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Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-09 07:24:17

itu semua politik punya pasal...mak I seorg cikgu mengajar sc and maths skolah rendah...itu yg marah pasal benda ini...

@calon SPM 2008

3 hari lagi keputusan keluar...jam?korg kira sendiri...


che x paham apa kau ckp?tutup lampu pkl 8.30pm?utk apa?

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-09 09:32:39
Heylows evvyonez~~~ today's class I only have one tutorial :) I need to finish my written project by today!!! xD

Okay, for the last time, glad to hear you're forgetting about it, Adel. Good good. It makes me happy. *nods head* Alrighty, the usual gendou climate is back in this thread :DDD

Earth Hour is on 28th March? if it's 8:30pm over there, then Dublin should be around half 12pm. I won't be at home on that day though, so I won't notice a minute blackout ^_^;; Forever pitched darkness, I won't survive x_x I'm not a goth xD

azwan: who send this?I said "oh my god...jgn jadi gila sudah(don't become crazy!)".my advise is batter he must try to meet counseling to help him or try to pray to god....because I have experince like feeling so I become crazy...not because I have girlfriend...because my teamwork...if his online,batter hear this advise...

0_0 ... ...
... what...??????
... are you talking to me?!? 0_0 you lost me.

Heylows animestar! Welcome to Malaysians Thread 2! Hope you enjoy posting in this thread! :3 You're a British citizen? Cool! Which part of UK you live in at the moment? I live in Dublin, Ireland, so hey, this is my neighbourly greeting for you :)

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-09 15:50:18
...just disappeared for a few days only and there are so many posts before me..
guess that what i should

need for speed undercover..? nope..but i play NFS underground and pro street lol..
and abut d shin orochi..i jus left one stage uncompleted in dramatic mode only..that is d lv99 char that i mention earlier lol..

earth hour..?wait..that's mean our whole city would plung into darkness that hour..o_O..
(imma ready to come up a tactic to rob bank that

welcome to the thread..nice to meet u..

did ur playist still on..?
i want to listen the song list that u sent to me that


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Matsuna on 2009-03-09 18:08:01 (edited 2009-03-11 03:59:44)
SRS- Yeah. Malaysia's summer as always. I can tell that it's always hot.
Kira-I'm Kana. My name's easy to remember.
azwan- Thank you.
Adeline-Except for UK, Malaysia's my second home, then Japan. And yeah, I love it. At most, I spend with my family there.
serge-Thank you for the warm welcome. It's nice to meet you too.
Wootos-I'm from the UK. I'm from North West London.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-09 22:29:35

its raining everyday now im starting to get sore throat itll be matter of time before it turns to blocked nose and stuff >.<

havnt try downloading it yet? my friend tried that tutorial and failed miserably and give-up how about you?
- model huh, aspire 6365G

no its not download software, the main use of the software is to chat but with feature that enable file transfer downloading is possible
- *sigh* the official site

loneliness = freedom!!!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-09 22:42:49



your welcome...

@calon SPM 2008

2 hari lagi keputusan keluar....

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-09 23:07:23
dia suka yang mana satu? mansuh ke tak? O.o

lol strong? nolah xD

what broadband you use? streamyx? O.o

and request song for what? for radio or songs to be put in this site?

*answer in singles club thread xD*

you make tutorials? O.o

oh that? tell me if you wanna listen on msn/ym ^^
i'll do the broadcast only if people wants actually so yeaaaah xD

so what sorta anime you prefer? xD
and how's it like in Japan? ;D

eat meds! or just strepsils!

well i haven't >_< these days connection is acting like a *insertwhateverbadthinghere*
i'll hope i can try this weekend, given there's nothing else going on >_>

is that new model? xD and i thought you bought HP or Dell or something else xD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by supernood on 2009-03-09 23:20:38 (edited 2009-03-10 03:12:11)

=.=ll i use maxis -x- broadband....

nah juz asking....


YES thats right so hot i open aircorn at the hot weather like tis!

but i dont know why,why always RAINING(YEAH)
but is bad too my computer will be doom by The Power of Thunder >.<
and not that hot, is hot(weather)

Japan ? your second home ? good is the Moe of Country !! i like anime

whats your favourite anime ?


