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Kikyo vs Kagome (from Inuyasha)
Link | by eLL on 2007-04-21 09:33:18
Heh.. who do you like the most???


Re: Kikyo vs Kagome (from Inuyasha)
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2007-04-21 09:38:37
isn't there a thread for this?~ *can't remember*
anyh0o~ kikyo for me ;)

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Re: Kikyo vs Kagome (from Inuyasha)
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-04-21 10:04:07 (edited 2007-04-21 10:05:06)
Yeah, there is... somewhere (can't find it using search).
I'd definitely choose Kikyo over Kagome.
People hate Kikyo, due to misunderstanding but whatever.
She's much prettier and gorgeous then Kagome, but I still like Kagome... just less then Kikyo. XD


Re: Kikyo vs Kagome (from Inuyasha)
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2007-04-21 10:09:59
^i say ditto to everything you said. XD

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Re: Kikyo vs Kagome (from Inuyasha)
Link | by on 2007-04-21 10:14:00
Kikyo is better then kagome >.> sometimes kagome can be soo queasy

Re: Kikyo vs Kagome (from Inuyasha)
Link | by Lady Maia on 2007-04-21 11:06:31
i... i can't choose! T.T they are both awesome, wicked!! kyaa~ X3

*insert epic picture here*

Re: Kikyo vs Kagome (from Inuyasha)
Link | by Hoi Hoi on 2007-04-21 12:09:36
ugh! i absolutely loath kikyo! shes so evil and dont u remember when she stole souls from other women? i would choose kagome even though shes so hesitant. dats much better than kikyo

Re: Kikyo vs Kagome (from Inuyasha)
Link | by on 2007-04-21 12:14:55 (edited 2007-04-21 12:15:25)
kagome all the way~!!

hate kikyo...hate her hate her hate her!! >.<

*whacks kikyo 100000000000000x till she's even more DEAD-er than before~!!!!*

~+~+~+Mikuru desu~!^-^ **~~Mi! Mi! Miracle Mikurun-run! Waaaaaaaaaaai~~**+~+~+~

Re: Kikyo vs Kagome (from Inuyasha)
Link | by on 2007-04-21 15:33:21

I don't know. =/

Sometimes I like Kikyo better and sometimes I like Kagome better.

But I think Kikyo has a more tragic life...

So I'll go with her =)

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Re: Kikyo vs Kagome (from Inuyasha)
Link | by on 2007-04-21 18:15:01 (edited 2007-04-21 18:16:29)
(Couldn't find a topic like this one. Although this is still in the wrong section.)

I have two choices I guess.

I would choose Kagome for the beginning of series because she was cute, a source of humor and so on, but some where along the line she turns into a whiny, useless and emotionally unstable which is where I start to hate her.

I don't dislike Kikyo, she was a tragic character and knows what she is doing. She was tricked into killing the one she loved and trusted then died from doing it. She was reborn and has to constantly take souls to keep herself going, and the main reason she wants to keep pushing on is so that she can stop Naraku and right a wrong. Why does everyone hate her so much? Oh, right, because Kagome and Inuyasha are apparently in love and Inuyasha still has feelings for Kikyo, leading him away from Kagome and stopping a relationship from taking shape between the two thereby causing Kagome fans to hate Kikyo's guts. *takes a deep breath* I had almost forgot.


Re: Kikyo vs Kagome (from Inuyasha)
Link | by on 2007-04-21 18:19:08
*wrong topic, should be in anime, not waste of time*

@Jon: Haha. That just about sums it all up ><

I don't like Kikyo.... because..... Ummm...... (thinks) I just never did like her. *ask Schala if you want to* Not because I thought KagoXInu was better. I just didn't like her. I hate her English voice, too. She sounds like a man. ><

I don't like Kagome, either though. She's always crying, whining, complaining, and she never does anything. She always gets in the way and ends up hurt, or goes back home and has fights. It's just.... GAH! I don't like either of them.

Conclusion: I think they should both go die under a rock somewhere ^^

Re: Kikyo vs Kagome (from Inuyasha)
Link | by gouf 1/2 on 2007-04-21 19:24:20
i go for Kikyo. Kagome is too emotional

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Re: Kikyo vs Kagome (from Inuyasha)
Link | by on 2007-04-21 21:22:08
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! WHEN WAS THIS CREATED!!!!

Ok...So I dislike Kagome...a lot!

I totally adored Kikyou...I mean....If you really study what happened to is really tragic...and her behavior has to be understandable...Anyway...I do understand why she does the things she does! Yeah yeah...some people will say she is horrible...she joined Naruku...and blah blah...try to reason like her...maybe you will understand a little bit...Plus at the end...Kagome wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Kikyou! Muahahaha...*Ok..Lapsus...

So yeah...I like Kikyou...I would love Inuyasha to stay with her. T-T

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Re: Kikyo vs Kagome (from Inuyasha)
Link | by on 2007-04-24 18:51:49
Wow Pame...that's a very persuavsive line you just said.

"Plus at the end...Kagome wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Kikyou!"

I totally agree with that!!!!

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Re: Kikyo vs Kagome (from Inuyasha)
Link | by on 2007-04-26 10:04:07
i like Kikyo too.

Re: Kikyo vs Kagome (from Inuyasha)
Link | by on 2007-04-26 13:12:23
Kikyo. Not that I dislike Kagome, I like her too, but she isnt as cool as Kikyo.

Re: Kikyo vs Kagome (from Inuyasha)
Link | by on 2007-04-29 08:46:30
Hehe, this is funny...usually every other forum I go the people there HATE Kikyo instead of liking her...XD

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Re: Kikyo vs Kagome (from Inuyasha)
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2007-04-29 08:52:52
^ there was a time here in gendou where i bumped into a conversation where people were scorning kikyo~
that's why i was wondering if there was already a thread similar to this ^^

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Re: Kikyo vs Kagome (from Inuyasha)
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-04-29 08:56:14
People are too simple minded to really say "why" they hate one or the other and it's mostly regarding Kikyo.
They just remember what she did after... not before, which was really sad.
In the end... she's the most heart broken.

*hugs Kikyo* T-T

How our souls... are intertwined. :3
On other forums I've seen about InuYasha, I've seen Ren involved and she gets a whopping jump ahead of Kagome, and Kikyo follows her.
You know Ren, right? She's the girl who hangs out with Sesshoumaru.


Re: Kikyo vs Kagome (from Inuyasha)
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2007-04-29 09:00:24
Ren? i know there's a little girl who hangs around sesshy --> rin.
there's a ren? 0_o

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