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Eureka Seven Faves?
Link | by on 2007-03-24 12:00:45
I checked thouroughly and I'm pretty sure this isn't a repeat thread. If it is, I'll delete it >__<

I was wondering if anybody here watched Eureka Seven, and what their favourite song is, favourite ep, favourite LFO and who their fave characters are.

Mine are:
Song- Storywriter by Supercar
Ep- (so far) 26
LFO- NirvashTypeZero
Characters- Renton, Eureka, Moondoggie, Charles, Ray and Guilliver.

Please reply!

Re: Eureka Seven Faves?
Link | by on 2007-03-24 12:18:53
Eureka I BLESS YOU!! I started watching this series just because you were so fond of it ^__^ and then I made you those siggy and ava. And got intrested while looking for information of the dudes called "renton" and "eureka" =3

I love this series sooo much!

Song(s) - I got too many fav's. Best ones: Storywriter, Sakura and Canvas

Episode - I can't say specific one :S I liked every and each one ^^' (and I can't remember what happened in which ep -.-)

LFO - I second Eureka! NircashTypeZero, though TypeEnd was also kind of cool. But too scary. I would say in finnish it was mörkö =D

Characters - Renton, Eureka, Charles.. There is some other. But I can't check the names now, so I'll add them later

And then I HAVE to ask..
Did you understand the ending. I mean, I did understand it somewhat, but what keeps bothering me was the earth thing. They said people left earth because of the (*sigh* forgot this one too) was it Scub Coral or something? And then came back later. So, if Renton, Eureka and the others are in earth all the time, where is that earth? o.O is the surface of earth covered with something, so the "real" earth is under that or somethinig.

I feel stupid ^^' But I have to ask. nyah
I totally loved the whole series!!

Re: Eureka Seven Faves?
Link | by on 2007-03-24 12:22:01 (edited 2007-03-24 12:22:45)
@Nekomimi: Hee hee! Thanks again for making me that siggy and avvy!! ^__^ To be honest, I'm only on ep 29. Watching it right now. It was so sad what happened to Ray and Charles!!! T___T Gawd!! I hated Holland for that! I'm gonna try to finish the series this month, 'cuz we got highspeed! I'm glad you liked it anyways!

[EDIT] I think that the 'scub' was the thing that ate up Eureka and that's why she got her hair torn off. Make sense?

Re: Eureka Seven Faves?
Link | by on 2007-03-24 12:25:51
Ahh! I thought you had already watched it! But the thing I am talking about is quite near to the end :3 So I won't talk more about it ;3

But I did get that part where Eureka got swallowed by that thing.
I can't ever remember strange words ^^' So all the scubs and corallians wont quite stay in my mind. And Im working right now with computer that doesn't support any web sites with more information to bring my memories back T.T

I hyper speeded trough the whole series ^^'

Re: Eureka Seven Faves?
Link | by on 2007-03-24 12:41:56
Okies, now I have a question for you about ep 29. I think I understand, its just confusing.
So Earth is full of these Coralian things, and everybody is scared of them. But Adrock Thurston thinks they are sentient beings, and wants to save/protect them, especially after he saw the human form of one. Eureka is a Coralian? So... she's not really..... Ugh.... I don't understand. Is Anemone one too? And what about that one Coralian that Renton and Eureka went to? Was that a person? @___@

Re: Eureka Seven Faves?
Link | by on 2007-03-24 12:46:18
Must admit, those things are confusing yes. Especially Anemone. Because I somehow understood that people like her were somehow "made" by human :S
But that can't be! Or can it..? Confusing.

And yeah, Eureka is corallian. But I don't know if that changes anything. She is kind of sent to "search out" what kind of beings humans are and if Corallians could get along with them. I hope that is not included as a spoiler :S

And the person Eureka and Renton went to. Who are you talking about? The lotus lady? (I can't quite remember this one either ^^')

Re: Eureka Seven Faves?
Link | by on 2007-03-24 12:51:39
I mean where they go into the Corallian with the Nirvash and Anemone is all freaky and naked in the fridge >_< Sorry I can't describe. But was that a person too?

I love it when Maeter Maurice and Linck are like "Mischa, is Mama's name Corallian?"

Re: Eureka Seven Faves?
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-03-24 14:32:20
I have no favorites except that this anime is a part of my "favorite anime" list!
I need to add this to my profile then. :D

This anime is one of the best, one of the best mecha animes in a few years, and I love everything about it.
I'm currently watching the dubbed version, since I'm watching too many anime on the internet/dLed anime, but the dub cannot be overlooked since I think, the dub is effen sweet as well.


