Re: The Depression Thread V3
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Funsch, you know that quote of yours there goes nicely with one I said a while ago: "Hey, if you're feeling down buy a lotto ticket, even in the worst luck it has to turn around somewhere. I say let it show up as $43mil." I'm full of worthless whitisisms wholely, and alterations if you havn't noticed. Love is kind, love is blunt love is wonderful, love sucks love is mysterious, it just is Love continues, despite kotuso's atempts. While I don't deny the potential heart-break and pain assosciated with this emotion I do, however, deny the fact that it is bad for you. Love, like all emotions, is needed to be able to understand the others. Light is the absence of dark and dark the adscence of light, without one you cannot define the other. That simple, you can't honestly say that you can define any other emotion without first expiriancing all of them. It's a flawed system, much like saying you're an expert on gummi-worms because you ate them three years ago on a cup-cake. It doesn't work that way. I guess it's the world against kotuso again, at least you never run out of people to try and convert. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
Jomunga and Nightmare you're both exactly right we need love in our lives. It's to keep us going, it's one of our driving forces and motivation to survive, to find the one that truly understands us, accept us for who we are, and will always be there for us. Well thats what I look for in my true love. When I was going through my depression and social stagnation period, one of the main reason that kept me going was cause I know that maybe one day I'll find my true love, that was my motivation to keep going on with my life, and it is still today, even after I conquered most of my depression and social stagnation. @Jomunga You're also right 2 people have to love each other for it to work out, otherwise both of you can't be happy. @Nightmare To emphasise your point earlier, I'm looking for that person as well, someone that'll understands me, accept me for who I am, and will always be there for me. And I like your attitude, you should never give up search for "the one", I'm doing that as well, until hopefully in the near future I can finally find her and we can be together forever, living happy ever after, though we might encounter problems, but we'll always be there to support each other and help each other solve them together. @D-Ninja You're right, you can never truly understand how someone feels until you experience there emotions. And I have to disagree with you, it's not the whole world against Kotuso, there is other people out there in the world who think the same as him, it's just the way he feels and there's nothing wrong with that. @Kotuso You're not lonely man, you got us as friends here in this forum, and good friends can accept each others decisions. ![]() |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
"Jomunga and Nightmare you're both exactly right we need love in our lives. It's to keep us going, it's one of our driving forces and motivation to survive, to find the one that truly understands us, accept us for who we are, and will always be there for us. Well thats what I look for in my true love." -Funsch I actually found this quite interesting, I can gladly say that I have my own answers that does not rely on someone else, for instance... "To find the one that truly understands us" -Who truly understands me? Myself naturally; I don't need someone else to fill some psuedo void, or somehting to that effect. "accept us for who we are." -I think it is very important for one to accept himself/herself first instead of reling on someone to figure it out for them, because 10/10 times the reflection they make for you will be distorted. "It's one of our driving forces and motivation to survive." -My motivation to survive is to survive. I remember when people used to fear d eath, and I guess i'm just one of them good ol' fashioned folks.(and yes I do know how to square dance) I will say this, however, love(the intented emotion, not romance) is necessary for one to survive in the fetal stages of developement. That much has been proven. Romance is also s. exual y preferenced. The reasons it seems most of you have been giving appear to be of the acceptance nature. It is very general however, couldn't a gender you do not desire s exually also accept you for who you are and motivate you to survive? The answer is yes, but due to those omnipresent chemcials we somehow believe the gender of our s. exual preferance takes granduer over the other gender. For a final thought, loneliness most like linked to having Self-Esteem problems, you can't win the battle if all of the army doesn't fight. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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by S-a-c-h-i-e-l
on 2006-10-05 15:55:06
