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Pokemon Platinum
Link | by on 2009-03-10 09:56:57
Anyone else plan on getting this game and/or have it pre-ordered?

I have mine pre-ordered already(got the pre-order figurine too), and I can't wait for the 22nd. I know it's basically a copy of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, but it looks like they have changed and added a lot more than they usually do with the odd games (like Yellow, Crystal and Emerald), plus it they finally seem to be adding in some 3-D elements and actual animation to the gameplay(Sure it's only like 3 sprites shown one by one to make an arm seem like it's moving, but whatever, it's a start).

I haven't played Pearl or Diamond in months and I have played a lot of other games since then, so for me those are kind of a distant memory and Platinum won't seem like I'm just playing D&P again.

For anyone who is getting it, what Pokemon will you start with? If you played Diamond or Pearl, will you start with the same Pokemon you took in that one or go for a different one?

I'm going to use Prinplup again, because I like the look of Empoleon. I used Prinplup in Pearl as well.


Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by υƞιϲo on 2009-03-11 02:45:23 (edited 2009-05-06 20:25:22)
I'll be getting that game soon enough once my exams are over that is >.<

I played these Pokemon games before;

Pokemon Red [completed 150 + Mew Pokemon]
Pokemon Blue [completed 150 + Mew Pokemon]
Pokemon Yellow [completed 150 + Mew Pokemon]
Pokemon Stadium 2
Pokemon Ruby
Pokemon Emerald
Pokemon LeafGreen
Pokemon Pearl
Pokemon Diamond

Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by redflare on 2009-03-11 02:47:57
lol i pre-ordered it but i am still waiting in line! i am number 503 in game stop! 503 man XD i died laughing

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Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by Haoie on 2009-03-12 01:54:43
If you have D/P, I hardly see the point.

If each mistake being made is a new one, then progress is being made.

Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by wind-spear5 on 2009-03-12 06:32:39
Practically speaking there is no point in buying Platinum if you've already played D/P, but there are people fans of the game(like myself) who don't care if it's pointless because I want to play Platinum for the sake of playing Platinum. I'm a hardcore Pokemon fan when it comes to the games. I have 4 Pokemon Advance games, and I plan on getting a second GBA and DS just so I can trade between the various Pokemon games I own. So yes although redundant and repetitive as Platinum will be in contrast to D/P people will want to play for the novelty of playing... and they want the Origin Forme ギラティナ。。。

Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by on 2009-03-12 07:27:27 (edited 2009-03-12 07:38:14)
I'm like 風槍5, I want to play Platinum regardless of whether or not I have played D&P for the simple fact that it is Pokemon.

As I said, Platinum is not 100% like D&P in the way that Emerald was the same as Ruby and Sapphire, or Crystal the same as Gold and Silver, they have added a new side story of sorts to the game. The dark world, Giratina's Origin Forme, involves the Pokemon Nazi's (they look like that to me, what can I say?), 3-D world elements and the fact that (part of) the world is snow covered and the character have new outfits to reflect it.

Those changes might not seem like much when you think Pokemon, because this little story is likely to take up the same amount of time that the 'Team' stories usually take up in the other games, if not just completely replacing it. Coming from guys like me and 風槍5 though, who have played every main Pokemon game since Red and Blue, Platinum is bringing just enough new material to be more worth playing than any of the other 'x3' games.

I've played:
Fire Red
Leaf Green

I didn't get a chance to completely beat Emerald, because I only borrowed it off someone, and I didn't play Diamond because nobody I knew had it.

To me, Pokemon is one of those rare RPG games that only needs to upgrade the graphics, looks and the monsters in order to remain good. The gameplay and main story of beating Gym leaders to get their badges is always good to me, keeping it simple.

-I still want them to release some kind of Pokemon mega game where I could battle it out with Gym leaders across all the regions, I'd love to destroy all the gym leaders and Elite Four to become a Master instead of a Champ, but I guess back to back that could get a little boring.

-I would like it if they finally got it through their heads that gamers NEED more than one save file for these games. I can't loan it to my friend unless I'm willing to lose my entire progress, and he can't loan it to me unless he's willing to do the same.

-I'd like it if after beating the Elite Four, I actually felt like I had beaten the Elite Four. I can't stand it when I beat them, and then when I walk around the world or go take on the Elite Four again, nobody ever recognizes the fact that I am the Champion of the region. I demand respect from the characters I crush under my mighty army of elemental creatures and all civilians should be in awe at my presence.


Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-03-12 15:07:50
Glad to see Pokemon is still popular and releasing new stuff, even today.
I've stopped playing Pokekon years ago, sadly enough, but I've played up until E/P released, so never played those.
I love the idea of mixing different Pokemon from different regions together. Makes it more diverse and colorful and fun.

