Good, Bad, Worse, V2
Imppy here, the creator of "Good Bad Worse" thread. The old thread has been locked because it has too many posts, now I'll create the thread--version 2 STYLE~!! This game is common and simple. One person says something good, and another person will say something bad or negative to that last post, then someone will say something worse to that last post. Example: Person A: "Good: I won the lottery" Person B: "Bad: The prize is $1" Person C: "Worse: They got the wrong person" Person D: *another good situation* And so on and so forth... Something like that....make it as silly as you like, but no double posting on purpose. Put the word "Good" or "Bad" or "Worse" before your sentence to avoid confusions. When the Worse situation has been posted, then that particular situation has ended, so start another situation. Let's start the ball rolling dattebayo~! ^_^ |
Re: Good, Bad, Worse, V2
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by ♥•°AnGeL-oF-AnIme °•♥
on 2007-02-10 00:43:43
Good: I got a puppy! this is fun! |
Re: Good, Bad, Worse, V2
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on 2007-02-10 00:45:46 (edited 2007-02-10 00:46:05)
@Imppy: Thanks for making a version 2! I love this game! Bad: The puppy has rabies... |
Re: Good, Bad, Worse, V2
Worse: It ate you O_O |
Re: Good, Bad, Worse, V2
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on 2007-02-10 08:27:50
Good:You are given free trip to any location for a year.All expenses is supported. |
Re: Good, Bad, Worse, V2
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by OwdEe sh4H
on 2007-02-10 08:52:15
bad:nobody wants to join me... |
Re: Good, Bad, Worse, V2
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on 2007-02-10 11:56:23
worse: when you arrive to the location you choose you get killed by a rabbit :P |
Re: Good, Bad, Worse, V2
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on 2007-02-10 12:11:50
Good: You were found by a good rabbit and was taken to the hospital |
Re: Good, Bad, Worse, V2
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on 2007-02-10 14:42:55
Bad : It has a HORRIBLE sense of direction |
Re: Good, Bad, Worse, V2
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on 2007-02-10 20:46:09
Worse: you end up in the same location as last time, and got attacked again, but this time by a living marshmallow. XDDD |
Re: Good, Bad, Worse, V2
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on 2007-02-11 00:45:43
Good: This time, you are taken by a good living marshmallow who has a good sense of direction! |
Re: Good, Bad, Worse, V2
Bad: That marshmallow is hungry |
Re: Good, Bad, Worse, V2
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on 2007-02-11 08:28:14
Worse: The marshmallow ate u.......and then i ate the marshmallow XD |
Re: Good, Bad, Worse, V2
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on 2007-02-11 08:42:31
Good: You found @rabbit is eating marshmallow and decide to join too. |
Re: Good, Bad, Worse, V2
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on 2007-02-11 11:52:38
Bad: You ate too many marshmallows and got a stomachache. |
Re: Good, Bad, Worse, V2
Worse: Your stomach exploded.
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Re: Good, Bad, Worse, V2
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on 2007-02-11 15:57:20
Good: Some doctors fixed your stomach and now you're OK! |
Re: Good, Bad, Worse, V2
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on 2007-02-11 16:14:41
Bad: The doctors did a bad job of fixing your stomach! >D |
Re: Good, Bad, Worse, V2
Worse: You don't have a stomach! @.@ |
Re: Good, Bad, Worse, V2
good: somebody donates a stomach for you. <3 |