@Gentlewind mainly, but indirectly to all: You understand yourself, eh? Then ask yourself why you do something whenever you do it; Why do you wake up at X:XX AM? Why do you like green better than blue (random colors, I have no clue what your favorite colors are)? Why do you think that chocolate milk tastes good? Why do you think that, say, Fullmetal Alchemist is a cool anime? After you've answered that, ask why to your answer. Why is it convenient to wake up at X:XX AM? Why do you like the fact that green can be softer to the eyes than blue? Why do you think that chocolate tastes good? Why do you like the story in Fullmetal Alchemist? Lather, rinse, repeat. Eventually, you'll realize you know very little about the core of your being. -I think it is very important for one to accept himself/herself first instead of reling on someone to figure it out for them, because 10/10 times the reflection they make for you will be distorted. Very frequently, or dare I say nearly always, your own vision of yourself is distorted. A couple of lengthy quotes from Evangelion shows kinda what I mean. Rei: Who am I? Rei B: You are Rei Ayanami. Rei: But who are you? Are you Rei Ayanami as well? Rei B: Correct, I am that which is recognized as Rei Ayanami. Rei C: We are all things that are known as Rei Ayanami. Rei: How could all of these be me? Rei B: It is simply because others call us Rei Ayanami, that is all. Rei C: You possess a false soul and a fake body. Do you know why? Rei: I am neither false nor fake. I am simply me. Rei C: No, you are an empty shell with a false soul, created by a man named Gendou Ikari. You are just an object that is pretending to be a human. See, look deep within yourself. Do you perceive the almost intangible, invisible presence that lurks inside your darkest dreams? It is there that your true identity lies. Rei: No, I am me. I became myself through the instrumentality of the links and my relationships with others. I am formed by interaction with others. They create me as I create them. These relationships and interactions serve to shape the patterns of my heart and mind. Caption: Those are bonds? Rei: Yes, that is the name for what I share with those who have created the being known as Rei Ayanami. That is what will continue to shape me. Caption: Those are bonds. Rei C: However, there is someone else who is your true self. You don't know her, but she exists. You deny that fact and attempt to suppress that facet of your reality. Caption: Because of fear. Rei C: Because she might not have a human form. Because then your present self might cease to be. Caption: This is fear. Rei C: This is what you fear, that you will become nothing. You are frightened that you will disappear from the minds of others if another exists. Rei: I'm afraid? Why is that? Rei B: Because your current self will never have existed. Caption: You are scared, aren't you? Rei B: Because you will cease to be. Caption: You are scared, aren't you? * * * * * * * * Shinji: W-Who's that...? Who...? Shinji B: Who? Shinji Ikari. Shinji: Th-That's me. Shinji B: I am you. This self incorporates another self. The self has always been composed of two selves. Shinji: Two? Shinji B: Yes. The self which is observed, and the self which observes itself. To expound, there is the Shinji Ikari that exists in your mind, the Shinji Ikari in Misato Katsuragi's mind, the Shinji Ikari in Asuka Soryu's mind, the Shinji Ikari in Rei Ayanami's mind, and the Shinji Ikari in Gendou Ikari's mind. All are different Shinji Ikaris, but each of them is a true Shinji Ikari. What you fear is the Shinji Ikaris who exist in the minds of others. Shinji: I'm just afraid of being hated... Shinji B: You are afraid of being hurt. Shinji: W-Who's bad? Shinji B: Father is. The father who deserted us. Shinji: No, I'm the one who's bad! Asuka: There you go again! You're always apologizing! Do you REALLY think it's your fault? Shinji: I'm worthless...! Misato: No, you just believe you're worthless, Shinji. Rei: Don't you trust your own father? Shinji: I thought I hated my father, but now I'm not sure... Gendou Ikari: That was good work, Shinji. Shinji: My father called me by my name! I-I was praised by my father! Shinji B: Will you live the rest of your life regurgitating and redigesting those few pleasant memories? Shinji: If I trust their words, it's enough! Enough to keep me alive! Shinji B: Even though you know you're deceiving yourself? Shinji: Everybody does it! That's how everyone survives! Shinji B: If I said that you're capable of initiating change within yourself, you will be unable to continue. Shinji: This world is filled with too much pain and suffering to keep going on! Shinji B: For example, you can't swim. Shinji: Humans aren't made to float! Shinji B: This is self-deception. Shinji: I don't care what you wanna call it! Shinji B: You have been shutting your eyes and covering your ears making yourself blind and deaf to that which you wish to avoid. Aida: His (Touji's) sister was injured during the incident. Misato: Who care's what the others say!? Shinji: Augh...! Gendou: Leave! Shinji: No, I don't wanna hear this! Shinji B: See? You're running away from the reality again. No one can justify their existance by linking their happiest moments into a kind of rosery. In particular, I cannot. Shinji: What's wrong with doing something I want to do!? WHY WON'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!? Combining "I became myself through the instrumentality of the links and my relationships with others. I am formed by interaction with others. They create me as I create them. These relationships and interactions serve to shape the patterns of my heart and mind." and "The self has always been composed of two selves. The self which is observed, and the self which observes itself." puts together quite well what I think. You are simply a character in each person's mind; Each character from each person's mind isn't the real you, either; not even your own character from your own mind. You may think "I feel so proud of myself! I actually did that really nice thing with no thought about personal gain!" Did you really have no thought for personal gain? You gained happiness because you did that... And I'll bet everything you do is for personal gain. Whether it may be obvious what you get or not, you're gaining