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Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by angelyuki on 2007-01-04 08:57:19
"depression" is always used here when people feel down, upset, mad or anything negative..sometimes even used when one is just suffering from boredom.

anyways, beatrix, i agree with some of your points, but sometimes, professional help doesnt really work. it depends on the person, really. i've seen people who recovered greatly from the guidance of profesionals and some just wont let themselves to be helped. everyone has their own way to deal with this depression thing. and i think not all but, almost everyone has had the feeling to just disappear or die when something bad happens. its almost normal for human to feel that way, for its like our nature to fight ot flight when we're facing negative things. however it depends on how strong the person is and how they deal with that stuff and how they're gonna help themselves. and, till now im not so sure how to help, even myself when im in those negative moods. this is so making me not to believe in what i'm studying in psychology.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by D-ninja on 2007-01-04 13:43:15
beatrix, while I would tend to agree with you for the first part, often times friends can have a more direct affect than even a studied professional. A degree and practice does not mean that you can help everyone, but it doesn't hurt either. I would also agree that an online community has its limits in regard to the ability to help others, but if they help even the smallest portion what's to deny them the desire to do so. However I do not make the claim that this is a cure-all, obviously a person suffering from extreme clinical depression and has thoughts of suicide should seek help from a clinic or other trained area that specializes with such cases. However for mild depression there is no better cure than to talk it out with friends.

I'm sure you would agree with me that often times all a person needs to raise their self-esteem and bring them out of depressed mood is to have someone cheer them on. There are more than a few examples of this in all three of "depression threads." I'm not asking you to go read them all, but skim through the second one as it contains possibly the largest number of examples of this.

I'd give you a link to a post I made quite a while ago on what exactly depression was, but as I'm not sure in what thread or exactly when I made it I cannot. I will, however give you the post as it was written because I saved it.
Depression(According to Wikipedia):
Depression, or, more properly, a depressed mood, refers to a state of non-clinical melancholia that is shorter than 2 weeks in duration and distinctly differentiated from a diagnosis of clinical depression. A depressed mood is generally situational and reactive, and associated with grief, loss, or a major social transition. A change of residence, marriage, divorce, the break-up of a significant relationship, graduation, or job loss are all examples of instances that might trigger a depressed mood.

This is very different from clinical depression:
Clinical depression is a state of sadness or melancholia that has advanced to the point of being disruptive to an individual's social functioning and/or activities of daily living.

There is a huge difference between the two, the importance is to realize that. Just because you feel depressed does not necessarily mean you are diagnosed with it. Realization is 9 tenths of the world, and all of knowledge. There is no getting around it, because if there were I'd have found it by now. Depression, in the mood sense, is often characterized by the rapid change in mood from both ends of the string. A person can have over 20 episodes of depression in a single day, while a manic depressant may have up to a month of clinical depression. The majority of people fall under the category of the mood depression. There are, however a large number of people who are manic depressants. Every one knows at least one person who is a manic depressant. I know at least three. These people have the tendency to literally disappear from you for days at a time. They lose all interest in the world; do nothing but the bare minimum to survive, but sometimes, unfortunately, even less. I've ranted too much about this for today; if I don't stop I'm likely to get depressed (mood). I have no intention of doing that anytime too soon.

I am sure you are a member of at least one real-life community and you are now officially a member of this on-line community, but as you are relatively new to this community you may not realize that this particular gathering of individuals has a very close-knit relationship. In many cases people are closer with each other here then they are with their own family. I'm not saying that it's healthy for that to happen, but it does none-the-less. It is because of that interconnectedness that we can often empathize with other members of this community. It is also that ability that enables us to help one-another, and it is not until we begin to connect with each other that we can render even the slightest assistance. You can see that in any psych or soc 101 class, or just by observing people for a while. Do note that I am not promoting the assistance rendered in this forum as a substitute to professional care, I am however saying that it can supplement and often cases enhance such treatments.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2007-01-04 18:10:13
@D-Ninja and the one who came before him (I don't know her name.)

I know what you mean about members here being close-knit. I myself belong to a smaller forum with a modest number of members, and a sizeable number of them are very dear friends of mine. It just surprised me greatly that there is a depression thread here, as it is that is prohibited in the forum that I am member of. And I understand the mods' and admins' reasons for doing so.

