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Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by youask on 2007-11-08 16:56:30
This is mine



Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-11-08 22:07:29
awwwwwww!!! >__< so many nice drawings here!!! *__* the experts!!! >.<" i feel inferior~

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ^^ i drawn the dark one 2 years ago ^^"

>.< juz drawing with pencil~ awww~ i feel bad >.<"

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by SnowMiyu on 2007-11-08 22:54:32
Miyu-chin? OwO No problem at all! You're so sweet deary! ~<3 xDD
I'm really impress on how you did da background that look almost exactly like flowers! 8D

Waa... KHR! xDD
Tsuna looks very2 cool!

owh.. how romantic! ^v^
Nice colors too.

kawaii~~ da first girl is kawaii~~ X3
You have a lot of potential! 8D


Miyu's art site

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-11-09 02:31:44
nice works everyone

Blue Blue-chan: i liked the 1st girl too <33

Tm-san: wooh bloody but kawaii couple :33

Youask-san: fix the url xDD anyways good job too!


Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by Photobucket on 2007-11-09 03:29:25
Waaai...i'm finally back.
I've seen so many awesome picture but i'm so sorry, i'm not in mood to give comment to your drawing...once again, sorry.
Also, i haven't draw anything for the last 3 weeks.....i'm really busy with college stuff, so this time i'll post some of my OLD work.

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Was draw with drawing pen (0,1) without using sketch.

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The same character. Was draw with pencil and do some color balance modification to make it looks like was draw with pen.

Feel free to give your comment.


Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by SnowMiyu on 2007-11-10 22:34:17
woo... good job on da movement lines! Looks very convincing! 8D

Naa~~ I've finished your request, Taura! ^^
Sorry if da result doesn't satisfy you.. ;_;
I was kinda rushed to finish it off..

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Miyu's art site

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-11-11 14:59:35 (edited 2007-11-11 15:04:36)

WOW!! nic artworks again!! XD


I started at hand drawing too ^^
dont worry tat much because mostly
people here start at pencils and
papers..just switch to CS2 recently ^^


Nice actions!! seems like they
really moved by the way you drew
them ^^


Woah!! XD nice coloring!!
*--hope I can be like tat too XD--*

your using the 3 coloring scheme
pattern when coloring?? well just
kinda notice the 3 same color with
different degree ^^
but nice one!! i love your coloring
*--compared to mine T_T--*


Just want to show you my latest work
*--im still coloring the hair..and sure this will eat a whole week to be aiming for CG style..but I think ill fail T_T--*

Koko Tsukishima [Da Capo II]

You can visit me there!!

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-11-12 02:18:34
wow! nice works everyone!
havent posted for a while here but u can see my new works on teh chibi club since i drew them especialy for teh club ^.^

anyways really great works u hev there people!

Red-san: nc one... the lines r so complicated how'd ya made them look good?

Miyu-chan: great coloring as always <33


Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by Photobucket on 2007-11-12 05:12:36 (edited 2007-11-12 05:14:20)
Nice...your coloring skill is very good.
I like it especially for the hair shading.

Wow ! Pretty good and you also able to draw in a really good way, love the guitarist girl ^____^.
Don't worry about how long it takes to color a drawing. Since i'm so lazy, i developed some easy and fast way to coloring my own drawing.

It's not as complicated as seen. Actually drawing actions in that view is very easy for me. But if i start to use perspective still turn out to be bad.

Sorry, no new drawing. But if i can finish a drawing that i will send tomorrow for a character designing contest, i might able to post something tomorrow. Just wait and see.


Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-11-12 15:18:16

still working with koko
and here's the new development..
*--im still learning so pls have mercy XD--*

*--im still finalizing the guitar and backgrounds..maybe some retouches too--*

ill end here for the meantime

You can visit me there!!

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by SnowMiyu on 2007-11-12 16:43:10
@Red and Vie
Thanks! >w<

LOL! You caught me! xDD
hahax~ yes. I only use 3 base color schemes.
Then i use lasso and draw the parts that needs shading and then I adjust it's brightness. ^^
It's because i'm too lazy to use brush with different darker colors to shade and my mouse is kinda hard to handle.. ^^;
Thanks! xDD

Koko looks really nice! xD
Maybe next time I'll try to highlight the hair just like you did! X3
The shadings looks good as well.
Will wait for the guitar to be finished!

Miyu's art site

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-11-13 00:20:32
xankyuuvyyyy!!! >__< the 1st girl is misha from pita~ten!

@miyu~chan >w< doumo arrigaotou gozaimasssssss!!! x333 luv ur drawing and colouring so much!!!

@vie xankyuuvyyy!!! <333

@red =O niceeeeee!!!

@ich :333 nice colouring and drawing too! TT . TT waaaaahhh ... i dunno how to draw and colour image using pc ... >.<"

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-11-13 01:47:04

just posting..
*--im still finishing koko--*


if possible, can you teach me bout
the lasso got my attention
there ^^

*--and if possible..can you make more
detail bout adjusting the brightness??
i mean how do you adjust the brightness??



thanks!! ^^
dont worry I also started with pencils
and papers..
*--Im still also new in Photoshop so Im not still aware of everything so tats why I want to learn more ^^--*

For software you can just download CS2 Trial
then I will just send you the codes so tat
it will be licensed KEYGENS!! nyahahah!! opppsss

This is my prefer software because you can
also use the animation in CS2 w/o opening the
Imageready ^^

And lastly, its better if you have tablets ^^
for better result as well ^^
*--I have tablet here so I can easily draw ^^--*

You can visit me there!!

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by Taura Melchior on 2007-11-13 13:30:26
@miyu chan
Woaaah... Arigatou gozaimasu!!! My pic looks so different and a lot better with the color. Really love it, can i keep it?

Still have no time to scan any pic, no time to draw a new one, no time to play. T.T

Keep posting!!! Ganbatte!!

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by SnowMiyu on 2007-11-14 01:24:27 (edited 2007-11-14 01:27:48)
Domo~~ Glad you love it~
Keep it? Of course you can! xD You can do anything you want with it. It's yours too~ ^^

nyuu~~ thank you ne? *hugs*
But I didn't draw the recent one of course..
It was drawn by Taura Melchior. ^^

owh yes.. I'll make a mini tutorial just for you! xD ..and the others as well. ^^

I use polygonal lasso tool to draw the shaded parts. It's easier for me as I'm using a mouse. (you can use the regular lasso as well.) ^^
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
*right-click to get polygonal lasso tool*

Now, just simply click at a certain point of the part where it would be your start point. draw your mouse to desired areas and click to draw the lines.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

When you're done, it will be like this:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

then, I go to Image>Adjustments>Brightness and Contrast
I only reduce the number of brightness to negative value to get the shades.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
To me, instead of adjusting it's pointer, i rather typing the desired number into the box. ^^

After 'OK', right click and choose deselect to make the lines disappear.

Miyu's art site

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-11-14 01:41:03
Red-san: ooh ic u must be really good :p

Miyu-chan and Blur Blue-chan: np! ^-^

Ich-san: wow kawaii drawing :p ur also good ^.^


Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-11-14 02:56:33
here's mine!

it's a little big..

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-11-14 02:59:34
Baby Kashi: omg toshirou <33

the ichigo drawing is super duper nc!


Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-11-14 03:00:39
thnk you vie nee-chan
here's more

this is also big..

That's meh.. sleeping..

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-11-14 03:04:21
Baby Kashi: cool ^-^

okie let me post the chibi piccas i drew for the chibi club ^-^
i resized them to make ti easier >.>

sorry if they suck xDD

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