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Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-27 00:34:54
hello there...

you tired?..0_o?...i'm not cause i just arrive at cc...hohohoh...are gonna get some rest hmmm?..anyway it true i'm fan of rpg game...but i just buy ps2 last it quite hard to find old game right now...that tales of-game really atracting me...right now my sister play tales of abyss, but i try to find magna carta and tales of lagendia but it really hard to find huhuhu...:(...

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by holkers on 2009-02-27 01:13:29
OK imma have to off in a week
Before i off let's posting something 8D

Adera-chan: ROFL LMAO ROFL HAHAHAHAHAHahahahahah xDDD (after reading the whole post)
tepuk dada tanye iman.. (ROFL)
memang.. ko senang.. di.. buli? lol
sabar.. je la. xDD
aku tak gila lagi xDD
duh it's 2 months.. Dx no dates..
yush i am a reading baby xD (i read a looooooot of books)
"ekonomi" notes makes me go whee~ @_@ rather then.. 8D
xD i'm awesome in accounting xDD or even maths.. /fap maths
/nohighfives xD haha..

Kira: thnkies kira >3
yela hari tu.. D<
rofl.. sure does.. but too bad.. they have to pay the ticket flight xD
and the hotel too xDD lol (i'm starting to dreaming again) Dx
rofl.. xD
Dx yea i always forgot.. xD

Adel: awww adel D:
/hugs adel..
i'm quite busy naw.. xD

Dean: hello (i know it's short but.. xD)

*off the baby in a week (wow ada time setting lagi xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD)*

I claimed someone that I can't remember because photobucket is ended.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Matsuna on 2009-02-27 06:45:58
Though I'm from the UK, but I'm part Malaysian/Chinese on my maternal side.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-27 14:51:42
welcome~ XD
better do more intro because people here will ask for it lol

you're welcome lol
dah lupalah bila XP

lol i thought you gonna sponsor XDDD

lol when it comes to forgetting me too XDDD

yea school is killing me lol. and i got soaked in the rain which made my head spin afterwards

tales of the abyss is awesome! you should watch the anime version XDD

here it's easy to find legendia which is weird -_- hey don't sell abyss LOL
lucky i got it waaay before i watch the anime XDD
and i still have no luck finding magna carta either T_T

biasalah cetak rompak kan XDD

you should try persona 3 and 4...and atelier iris series and mana khemia and ar tonelico series (though chibi) or maybe...if you can find xenosaga series XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-27 20:38:32
yippee,i got my 2days leave,today n 2morow..but not for rest,=.='its for my class..
anyway,hye there m'sians..
its been raining lately.

u sure know alot..
my last reply is a rush realy,gtg tat time..x.x
anyway,arent u having ur exam lately or not yet huh??
stil,study well k.GUD LUCK

btw,tats long,june not late then
wel,no worries,be happy,it may be a gud news after all.XD

oo,nice to meet u..huh,u go to c.c too.
ps2,wish i could have,*playing non stop by then.better not.x.x

hye2,so nice to meet u here..
been a long less in chat tis days..

hye,do u have more intro??
wana noe more bout U,,Well,nice to meet u.

gotta have my class later,at 4pm..>.<
n my last day of work will b on 17th fast.
i gonna hav a few errands by then..b4 going to skul or college i guess.x.x
huh,result is getting near..*nervous*

hav a nice day..

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-28 00:43:56
Hello there...hai there.....yes it's always been raining lately make me hard to walk around hohoho...but rain make me sleep easier...hohoho.....

hello there..! nice to meet you...:)

hello there..nice to meet you to...don't worry about non-stop playing hohoho...cause all you need is self control while play it.....hohoho...yeah i need to go to cc since my home does not has internet..huhuhu...
anyway what result that you wait for....0_o....?

hello there..nice to meet you...

it that true?tales of lagendia is easy to find at your place?while at my place it really easy to find tales of abyss you know...i wish i can get that game huhuhu...persona? right now i play both of it...i had finish the 3 and still playing the 4....anyway i just buy atelier iris 3..but still not play it.....xenosaga? yes i like that game but i only play the third episode..i wish there is other game like this one....

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-28 04:34:44
mascot ?!

i didn't enter because..because my school didn't organize any of these =x

and don't you dare to say that you are below average..
remember hky said that you are Genius ..

and yes.. i'd love to come there because it's raining ..

/me →← is your writing now?

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-28 15:21:11 (edited 2009-02-28 17:00:55)
Hai..every1~~the weather was quite erratic these days..first it was really hot at days that can searing into our skins..then second it was raining really heavily during the night..guess that what they call raining season lo..

