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Link | by darkchi-freya on 2006-05-02 02:54:27
^_^ Greetings, everybody out there!!! ^_^

Obviously I am a newbie and i would like to meet some people.

i love chobits, fma and i really would love to see aria the animation. i read all the aria manga and i loved it to pieces. i love all anime and manga (cept the gross ones!!!) and i want to download lotsa stuff but i cant cause my internet is slow so i am sad.

nevertheless, i would love to say hi and i love anime.


darkchi-freya ^_^

Re: (^_^) HAJIMEMASHITE, MINA-SAN!!!! (^_^)
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-05-02 03:03:06 (edited 2006-05-02 03:04:09)
good your a girl! and a chobits fan to boot! lol...

AHOY! and welcome to gendou! my name is lady maia... call me maia if you want ^^

anywho... the drill.... read rules or something that won't get you in trouble here in gendou... for short don't get yourself banned. Have fun in the forums, and post once in a while! the more the merrier! (how cliche lol)

anywho... your a chobits fan right? me too... I'll give you TWO pics in case you have the chobits pic that I wil give you ^^

CLAMP signed

here's the other one! (you're lucky... I gave you two! joke joke)
Tsubasa Chronicles OST cover

EDIT: YEAH~! first post! woot~! woot~! hehehe

*insert epic picture here*

Re: (^_^) HAJIMEMASHITE, MINA-SAN!!!! (^_^)
Link | by flamegod on 2006-05-02 03:18:04
Why am i slower this time....
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Re: (^_^) HAJIMEMASHITE, MINA-SAN!!!! (^_^)
Link | by on 2006-05-02 04:00:11
FINALLY!!! I have some more time to greet the new members to Gendou!You should know all about the rules & stuff (i hope O_o?)....just have FUN!
Only Studio Ego! & Cherrysoft pics from me....LOVE Ms.Kazue Yamamoto art! Now on with the tradition!

Aoi from Crave x 10...a Cherrysoft game.

Cherrysoft no longer makes games so this is a RARE image....take care of it ^^...oh it's kinda big.

Re: (^_^) HAJIMEMASHITE, MINA-SAN!!!! (^_^)
Link | by on 2006-05-02 05:59:20
YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!sorry..hhehe Im just so glad to meet new people here at gendou!have fun posting and downloading!Read da rules so you dont get any problems and last of all HAVE FUN ya know?Coze if you dont Ill kick know ^__^ Anyhow You like chobits?I LOVVVVVEEEEE CHOBITS wahehehehe along with other anime..I got this pic from someone but Ill pass it to you now!

Re: (^_^) HAJIMEMASHITE, MINA-SAN!!!! (^_^)
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-05-02 06:34:11
Welcome to Gendou, darkchi-freya~~! Happy posting-! Sorry no pics. I'm not that generous today sorry-! Lol.. Will give you picture if I can..

Need avvie or sigs? Request at 'Get Your Avatar Icons!' in Introduce Yourself section!Fan of Kaname Kuran and his family of Vampire Knight.
Fan of Lelouch Lamperouge of Code Geass.
Love avatar-making and signature making.
Self-preclaimed boss of the 'Get Your Avatar Icons' thread.
Avatar shop is now open Click here for details.
Love Kaname Kuran's mother so much!

Re: (^_^) HAJIMEMASHITE, MINA-SAN!!!! (^_^)
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-05-02 08:11:04
I'm watching FMA currently, I'm on episode 40 now... 12 episodes to finish before it's over... o.o;

Speaking of FMA, I have an image from it for you!

Welcome to Gendou's!

Re: (^_^) HAJIMEMASHITE, MINA-SAN!!!! (^_^)
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-05-02 14:06:49
aria...sounds brain isn't working today!!! >_<

lolz..hiya, chobit fan!!! ^_^

nice 2 meet u!! comp is slow too!!!! XD

welcome to gendou!!!

have fun!

and enjoy!

here's my pic! although it's not fma, or aria, or last of all but not least, chobit...but, i hope u enjoy it!!

*she's wrapped in something....i dunno...lolz

Re: (^_^) HAJIMEMASHITE, MINA-SAN!!!! (^_^)
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-05-02 19:17:05
Welcome to Gendou, Darkchi!! Hope you have a great time here, meeting everybody and making new friends too. Hope you see you in the forums! Here's an image for ya, hope you like, enjoy!!

..::Fate/Stay Night::..
"Rin Tohsaka"

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Re: (^_^) HAJIMEMASHITE, MINA-SAN!!!! (^_^)
Link | by darkchi-freya on 2006-05-03 23:53:10
hi peepz
thanks for replying ^_^
currently sposed to be doing art assign lol
aneways i dont mean to sound rude but wot do i do with the pics lol

im no good at comps


^_^ darkchi-freya

Re: (^_^) HAJIMEMASHITE, MINA-SAN!!!! (^_^)
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-05-04 13:22:49
You do whatever you want with the pics, they're yours! Save 'em, ignore 'em, put 'em in your sig, do whatever!

Re: (^_^) HAJIMEMASHITE, MINA-SAN!!!! (^_^)
Link | by darkchi-freya on 2006-05-05 00:32:18
how do i put them in my sig

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