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For The Girls, Do You Think Japanese Boys Are Cute
Link | by ℓ٥ﻻﻉ√٥υ on 2007-01-25 22:19:55
i love japanese boys soooooo cute irl i've seen them back home in japan but i haven't got a boyfriend yet but in anime like gravitation & video games like final fantasy they look the cutest! :p

so what do you think?

Re: For The Girls, Do You Think Japanese Boys Are Cute
Link | by IzumiLuvAnime on 2007-01-26 02:54:54
I don't know. But what I've seen it looks like they're quite cute! Mostly the long-haired one! Kakoii!

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Re: For The Girls, Do You Think Japanese Boys Are Cute
Link | by Cloud on 2007-02-04 22:00:06
No. They're not cute at all. I wacth japanese dorama a lot (not really) but they don't look good enough. But then again, hideaki takizawa and takeshi kaneshiro are quiet handsome.
Do they have any audition for dorama in japan?
Every japan singer (band) i know is not cute at all.

So the conclusion is: japanese boy is not cute. If there's so many cute japanese boys out there,how come the "not cute at all" shun (or shin?) ogura get to show up on tv a lot ( i think he's the cutest from the not cute japanese boy).

But almost every japanese girl i know is good looking (i like Ayumi Hamasaki)!

Re: For The Girls, Do You Think Japanese Boys Are Cute
Link | by MiCHiYo μ on 2007-02-04 22:04:12
i chill with a japanese boy. he's my classmate. XD
i must say, he's not all that hot or cute, except for his abs, and his
eyes. but, really... it's his japanese ways of doing things that's cute.


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Re: For The Girls, Do You Think Japanese Boys Are Cute
Link | by ♥•°AnGeL-oF-AnIme °•♥ on 2007-02-04 23:46:06 (edited 2007-02-04 23:51:55)

Japanese guys are hot, that's my opinion!


«An Otaku * Music Fan * Movie Maniac * Video Game Addict* High School Princess * High Achiever * Eurasian * Devil May Cry Luver but with all other anime, manga & games!»

Re: For The Girls, Do You Think Japanese Boys Are Cute
Link | by C. Niiro on 2007-02-07 15:41:37
well...i truly depends on which japanese boy you hang out with! i know soo my brother is half Jap, and TRUST me they look good! but trutfully noone is allowed to judge who looks good and who doesn't I mean everyone has their own taste!


Re: For The Girls, Do You Think Japanese Boys Are Cute
Link | by kali-chan on 2007-02-08 07:02:06
Ok. Every race has it's bad apples, but whenever I'm in the city (NYC) the Jap guys are all around me. I'll confess V_V. I look, and if it's excusable, I downright stare lmao. Some of them are hot!! o_O

Re: For The Girls, Do You Think Japanese Boys Are Cute
Link | by on 2007-02-11 10:19:26
Well, I have been in Japan and there have been at least a dozen cute guys walking around the train station or, surprisingly, Akiba. Yes, they are cute, but the rest of the population of guys aren't really...cute.

Re: For The Girls, Do You Think Japanese Boys Are Cute
Link | by on 2007-02-11 17:12:47
DUH!! xP I'm Asian myself, and think Japanese boys are hawt!! <33 Especially, the jrockers!!! I just love to admire em and I always love to squeal when I see them in the magazines and stuff. >D

Re: For The Girls, Do You Think Japanese Boys Are Cute
Link | by on 2007-02-11 17:20:57
Not all. Some are cute, some are hot, some are pretty and some are just pretty average. XD

But I mostly miss the guys at my host sister's high school. The boys there were really nice. The one who I adored was Keita and his looks were average, but his personality is what made him appealing. KYAH! He can act so cute sometimes that I feel like I want to kick him! XD

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Re: For The Girls, Do You Think Japanese Boys Are Cute
Link | by MissMin on 2007-02-11 19:55:06
Just as in any race, you get guys that are hot, and some that are not. I guess it just depends on the person.

Re: For The Girls, Do You Think Japanese Boys Are Cute
Link | by shye85 on 2007-02-12 02:31:16
Hmmm... honestly I think Japanese guys are cute!!!!! I'm not really sure how to say this but each time when I meet any new japanese guys that come to my place, they are like, so hewt!!! x_x

I prefer a megane type actually. So it will be a bonus if I can make friends with any megane-kun! Hahahaha.

But Japanese guys are cute! I just love their eyes. But yeah.... not all of the are like that but thats more than enough I gues. Hihihi

Re: For The Girls, Do You Think Japanese Boys Are Cute
Link | by Aki Kaede on 2007-02-12 08:00:41
Some are cute, some are typical Japanese, some are ok...

But there is one thing I notice about them, they are real thin!!!

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Re: For The Girls, Do You Think Japanese Boys Are Cute
Link | by on 2007-02-19 12:52:54
Some. =D

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Re: For The Girls, Do You Think Japanese Boys Are Cute
Link | by meiri-chan on 2007-02-19 12:57:47
Honestly, i think MOST of them are cute. Especially j-rockers. <333

||.live to love, love to live.|| ♥ あ い し て る ♥

Re: For The Girls, Do You Think Japanese Boys Are Cute
Link | by DeG on 2007-02-22 11:39:34
Hmm...everyone has their own opinions and sorry for posting in a "girls only" thread.. xD

But of course just like anywhere in the world, there are cute ones and not so cute ones.

But I say, Japanese GIRLS (most of them) are kawaii!! wahaha..
maybe because they're unique in style and thats what makes them cute..

I noticed that if you watch jdramas or movies, there are more cute girls than guys..some guys aren't even that handsome..dunno why.. x_x'

But yeah I love how the dudes in bands are..they rock! lol even though they aren't so "cute", their style is nice.


Re: For The Girls, Do You Think Japanese Boys Are Cute
Link | by shiosaki on 2007-02-23 02:13:31
It depends, really. On the person, and your own personal preference. Personally, I think that most Japanese guys are cute, even just walking down the street you'll see quite alot of them. =D

But I have to say, Japanese people are the prettiest in Asia. It's true.

Re: For The Girls, Do You Think Japanese Boys Are Cute
Link | by -KuSoJo- on 2007-02-26 01:48:47
boys are pretty in when you're a boy..and you go to might wat my friend who went to japan said..

Re: For The Girls, Do You Think Japanese Boys Are Cute
Link | by on 2007-02-28 20:17:40 (edited 2007-02-28 20:18:00)
Don't know if they're cute (of course, we love our anime bishies, but unfortunately they don't count), but just from live screen-time, jdramas, etc, I think some can be damn pretty, *lol*, and a few also downright handsome/sexy/hot; but in general, because we mostly see them in pop-mainstream-media forms, the majority of them are probably attractive in different ways that have more to do with personality-looks, as opposed to just plain looks ... but of course, to make an absolute correct observation, we'd all have to actually go there, right? Darn, I need moola....... *sigh*

Re: For The Girls, Do You Think Japanese Boys Are Cute
Link | by shiseiten_no_akira on 2007-03-04 13:33:06
I've been to Japan and I can say there are cute guys, and not-so-cute guys, just like in any country anywhere. The good thing is that most of the guys look clean and have some sort of fashion sense - that always makes even a plain looking guy better looking by notches. That's why people from other cultures would probably think of them as "gay" - but it's just called metrosexuality! The metrosexual Japanese boys are conscious about their appearance and strive to make themselves look good (I wish I could say the same about the boys in my country (-_-;) Also, I find them to be more in touch with their "feminine side" - meaning NOT gay but more sensitive of other people, and not so much machismo - so they're perceived to be not as "manly" as boys from other cultures.

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