What stages ? number? is it one chracter 99lv or three chr
try these become 99lv
Kotaro Fuma,Zhang Liao,Gan Ning
風魔小太郎,張遼,甘寧 (chinese name)
here the pic from photobucket
Kotaro Fuma Pictures, Images and Photos
Zhang Liao Pictures, Images and Photos
Gan Ning Pictures, Images and Photos
at same team of corse...
NFS Pro Street? i dont like it no bounty....
How bout GTA San Adreads?
Got ply ?

Turn off light?got what happen ? ghost?

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-10 02:21:50
i knew someone that has something bad mind coming up when there are Earth hour coming ... ..

may i call you Kana too?
you have a home established in Japan?

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-10 02:36:38 (edited 2009-03-10 02:43:41)
Hello everyone!!!..hohohoho...kukukuku...and good are you all?

hello there...wild arms and suikoden?i already have it ..hohohoho...but only wild arms 4 and suikoden 5...still playing it though...steambot chronicles? ohh... it a game about robot with many minigame made by really fun anyway...hohoho...druaga? it fullname are the nightmare of druaga..youll play as gilgamesh at that game to save his beloved....huhuhuhu...

hello there...hey i'm play orochi's game to you know!...hohoho..anyway do you play cold fear in ps2 of course..?

hye there...PBSMI?in my opinion it quite late to be 'mansuhkan' since it already been several years...also goverment has already spend much for it...(also the teacher maybe gone crazy....(just kidding)..)......though i hope we can turnback...but....anyway that just my opinion....

hello there...i'm dean..nice to meet you...mind if i asking? about tales of vesperia and star ocean you play it in x-box360?i not has that console then just watch the gameplay at youtube..huhuhu...also i just download the tales of vesperia op really good to sad i can't afford to buy it....huhuhuhu...

hello there...i'm dean..nice to meet you!wow that look good...i hope i can visit another country like you..anyway..whaaaaaaattttttt!!!!!!japan!wow that wonderful...i always hope to be there......mind if i call you kana to...(that look like a nice name ...hohoho)

hello you mean stein and marie in the souleater?...hohoho..i wonder...anyway good luck there in your competition....hohohoh...

ohhh...that is...thank for the explanation anyway....kukukuku....

hello look like you play ps2 alot huh?are in holiday now?...hohoho..

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-10 03:23:57
Heylows evvyonez, mina-san! Ogenki desu ka?

I still have a bit of time left for :) Today's class will finish at 5pm ._. muuu so longg....

Good lord, serge. You make me remind this one Simpsons episode where Lenny and Carl got a car accident and they smashed into a shop during the sudden blackout hour.
Lenny said: "Uhh, wanna take those stuffs?"
Carl: "Isn't that stealing?"
Lenny: "No, we're just looting."
Carl: "Cool!"

Every Springfield citizen loots. xDDD

Kira, tutorial class, not that I'm doing some kind of tutorial to students xD. It's just a one-hour class, like revision class, a recap from 2 hour lecture.

Waiii, London :D You're lucky to live in London, animestar! Even if it's the east part of the city. I always want to go there <3 My sis went there and she loved it a lot :DDD Dublin is boring xD Too boring, I rather go to other counties of Ireland xDDD How terrible is that. Are you still at school or college?

Azwan, apa you cakap ni? I'm lost. Look, just forget about it ^_^;;

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-10 05:54:36 (edited 2009-03-10 20:38:53)

aku?toksah mansuhkan...buat ape...menyusahkan pelajar je...karang bla interview keje...ckp omputih...x paham...nk mcm 2...


why you say is true...waste the time for student turn back to malay language..


xpelah...che lupa nk kata apa...che fikir kebenda tu...alah lupakan...

@calon STPM 2008

yg lulus cemerlang,ku ucapkan omedeto gozaimasu!

yg x berjaya...cuba lain tahun (klu dpt buat blk!)


1 hari lagi...esok hari kemuncak segalanya....

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-11 00:02:05
@all last year SPM takers
good luck!!! xD
and tell us your results! /shifty

ohh...memang pun...bagus. xD

ohhhh i thought you made a tutorial mental image is weird xD

hello~ i shall look for them +_+
ok so i need a nintendo DS so badly >_>
too much tales of series i haven't play /dies

stop thinking those

maxis...yea it's bad in some areas, like mine, which is soooo a kampung >_>
since there's no phone line (for streamyx) i resort to this -_- i heard celcom is better but iunno in my area...*sigh*

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by supernood on 2009-03-11 00:08:11

Maxis is lag at evening,like me too no phone line for streamyx ... my home dont house phone.i think is jungle..