WIth regard to seeking professional help, I know what you guys mean when you said that it is not the only recourse. Supportive family and friends, a very good and positive diversion, can really do wonders. I myself, due to the nature of my work, and my introspective nature, is prone to such blues as well. Aside from visiting a therapist once in a while, I find ways in channeling out the negative energy. I have been drawing and writing as far back as I can remember, and I have picked up a violin again- activities which has done a great deal for me.

If my previous post sounded a bit rancid to some, I apologize. I meant no harm in saying it. I am not exactly verbose, and I am very bad in expressing myself.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by angelyuki on 2007-01-04 19:21:34
its angelyuki, and nice meeting you, beatrix ^_^

and your previous post was fine. i have problem expressing myself too sometimes.

its really useful to get some opinions from a clinician. its just that there are no certain cure for depression. we cant really eliminate it, its like we can just control and manage it. i do agree that professional help is really needed to deal with depression and i agree with what dninja has said, talking about our problems with people that we trust can complement the professional.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2007-01-04 19:29:39
Ah! Hello angelyuki! ^_^

I figured that sadness/depression is an integral part of our lives. As long as we don't allow it dwell too long within to consume us, it is all right. Besides, feeling pain is a sign that we are "alive". I am sure you know what I mean. :)

What was that quote, oh yeah, without the rocks, the brook would lose its music...or something to that effect.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by nightmare on 2007-01-04 20:25:02
hey everyone, i just thpought id let everyone know that im still kicken...i have been sewing and typing contantly all break and im going on a campout tomorrow so i figured id see how everyone is.

im real sorry, i get the feling that im not helping anyone because im not on sorry, im smorry for alot of thing latly, please forgive me for not taking good care of you guys...i feel really bad about it and...well sorry

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2007-01-04 21:09:35
lol, YOU'RE sorry Nightmare? Seems like you've done the most out of everyone here; you made the flipping thread XD

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by angelyuki on 2007-01-05 07:17:46
lol yeah, you've helped a lot, nightmare. dont worry so much, k. hope you'll enjoy the camp out ^_^

@beatrix, living in this cruel world, of course we'll feel the pain somehow XD. i guess its like the yin and yang, where the depression balances the happiness. hum..yeah
oh btw, i used to have the quote in your siggy in mine. but mine was "if i were the rain, could i connect the eternally separated sky and earth?" =^.^=

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by josephson89 on 2007-01-05 16:09:50 (edited 2007-01-05 16:10:46)
whenever you achieve something, you do feel happy right? ( or not?)
well, whenever i achieve something, i dont feel that way, but always thinking like "meh whatever" and not a lot of ppl congrats me, and thus i never get those feelings ( happy and more confident), something wrong with me...and my confident lvl is keep going down...

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by D-ninja on 2007-01-05 18:17:58
nightmare, sach's right you did make this thread, so we owe everything to you. Because of that you're helping people even if you're asleep in your bed, or playing a pen-and-paper.

Beatrix, I hope you'll find this community as accommodating as the other to which you belong. Also don't worry about either the length or the way you express yourself, just as long as it's in English we can understand. I don't think that post was bad by any means, it actually was quite good for prompting me to write a substantial post (something I haven't done in quite a while). I'm sure you'll fit in quite well here, welcome!

Exmod, you need to find something that have passion for and do that. Beatrix said it here, "I have been drawing and writing as far back as I can remember, and I have picked up a violin again- activities which has done a great deal for me." I'm willing to bet that the reason you think "meh whatever" is because you just don't want to care, not that you don't care that you don't want to care. You're going to want to care until you find something that you would deem worth caring about. That's where the catch is you have find that one thing, or however many you can find (the more the better).

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by ROQ sees ya. on 2007-01-06 17:34:52
@Nightmare, there's little I can say that hasn't been said already. You've no reason to ever apologize. Everyone has benefitted from this place, it's a second home really. Enjoy your trip.

@Beatrix, welcome to the thread! Thoughts of great intrigue await.

@Jun Hyung, other people's congrats shouldn't be a motivation for any issue or desire. You can spend all your lif etrying to please others and, in the end, it's meaningless. Simply achieve something because you yourself want it more than anything. That might boost your confidence. D-Ninja's advice is very useful too.

Just to throw something out there, I've been reading Ralph Waldo Emerson's work "Nature" and it poses some interesting views. It illiustrates how nature can bring an awakening of cultural identity and a sense of peaceful solitude. Perhaps a useful way to soothe depression is to simply leave the environment you're overly familiar with and simply meditate alone for a bit. It seems a lot of the time that hell truly is other people.

