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The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-09-20 22:11:39 (edited 2008-01-26 00:35:32)

WeLcOmE !!

hi! Welcome to the Lacus CLyne/Kerotz Fan CLub!!*lets make the color simple*

I decided to make a Fan Club for Lacus, my fellow pinoy, my Gendou mother and of course YOUR fellow Gendounian.

You may be wondering *who is this Kerotz person?!* actually, Kerotz and Lacus is the same person...♥
Lacus is just using the word "kerotz=carrots" because she said it’s a cute word.. and it really is..

Okay, about the club, well, This fan club is basically about Lacus, she is a great avi maker, she is kind, beautiful, adorable, and cheerful.

If you want to join the club, its okay.. u are welcome here..

PM me if you want to join !

Please include your : Gendou Name/Nickname

Okay, I'll tell the history behind the word "Kerotz" first, since some people don't know what it stands for...

KEROTZ=cuter Version of CARROTS=ingredient in CARROT CAKES=Second fave cake of Lacus

Now you know the wonderful meaning of Kerotz XD

Okay, now that we have a thread, I'll post the members...

MeMbErs !!

1. Me (Cutie/Mica)
2. Judgment
3. Vie
4. Hin~chan
5. Blur
6. Kira2
7. Jc
8. Yuuumi
9. Athrun
10. Zatch
11. Shin
12. Miyu
13. Scarlette
14. Mr. Bear
15. Ikki~kun
16. Avian
17. Elizabeth
18. Sara-Chan
19. Hidden Text
20. Anime
21. KID
22. Loser Loner
23. Manny
24. RzR
25. Kira (Her Husband)
26. Rixena
27. Silver the Hedgehog
28. Anna
29. Estimu
30. Nats
31. Yokko
32. Shi-chan
33. Kei-kun
34. Toofle
35. Kyo
36. Sayuri
37. Renmazuo
38. Negi-kun
39. Isis
40. Ken
41. Jansuke
42. Hikky
43. Kei9
44. KiraLight
45. Yat
46. Amar
47. Emi
48. Zparticus
49. Mia
50. Mizuki
51. Wani
52. Xnuki
53. Vv_7
54. Inx
55. Eon
56. Blueberries
57. Senna

I will update the members if there is a new one..

PM me if you aren't here, k? ^x^
I'll be around...

Anyways, we will really be glad if you join the fan club ^o^ just remember to pm me okay?

GrApHics !!

We are planning to make side avis or just plain graphics to let other Gendou users know you're part of the club.. ^o^

1. The Carrot

<img src="" title="Lacus's a.k.a Kerotz's Fan">

2. Lacus Fan

<img src="">

3. Fan Club Member

<img src="" title="Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club Member">

4. Fan

<img src="" title="Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan">

<img src="" title="Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan">

<img src="" title="Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan!">

<img src="" title="Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan">

<img src="" title="Kerotz Fan!!">

<img src="" title="Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan">

You are not required to put this beside your avi *carrot*.. :3 besides.. you can still put it in your profile ryt? ^^

ThAt iS aLL Ü ...

Have fun here..XD btw, don't spam here okay.. ^^ Have a nice time posting here...

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-09-20 22:34:20
Yay! First post!

Finally, the thread for my fan club has been created.. Thank you Mica.. *hugs*
he thread is sooo hard to edit.. D: But I am glad Its okay now.. see? see? we have the thread.. ^^

Hmmm, wat to say? well, I just arrived home from our school retreat..
yesh, It was fun, but very tiring.. anyways.. The 3rd year joined us..
and, it turned out to be a great retreat.. ^^

At first, we are all uncomfortable with each other...
hmm.. but, when they merged the groups.. we got along just fine.. :P
There are 2 boys there..waii.. they called me "ate" which means big sis.. hmm... I dun want people to call me that coz, i think I am OLD!...
but, its okay... it's kinda cool when they call you that..

Hmm, what can i say about meh retreat.. oh! I slept a LOT!
and I almost slept during our sessions.. woot! but that's bad.. haha.. so i did not sleep..

Last Night, we had our praise and worship! It was sooo wild.. I feel so blessed.. after the praise and worship I am all sweaty.. but its okay.. coz I love praising the Lord.. ^^,

So, that's all i can say about the happenings from wednesday-friday.. ^^

How's meh fans.. :3

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-09-20 22:51:19
Ahihihi... I am fine Mommeh ;3
How was your retreat?
Ahaha.. "ate" is good for you :P
My retreat before was really tiring... scary at night :O
There was a really sad time there at my retreat before :(
Gaaah, our sessions is really boring xD
Well not that boring, just boring o.O
Praise and worship is really fun ^^ we kept on singing and singing till we all lose our voice xD
Aheh... Well this is all for now :3

How's Mommeh's FANS? Hope you are all fine ;3

~Please call me ATISH or Mica

Babayooo... Please Post ^^

And Mommeh you aren't old!