something. Example: I give candy to little kids, and it costs me to do it. Why do you do it then? I feel happy when I see the smiles on the kids' faces. Another example: I don't like being overweight. Why are you overweight then? Because I enjoy eating. And it could even be something totally unlike what you think it is. Example: I give candy to little kids, and it costs me to do it. Why do you do it then? I've done lots of mean things to people throughout my life, and this is my way of finding self-forgiveness. Another example (this was a real account): I don't like being overweight. Why are you overweight then? Because I was raped when I was young, and now I don't like feeling thin and sexy because I'm worried I'll just be raped again. Knowing your roots is a very difficult thing to do; I doubt anyone fully knows themselves. So then, what will you do about it? Live with it and say "I can't do it, so screw it," or something more along the lines of "I'll try and see how far I get; maybe I'll become one who completely knows my roots"? Well, there's my two yen for you to chew on :D |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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Ironically I just got my EVA DVD's back from the kid I lent them to in, oh, June. Now I have to go watch them again, luckuly I remember which episodes those quotes are from. Problem: do I post my thoughts here or on the other threads you've made, hmm. I'll go there. Kotuso, so if the army doesn't show I'll be lonely. It's kind-of hard to lose if there's no one there to win either. If there's no one to win or lose then what's the point of fighting. Self-esteem is important, but if there's no one arround you then you're waging war on all fronts of nothing. I've been wondering for a long time, is there some kind-of block that keeps you from typing out words like death? Romance has nothing to do with gender. You could be romantic of someone of the same sex, there's no stipulation that says you have to have two people of the opposite sex to have romance. It's just the social norm, and we all you know how restrictive the social norm is. The chemicals that are produced are resposible for lust and love, romance is not produced by chemicals. That is an impotant distinction to be made. Wgile most emotions are spwaned from chemical romance, on the other hand, is an action. Most actions are thought provoked, meaning that you have to make a concious decision to have them happen. If there is no thhought of romance it's pretty hard to do it. Feeling romantic is simply worng, you don't feel romantic, you are romantic. You feel love and lust, hate and desire, pain and happiness, not romance. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
@Dninja Perhaps I worded it too odd(because of, you guessed it, a block on my computer from typing "bad words)so I should say it bluntly now. I meant both hetero and homo, I just used the word preferance instead so not to wake up the 3\/1L typing h ater. *perhaps I shoud just change to l337?* You win if don't have to fight, isn't that what war is about? Resolving the conflict until there is nothing else to fight? The opponet you are fighting is the morale of your troops. The troops do not resist if they are content. Becoming too emotionally involved with one person is like sending in a wooden horse with soldiers inside. Sure it looks flashy, and your troops want it, but alas the enemy slides out of the horse and slits your men's throats. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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What if I gove no cause for attack. I have a strong army, but I'm not agressive. Sure you caould say that any up-start barbarian could sack my "Rome" if you will, but why antagonzie the barbarians; just let them join your empire, then you leve taxes on them for attacking you. What is this "3\/1L typing h ater" anyway, by that I mean why is on your system and what is it exactly. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
So if I switched what your saying into romance terms, then I could hypotheically let accept romance(and I grit my teeth as I wrote that) and then "tax" her instead paying the extra upkeep? Doesn't sound too bad, risky, but profitable. I doubt I'd try it though, too many dangers in even using romance for profit. The 3\/1L typing h ater is some message filter that makes the screen flash when an inappropiate word is displayed. Thus, to override the system, I add spaces between my words and sometimes periods inbetween long strings of inappropiate letter combinations. Etc. Etc. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
dont know leh |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
alright, Kotuso does bring up a good point...we DO have to know ourselves before we can look for others like us. but i know myself, my mind and body are one, yet i still make that same statment again... why? how? simple! because i want to be with someone like me...people don't understand me like i understand me...but im serching for a person that can accept my flaws and strengths at once in the binds of love. acceptence is a pivitol thing in love...your thinking of the ME...not the WE. if the entire world were full of you, you would get really board and lonely because the the monotony. being in a relationship means two people who understand each other and deeply wish the other to live and be happy. to be SUPPORTIVE. and if you live purly to sorry, but i cannot help you in that regard...if you think that way, than no amount of talking or bickering will be able to convince you go ahead and keep living without living. OH on another note, me and my frind are having a discussion. if you and your girlfriend were making out and she decided to go vampire and bit your neck, do you think thats super hot? |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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(peer pressure)Come on kotuso try it(/peer pressure) No but seriously, do try and be romantic. Or if that's too much for you, just find someone who you like and hang out with them. Nightmare, all depends if she actually draws blood. If I start bleeding I'm going to be a bit freeked out. Now if there was no psin and no blood I'm willing to try anything once just as long as it either wouldn't stop me from being president (not that I want to be) or it leaves a permanent mark on anything that I don't want it to. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
I wouldn't say that you have to know yourself because unconsciously you do. If you didn't then how could you be so you? I'm in no way an expert on relationships or anything else for that matter but I would look at it a different way. First try to become comfortable with yourself and try not to be fake for others sakes(I think you were touching on that nightmare). If you don't like yourself and aren't comfortable in your own skin then how are others going to be comfortable around you? If you don't like yourself then change, for better or worse, you can do it. A lot of people are going to hate you just because you're there, the majority of people in this world won't even know who you are, and as you change so will the group of people that were supposed to have your back. But the ones that stay no matter what path you choose are the ones that really count. Most of the time it's the things that drive you insane that make you love those person even more. But romance isn't just going to walk up to you one day and smack you in the face...atleast most likely not...moving on. You're gonna hafta lower the shields and be a little vulnerable. Most times you'll strike out and that can be frustrating, being alone usually is, but you're gonna step up one day and knock it clear outta the park. Then you'll get to run them bases *wink wink* *knudge knudge*. I'll say no more. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
Wolf is exactly right! We have to be ourselves, who cares what people think of us and who cares about other people, if they don't like you so be it, there not your friends/lover. No disrespect but most people don't like lower class people, e.g. labourers/people fixing roads on the street cause of there bad attitude. But they don't give a sh*t, cause they act like themselves and found there own kind of friends. I tried that, act like myself, took risk and I escaped my social stagnation which went for 2.5 years and now I got lots of friends, some that I can even relate to, I'm moving forward now all cause at that moment I didn't care what people think of how'd I act. Think about it this way, if you don't take risk (e.g. be yourself) nothings gonna change, but if you do take that risk, things will change, I'm happy it changed for the better for me. Think about it guys, the way you're acting right now in this forum, it's you the true you, cause you know you got nothing to lose, use that as encouragement to act the way you want to in real life. There's a difference between changing and faking it, faking it is by being someone else you don't feel comfortable as. Changing is that even though you don't feel comfortable you want to be that person, you wanna change. e.g. I didn't feel comfortable at being vocal and opened at first cause I was scared of what people might think and do to me. But I didn't care, I'd always dreamed of being a vocal person, and I tried fulfilling that dream, and now I feel like I'm a more vocal person than ever before. I let people what they want to say to me and after there finish I say what I want to say to them. "BUT" if they don't give a sh*t about what I say, I don't give a sh*t about what they say. I just completely ignore what there blabbing about and be rude and interrupt them and pass my message across as consistently as I can. Anyways, wolf your also right, we shouldn't be afraid to take a different path even though we might lose our friends, that shows that they're not your true friends, remember there's always people like us in this forum that can help you if you're ever lost and is in need of help. We are your true friends, the one's that care about your problem and want to help you solve it. Although, to be honest guys, sorry I'm a lazy person in real life and in gaming sometimes, thats why I havn't posted in this thread lately :S. Anyways, again....... Wolf you completely your Hat-Trick (3 goals in one match in a game of soccer), we have to search for our love ones, and we have to be open to them, but don't say anything too deep at the start, cause that'll scare them. Like in soccer, and as I learned from the Socceroos (Aussie national soccer team) "Never say die", that means never give up and keep going. During the 2006 World Cup the wank*r refrees decisions were against them but did they give up, no they kept going, they were one down against Japan but they kept going and never gave up and scored 3 goals in the last 8 minutes to secure there first win in there World Cup history. Although, they lost to Brazil, and part of it was to do with refreeing decisions AGAIN! They gave brazil a run for there money and terrorised them many times. Not many teams can do this to Brazil, so that is an achievement in itself. Btw, they did beat Brazil in the Confederations Cup in 2001 