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Littering >.>
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-09-07 20:22:51 (edited 2006-09-07 21:07:52)
This morning on my way to work, I found tons of litter all the way there... I picked up what I could, but my hands can only hold so much X_X

Then I did the same on the way back home from work. And when I went to eat lunch.

Seriously, people... Is carrying garbage with you until you reach a garbage can so hard? Sure, throwing it on the ground is easier, but it looks horrible and it can cause problems for cars/bikes when running over them.

Besides, used garbage lying around...? Isn't that like... gross? XD

Heheheh... *realizes how pathetic this thread sounds*

Well... I believe I've weakly made my point... No littering, please... XD

Edit: On a completely unrelated search, I got this! HAH!!

I mean, I got this! HOOO!!

Re: Littering >.>
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-09-08 00:04:12
Thanks for the hard gay inspirating!

I told my wifie about America's garbage condition. I really want it to become cleaner before she comes. It America isn't sparkling by the time she gets here I am gonna throw a godzilla style fit.

People need to learn... This isn't Japan, gays won't pick up your garbage for you.

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Re: Littering >.>
Link | by »»Ran on 2006-09-08 02:27:45
Littering is not my style. That is why I hate here in my place. It is so dirty. YUCK.

Re: Littering >.>
Link | by toushiro-10 on 2006-09-08 02:51:11
hey in my city theres also alo of garbage, i mean sometime we can see on the public park.

i hate people who likes litter anywhere, and i hate place with no litter can.

Re: Littering >.>
Link | by »»Ran on 2006-09-08 03:09:20
Dont' forget to include the spit... eewww.

Re: Littering >.>
Link | by cerestial on 2006-09-08 03:19:27
I hate rubbish~litters~garbagez~>.<
Cerestial,as one of the prefects in school..needs to pick up EVERY rubbish on d floor..
T-T what a cruel world..*sobbiex..true o*

Re: Littering >.>
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-09-08 04:35:31
I hate garbage.. I TRY to throw my garbage on the proper place... influenced by my friend... X3 wai~

*insert epic picture here*

Re: Littering >.>
Link | by angelyuki on 2006-09-08 07:20:58
in my town you can see litters here and there, eventhough there are rules that fine people who litter. but people are lazy or just wont care about environment. the authorities dont take much action against littering either. and also open burning, i see people doing it somewhere the other day and the authorities just ignore it! *sigh*
and number of polluted rivers and contaminated water sources have been increasing. some works were done to clean up rivers or sewages, but more pollution happened, so not much improvements are done.
and people spitting everywhere, its soooo disgusting. its about personal hygiene, manners, and spit can also transmit diseases X_X.

anyways, people still litter eventhough there are rules against it and they will continue polluting anything and they just wont care about our already badly polluted earth.

Re: Littering >.>
Link | by mistoid on 2006-09-08 13:57:05
I'm a clean person, i hate untidy or dirty place. I won't go near to a place like there or so.


Re: Littering >.>
Link | by fhfyeodb on 2006-09-08 18:47:49
S-A-C-H-I-E-L, you're a good person. Though some people will throw their trash away, not many would bother to pick up after others.

As for me, I hate littering. I throw my stuff away.

Re: Littering >.>
Link | by on 2006-09-09 01:55:17
Uhmm... I get my place untidy sometimes, especially everytime I am making my project for school.ahehehehe but I always never forget to clean what I messed up. It also irritates me when the place is unclean and dirty...

Re: Littering >.>
Link | by »»Ran on 2006-09-09 07:12:18 (edited 2006-09-09 07:14:55)
As for me, I can't function properly if my workplace is cluttered and full of litter, so I make sure to clean it up first (even if it's not my house) before I work.

Re: Littering >.>
Link | by Muunraito on 2006-09-09 12:10:41
Sachiel, Maia, etc in this thread... you probably not gonna like Indonesia... a city called Bandung in Indonesia once is a beautiful city but the people there has failed to control the garbage flow and now the city is overloaded with trashes. Trashes pilled up everywhere, now it's too late and we Indonesian can only regret what we did...

As a symbol I can be incorruptible.

Re: Littering >.>
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-09-09 14:59:30
I do not regret what I've done, it's what I haven't done that I regret.
-Some dude

So why don't we all act? All it takes is a plastic bag to throw things in as you walk to/from school or any other place you might go. Just today on the way home from work, I collected three bags full of litter (and the bags that I used WERE litter XD).

It really doesn't take all that much time, and the results are worth it :D

If we all do a little, we can do a lot XD

Re: Littering >.>
Link | by on 2006-09-09 15:17:41
There isn't a problem with litter here, everything is pretty clean and tidy. Although that's one of the things my homeland is known for.


Re: Littering >.>
Link | by sai on 2006-09-10 03:58:07
Let me tell you a joke i heard somewhere...

"Have you ever heard of a cat that gave birth on the streets of Singapore? It got fined for littering..."

Well, even from what i've heard from a Singaporean, they call their city the "fine city" thanks to the very strict rules concerning littering... How i wish Indonesia can be like that T_T

Re: Littering >.>
Link | by on 2006-09-10 04:20:35 (edited 2006-09-10 04:22:48)
@Sai: The 'SIngapore is a fine city' joke has been around since...well maybe not that long. But its true that singapore is famously known for their very strict rules.

When it comes to cleaning the neighbourhood its fine, but when it comes to cleaning my own room its like a total pigssty. I clean it up when it gets too messy, but after awhile it becomes messy again ;p

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Re: Littering >.>
Link | by Muunraito on 2006-09-10 06:57:39
In Indonesia, I bet the people here will just go for a demonstration for human right if the goverment give a "strict" rule. -.-"

As a symbol I can be incorruptible.

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