Re: Eureka Seven Faves?
Link | by on 2007-03-24 14:51:25 (edited 2007-03-24 15:00:33)
I agree, they did a great job with the dub. I don't care for Eureka's voice sometimes, but most of the time it is great. I do prefer the sub version better though d(^__^)b

Its one of the only mecha anime I like. I only like E7 and Gundam Seed. Even Seed Destiny sucks. (sorry GSD fans)

OMG I have a new favourite episode! Episode 32!! I love it so much!!! ROTFLMFAO!!!! OH GOD!!! Where fricking Axel comes out of no where with this tractor thing and picks up a truck!! T__T I laughed so hard!

Re: Eureka Seven Faves?
Link | by on 2007-03-24 15:01:44 (edited 2007-03-24 15:02:58)
Let's see...

Song- Days & Shounen Heart

Ep- I'm not sure.^^;

LFO- The End (That suit was great. The cockpit was stupid though, I didn't like the eyeballs everywhere.>.>)

Characters- Charles, Harland (I think that's his name. I'm blanking out right now, can't think too straight.^^;), Talho(?), that's all I can remember at the moment.

I agree with Eureka too. It's one of the only Mecha I like. (For me it ranks 3rd or so, below Gundam Seed and Escaflowne.)


Re: Eureka Seven Faves?
Link | by on 2007-03-24 15:36:07
Hey guys, look what Eureka dug up :P
It's episode 33 part one. Watch closely. See any familiar faces? LOL In case you can't, freeze the video at exactly 0:44 seconds into it, and look at the couple sitting with their surf boards. Neat touch, huh? ^__^ I love stuff like this in anime!

Re: Eureka Seven Faves?
Link | by toushiro-10 on 2007-03-25 04:54:23
i love eureka

song: storywater, sakura, and niiji
ep: last when renton and eureka become a pair of star
chara: eureka, shes pretty
LFO: the end, so dark and shiny, just like patlabor enemy.

Re: Eureka Seven Faves?
Link | by Bleach984 on 2007-03-25 23:10:17
I love Eureka 7.

Song: Shounen Heart (second opening theme)


Character: Talho(dont ask XD)

LFO: theEnd(Final form - the grey one not the creepy eyes one)

Signature goes here

Re: Eureka Seven Faves?
Link | by on 2007-03-25 23:22:56
fav song: storywriter.....btw did the storywriter song here got some problem?? i mean the song incomplete??

ep: of course the last episode and when eureka and renton meet up again-> forgot the number

chars: renton, eureka, talho,

LFO: i like the one holand use, devilsh or somthing like that

Re: Eureka Seven Faves?
Link | by on 2007-03-26 12:29:59
@Key: Do you mean how the beginning is all.... choppy? Because that is part of the track.... If that's not what you mean, then I am confuzzled @__@

I also like ep 36. Heehee "How does it look?" "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?!" lol lol lol and Holland is like... "How far have you two gone? I'm not letting you out of here until you tell me"

Re: Eureka Seven Faves?
Link | by fdsa on 2007-03-26 21:25:25 (edited 2007-03-26 21:26:35)
This is my personal favorite anime for me!
Song- Tip Taps Tip
Ep- 50(last episode ^_^)2nd is 46
LFO- NirvashTypeZero and TheEnd in its final form!
Characters- Everyone!!

Re: Eureka Seven Faves?
Link | by on 2007-04-08 17:40:07
I have another favourite episode....

EPISODE 38!!!!!!!!!

The one where they talk about sex >< Haha that is so funny!!

Moodoggie: I mean..... Can they even.... do it?
Matthieu: Don't worry. We are allies! *drops porn*
Eureka: Does that mean Renton really wants to be a dad?
Holland: .... RENTON?! *runs... beats up Renton, Doggie and Matthieu*

Re: Eureka Seven Faves?
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-04-08 18:13:58
I don't remember if I saw that one... not sure where I left off really; haven't seen it in weeks.


Re: Eureka Seven Faves?
Link | by Pretty Poison on 2007-04-08 18:28:12 (edited 2007-04-08 18:31:41)
Fav characters are Eureka and Anomena (spl?) because of the complexity that surrounds their lives....I like everyone too!

***Cutes guy of the Series..*drum role* is... HOLLAND!
Don't have a prettiest girl/woman 'cause I think their all...well...Pretty.

oh..and I agree with Eureka about episode 38...had me laughin' senseless!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket My Pretty Poison avy and sig are made by baby_raine!!! You RoCk RainE!!!

Re: Eureka Seven Faves?
Link | by Sir Bon on 2007-04-11 10:03:52
Charles Beams is my favorite chara there

Charles manliness a kick in the ass for not being manly enough!

...and who yo daddy, huh?  WHO YO DADDY?Where's your god now?  Here she is! Death is certain, the hour is not ~Gankotsuoh

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