to claim third place :D. And against Croatia that to me had to be the worst refreeing in a match I've ever seen. 2 penalty kicks that were suppose to be given to Australia when it was so blo*dy obvious and the 3 yellow cards give to a single Croatian player (i'm not being racist, that did happen) before he got sent off. 2 yellow cards to a single player is the rule for that player to be sent off. The ref said he forgot afterwards. Some excuse....... Anyways, he's not coaching Internationally anymores. Anyways, the aussies didn't give up despite what happened and earned a hard fought 2-2 draw that allowed them to secure 2nd place in there group and qualify for the knockout rounds. My opinion is you have to try different stuff, plan things on a piece of paper and reherse it as I mentioned in my escape from depression post here: Please read it, it's an inspiring story and it did really happen. If it doesn't work, keep trying different stuff, ask people for help and advice. I found the best way to express how you feel is to talk about it with people you trust, and it's good guys that you talk about it in this forum cause there are people like us that are willing to help you. OK, to summarise what I said: -Who cares about other people, be yourself and take risk otherwise nothings gonna change. -Changing is when you "want to be that person" and not faking it just for there sake. -Remember if things go wrong, you always got guys like us to help you and people outside as well. e.g. counsellors. -Don't wait for our lovers, start search for them, but don't initially be too deep in conversations. It's all about timing. -Remember and use the "Never Say Die" attitude to keep you going and don't give up no matter how bad things are. One thing you say can change the whole outcome in your favour. -Plan things on a piece of paper and reherse it and read my post if you want some inspiration: Anyways, I hope what I said above can help you peoples and remember you got us guys in the forum that can help you. You're not alone. Anyways, sorry to ruin the mood but to my problem: COMING SOON.......... ![]() |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
i've got a fever and i have a big exam this coming monday! X_X so i cant rest and i have to study because there's so much to read and revise. i really dont wanna fail this exam. and my roommate just got a phone call and she cried. but she wont even tell me about it. now she's going out. i hope she'll be okay soon. i wanna help her but she wont tell me what is it about. hum..hope she'll calm down and get it all solved. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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I forget where I heard this: "Don't give up the love of your life for your firend, because your friend will give you up for the love of their life." While I don't necessarily agree with all of it, I do have to say letting the love of your life just walk away is no the best course of action. Also just sitting there twitling your thumbs isn't going to help you find that love any sooner. Wolf I'm happy with a hit to first, and after that I don't care if the game ends. Just as long as I can get on a base I don't care if it's a double or even if it's a home-run. I'm out to do it the old fashioned way of waiting for the right pitch. Never chace and outside slider, you'll strike-out every time. Yuki, I'm sure your roommate will talk with you about when they feel good and ready to. If she didn't trust you I do think she'd want to be your room-mate for very long. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
Hmmmmm, anyone mind telling me what 3rd base and home represent? If it were up to me I would just go to 2nd base and stay there the whole game. Of course maybe something better lies in home. I don't feel like typing much on forums these days. There was probably something I should say to Kotuso, but I forgot. Anyways, I recommend Kotuso staying away from romance. It seems like taboo for a romantic Kotuso to exist. He has a pretty thick shell. It would be hard for anyone to break his defences. Usually no one will truely love anyone unless they get love returned. Ou, about that chemical thing about being attracted to the opposite sex. I just find girls alot better than guys in general. I am not speaking in only looks, but the entire girlyness aspect. I could only imagine if I was a girl. O_O' |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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by MiCHiYo μ
on 2006-10-12 23:50:57
err~ my friend taught me this, so i thought i'd share the knowledge since jomunga asked. FIRST BASE ~ holding hands SECOND BASE ~ kiss on the lips THIRD BASE ~ touching in some... err~ places... HOME ~ you are doing it. it IS quite awkward for me to type this... -michiyo- ![]() beware. the QueeN oF SiGGieS is here. kill that mr. scrolly or your siggy goes BAI BAI. it's solidarity month! let's be united! +[-- GeNDouNiaNS: i am half-back! visit my blog by clicking on the siggie banner! updated: 12.07.07 --]+
~*..:: i'm never going to give up... if i do, then it wasn't worth trying. ::..*~  
Re: The Depression Thread V3
Uhhhhhh, I thought 2nd base was home base. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
1st Base = Kiss 2nd Base = Playing above the waist 3rd Base = Playing below the waist Home = Doing it Grand Slam = Doing it all on the first date
Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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lol.... somehow this topic has become very awkward...*sweatdrop* ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |