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Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by on 2009-04-18 12:33:17
Well a tourny is not likely to happen soon anyway, because a lot of people still haven't made their way through the game. However I still think a Level 50 All rule is better than Free Level. Some people could have far higher leveled Pokemon as opposed to others and it simply makes it unbalanced, also, not everyone will play this game until their Pokemon reach 80 and 90 levels. I'll probably be playing it solely for another week or two (Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier is out in about two weeks, and Cross Edge is not far behind that) so I'm probably only going to make it to level 70 or 80 by the time I stop devoting my main gaming time towards it.


Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by imppy on 2009-04-19 00:54:55
@ wind-spear

well, alright then :D
Although I do not anticipate myself to win because of my currently low standards,
I just like to take part in a battle of a living trainer.
btw if what you mean by 9 pm was yesterday then that means I missed the desired time xD

I think ubers are already banned as I've read the latest updated rules, so the use of them are not possible in a tourney anyway.

Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by wind-spear5 on 2009-04-20 01:19:28
Don't worry about it Imppy I was just trading some pokemon for the most part anyway. Umm yeah when we do battle I'm going to give you a head's up. Watch out for my Yanmega! Depending which one I use either the one I got from a trade(my prototype) or my newly trained Yanmega with a really nasty ability that gives his attack more power. I'll allow you to set any special rules if you know any(No Evasion clause, species clause, whatever), and you set the date.

So yeah I got my Secret Key, and now to get Rotom, and my Microwave. I've still yet to beat the game(damn sentimentality). Anyways I'll be back to check for a battle date.

Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by imppy on 2009-04-22 19:23:31
@ wind spear
waaa sorry to keep you waiting =3=;
I have real life issues. ahaha.
anyway, the gap between the gendou time and my time is really big.
We're one day and 14 hours ahead :( [+8:00 GMT]
I will PM you about the date just in case it will take a while to talk about that.

Here's my Pokemon Platinum friend code:


anyone can freely add me to their list ;3
I want to add yours too though, so please share!

Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by on 2009-04-24 18:35:09
I debating wither or not to get it becuz I such a pokenerd that I will end up buying it anywayz

colorIf you hate me fu, if you like me thank u, but if you talk behind my back you need to STFU

Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by υƞιϲo on 2009-04-24 22:56:34 (edited 2009-04-24 23:39:28)
@ カゼヤリ5

Wow a Yanmega! A killer bug-type in wi-fi.When a Yanmega gains 2 or more evasiveness boost, it's gonna be hard to kill it.

And I finally passed through the Elite Four. I'm currently training up to complete the Battle Frontier. 5 more Pokemon till National Dex. The three feelings pokemon, AMBIPOM & SWINUB. I'll be up and running for wi-fi very soon. c:

Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by on 2009-04-25 19:04:22
Anyone have any suggestions for a Pokemon I can use to fill in my team? Preferably a Pokemon that can learn the move Fly. Right now my team consists of:

Ninetails - Shiny

I want to replace Tropius, because ever since I got it up to the same level as my other Pokemon it's been consistently losing every battle it goes into, it simply has way too elemental weaknesses that I wasn't aware of when I picked it. I have a Staraptor around level 40, so it would be pretty easy to pick it up again to replace Tropius, but I'm wondering if anyone has other suggestions for me.


Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by wind-spear5 on 2009-04-26 00:36:30
Staraptor > Tropius anyday. Let's see, last I checked I believe Staraptor is on the verge of being promoted from UU to OU, but remains in limbo(or borderline as some call it) as of right now. Staraptor is the "emo bird" for a good reason, it can use Brave Bird(flying type double-edge), and Close Combat(lowers an already low defence). Yeah both attacks are powerful 120 attacks, and not to be taken lightly. Personally I added a u-turn on my Staraptor as a means of undoing the stat deduction from Close Combat. If you want a flying type that can dish out damage while being able to take it then I suggest Salamance. Salamance can perform flying type attacks and his dragon attacks most notably Dragon Claw, Dragon Rush(egg move), and now Outrage(damn tutor). Salamance has a decent amount of options for him, and he's best off as a physical attack as opposed to special attacker.

