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yoroshiku ^__^
Link | by kanna on 2006-04-29 20:40:40
Konnichiwa minna-san! ^__^ this is the first time I've joined a forum... no idea how things work... @_@ but I hope I don't break any rules ^__^;; maa....

tonikaku... how do I introduce myself...? Ee to...

Hajimemashite. Boku wa Kanna desu. (",)

I love Anime, RPGs, Anime music, JRock... Although I'm more familiar w/ L'Arc~en~Ciel...

What else... what else... -__-;; @__@

Right... My favorite anime... haha... ^____^

So far...

Tantei Gakuen Q
Dakkanya Get Backers
Gensoumaden Saiyuki
Yami no Matsuei

...and many others... might be too many... better stop already... -__-;;

I would like to see Full Metal Alchemist & Trigun though... ^__^

Oh... how do you put signatures...? and avatars...? O.o Oops... sorry about that... -__-;;

"I think I'd like to do something for somebody. I think it's good if someone smiles back when you smile at them. The beauty of voluntary acts and foster goodwill in the hearts of others. Love that is unconditional gives us respect as people. However, it's wrong to force love to try and keep it alive. In time, the strain will bloom into the flower called Lie, the deceptively thorny flower which hurts people." - Trigun

Re: yoroshiku ^__^
Link | by flamegod on 2006-04-29 20:42:23
Anywayz WElcome to gendou!!!!
Heres your Final Fantasy picture!!!


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Re: yoroshiku ^__^
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-04-29 20:54:13 (edited 2006-04-29 20:57:01)
Welcome to Gendou, Kanna-san-! Happy posting and have fun--!!

Well let's see..

your question is how to put avatar and sig rite?

You can find the answer in the FAQ--!!

For avatar help

For sig help

Need avvie or sigs? Request at 'Get Your Avatar Icons!' in Introduce Yourself section!Fan of Kaname Kuran and his family of Vampire Knight.
Fan of Lelouch Lamperouge of Code Geass.
Love avatar-making and signature making.
Self-preclaimed boss of the 'Get Your Avatar Icons' thread.
Avatar shop is now open Click here for details.
Love Kaname Kuran's mother so much!

Re: yoroshiku ^__^
Link | by on 2006-04-29 21:05:28 (edited 2006-04-29 21:22:09)
WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO L'Arc-en-ciel FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!owww how rude of me...Sorry,I forgot to introduce my self...My name is Ken.I think its tradition here to pots a picture of yourself...But I usually post an ID instead..w8

Re: yoroshiku ^__^
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-04-29 21:20:01
Well you got a great start on what Animes to check out. Trigun is very good and I just saw Fullmetal Alchemst at 11.3o(The Alchemy Exam) Well yeah, Atemu has givin you two links, and choose appropiate pics, keep the other stuff to yourself, lol! well Here's a free one, hope you like and Welcome to Gendou, Enjoy!!

..::Fullmetal Alchemist::..
"The Central Times"

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Re: yoroshiku ^__^
Link | by kanna on 2006-04-30 06:03:34
Wow... I already got replies. Didn't expect that ^___^ Honto ni arigatou gozaimasu! ^___^

To Otaku-Killer-sempai:
Ara... fate/stay night? is that that game that's created by the same group that made tsukihime...? wow... you've played it? Sugoi na... I've only read about Tsukihime & Fate/Stay night in a website. ^__^;; I vaguely remember the story of Fate/Stay night, but I thought the Tsukihime story was really something--w/ the idea of death perception (did I get that right...?). Have you played that too? ^__^

You like Final Fantasy 7 too? XD Thank you very much for the picture!

To Atemu_mana-sempai:
Thank you very much for providing those links ^__^ I really appreciate them. I'll look for a good signature first ^__^

To Ken-sempai:
Are you a L'arc~en~Ciel fan, too? XD Which Laruku song is your favorite? ^__^

You like Gundam Seed too? ^__^ Although I haven't seen Gundam Seed Destiny yet -__-;;

To Devils-Angel-sempai:
Wow... Lucky... You already saw Trigun & you get to watch Full Metal Alchemist. When I get the chance (& the money -___-;;) I'll try to buy the DVDs/VCDs ^__^

Wow... Thank you very much for the picture! ^________^

"I think I'd like to do something for somebody. I think it's good if someone smiles back when you smile at them. The beauty of voluntary acts and foster goodwill in the hearts of others. Love that is unconditional gives us respect as people. However, it's wrong to force love to try and keep it alive. In time, the strain will bloom into the flower called Lie, the deceptively thorny flower which hurts people." - Trigun