Woow u got play musou orochi maou sairin?as warrior orochi 2....

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by holkers on 2009-03-11 01:34:38
ek.. i post so long and i got a short reply? >w<

Earth hours, hmm.. i'm in anyway..
Earth hours is about switching off your lights for one hour.
It started from Sdyney, when everybody (2.2 million) from houses to businesses place shut off their lights. That was 2007.
So in 2009, WWF (i guess u guys know wat it stand for) and Earth Hour and global warning wants 1 billion people to shut off their lights for an hour.
So tht's why they call it "60 Earth Hour".
We should be part of it too.. Lol i vote for KLCC to shut their lights off.
They have been keeping the lights on liek forever!
They really shut be part of this event too >: If they did, then i'm proud 8'D

Adel: Adel! I was about to say that Earth Hour stuff >:
adel, if our country ish pitch black, i think pirates come out.. D:
or.. even ghost? i hate dark >:
And adel Stein and Marie are from Soul Eater's character..
I have a picture of them but am too lazy to put it here for u to understand xD

Azwan: yush. I'm part of keceriaan.. And i can't retired.. xD
I have been it since i'm form 1 xD
got.. liek.. urmm.. pertandingan tilawah, pertandingan membaca jawi secepat and so on..

Kira: oh i am? 8D hmm.. let's wait for airasia to get into promotion. xD
thnkies kira >3
lol kira.. practise, makes prefect >3
yea i mean takziah xD
lol kira.. engkau kate memang senang.. nak buat tu susah tau tak?
perspek tu dahla besar D:
lol kira.. D: am not crying for gawd sake.

dean: Yea them from that.. xDDD
oh thnkies >33333333

*gets ready for all events from short story competition to school vision drawing to earth hours >3333 must buy some candle..*
if i dont buy candle.. then i bump into a wall.. D:
thus, i must clean my stuff up since the house gonna be liek darkness..

lol i think tenaga nasional should help us out, by closing all the electricty.. D:
but then.. the fridge.. maybe tht's a bad idea xDDDDDD


I claimed someone that I can't remember because photobucket is ended.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-11 04:29:09
*no comment*

Good luck with your work and hope you win in your competition,Holkers ^^

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Matsuna on 2009-03-11 04:37:11
Adeline- You can call me Kana. Japan's my third home, which makes Malaysia my second home. In Japan, I mostly stay at my dad's flat in Fukuoka. While in Tokyo, I stay at my dad's friend's flat. Takamatsu (my dad was born there), my grandmother's house. Other than that, in other cities, I stay at the hotel with my dad.

Dean-It's fine that you can call me Kana. I see your dream is to go to Japan in the future. I bought nearly all my manga from there.

SRS- I like Death Note, Elfen Lied, Beyblade and Hellsing. Like I said to Dean, I buy all my manga there. They're cheap. It's around £1.50ish per manga.

W00t0s- I made a mistake. I live in North West London. I apologise for that. I see your sister's been there. London's very big. My mum went to Ireland a few years ago. She said she enjoyed her time there. I have some neighbours who are born from Ireland. In 2 months time, there's a manga expo coming. It's in Custom House, East London.

Kira- Japan is my third home, because every year I go there staying at my dad's flat in Fukuoka. I also go to Japanese school there. I go 2 Japanese schools last year. One from Tokyo and another from Fukuoka. Almost all my manga are from there. Animes, I like Death Note, Elfen Lied, Hellsing and Beyblade.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by holkers on 2009-03-11 05:42:12

thnkies >333

I claimed someone that I can't remember because photobucket is ended.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-11 08:28:10

aku...aku bknnya ahli persatuan agama islam,tapi aku 3 tahun mengambil pertandingan tilawah al-quran,setahun ambil syarahan.2 tahun ambil tulisan khat...


tau xpe...keputusan SPM akan ku umumkan diriku punya akan dtg....


how long years you live at japan?

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Thanks DFly~ on 2009-03-11 09:20:04
I Just want to passing by...could i?!

anyways...i just want to remind holkers and adel before things gone bad...this is not a chat careful guys...-_-''

Sorry if i'm interrupt in here...please take my apologize^^

Gawd!! DFly work is so...Beautiful~

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