I like that idea of a mega Pokemon game. Have every Gym leader ever, unite and battle it out perhaps? That'd be awesome to watch even.
Has anyone ever become a full Pokemon Master? Seems like an endless journey, though one thing on getting closer is hunting down those legendary fiends.

I always wanted more than one slot to save a game. Too much content to loose if you wanna start over for fun or something.
Also, what do you think about Pokemon only being able to use four moves?
Have you ever come across a point where you gain a new move, but your current move set is just perfect?
I think you can just avoid having it learn a new move, but sometimes in the past I wished I knew every move the Pokemon learned, even Tackle. XD
Though I guess at a later point, some moves would just be a waste of space or something like the earlier beginner moves.

I love facing the Elite Four. Different music, stronger trainers, etc.
I beat them constantly to train faster sometimes, even trying to use only three Pokemon or less (for fun XD).

I know some things are impossible to copy from the anime, like combo moves, which would be awesome.
The free style moves would just be too difficult to add in a simple DS game like Pokemon, but I'm glad Pokemon stayed true to its roots.

I'm still a fan to this day, regardless of playing it or not, plus I try to catch all the movies that debut on TV (missed the last one, darn). D:
How many are they up to now, 493 total or something? It's said the last one is said to be the strongest ever.


Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by on 2009-03-14 19:24:15
@DA- Yeah, nobody becomes a Pokemon Master, because Nintendo just keeps making more of the little buggers. XD

I think only being able to use four moves is a good system. It means you have to be smart about which moves you keep and the ones you do keep could be the difference between winning and losing a battle. It keeps things mixed up. If you could keep every move the Pokemon learned you could get an attack for pretty much every situation and it would make the games kind of boring.

I also like the fact that Pokemon stays true to its roots. The only thing I think the games could use is a bit of animation in the characters (as I mentioned). I'd like to see some fluid motions, but it's good to see that they are finally starting to add it.


Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-03-14 19:39:17
You know what I really want, is a better Pokemon Stadium. Ever play that on the 64?
It was kind of buggy though, as every Pokemon on the same level could instantly get KOed in one single attack, which was lame.

Not a lot of diversity, can hardly remember the game to see if it had other things to offer,
but I wish it was a free style, battle arena type thing for Pokemon.
It'd be quick paced, and you could use your attacks (and "DODGE" could actually be a defensive move). XD

What I really love about this one girl, a close friend of mine,
is that she knows every single Pokemon, including what number they are.
I know she knows the first two regions anyways, but knowing all of them is pretty awesome... and super nerdy, but I love her though, plus it's cool to me anyways. :P

*sees everyone studying their Pokemon guides - NOT* ^_~`


Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-03-14 19:52:01
I have it pre-ordered.
For some reason... I want the figure more. o___o
I'm a toy freak I guess.

Its kinda cool that they set up some stuff for the game before it comes out.
Like the Shaymin and Regigigas downloads at ToysRUs.

Anyone else went to get those?

*would be happy for a DODGE command* ;___;
I always get hit by EVERYTHING!!

Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by on 2009-03-14 20:31:09 (edited 2009-03-14 20:32:08)
@DA- I know the first 150, only because the TV show had that bloody rap song of the Pokemon at the end of every episode and it ingrained it in my head.

I do wish they would make a good Pokemon Stadium, the one on the 64 was good because it had mini-games and everything. The one on the Wii was horrible though, it was basically a 50 dollar purchase just so you could see your Pokemon in 3-D and there wasn't a whole lot to do besides beat the trainers, plus it was slow and felt really boring.

@GundamMeister- I have the figurine, I got it from EBGames because I do a lot of hanging out there on lunch break from work, so I know the guys that work there and they usually toss me freebies like that (I did pre-order the game, but they gave me the figurine like a week or two before). I collect stuff like that too, so you aren't the only one. lol I have like two shelves of my bookcase filled with pre-order stuff like artbooks, DVD's, figurines, necklaces, etc.

The figurine is actually pretty high quality. I opened the little box at first and saw the black plastic thing it came in, so I was expecting it to be like a McDonalds toy, really cheap and low quality. I'm surprised by how good it looks.

[Thumbnailed. Sorry about quality, my camera hates taking close up pictures]

I didn't get the download stuff, because there is no ToysRUs within a feasible distance of me, and I didn't spend much time on the Wifi connection which they distributed the key over. It's only a thing to evolve Rotom into other forms, so I don't really care that much, I never used Rotom.


Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-03-14 20:38:36
[@Jon] Oh yeah! The mini-games, how could I possibly forget! >_<;;
Those were fun. I forget which ones there were, but I forget I was addicted to one.

Those poke raps were so funny, now that I look back on them.
I used to know a few of them, if not all by heart, but as time passes I forgot 'em, but they're funny looking back on them. XD


Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by HK on 2009-03-16 08:44:26

hmm... Nintendo releasing a 'somewhat combination' of Diamond/Pearl...
just like Ruby/Sapphire and Emerald and/or Gold/Silver and Crystal...

Before teh advancement of Pokemon to teh DS... I had played all of it.. XD
(only in teh handheld consoles... >.>) But due to teh fact that I preferred Sony
than Nintendo... now I'm getting deprived on my dream of becoming a "Handheld
Pokemon Master."

Played only parts of D/P.. so if I could get my hands on a DS and a copy of
these three games... XD

DA: lucky for you to had played stadium on teh N64... I dun know anyone
with teh console who has that title.. x.x

Jon: Only know up to teh 2nd-Gen.. :D

Haseki Keiri Randoms.

Here I go again...
Right here.
So yeah.
I'll try.
The End.

Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by Matsuna on 2009-03-18 03:15:57
I'm excited to get this verion, even though I have Pokemon Pearl. I heard that there are some difference in this version.

You guys in the USA are so lucky! You are gonna get it this Sunday (Mother's day). The release in Europe is in another 2 months. Lucky you!

Oh well, I might have to wait.

Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by υƞιϲo on 2009-03-18 03:47:39 (edited 2009-03-18 03:49:51)
Knowing that I could not wait for my exams to be over.I just odered the game through Amazon.It's gonna be delivered anytime now. :D

Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by master on 2009-03-18 16:18:15
i cant wait for it its this sunday XD, also for the dsi!, well any way the collectable figure u were supposed to get when u preorder the game, i went to best buy and trhey sell it for $9.99!!!!! for a figure lolz thats alot

any how go pokemon!!!

Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by on 2009-03-18 16:43:37 (edited 2009-03-18 16:44:56)
@triplee- Wal-Mart does the same thing, you pay 10 dollars for the figurine, and when the game comes out you bring it to the counter and the 10 dollars you paid for the figurine comes off the games price. It's like pre-ordering from EBGames except they don't actually hold your copy when it comes in (It's a pretty stupid system, because then people who 'pre-ordered' come to the store on release day and don't get their copy).

@keiri- I went towards Sony over Nintendo as well, but I fed my hunger for Pokemon by bumming Gamboys/DS and the games themselves off of other people rather than buying them. I'm only buying this game because my sister does have a DS and she doesn't use it often (if at all).

@animestar- You could always import. :)

(I think, is DS region locked? I'm not sure.)

@DA- I only know the first gen ones off by heart. There's no way I bothered to keep track of all the little buggers when they went over 300.


Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-03-18 21:41:06
Yeah, I get what you mean. I only remembered the first two, but these days, I can hardly remember even the basic ones.
Think they'll ever make another set? It might be rather difficult, who knows, but that'd be a lot for a game to include all those Pokemon,
but it'd have to be some anniversary type thing or something, though usually on TV, the shows are just re-runs or remade into something else with a different title. D:

One thing I never saw, were the two trainers from the very first episode (who took Bulbasaur and Squirtle, Gary took Charmander, Ash got Pikachu).
They should totally make an appearance in one of these games, unless they were shown on the anime (then I most likely missed it >_<;;).


Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by on 2009-03-19 07:15:57 (edited 2009-03-19 07:18:46)
@DA- They weren't. They were never mentioned because I guess they are not important enough for the main story. Or maybe they failed miserably at becoming Pokemon trainers. XD

I doubt they will make another set, although I said that last generation and they still managed to come up with like 100 new ones. You would think it would be hard to come up with them but I'd say they will eventually have another 100 or so of these things up. I just hope they don't get lazy or desperate and start doing what Digimon did, adding -mon to the end of everything. Digimon was great and all, but come on, you can't just add mon to a trashcan and call it a new monster.

I guess Rotom is my best example for laziness, the forms are alright for a laugh. A fridge, fan, things like that, but if they start making new Pokemon like that it will be horrible.


Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-03-19 15:05:09
I still see Pokemon as a highly rated, popular anime franchise which I see still being highly active in the next few years to who knows how much longer.
I think if they're going to create another new set, they can sure as hell do it.
The Pokemon names have been a bit more advanced since Region 1's set, or, to some extent, which is a plus.

I totally get what you mean about Digimon and agree 100%.
I always wonder about the legendary pokemon though, since they are super steroidical compared to the first ones (where they were simply birds). XD


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