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Hellooo!!! Nice to meet you!!! ^^
Link | by SweetChii on 2006-04-17 13:39:47
Hellooo, I'm an italian girl, sory for my bad english... ^^;;;
Pleased to meet you, I hope I can find some time to come and write's my last year into high school and so I've exams in june...
It's my first time in a "non-italian" forum, please forgive me if I made mistakes!!! *_*
Also you must know...I'm veryyyyyyyy clumsy and sometimes I may seem super crazy!!!!
Don't mind me........^^;;;
Bye everyoneeeee!!!! Kisses!!! ^3^

I want to find a smile in your transparent eyes!!!

Re: Hellooo!!! Nice to meet you!!! ^^
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-04-17 13:58:37
aww you sound like a sweet girl, I welcome you Intalian, SweetChii, to sounds to me here, your english is very nice and good luck in June, I hate exams, so boring!...anyways be sure to read the FAQ, post(to help you out with your english), and have these 2 pics from me to you!.. Hope u like, Enjoy!

Image hosting by Photobucket
..::It's called Last Day of Summer, but for you, it can be called, Last Year of High School::..

Image hosting by Photobucket
..::This ones called 'Missing the Old Days', to look back 12 years before this last year of School::..


Re: Hellooo!!! Nice to meet you!!! ^^
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-04-17 14:22:12
welcome to gendou!!!

have fun!!!


ur english's not bad!! better than my aunt at least..lolz

Image hosting by Photobucket

*no pics..sorry!!

Re: Hellooo!!! Nice to meet you!!! ^^
Link | by SweetChii on 2006-04-17 14:28:09
Thank you very much for your welcome and the images are soooooo beautyyyy!!!! I wanna go on a wanderful tropical island, I don't wanna studyyyyy!!!!!! :p ><
I've read the FAQ, thank you for your advice!!! :)
Now I go to sleep, tomorrow it's a super-study-day...oh noooo my brain aches!!! @__@ :p
I'll do my best to be a good-girl-user!!! ^^
Good night and sweet dreams!!! ^^ (here in Italy it's almost midnight..:))

I want to find a smile in your transparent eyes!!!

Re: Hellooo!!! Nice to meet you!!! ^^
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-04-17 14:37:12
here in America its almost 5.45 PM


Re: Hellooo!!! Nice to meet you!!! ^^
Link | by on 2006-04-17 16:27:34 (edited 2006-05-02 04:48:46)
FINALLY!!! I have some more time to greet the new members to Gendou!You should know all about the rules & stuff (i hope O_o?)....just have FUN!
Only Studio Ego! & Cherrysoft pics from me....LOVE Ms.Kazue Yamamoto art! Now on with the tradition!

(image rmoved)...gomen...photobucket organizing

Saki from Successor of Winds!
Here in Vancouver Canada it's 4:30PM still early....nighty night SweetChii ^^

Re: Hellooo!!! Nice to meet you!!! ^^
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-04-17 19:26:30
?Don't worry about making mistakes too much or you'll end up like me XD No one's perfect, and that is a definite fact ^_^

Here's your image...

Re: Hellooo!!! Nice to meet you!!! ^^
Link | by angelyuki on 2006-04-18 18:54:38
hey there, welcome to gendou..good luck in your exams!
i have an exam coming up too, this May..T.T
anyways, here's an image for you

Re: Hellooo!!! Nice to meet you!!! ^^
Link | by SweetChii on 2006-04-19 14:48:46 (edited 2006-04-19 14:50:05)
Thank you soooo much, you're all so kind!!! :)
Here in Italy we take final exams after 5 years of high schools...(how boring...) and so I'm a bit nervous...teachers in my school are very strict...sigh!!! T_T
I've heard that there in America you have 4 years of high lucky!!! But maybe it's harder than here, I don't know!!! ** :p
Sorry I'm boring...I know!!! ^^;;;
We have a small paper in our school and I take care of the graphics (manga images of course!!! yayyyy!!! ^^ I plan to turn the poor minds of my school-mates into psycho-otaku-minds!!! :p)
Maybe I can post some of the images I've made, instead of talking always about school...!!! ^^;;;
Kisses!!! ^3^

I want to find a smile in your transparent eyes!!!

Re: Hellooo!!! Nice to meet you!!! ^^
Link | by tarantadong rapper ^-^ on 2006-04-23 14:25:34
also welcome....
maybe all of you dont even know me ^-^

good luck on your exam

remember dont underestimate the saying

"lucky pick"


why does in every adventure in anime is always the story or line "I will take over the world"? is the "world" that important?

Re: Hellooo!!! Nice to meet you!!! ^^
Link | by flamegod on 2006-04-24 07:28:46
Sorry for being late....
Welcome to Gendou!!!
Heres a picture from me!!!!!!
Saber From


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