T.T..RM 1200..more expensive than my place..
did i mention about that i have been worked in a game shop before..?They asked me to help them during my holiday later and offer me a quite high salary..since i was so needed..wahaha..but,i still in thinking..
wahaha..kira..i ad own magna carta a long time already..

o_O..write story..i havent do that quite a long time ad..i mean..i used to like try writing story when i have free time..but now since my english was deteriorated..i seemed discard it away lo..and change my interest to japanese..
btw,do holkers still have website that teaching japanese tutorial?

o_O..thanks dean..i m fine here..nope..i not in holiday..jus a bit busy can make it writing here but not in the inbox to replu u..sorry
seem like u really like ps2 place too can find tales of abyss easily but no legendia..


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-28 16:03:20
lol i love the weather nowadays XD

whoa that's cool! i'm so broke so i wanted o work so badly...but lol i'm still in school XD

no fair! gimme your magna carta...wait before it good? XD

lol moe
i just thought that immediately when i read that post LOL

there isn't any? /patpat adel
actually it's the 1st time in mine...XDD

that was the past /shifty
nowadays i couldn't cope with works...

then i belanja nasi lemak. lol

yesh! rain makes us sleep so well LOL

yep. so easy XDD
you should like, complete your series! XP
i wanna replay all Xenosaga! hahaha
but the problem is i can't stand Jin being (insertspoilerhere) >_>

if you like gundams, MS saga is a good rpg XD
ad you should try suikoden series and wild arms series also! XD

oh yeah do you have ps1 before? XDD
or a psp?

know what sorta stuffs a lot? XD

it's tomorrow...>_>

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by supernood on 2009-02-28 17:06:55
Hi nice to meet you all

you all from MALAYSIA ?

You all live where ? KUALA LUMPUR ?

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-28 17:11:36 (edited 2009-02-28 17:14:44)
magna carta?hmm..not good..i think..
i dont like its battle system..its too troublesome..
if u want to know,that game originally made by korean game designers in atlus..
the only atlus made rpg game that i like is persona series lo..
well..its depends on people lo..whether to accept it or not..
so..kira,do u think i should take up the job..?

lol..feel like want to write adeline's name here..dont know

welcome to the thread!!
nice to meet u..
anno..its not all malaysians only live in kuala lumpur lol..
u are a chinese,is it..?
but first..can u give us more intro..?
u can make references in a few previous page back in angelus's thread..XD..


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by supernood on 2009-02-28 17:30:23
Ya nice to meet you too

indeed i am a chinese you ?

How to put signatures or avatars

can giv web all something


first name :lee

age: 15

gender :boy (of corse)

live : kuala lumpur
Well,you guys live where ? penang all somewhere ...........

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by holkers on 2009-02-28 17:33:24

Kira: aduh.. Dx /facepalms
kira.. ... .. if i treat you guys.. surely i'm the one who sponsor la D:
oh looks like i'm not alone the.. 8D

Jo: .____. lol..
u wanted to join the competition?
but.. but.. the dateline ish march 31 D:
>w< lol i will.. dont worry..

Dean: hey there! Nice to meet you! (lol)

Adel: adel~ nee my writing ish getting great.. just trying to fix the storyline and plot too.. >w<

Serge: O_o yeah write a story..
i love it when it comes to essay i would try my best to get around 500+ words..
>w< i love to write.. since i started to read.. and also since i started to know how to write and read.. xD
ooo.. well.. i have a low education on japanese..
urmm.. not that i know of..
hmm.. i think i have.. but i dont think i can post it here.. D:

i would like to say thnks to all of u surpporting me..
(pisch this liek oscar award..)
so imma submit my story and in less then a week..
thnks to hikky and jonathan..

*hops of for last editting in short story*

I claimed someone that I can't remember because photobucket is ended.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-02-28 17:41:41 (edited 2009-02-28 17:42:16)
i mean the flight (some people won't sponsor flights LOL)

hello~ i'm from selangor, near perak lor XD

to put avatars use this code:
<img src="insertdirectlinkhere" height=25>
<img src="insertdirectlinkhere" height=100>
max size for avatars=200x25 pixels (widthXheight)
for signatures= 600x100

anyways it's best to try the avatar creator...or i can make an avatar for you (avatars won't consume much time so it's ok XD)

not good huh.../cancels XD

i like growlanser series (atlus made it)
and have you tried odin's sphere?

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by supernood on 2009-02-28 20:09:18 (edited 2009-03-01 02:17:46)

Can ? help me do signatures ?