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-09-20 22:53:23 (edited 2007-09-20 23:26:56)
Where am I where am I? AHHHH!!!

I definitely request for my name to be on that list... hahaha
I'm a proud Lacus fan!... I have my carrot... lolz ^__^

I'm Lacus avenger/hitman, lolz =P

This is one cool idea!

Viva Lacus! yaaayy!!

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-09-20 23:24:49
As the Fashion Designer, I approve the new Wawakush avvie...oh defenitely.. the sexy look of the year.. xD

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-09-20 23:27:12

There kei~kun... the hitman xD

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-09-20 23:40:48
waaaai.. Sexay look for the year? wahahaha... cool.. how ish my fashion designer? haven't seen you alot lately.. :3 but, I am glad that u are OL..

Hitman/Avenger? what does that mean?
Are you evil or something? *stares*

@Meh Manager!
Hmmmm... Last night, my voice was all crappy..
But it was really worth it...
The song 'all for Love", "Mighty to save" and "With all i am" made me cry! waaai... I felt God's presence.. yay!! ^^

dun be shy.. drop by and say hi^^

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-09-20 23:49:22
Jc-kun Reporting, at your service Kerotz

I am Kerotz sister and bouncer if i whoever is spamming i will find you.

^_^ anyway welcome to the KEROTZ Club i hope you will like it.

Tales of FC

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-09-21 00:13:18
(i hope i'm not spamming <.<)....erk cutie told me to post something here...but i don't remember now but anyway lacus has a club that only talks about her?!, a hitman avanger?!,...erk bodyguards!? and a manager? anyway i'm not sure if i want to join but it sounds like fun i'll pm ya lacus if i want to join ^^

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-09-21 00:16:09

Mommeh: Mommeh! I love "Mighty to Save"! Such a beautiful song

Uncle JC: Waaaii.. at Mommeh's service eh? Hmm, YESH... You go look for spammers

Kei~kun: Kei is the AVENGER... does it mean the one who is a killer?
Does this mean that you're a killer?


Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by Anime on 2007-09-21 02:27:05
Anime, chief of security, reporting for duty!!! (Lt. Gen.)(Ret. slavedriver)

Whoever bugs meh mom, will either be apprehended or TORTURED!!!

Do you already have "Savior King"? They say it's nice...
I like taht song too... (along with "At The Cross")

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-09-21 02:59:29
>w< yay!!! finally!! ^O^ i can post!!! errr... >.< can't spam here XD jc uncle will catch me *run!!* ^__^ hehe~ i am the councelor!!! ^w^*salute* reporting for duty!!! ^O^ mommy!! Be happy always o!!!

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-09-21 03:39:55
nyay Finally Lyrical Princess-san made the thread!! weee

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-09-21 06:11:02
me ish lacus personal poet. anyone needs poetry im here woo and i im secretly lacus pantsu inspector. .... *snugglez* lacus

Photobucket Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-09-22 08:36:14
me ish lacus crazy assistent~
reporting for duteh~

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by nats on 2007-09-22 10:08:40
Hey, Ninjin-chan...

Nats, your ♥Lawyer♥, showing up.. ehehehe..

Anyone you want assassinated...? Mwahahaah!!~

-Nats Ü-

Signing off!

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-09-22 16:34:29
Hi everyone!!
Good day!

Hmmmm, I just woke up, and I have to get ready for church soon...
anyways.. :3
we must ask for help.. ^^
coz, the thread was moved due to the roles, so, bad news guys, roles are a bye bye.. ^^

Let's ask for help from a forum mod if possible.. :3

Take care guys..

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-09-23 10:44:46
Roles are gone eh?... ok

@Lacus-sempai: I'll help you! ^__^, we need to contact a mod so he/she checks if we can move to the other thread :D

I see no problem for it so far so... let's see what they think

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-09-23 21:03:34
Roles are gone eh...
Anyway, Kira2, as your PA, reporting for duty.^_^

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-09-23 22:53:31
hiyyaaaa~~~ finally i found this thread >_<

*reporting in*
your lawyer ish here ^^

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