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Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Wolf on 2006-11-26 14:28:14
Perception is individual, if you percieve what I say as an insult then I cannot stop you from doing so. The only thing I can say is that it was not meant to be an insult and the connotations of my words must mean different things to you. You may have percieved my disagreement with your views(which is good and correct) but there was no negativity intended in my post. Maybe just call me blunt? I say things as I see them; I am sorry if what we say to each other is a bit lost in translation. Assumptions can be hurtful.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by nightmare on 2006-11-26 15:25:38
wow, 20+posts just today! amasing!

when i saw rin's signature, i quite literally didn't believe my eyes! I am so glad you have reterned to us...It just was not the same to have you not post any more...i am sorry to hear your hurt, please get better soon!

now then, Jonathon, you will forgive me if i get the story wrong because i haven't read much of what you posted.

why exactly are you dieing? don't think i don't know where your coming from here, ask anyone here that i am still in that boat...there are still days where i would rather not wake up...wouldn't it be amasing to sleep forever?

the thing that i think of is this...if i die now, i won't hurt, but i won't have a shot at joy, either. your seem too concerned about being active, and everyone here keeps saying that. well, why? if your just going to sit and sulk, then do aboslutly nothing. see, after a while of doing that, you will daydream. daydream about the silliest things...then, try (its kinda hard) snap your thinking to death very quickly....i think you will find that your spirit does not want to die would appear that your still young...i know you will shrug off all the "oh just wait and it will all get better"'s...thats what i did...and i waited and kept myself alive to try to prove them laugh and throw it in their faces.

but im still here, arent i? i have been keeping myself alive for a year trying desperatly to prove everyone wrong....and what happened while i waited?

i think i found what i was looking for... (key word is think, but still...)

trust me, staying alive is always worth it. if you have a strong will and a belife, it will all work out weather you want it to or not.

i really hope i understood that right...if i didn't please corect me!

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by on 2006-11-26 15:32:33 (edited 2006-11-26 15:41:21)
@Nightmare- The key thing here is living isn't up to me technically. This isn't a whether I should let myself die or commit suicide thing, this is something that has a good chance of happening at any random point in time. I'm at a very high risk of dieing within the next year or so. It's not fully in my control. Being happy would help but I'm still at a high risk. The only up side is that if I live another 10 years then the problem is showing signs of passing. The only other option is a 10-15 grand operation I can no-where near afford especially with university costs and student loans, an operation which also has a high chance of failing and either leaving me a vegetable or dead.


Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by nightmare on 2006-11-26 16:30:03
ahh, i understand now.

well if living it up isn't your thing, then it isnt your thing. fine. if your contenct to pass quietly like i am, be my guest. it's your life and you can live it the way you wish...for the record, i hope you get better.

no one likes deing..that a fact. i suppose that you should go and do stuff, but then again, when have we as humans ever done what we were supposed to do?

heh, good luck, my friend, in all that you do...i wish you the best. and if you do pass on without a chance to say goodbye, then thats fine...

you seem like a good guy, but you've been delt a bad hand. were all hear for you, ok? so good luck!

one thing though, just try to remember your not alone...if there is one thing i have learned its your never compleatly alone. even if you feel like it alot.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by on 2006-11-26 16:36:34
@Nightmare- All I can say to you is thanks. You are the only person here right now that actually understands and you have given a great answer.


Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by 白金/ El on 2006-11-26 18:10:51
"one thing though, just try to remember your not alone...if there is one thing i have learned its your never compleatly alone. even if you feel like it alot."

You know I can't help feeling that I am actually alone though I know I'm not. But yesterday I learned a valueable lesson on how much important you are to your freinds though they don't show it

Admiral, Fleet Commander of the Elduras Fleet

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-11-26 20:33:22
Honeyko is fine, just a sore tummy or something.

It is incredibly satisfying to see Nightmare like as is.

In case I am too busy with my school work and can't drop in I wanna say happy upcoming birthday.
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May your birthday dreams be filled with nightmares, and by that I mean the kind you like. Rejoice having lived another year because you may not live another. Hopefully you saved the best for last. Good luck with your dates, keep us updated with the relationship progess. ;) Bumpy roads ahead, but enjoy the smooth straight-aways as the come.

Jonathon, hang in there.
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by on 2006-11-27 12:15:45
wow. today there was a bomb threat at our school. our principal found a hand grenade this morning at around eight. we were then evacuated to the baseball field. apparently, those who had left the grenade (which turned out to be inert) had also left other bombs around the school. Luckily for me, my friend's mother could sign me out. Some of my other friends got shipped off to the intermediate school. i got picked up at around eleven. so we had been standing on our feet for a good three hours with backpacks filled with books for our classes in the mud and rain. i guess it was a good thing, as we got today off. what makes me sorta sad is that all of the kids took it as a joke. i too am guilty of being happy for school being canceled. oh well.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by nightmare on 2006-11-27 16:15:08
thanks Joemunga! im so glad you remembered! (remember that thread that you all made me last year? that was awsome!

and Jonathon, you are most glad i could help you out, my friend...if you wanna talk about anything, just ask!

WOW sauuri, that was kinda random...

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by on 2006-11-27 16:36:51 (edited 2006-11-27 16:38:20)
@Nightmare- The difference I find in you is that you don't try and force things. I've noticed that others that I've talked to in other forums/MSN and so on that no matter what you say they will always tell you what you should be doing[I know it may not be their intention but that's what it sounds like most of the time.]. I can understand if someone gives the answer without a reason such as "I just can't" or "I can't" but when you give a reason for it most people will tell you to "Get over it" or "Go do something about it" like it's something as simple as brushing your teeth. Your one of the only people I have seen that doesn't tell the person that they should just do it or constantly tries to disprove your reason like their experts on your life. For that I commend you.


Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-11-27 18:40:28 (edited 2006-11-27 18:42:06)
lol, whoever said "doing it" was simple? It could be as simple as talking to people a little more often... or it could (quite easily, I might add) be so difficult it seems you'd need an army to do it. Frequently, however... it's not that hard at all. Even if it seems hard, it can actually be easy.

And, correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't you always be trying to fix problems anyway, instead of complaining about them? (I know you're not really complaining, but I can't seem to think of a better word)

Happy birthday as well, Nightmare!

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by on 2006-11-27 18:47:25 (edited 2006-11-27 18:51:53)
I'm not complaining at all. I accept everything in my life cause I've been living with it. It's not that people are saying it's flat out easy, but they say things like it's that easy and keep pushing it. I've tried to fix my problems, but it's not working out. Like I said in an earlier post, I tried a few times at a certain thing and it ended in embarrassment which was the topic at school for months.

@Sach- By the way, I never meant you when I said that. Your answers were good too, you offered advice and some things I could do[I can't do them of course but you did offer them.], I liked your approach too, but Nightmare is someone who really understands it.


Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-11-27 19:29:11
白金/ El, a lesson saved is a lesson earned.

Nightmare, unfortunately I don't have anything magical or home-made to give you, all I can do is say: Have a merry celebratory representation of the aging process! (B-day)

Jomunga, Usually appendicitis has lots of vomiting, I'll spare the details, but if she had it she'd have known pretty quickly. It's not pain per-say, it's more unending anguish while being hit in the head with pole.

Jonathon, I think I'm starting to understand now, AOL keyword: starting. That doesn't mean I'm not going to tell you to be optimistic, 'cause I do that with everyone. I won't tell you what to do with your life, because it's yours to live. All I want to do is inform you and let you make decisions based upon what you believe, to do otherwise is the same as denying your humanity; to make you less than me (which in many cases is very untrue).

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-11-30 17:24:55
hey all my car didnt start today and i dont have my computer with me and i am at my families place oh and i used my little bros PSP and he is like only five

Light and Dark

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by LassadImage hosting by Photobucket on 2006-11-30 18:21:55
what all guys do on hear? acually he is eight sero

you can e-mail me if ya feel up to the challenge. lolz^_^

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-12-01 06:58:55
yeah I know Lassad I was looking at sis when I put five down

Light and Dark

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by starflamer on 2006-12-01 07:04:24 first post on here, so...

I've been having problems with my family lately, and that with trying to get over a bout of chronic depression that seems to run in the family (my grandma has it too), well, it's a little hard.

It's easy to smile when you know you have to, just so that no one knows how many patches you have inside.

Not like I don't try to be optimistic. In fact, I think I was born an enitrely optimistic person, just that experiences can change a person. I still believe that I can be...happy, if I really try hard and if I really want to.

But then again, who can say that they have never shed silent tears in the middle of the night for things they have no influence over nor have the ability to explain?

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-12-01 07:22:59
OMG starflamer I know exactly what you mean. I had problems with my family as well though it is getting better, somethings just need time.

Light and Dark

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-12-01 17:41:02
Sero, sounds like a great car you've got there. At least it hasn't spontaneously combusted, yet.

Starflamer, it's really the things we have no control over that most often make us the most upset. It's for the simple fact that we can't control them that we get that way in the first place. As I was once told by a very wise sage (of sorts), "it's the things in life that we don't understand that get us the most riled up." Very true statement, that. If we knew all there ever was to know we would never live in fear and subsequently never worry or be sad, but we don't know so we have those things. At the same time we'd never know joy; so be glad you sometimes don't have control because it's often more fun to just let things take their course than to try and micromanage everything.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-12-01 20:07:36
Yeah im glad it hasnt done that....YET.

Well its not the battery cause we put a new one in. The only think I can think of thats wrong is the cable isnt connecting to the battery, so to say, to be able to start the car.

Though i guess it can still be something else.
I just hope its not too expensive...sighs...

Light and Dark

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