If you do it I will :

You live at selangor did you see a magazine call COMIC WEEKLY (漫畫周刊〕

This magazine AWESOME!!! I Hope u like it

AND thanks for the informations about the signatures and avatars!!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-01 15:12:51
betul kah?! nasi lemak ? ;D

serge serge serge~~~
we are from malaysia~

hmm o_o..
you can go to avatar shop for request of avatars or signatures you like xD

of course,you can make personal request if you want us to do xD
(find Kira.. or me xD)
*I'm just volunteer anyway.. Kira is better than me,find him xD*

i used to have someone that read that.. Manga weekly(in chinese) and yeah she even drew and send her drawings to that magazine..
her drawings were posted up though xDD
(her drawings are getting better and better xD)

you know what.. if i happened have lots of nightmares than what i used to do.. and then i can't sleep all day long.. and then i get whole mental delusion and all those bizarre things in my mind happened...

i'd like to thank someone so much.. that is WOOTOS =c

now whenever i try to get myself in bed,my mind gets the screaming repeating all and all and the girl's face all over me..

eventhough it's arts..the way she popped up still scared me..

=C dang you wootos..

i will hate myself from now on =C

and like..
i can't sleep.. whenever i think of her..
her screams..
is going to make me crazy T___T..

(though the time she popped up,i never get a look at her eyes but her screams.. are definitely getting me to imagine her face and all..)

and then ... i couldn't sleep..
though i didn't feel fear at the moment(it's so calm)
but.. the face of her.. the screams ..

are all over me..

i just couldn't close my eyes.. x_x..

and now.. i am staying up till 7AM..
i can't sleep now x_x..

i want sleep...

i hate myself more...x__x

/smack self /smack self

*i can't feel anything again.. *

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-01 19:23:02 (edited 2009-03-01 22:23:28)
well..the magna carta isn't actually not good..Their CG animation and story is cool though..jus that i dont really like its battle system lo..
U should try that and u will know what i mean lol..

growlanser?yeah..i have that too..but ps2 cant read d it good?
I heard about d game much..
odin sphere? i oso have tried that b4..but its jus only a while since the game looks kinda weird to me..
so,now i have kept that in my ancient file disc ad lol..

o_O..nvm about that..its ok lol..^_^

adeline...u sound suffered from nighmare,is it..?
u ok..?
It reminds me a horror movie called boogeyman..
when i was small..i was so afraid to sleep thanks to that movie..
why i was so scare?bcoz i had once a dream where the boogeyman chasing me exactly like in the scene of movie..T.T


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-01 22:00:20
maybe i'll pass LOL

growlanser? i only have the 5th...the ps1 ones got stolen DX
well i love it myself (it's like tactics but not grid and stuff) I AM TEH COMMANDER! lololol!
and the story is pretty interesting...maybe typical but meh, i just love it XD
the 1st game is gonna come out in psp!!! i so gonna get it +_+

weird? XDD
i haven't play it actually...since it's UNreadable! YESH dang old model >_>

betul! XD
datang sini lol
sig? no avy? XD
what character? oh btw if sig you have to wait till at least this weekend since this week i'm having my exams...>_>
but i can make avys quick lol...or maybe you can ask adeline for teh avy XDD

comic weekly? nope XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by supernood on 2009-03-01 23:07:48 (edited 2009-03-02 01:03:39)
Okay , wow you have exam ? How old are you ?

I m' 15 years old ,later next month got exam , i hate exams.......

Well......I take some tinypic at websites,just do avatar,sry for that wasting your time(if you do it) to do signatures for me if you do it is ok

Oh, Nice to meet you too, What!! posting her draw ? Can give the name ? I want to see it OKAY ? Thanksssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss


About games ..... Who got play Musuo orochi 2 :Maou Sairin ??

Who got play Bleach Blade Battler 2nd ?(PS2)

WELL actually i play a lot of shooting (ZOMBIES)games like RESIDENT EVIL 4 and LEFT 4 DEAD.

1.Well i see my own profile , Level is for what ? More respects?
2. At my profile(edit profile)the "ABOUT ME" sentences can put pictures at what size also can no limited?

I like raining throught ,my school rules are need to line up go to own class =.=11 i hate the super shiny hot sun,BUTTER,i donno why, my school got god bless or something,my hometown always raining but my school NEVER!!RAIN!!>.<
Ah but now is raining.

Well,Malaysia got a lot of tasty foods like
Nasi Lemak
Roti Canai

I like the most is BAK KUT TEH and CURRY

Want see some cool things (maybe you guys know)Go youtube write nico nico douga automatic mario,For funny(actually is from bleach) write Bleach funny parody AMW,for those who knows resident evil 4 or devil may cry,(at youtube)write Dante VS Leon

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-02 02:16:19
*pats serge*
yeah lol i think i have nightmares xD

Mana? =C
i wish i have her drawings with me..
unfortunately,she's not able to let me see when her drawings are posted in the magazine weekly..

till now.. she hasn't give me see that drawings =/
8D i love Bak Kut Teh tooo!! ;D

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