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hiyee!!! =^__^=
Link | by =^munyaw^= on 2006-04-28 05:26:33
hi guyz!!! i'm a newbie here.. my friend introduced this syt to me just now.. thankz to tidus_73088!!! this syt is so cool!!! u guyz rOcK!!! \m/

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=^__^= nya!!! =^__^=

Re: hiyee!!! =^__^=
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-04-28 05:33:22
Welcome to Gendou! read the rules if you don't want to get banned! hehehe anywho... they say that tradition here in gendou is that we give you some pics! so here's mine

on with the tradition... tradition...

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dunno which anime she's from... but I like the colors and her dress and her face! hope you like it ^^

*insert epic picture here*

Re: hiyee!!! =^__^=
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2006-04-28 05:39:25 (edited 2006-04-28 05:56:16)
†weLcome to the forums~
munyaw~ nyao m(n_n)m
ditto on whaT maia said..
w8 a wyL whiLst i upLoad thy pic

tadaa~!! ~nyao♥

  m y . L i F E . i . t r a d e . i n . f o r . y o u r . P A i N .

Re: hiyee!!! =^__^=
Link | by flamegod on 2006-04-28 05:40:02
Welcome To Gendou Nyuu~~~
Heres your picture nyuu~~
My fav Fate/Stay Night Picture Nyuu~~~

Re: hiyee!!! =^__^=
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-04-28 08:51:30
Otaku-Killer, did Tohru hug you?

Hmmm... I like that image Maia ^_^

And now, welcome to Gendou's, fair young member! As you see, our little tradition here involves the giving out of images to all unwary members who join :D

Re: hiyee!!! =^__^=
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-04-28 13:59:13
lolz..kewlies!!! ...(heh...who's tidus?..lolz..nvm)

welcome to gendou!!!

have fun!!


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Re: hiyee!!! =^__^=
Link | by on 2006-04-28 18:14:07
FINALLY!!! I have some more time to greet the new members to Gendou!You should know all about the rules & stuff (i hope O_o?)....just have FUN!
Only Studio Ego! & Cherrysoft pics from me....LOVE Ms.Kazue Yamamoto art! Now on with the tradition!

Here's something a little more risque....still cute!

Re: hiyee!!! =^__^=
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-04-28 19:48:08 (edited 2006-04-28 19:49:38)
Welcome =^munyaw^= to Gendou. Happy posting and be sure to read the rules. Sorry, no pic.

and one more thing. You sig won't show up coz you didn't upload the pic in image-hosting sites.

Need avvie or sigs? Request at 'Get Your Avatar Icons!' in Introduce Yourself section!Fan of Kaname Kuran and his family of Vampire Knight.
Fan of Lelouch Lamperouge of Code Geass.
Love avatar-making and signature making.
Self-preclaimed boss of the 'Get Your Avatar Icons' thread.
Avatar shop is now open Click here for details.
Love Kaname Kuran's mother so much!

Re: hiyee!!! =^__^=
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-04-28 23:04:42
Welcome to Gendou! be sure to post often to stay updated with news and stuff...and just have fun as well. Here's a Free one from me to you, hope you like, Enjoy!!

..::Velsha(either char? or anime?)::..
I have another pic of her, but that'll be out when it's hot out, ß) sshhh!!

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Re: hiyee!!! =^__^=
Link | by =^munyaw^= on 2006-04-29 08:44:21
ei guyz!!! thankie for ur super warmie welcome! and for the kewl pix! i appreciate them a lot!!! =^__^=

umm.. bout my sig pic.. yah! i noticed that, too.. i'll try to work on it.. hehe..

i also want to give you pix in return but i guess i'll do it next tym, probably when i'm done with my own prob..

ok guyz! take care! \=^__^=/ u rock!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

=^__^= nya!!! =^__^=

Re: hiyee!!! =^__^=
Link | by on 2006-04-29 09:00:05
Hi to uhhh...not sure if your a girl or a boy...Ill just say Hi then!^__^Hope you like your stay at gendou!

Re: hiyee!!! =^__^=
Link | by on 2006-04-29 09:03:29
Im not sure if Im doing it correctly but Ill try and post an Id of my self here here it goes

Re: hiyee!!! =^__^=
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-04-30 01:29:25
@ken: please avoid double posting... oh, and beside your name... there's the word MODIFY click on that if you want to edit your post...

@sachiel: thanks... hard time finding that pic... ^^

*insert epic picture here*

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