAP. XD Drakmin's stuff is amazing~ /envy! Those speakers look so
flippin' amazing. +___+

Then again...

I pretty much envy anyone who can make things out of different materials.
My craft making skills are fts. You guys are really awesome! ;w;

♥♥ Hearts for everyone! :D ♥♥

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