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uhmmm, hi?!
Link | by yaoihuntress on 2006-04-27 08:21:54
Hi there! I'm a total newbie to all these groups and forum thingies so please be gentle with me ^_^.

I'm a believer!

Re: uhmmm, hi?!
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-04-27 08:26:11
okay :]

Re: uhmmm, hi?!
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2006-04-27 08:28:52
†weLcome "newbie" m(n_n)m
please read and follow rules so that you won't be banned ^^
here's your weLcome pic from moi~!!


  m y . L i F E . i . t r a d e . i n . f o r . y o u r . P A i N .

Re: uhmmm, hi?!
Link | by flamegod on 2006-04-27 08:48:12 (edited 2006-04-28 05:47:18)
Welcome to Gendou!!!!!
Heres your welcoming picture!!!!!!!
Look into my Sharigans and i'll be real gentle.....

Re: uhmmm, hi?!
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-04-27 09:12:43
Hajimemashite, yaoihuntress (o.o;)~!

Gentle... Gentle is like medium over easy, right? *gets the stove hot* Heheheh... Wait, how in the world am I supposed to crack you and pour out your insides? *darn, foiled again*

Well I still have an image for ya, welcome to Gendou's! *salivates for someone I can eat*

Re: uhmmm, hi?!
Link | by Lili on 2006-04-27 09:58:04
hajimemashite!!!! yoroshiku onegaishimasu!!!
don't worry. we're verrrrrrrry "gentle". now why would we want to hurt you? ^_-
here's a taste of tradition:

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fun wallpaper for your computer ^.^ stalker eyes!!!

cute angelLili

Re: uhmmm, hi?!
Link | by Fuu on 2006-04-27 10:04:46
yo! and welcome ^^ - i've not been on here long either.. nice to meet u..

... o_O ...

Re: uhmmm, hi?!
Link | by SlayerX on 2006-04-27 10:08:44
Hi there welcome to Gendou.....

I got nothing to welcome maybe a warm wide hug ^_^ hehe

Have fun do post often hehe =)

Re: uhmmm, hi?!
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-04-27 13:19:27 (edited 2006-04-27 13:20:41)
lolz..NO, i will use my fangs and bite u!!! lolz..just kiddin...i'll be gentle, real gentle, that u don't even know..lolz

welcome to gendou!!!

have fun!!


* i know i gave this pic before...but, this is the first time, i put a HTML code..lolz

Re: uhmmm, hi?!
Link | by DragonboyVNY on 2006-04-27 13:56:15
emmm... I dont want to clog things up by starting a new thread so...

Léi Hó everybody!! Im an Irish born Chinese, here by recommendation of a friend! Andy Lau is from my Dad's home town! Well, the section of Tai Po which is in the New Territories of Hong Kong.

Ja ne.

To play games! To gameplay! WE LOVE KATAMARI!!

Re: uhmmm, hi?!
Link | by on 2006-04-27 22:37:20
FINALLY!!! I have some more time to greet the new members to Gendou!You should know all about the rules & stuff (i hope O_o?)....just have FUN!
Only Studio Ego! & Cherrysoft pics from me....LOVE Ms.Kazue Yamamoto art! Now on with the tradition!

Vaiser & Serica

Re: uhmmm, hi?!
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-04-27 23:35:48 (edited 2006-04-28 21:03:19)
sorry... but I'm not the gentle kind... lol joke joke

actually I can be gentle if I want to... and now I want to be gentle! ^^

anywho... welcome to gendou! muahahaha

(right click->open link in new window)

*insert epic picture here*

Re: uhmmm, hi?!
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-04-28 09:03:55 (edited 2006-04-28 09:05:09)
Let's see, Irish born Chinese... Does that make you Chirish or Irinese? XD

Here's an image for you, and welcome to Gendou's!!

Edit: If you get some Chaldean blood in you, you can be Childish XD

Re: uhmmm, hi?!
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-04-28 20:52:52 (edited 2006-04-28 20:58:08)
Welcome to Gendou! hope you have a ton of fun, posting, and check out some of the music here on Gendou's Site, well here's a pic, hope you like, Enjoy!! ^_^

..::Chrono Crusade::..
"Devil Release"

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