Re: yoroshiku ^__^
Link | by flamegod on 2006-04-30 06:06:56 (edited 2006-04-30 09:44:19)
Kanna-chan Arigato!!!!=^_^= Nyaa~~~~~~
Yeah TypeMoon created it(H-game company Fate/Stay Night is a H-Game)
its Death Perception,Shiki use it(Tsukihime is a H-Novel)
And yes i played Fate/Stay Night and Fate/Hollow Ataraxia.....If you want some Wallpapers or Picture Put me on MSN

Re: yoroshiku ^__^
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2006-04-30 06:19:51
†woah, you are a very active newbie~
anyhoo, sori if my weLcomes are Late ~nyao♥
but, it's better late than never, ne..?


i hope you enjoy your stay here~nyao
and it's soo nice that you don't want to break the ruLes!!
anyhoo, waah?!! i don't have a pic for you either~
i'm soo sorry.. it's just that i'm not in my hometown now
so, i don't have pix ready for upLoading
**runs to corner and hides** ~purr

  m y . L i F E . i . t r a d e . i n . f o r . y o u r . P A i N .

Re: yoroshiku ^__^
Link | by on 2006-04-30 07:37:12 (edited 2006-04-30 07:50:35)
FINALLY!!! I have some more time to greet the new members to Gendou!You should know all about the rules & stuff (i hope O_o?)....just have FUN!
Only Studio Ego! & Cherrysoft pics from me....LOVE Ms.Kazue Yamamoto art! Now on with the tradition!

Natsu playing with her new friend...^^

I hope to become your new friend too:)

Re: yoroshiku ^__^
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-04-30 09:12:54
why does those smiley faces reminds me of sachiel??!! lolz...*vomits* lolz...technically, u two smiles too much..lolz

welcome to gendou!!!

have fun!!

and enjoy!

*a kawaii pic for the ^_^..lolz.

Re: yoroshiku ^__^
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-04-30 09:17:50
your welcome,Kanna! lol..never heard anyone calling me sempai.

Need avvie or sigs? Request at 'Get Your Avatar Icons!' in Introduce Yourself section!Fan of Kaname Kuran and his family of Vampire Knight.
Fan of Lelouch Lamperouge of Code Geass.
Love avatar-making and signature making.
Self-preclaimed boss of the 'Get Your Avatar Icons' thread.
Avatar shop is now open Click here for details.
Love Kaname Kuran's mother so much!

Re: yoroshiku ^__^
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-05-01 07:18:24
^_^ *<-- notice the smiley*

Welcome to Gendou's, Kanna! (or should I call you Kannabi no Mikoto...?)

Here's my image for ya~

Re: yoroshiku ^__^
Link | by kanna on 2006-05-06 18:07:30
Oops... gomen, didn't realize i was smiling too much -__-; i have a tendency to do that sometimes O.o

To Otaku-Killer-sempai:
Are...? What's an H-game and H-Novel? ^__^ waah... you've played them? are they good? (",)

To Rin-sepai:
Yoroshiku! it's ok if you don't have any pics. Arigatou for welcoming me ^__^

To Izumo-sempai:
Thank you very much for the picture! I really appreciate them! ^__^ Thank you for taking the time to welcome me!

To Eternaltorture-sempai:
^__^ arigatou for the pic and for the welcome post!

To Atemu_mana-sempai:
^__^ heeh... I didn't know that... I thought someone has already. Maa... Yoroshiku, sempai!

To S-a-c-h-i-e-l-san:
Thank you for the pic! ^__^ Are...? What's Kannabi no Mikoto? ^__^

Nice to meet everyone! ^__^

"I think I'd like to do something for somebody. I think it's good if someone smiles back when you smile at them. The beauty of voluntary acts and foster goodwill in the hearts of others. Love that is unconditional gives us respect as people. However, it's wrong to force love to try and keep it alive. In time, the strain will bloom into the flower called Lie, the deceptively thorny flower which hurts people." - Trigun

Re: yoroshiku ^__^
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-05-06 22:37:49
H-game/H-novel = Hentai o.o;
(if you dunno what that is, I can tell you not to google it if you're under 18 and you should get what it is)

And Kannabi no Mikoto is a character from Air (like the coolest anime character from any anime), and everyone abbreviates her name to Kanna ^_~

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