Oh well, best of luck to everyone.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2007-01-06 21:40:19 (edited 2007-01-06 21:46:33)
Something about what Jun Hyung struck me.

The question here is "do you really want what you have achieved?" What was your reason for achieving that something? Is it for somebody else, to silence your personal inadequacies?

Personally, if you *truly* are into that thing that you're doing, even if it goes thankless, it wouldn't matter.

Case in point: my stint as a violinist has been widely disapproved, especially by my family. I went to my recital half expecting, half resigned that they will come at all. Then when it was my time to play, they arrived, and left on my last note, even before I could step off the stage.

Normally, it would be crushing. It was. But that was an achievement I earned for myself. I wanted it. I needed to do it. You should ask yourself if you're going the right direction. As the poster before nme said, pleasing others ought not be your motivation.

Best of luck to you.

@D-Ninja and everybody else, thanks. I feel comfortable already :)
@angelyuki, the quote is really nice. I guess it really depends on the translation that you got from your DVD :D

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by nightmare on 2007-01-07 15:24:25
thanks guys, i suppose your self-esteem hasen't risin much since my first post over a year ago...unfortunatly

anyways, it is alwayse nice to be congratulated, but i think that the true challance is bettering me, its my senior year and i have the best GPA of my life! (take THAT senioritis!!!)
my folks arent buying me anything special like they used to because they cant afford it...but i did it for my own benifit...its alwayse nice to be congratulated now and then, however

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by D-ninja on 2007-01-07 18:25:55
Go nightmare!

Sachiel if you read this I want to thank you in the highest possible way for recommending watching Air. I see know why you like it so much. It's just... amazing... there's not much to say really. I'm actually at a loss for words, I don't think I've cried that long and that hard ever in my life.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by miki on 2007-01-07 18:42:20
yeah, ive been depressed a lot.... maybe from realization of something. i guess we'll die in the end no matter what we do.... but i gotta try my best and live life how i can, i live, because i can. People may think the world is too boring and want something to happen , so they murder. I kind of see why but still, life is normal, so what? Although i know i will someday be forgotten from this world, i don't need to make such a big difference.

time flies like an airplane

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Wolf on 2007-01-08 17:37:11
Yes we will all die; that is something we all must realize in life. It takes a lot of strength to admit the inevitable but still carry on regardless. Some people take drastic measures to be noticed and remembered for something big. Though I believe that is a noble cause, it too often turns sour because the person is consumed by their cause. You must widen your perspective in order to keep steady. Realize, just by existing, you send ripples through our world.

I know what you're going through. All action and inaction just feels hollow when you know that any and every step you take will lead to the same ultimate end no matter what. Take heart, I believe everyone finds their way and brandishes their own cause. Remember to admit but not submit. Submission will only lead to a single-minded outlook. It is single-minded people that fail to see the traps that lay just under their feet. Choose your own way to think and act. It is this simple statement I give to all who read my humble opinion. This simple statement will not always lead to fact it often leads to many burdens and obstacles. I may never lead the grandest of lives but I will be content with the knowledge that my end is my own because I chose the way to get there. Now it is your turn, choose.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2007-01-08 18:51:27
hummm... death isn't the end it is just the beginig =_='''
i'm not sure if that helps =_=''''

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-01-09 12:07:33
I'm a little depressed cause my PC is still witout sound, buaaaa

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by D-ninja on 2007-01-09 16:34:13
Wolf, you're almost too humble, take pride in what you say because it's right. Every action has inevitable repercussions no matter how small. I especially like your last line, "I may never lead the grandest of lives but I will be content with the knowledge that my end is my own because I chose the way to get there." It's full of truth and honesty, and subtle finality.

Dragonfly, no need to sweat, what you said is as pertinent as anything wolf or I could've said. You just need to learn how to spell beginning is all.

DN, I take it your sound card is either broken or non-existent. Considering that sound is nice when it's used in a rhythmic fashion, and is known in a few circles as "music."

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by R3A♥a.k.a♥MoShinoSinG YouR HearT OuT!! on 2007-01-09 16:41:28
there should be a sound system/sound card programme(CD) which comes with your computer..try re-installing it..that happened to my laptop once now it's fine

or try the re-installation CD for ur comp..remember to back up all data first though coz it wipes out everything

as for me...depressed on feeling really restricted at home--coz of both of my overly-protective parents..for god's sake, im a fully grown teenager already


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