Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 3 [READ RULES]
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on 2007-06-05 09:58:33
Seraph... why are your crushes were guessed with just a blink of an eye... XD well... now don't have to hide anything... XD |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 3 [READ RULES]
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on 2007-06-05 10:45:54
@riceboks, kei-kun and other ppl who guessed it~~ waaaaah~~~ you guys are right~! O.O it's bw... and i thought my clues were SOOOOOO HARD~! >.< oh wwwwwwwwwwelll...~~ nowwwww onto other people's crushes~! WEEEE~~~ @Isis it's Terror of Death~!!! @seraph moreeeee clueeeeeees pweaaaaaaaaaaaseee~~~ but hmm...Unflawless?~?~ |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 3 [READ RULES]
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on 2007-06-05 11:07:25
| many crushes...but are these coming from just looks or personality? O_O Anyways, I've gots a crush, I can't believe I forgot about her. :P She'll keel meh if she finds out. xDD ok here da clues!! Clue 1: Is older than me by rl age and in GEndou age! Clue 2: she's a level 12!! Clue 3: Is a great singer!! FINAL CLUE! : Likes the japanese music artists: Hyde, Hikaru Utada, Ayumi Hamasaki, Gackt, L'Ark~en~Ciel This should take less dan a day. :P |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 3 [READ RULES]
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on 2007-06-05 11:20:11
@ Dark ::: FA FA FA ?! |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 3 [READ RULES]
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on 2007-06-05 11:26:34
Cry!!! No one has ever had a crush on me. Am it that scary?
Look deep within your soul and you will find the spirit of the wolf.
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 3 [READ RULES]
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on 2007-06-05 15:13:46
@ Unflawless: O_O; yep, you guessed right. I give too easy clues. xDD @ isis: that's not true. Have ya posted your piccies? O_O besides, I HEART everyone in da Gendou. If I could, I would have crushed on every female!! MWABWAMWABWAMWABWAMWABWA!! <---womanizer mode full throttle. xD |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 3 [READ RULES]
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on 2007-06-05 15:21:41
Ok my next crush has the following clues: 1.) Her avatar has Isis on it 2.) her unsername is inuisis Wow i think my clues were too hard...can anyone guess it? PS: Not mocking you isis, you really are quite cute ^^ |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 3 [READ RULES]
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on 2007-06-05 15:39:04
Blushing big time guys!! Hehe thanks. .the only real pic i have of mei s in the ronina nd isis fan club. i don't know how to post a pic on thep osta pic of yourself thread. cassie posted my pic on the fan club thread for ronin and i she created. so you will have to look there to see me in real life. woof
Look deep within your soul and you will find the spirit of the wolf.
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 3 [READ RULES]
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on 2007-06-05 15:54:41
~woah too many posts!!!! so many crushes... the thread ish alive!!!!... *sees bw* *hides* @doku: ehhhh?? difficult??? it is not.. >.< no one knows who ish mr.fynny? awwww... *goes into the corner* another clue: ~doki....doki....doki..... @seraph: my first guess would be @mia~dokiness: seraph's crush.. i am still confused.... ^^ *out* *goes back into teh darkness* |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 3 [READ RULES]
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on 2007-06-05 22:40:41 (edited 2007-06-05 22:41:48)
wheeee!!! I have few comments to post First: woah! I guessed FA's crush!!! that's awesome, it's been a while since last time I did that ^__^ second: A lot of guys have a crush on FA!... interesting =D @Seraph: clues clues! @Mizuki: I think I'm being silly but I'll guess is Dokumaru? XDD eh? eh? |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 3 [READ RULES]
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on 2007-06-06 00:04:02
Seraph's crush was guessed... |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 3 [READ RULES]
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on 2007-06-06 03:36:39
@mia.. -.- you confirmed it before i confirmed it @mizuki right! right! :D |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 3 [READ RULES]
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on 2007-06-06 08:38:12
Seraph: heheheh soweee.... so your crushes are Baby Raine and FA? nyahhaha interesting... Mizu~chii: ish mr fynny... sousuke? just guessing... nyahhaahha |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 3 [READ RULES]
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on 2007-06-06 15:24:45
| one knows who ish mr. fynny... and why everyone thinks i have a crush~ness on ..uhhhh..errrr.... doku..i mean... =P @mia~dokiness: ~buu...buuuuuuu... >.< *goes back into the darkness* |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 3 [READ RULES]
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on 2007-06-06 15:27:12
Mizuki crushing on Doku~!! yes that is totally NOT obvious..*notice the sarcasm* teeeeheeee~~ mr. fynny...hmmmmmmm~~~ noooooo idea~! clues clues clues~!! |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 3 [READ RULES]
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on 2007-06-06 15:49:01
Has acutally liked this guy for a few months. Hahaha Eureka's fourth crush, clue set number one Registered between January 2006 and May 2007 Has downloaded between 0 and 500 songs Has between 0 and 500 forum posts Has between 0 and 10 uploads Has a level between 0 and 20 Have fun! ;D |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 3 [READ RULES]
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on 2007-06-07 12:51:19
Waaah~~ Nooo one is guessing. -.- Well eureka i'll go for a nice and random guess~! Bear, I will go with bear...cause it fits, but those clues would fit a lot of people. |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 3 [READ RULES]
Hmm~ Am I not Mr. Fynny? D: |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 3 [READ RULES]
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on 2007-06-07 15:46:28 (edited 2007-06-07 17:54:34)
~sings mou sukoshi...mou sukoshi... *sees kazuma's post* . . . . . . . . . ...uhhh...errrr...i can't think of another hard clue for my crush~ness... and it ish ....uhhh... ~ahem... not sousuke or dokiiiiiiii... eecckkk... doku.. i...errr..mean...uhhhh.. @eureka: more clues, ne? *wink* *disappears into teh darkness* EDIT: another clue? ~recently posted a pic ~there ish only one mr.fynny... ~sigh no one knows him anymore.. ~nyuuu :3 |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 3 [READ RULES]
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on 2007-06-07 15:51:52
Why didn't i ever come here? I wanna join in the fun! @Eureka: Do you have any idea how many people have registered between January 2006 and May 2007? C'mon, more clues please XD |