Hmm... don't have much more to say regarding strategy since I'm in the process of developing a new one for myself. My main concern is when do I want to debut this new strategy, but that's trivial and of little concern. Umm yeah about Yanmega, it's more into boosting its speed rather than evasion, and most people in competitive battling would be likely to enforce the Evasion Clause. Evasion Clause is a rule that disallows the increase of evasion, and decrease of accuracy. I had just formulated a new tactic that goes against the Evasion Clause so if you wish to battle me inform me of any special clause you'd like in effect.

In regards to Unico's beta rules: some of the rules kinda confused me at first such as the "free lvl" rule, and Species Clause. Free lvl... seriously, I think that's garbage and trainers should battle at a set lvl in the potential scenario of one person have like 40 ranged pokemon team vs a 70 ranged trainer. Ok now the Species Clause, I don't like it... AT ALL! To my knowledge: Species Clause only allows only 1 species of pokemon between both trainers so in case I want to use a Lucario and my opponent wants to use Lucario then one of us would be forced to compromise our teams, but as I said before "to my knowledge". No hacked/ubers allowed that's a given even outside of competitive battling so yeah I think that's common knowledge regardless of how you battle.

Anyways I think that was the longest post I've made in this particular thread, and so I think I'll end it at that.

Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by on 2009-04-26 15:05:16
Well I already have a Dragon type Pokemon on my team, Garchomp, so I'm not fond of having another one. I already have kind of a type oriented team right now, so I'd prefer to try and vary it up a bit. I guess I'll just stick with Staraptor, anything is better than Tropius for the time being.

When/if we have a Gendou Pokemon Tournament then I'll post the rules up that I think will work out best for everyone. That's assuming I'm the one who organizes the tournament of course. If someone else wants to find a prize Pokemon/Item to offer and organize/keep track of battles then they can set the rules.

(Speaking of which, I finished Stark Mountain and all of the other little odds and ends except for the Battle Frontier and the Regi thing, so right now I am in the process of finding a Shiny Pokemon as the Prize. If you have a suggestion for a cool looking Shiny then let me know, because right now I'm just kind of trying to track down anything at all.)

Personally, I'm kind of set on the Battle Tower rules. Level 50 All and no Ubers.

-A Species limit only serves to break up people's favorite teams. There is also no strength or weakness to using multiple's of the same type since they have stat strengths and stat weaknesses the same as any other Pokemon.

-A limit on certain moves (such as the Evasion Clause windspear mentioned) is childish, since evasion boosts/decreases and accuracy boosts/decreases are core aspects of the battle system. If people are going to put this thing into effect, then they might as well just block all status ailments/stat adjustments and go with a straight out attrition battle where the Pokemon just keep slugging each other with regular moves until one falls over. That's just boring. Plus, it's not like boosting to an insane amount of evasion can make you unstoppable, since there are moves out there that can never miss (like Magical Leaf for example).

-Ubers have to be blocked just because of stat problems, that's unavoidable really.

Anyway, a tournament is still in the works, so there isn't much point in talking about this for the time being. Personally, I don't have any plans to organize one until around the end of May or end of June.


Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by υƞιϲo on 2009-04-27 01:50:05
Species clause plainly means you are allowed to use only ONE Pokemon of the same kind not both trainers can't have the same kind of Pokemon.Example of Species Clause; you can't use more than one Lucario in your team.The thing why I use free level rule because I have a level 1 ratata with a focus sash and the move endeavor which is pretty much self-explanatory what I would do xD. Furthermore, Level 100 Pokemons have higher stats than Level 50 and a Pokemon Individual Values will certainly be up to effect on level 100 Pokemon.

And yeah I agree that evasion clause is nonsense since evasion and accuracy is the core aspects of Pokemon battles along with all the other status conditions.Oh a good pokemon that can take Tropius's place would be Altaria in my opinion.

Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by imppy on 2009-04-27 09:42:12
I already started trying out EV-training one of my pokemon.
I couldn't wait until the game ends! My team has luckily been affected by the Pokerus that I got hyped up.
And I'm usually the unluckiest person on the planet ;p
Besides I already got a Macho Brace so that's a 4x for me.
The only thing I'm having trouble is trying to have a good-natured Pokemon.
What I have are far off from my needs.

@ Jonathon

Gendou Pokemon Tournament?
Awesome idea :D
Although we may need quite a few people here who plays Pokemon
[I can only see so little]

Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by on 2009-04-27 22:02:59
Ah, looks like you guys are already finished with the Main story it seems.
Well... any suggestions/comments for my Team? Any good? :P


Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by wind-spear5 on 2009-04-29 08:59:22 (edited 2009-04-29 16:45:37)
Well Uhhh your team looks rather solid, and I've never faced a tangrowth before so you have a minor edge on me. Metagross very solid attacking force, and when he has low health try to blow up in their face. Mamoswine he gave me trouble when I faced one last time, and I still don't know how to deal with it. Infernape I assume is your starter, and I might consider it mediocre in contrast to well trained brethren(like my fake out boy). I'd say your team is fairly good considering I don't know anything about them whatsoever.

Ok today's the day I take on Imppy in a battle on WiFi. It will be available live on pay-per-view! Well not really live... and not really paying for it... but yeah I just want to say that.
Note: I plan on recording it in case I may have been too subtle...(kinda doubt it)

Edit: While I was looking through my PC in game I notice I had a bunch of Mew, and two of them was a Mystery Mew(an event pokemon), and another pair was in Japanese, and of course their names were ミュウ, and they has an OT belonging to ハドウ. I think that ハドウ was the Japanese equivalent of the Mystery Mew that was given away as part of a promotional campaign for the movie about Lucario and Mew. Anyways I'm set for battle, and now to await my opponent.

Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by υƞιϲo on 2009-04-30 05:46:21

A Metagross and an Ambipom. Well, a clear-cut formidable team.

Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by on 2009-04-30 15:34:19
Never taken on a Tangrowth before, don't see that used often. To me your team looks kind of rare, but good overall.


Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by υƞιϲo on 2009-05-05 05:28:29
I'm slightly pumped up and ready for some wi-fi. I might be slikely noobish though. xD

3523 8645 4321 UNICO

Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by on 2009-05-05 09:05:36
Thanks guys. I wanted to try something different this time. I've NEVER used Drifblim, Tangrowth, Mamoswine, and Metagross. XD I've ALWAYS mained Ambipom since D/P even though this time I raised it after E4. It quickly became one of my faves when I saw it. XD

I dunno when I'll be ready with Wi-Fi battles though. Heck, maybe I won't be able to Wi-Fi at all. D: I'd love to see the battles between you guys though. :D

Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by imppy on 2009-05-05 09:13:42
I have a few Pokemon already EV-trained but I'm still trying to come up with a team.
I love my Infernape, but he's not EV-trained [I still have to capture Ditto and breed a new one] since I use him in the storyline.

Nonetheless, that doesn't mean I won't battle d;
having my first loss in my first battle wouldn't be so bad. haha.
- added Unico

Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by υƞιϲo on 2009-05-06 02:29:15 (edited 2009-05-06 02:31:28)

I'll try to make an effort to record all of the battles I've fought against Gendou users. =)


What's your friend code? I usually don't attend to scheduled matches. T.T So you'll just have to catch me online here or in Serebii's wi-fi chat.

Re: Pokemon Platinum
Link | by on 2009-05-06 07:43:40 (edited 2009-05-06 07:46:37)
I'll be home pretty much all day today, so if anyone wants a match then just post here, I'll have my eye on the recent posts.

Meanwhile I'm going to try and train my Staraptor a bit to replace my useless Tropius. I'll be available until probably 9pm Gendou Time. (I might need to run out to the store a little later, but that shouldn't take long.

Edit: Also, if it's alright with everyone I'm going to collect all of the listed FC's and put them up on the first page. If you every want your FC taken down then let me know.


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